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mesially 发音


英:  美:

mesially 中文意思翻译




mesially 反义词


mesially 词性/词形变化,mesially变形

副词: mesially |

mesially 同义词


mesially 相似词语短语

1、festally ─── adv.愉快地;如节日地

2、mesically ─── 月刊

3、mesally ─── 台地

4、aerially ─── adv.空想地;在空中;象空气一样

5、medially ─── adv.平均地,居中地;一般地

6、menially ─── adv.以贱仆身份;卑微地

7、genially ─── adv.和蔼地;快活地;亲切地

8、bestially ─── adv.残忍地;野兽地

9、mentally ─── adv.精神上,智力上;心理上

mesially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gingival crevicular fluid was collected from labial and lingual mesial and distal sites by filter paper strips before tooth preparation. ─── 结果钴铬合金烤瓷冠修复后,患牙的菌斑指数无明显改变,但探诊深度,龈沟出血指数、天冬氨酸转氨酶及碱性磷酸酶水平均比修复前明显升高。

2、2. A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove. ─── 18岁男性患者,26号牙齿的牙冠中面出现缺损,中面及远中面的汞合金修复出现边缘恶化现象。上颚沟变色。收藏指正

3、Uprighting of mesially or horizontally impacted mandibular molars ─── 下颌磨牙阻生的正畸治疗

4、Objective The design is to make all of the lower teeth mesial displacement for correcting posterior disto - occlusion and anterior excessive overjet. ─── 目的介绍一种矫正后牙远中和前牙深覆的方法。

5、For the model of upper first molar, the RFDR with bony defects at buccal side, palatal side, mesial side and distal side were 5.5%, 2.3%, 17.2% and 23.1%, respectively. ─── 上颚第一大臼齿在模拟颊侧、颚侧、近心侧与远心侧单侧齿槽骨缺损时,共振频率减少的比率分别为5.5%、2.3%、17.2%及23.1%。

6、Results: Compared with the other three groups, the height of mesial alveolar bone decreased obviously (P

7、Mesial movement of teeth ─── 牙近中运动

8、A case report is presented on a 26-year-old man had a Class lll malocclusion with severe facial asymmetry, unilateral cross-bite, missing of multiple teeth and mesial tilting of multiple second molars. ─── 摘要本病例报告为一26岁骨性三类异常咬合之成年患者,同时伴随有颜面歪斜、单侧错咬、多颗牙齿缺失及多颗臼齿近心倾倒。

9、last transition mesial point ─── 后跃中间点

10、mesial slope ─── [医] 近中斜面

11、Mesial surface of tooth ─── 牙近中面

12、Keyhole approach selective amygdalohippocampectomy with neuronavigation for the treatment of mesial temporal epilepsy ─── 神经导航下锁孔入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术治疗内侧颞叶癫痫

13、Results:The frequencies of lateral canals were 39.4% and 36.7% in the mesiobuccal root (MBR) of maxillary molar's and in the mesial root(MR)of mandibular molar's separate roots,respectively. ─── 结果:(1)分离根的上颌磨牙近中颊根侧支根管的平均出现率为39.4%,下颌磨牙近中根侧支根管平均出现率36.7%,磨牙的近中颊根及近中根均出现较多的侧支根管及管间侧支。

14、peak mesial magnitude ─── 峰值半振幅值

15、mesial angles ─── [医] 近中角(牙内侧面与其他面形成的角)

16、Of, relating to, or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves; mesial. ─── 正中面的,正中面内的(位于)把左右对称的动物分成左右两半的平面上(或附近)的;位于正中平面内的

17、A clinical study on mesial frontal epilepsy ─── 内侧额叶癫痫发作的临床特征分析

18、Malalignment of the second molars occurred in 16.98% (9/53) cases, such as buccally or lingually eruption resulting in buccal crossbite or lingual crossbite, rotations, mesial and distal impaction. ─── 第二磨牙完全萌出及大部分萌出(已有(牙合)接触)的53例中,16.98%(9/53)的患者在萌出过程中曾出现错位,包括第二磨牙颊舌向错位、扭转、近远中阻生等。

19、Conclution More mesially inclined maxillary molars are likely to be associated with third molar eruption. ─── 结论第三磨牙萌出与上颌第一、第二磨牙较大的近中倾斜有关。

20、peak-to-peak mesial magnitude ─── 峰峰半振幅值

21、mesial movement of tooth ─── 牙齿近中移动

22、root lobe Sharks often have the roots of their oral teeth divided into separate lobes at their midlengths, which are termed mesial and distal root lobes. ─── 根叶鲨鱼时常在其口部齿根的中央处分开成个别的叶,那是称为中央且为末梢部的根叶。

23、mesial triangular fossae ─── [医] 近中三角窝

24、Results:The frequencies of lateral canals were 39.4% and 36.7% in the mesiobuccal root (MBR) of maxillary molar s and in the mesial root(MR)of mandibular molar s separate roots,respectively. ─── 4%,下颌磨牙近中根侧支根管平均出现率36。7%,磨牙的近中颊根及近中根均出现较多的侧支根管及管间侧支。(2)约2/3的根尖孔位置不在根尖。

25、The preferential involvement of frontal lobe, cerebellum and mesial temporal areas may correspond to the selective language and speech deficits in DS children. ─── 在唐氏症中,以额叶,小脑,内侧颞叶为主要区域,与其临床上明显语言发展问题可能有关。

26、Results MBT appliance is better to control the mesial inclination of molars,the vertical movement and torque of anteriors. ─── 结果两组相比,MBT对切牙垂直方向及转矩和下颌磨牙倾斜角度的控制较好。

27、The technique is a simple, easy, and effective treatment for both unilateral and bilateral cases, and can be applied to correct the mesial impaction of other molars. ─── 本系列报告第一部份,探讨近心阻生下颚第二大臼齿之成因与扶正方法,并择其中5例简要报告。

28、mesial inclination ─── [医] 近中倾斜

29、mesial migration ─── [医] 向中移行

30、METHODS: 105 children with either mesial or distal and occlusal caries of deciduous molars of the same name bilaterally were selected. ─── 方法:选择双侧同名乳磨牙患邻牙合面龋的患儿105例,共226个牙。

31、The heart is mesial to the lungs. ─── 心脏位於左右肺之间。

32、mesial movement ─── [医] 近中移动

33、Most of which happened in mesiobuccal canal of maxillary molar and mesial canal of mandibular molar, accounting for 70.7%. ─── 器械折断于上磨牙近颊根管和下磨牙近中根管者居多,占70.7%。

34、mesial plane ─── [医] 近中平面

35、In these case, another four first molars extraction is a good choice to reach a good mesial and distal relationship between upper and lower molar area and get a good profile. ─── 此时如增拔上下第一大臼齿,则可使臼齿区域的近远心关系及病人侧貌得到良好的改善。

36、On the other hand,it was also found that impaction is toward mesial location on manidibular wisdom teeth,and buccal location malposition on maxillary wisdom teeth. ─── 另下颌智齿多向近中倾斜阻生,上颌智齿易向颊侧错位生长,这与智齿生长的局部解剖生理结构有关。

37、peak-to-peak mesial point ─── 峰峰半值点

38、mesial point ─── 中央点

39、Objective To assess the treatment method and outcome of mesially or horizontally impacted mandibular molars. ─── 目的探讨下颌前倾、水平阻生磨牙的正畸治疗方法,评估其效果。

40、6. Of, relating to, or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves; mesial. ─── 正中面的,正中面内的(位于)把左右对称的动物分成左右两半的平面上(或附近)的;位于正中平面内的收藏指正

41、Loading by condition 1, the second premolars were moved buccally.Loading by condition 2, the mesial side was rotated bucccally and the distal side was rotated lingually. ─── |5在工况1作用下整体颊向移动,在工况2作用下近中颊向远中舌向扭转,且整体受力大于工况1;

42、Abstract: Objective The design is to make all of the lower teeth mesial displacement for correcting posterior disto - occlusion and anterior excessive overjet. ─── 文摘:目的介绍一种矫正后牙远中和前牙深覆的方法。

43、mesial plate ─── [医] 中板, 肾节, 原肾节

44、Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy ─── 内侧型颞叶癫痫

45、leading edge mesial point ─── 前沿中间点

46、peak mesial point ─── 半峰值点

47、mesial temporal lobe ─── 内侧颞叶

48、Evaluation and monitoring of functional localization of brain with magnetic resonance spectroscopy on mesial temporal epilepsy ─── 磁共振波谱分析对颞叶内侧癫痫患者脑功能定位的监测和评估作用

49、mesial cutting edge ─── [医] 近中切缘

50、leading edge peak mesial point ─── 前沿峰值中间点

51、mesial and distal movement ─── [医] 近中远中移动

52、Results: C ompared with the other three groups, the height of mesial alveolar bone decrease d obviously (P

53、last transition peak to peak mesial poin ─── 后跃峰峰中间点

54、G. japonicum similar to the former, but deep purple in colour, stipe laterally or mesially located. ─── 紫芝与灵芝相似,但呈深紫色、菌柄有中竹扛及侧生。

55、mesial line ─── 中央线

56、It is difficult to upright the mesial tipping and over-erupted molars without extrusion with traditional orthodontic method. ─── 摘要以传统的矫正方式来扶正向近心移动、倾倒及过度萌出的大臼齿是相当困难的。

57、pontic design is improved;reduced mesial periodontal infra-bony defect and so on.In present review article, several appliances and techniques are described for uprighting molars. ─── 本篇文章是以文献回顾的方式,针对近心倾斜大臼齿的治疗方式作全面性的整理与介绍。

58、mesial occlusion ─── [医] 近中Ж

59、A similar technique to correct the mesial impaction of other molars was reported in this article.The resolutions of clinical problems while molar uprighting were also proposed. ─── 于第二部份以类似方法来探讨其他近心阻生大臼齿之扶正,并针对曾遭遇的临床问题,提出改善之道。

60、Results The fragments of bucket-handle tears mesially displaced and meniscus deficiency or part deficiency were showed in 30 cases. ─── 结果38例中30例可见典型的撕裂半月板髁间窝内移位,半月板缺失或部分缺失征象;

61、Compared with restoration with traditional clasp, the stress fringe value of mesial alveolar bone of central incisor was relatively higher in restoration with attachment. ─── 与传统卡环修复体比较,附着体修复的中切牙近中牙槽嵴应力条纹级数相对较高。

62、the mesial plane ─── (动物体的)正中面

63、To reinforce anchorage with second molar can prevent anchorage teeth movement mesially during canine distal movement. ─── 将第二双尖牙、第一、第二磨牙连成整体,可减小尖牙远中移动时的支抗消耗。

64、A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove. ─── 18岁男性患者,26号牙齿的牙冠中面出现缺损,中面及远中面的汞合金修复出现边缘恶化现象。上颚沟变色。

65、Objective: To measure changes in angular position and eruption status of mesially impacted mandibular third molars (M3) during 3-year follow-up period. ─── 目的:3年随防观察近中阻生的下颌第三磨牙萌出情况与其倾斜角度的关系。

66、Methods Casting process was adopted for the preparation of the clasp, which was fixed at the points on the mesial and distal surfaces of the abutment tooth. ─── 方法采用铸造法制作卡环,固位点在基牙的近远中面,与基牙呈点状接触。

67、Mesial tipping occurred in all teeth except the upper second molars, the lower central incisors, and the lower lateral incisors. ─── 测量牙冠舌侧近远心倾斜与颊舌侧斜角度,结果显示,上颚除第二大臼齿以外,其他牙齿皆为近心倾斜,最大近心倾斜为犬齿。

68、mesial pit ─── [医] 近中点隙

69、Surgical outcomes of different approaches for mesial temporal lobe gliomas ─── 不同手术入路切除颞叶内侧胶质瘤的手术效果

70、2)Midline and mesial contact angle correction are important. ─── 尽量争取两个上中切牙的近中接触与中线位置正确。

71、leading edge peak to peak mesial point ─── 前跃峰值中间点

72、Of,relating to,or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves;mesial. ─── 正中面的,正中面内的(位于)把左右对称的动物分成左右两半的平面上(或附近)的;位于正中平面内的

73、first transition peak to peak mesial poi ─── 前跃峰峰中间点

74、3) Leave mesial and distal space of full crown in order to decrease tooth cutting. ─── 矫正前牙时留出全冠的近远中间隙,减少牙体切割。

75、MRI Study of Mesial Temporal Sclerosis with Epilepsy in Children ─── 儿童颞叶中内侧硬化所致颞叶癫痫的MRI研究

76、The experiment, from the point of biomechanics, provides the theoretical basis for the stress distribution of occlusal rest design and further proves the advantages of mesial occlusal rest. ─── 从生物力学角度为(牙合)力分配和(牙合)支托设计等提供了理论依据,进一步论证了近中(牙合)支托的优越性。

77、The greatest mesial tipping was observed in the lower second molars.The greatest distal tipping was observed in the lower lateral incisors. ─── 下颚除正门齿与侧门齿以外,其他牙齿皆为近心倾斜,最大近心倾斜为第二大臼齿,最大远心倾斜则为侧门齿。

78、Anatomy Of, relating to, or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves; mesial. ─── 正中面的,正中面内的:(位于)把左右对称的动物分成左右两半的平面上(或附近)的;位于正中平面内的

79、mesial magnitude ─── 中间值

80、first transition mesial point ─── 前跃中间点

81、last transition peak mesial point ─── 后跃峰值点

82、Comparative study on mesially and distally "U"-shape bended transpalatal arch in reinforcing anchorage on molars ─── 横腭杆U形曲在增加磨牙支抗方面的作用

83、A case report is presented on a26- year-old man had a Class lll malocclusion with severe facial asymmetry, unilateral cross-bite, missing of multiple teeth and mesial tilting of multiple second molars. ─── 摘要本病例报告为一26岁骨性三类异常咬合之成年患者,同时伴随有颜面歪斜、侧错咬、颗牙齿缺失及多颗臼齿近心倾倒。

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