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10-02 投稿


mell 发音

英:[ ,p?l'm?l]  美:[mel]

英:  美:

mell 中文意思翻译



mell 网络释义

vt. 使融合vi. 干预n. (Mell)人名;(德、英、法、西、瑞典)梅尔

mell 短语词组

1、brandy mell vie ─── 白兰地甜酒

2、aurin mell ─── 金瓜

3、s mell n. ─── 气味;臭味;嗅觉;嗅,闻【名】(Smell)(美、俄、英、印、新)史默乐(人名)v.有…… ─── 气味,发出......的 ─── 气味;闻出,闻到;(用鼻子凑过去)闻,嗅;有嗅觉,能闻出(smellsth.out);散发异味,有难闻的 ─── 气味;觉察出,感觉到;看起来像,有……意味

4、pell-mell adv. ─── 乱七八糟地, 凌 ─── 乱地, 忙 ─── 乱地 a. 胡 ─── 乱的, 混 ─── 乱的 n. ─── 乱七八糟, 混 ─── 乱, 杂 ─── 乱

5、mell of a hess

mell 相似词语短语

1、Dell ─── n.美国戴尔公司

2、Nell ─── n.内尔(女子名,等于Helen)

3、Bell ─── n.铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物;vt.装钟于,系铃于;vi.鸣钟;成钟状鼓起

4、Tell ─── vt.告诉,说;辨别;吩咐;断定;vi.讲述;告发,泄密;识别;n.(Tell)人名;(英、德、瑞典)特尔;(罗、意)泰尔;(阿拉伯)塔勒

5、smell ─── n.气味,嗅觉;臭味;v.嗅,闻;有……气味;察觉到;发出……的气味;n.(Smell)(美、俄、英、印、新)史默乐(人名)

6、cell ─── n.细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室;vi.住在牢房或小室中;n.(Cell)人名;(英)塞尔

7、mel ─── n.蜂蜜;n.(Mel)人名;(英、德、西、葡、塞、科特、斯里)梅尔

8、ell ─── n.厄尔(旧时量布的长度);字母L;侧房;L形的东西;n.(Ell)人名;(柬)埃;(德、英、葡)埃尔

9、mells ─── vt.使融合;n.(Mell)(美、英、加)梅尔(人名)

mell 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Diabetes Mell itus ─── 糖尿病

2、I went to work pell - mell,blotted several sheets of paper with choice floating thoughts(Washington Irving) ─── 我慌忙地投入了工作,在几张纸上涂写着我的一些犹豫不决的想法(华盛顿·欧文)

3、I Dayaoshan days in the interview, had the honour to see Teinopalpus aureus Mell, which has the Yun-pin-Nabi, now being stored in the forestry police in the oven. ─── 笔者连日在大瑶山采访时,有幸见到金斑喙凤蝶,这些已经香销玉殒的彩蝶,如今被保存在林业警方的干燥箱中。

4、The first student said:“I wake up in the morning.I see the yellowsun,I see the greengrass,and I s mell the pink flowers.” ─── 第一个回答的学生说道:“早上我醒来了。我看见了黄色的太阳、绿色的草并且闻到了粉红的花的香味。”

5、Mailer publically acknowledged that he mout modeled himself after Hemingway, that he tried to become the all around mell male symbol and . ─── M公开承认他将海明威作为榜样,也试着称为广泛的男性象征。

6、Like an angel of hell, he rises swiftly, and changing into a bat, flies pell-mell to the cottage of his tantalizing victims. ─── 如同飞出地狱的使者,他敏捷地起身,变为一只蝙蝠,心急难耐地匆忙飞向受害者的小屋。

7、pell mell structure ─── 杂乱构造

8、P.)Morgan Chase to buy Mell sterns (Bear Stearns) for 2 dollars a share. ─── P.摩根以每股2美元的价格收购贝尔斯登公司的交易。

9、Relevant personnel, Dayaoshan the illegal killing "of the Butterfly" Teinopalpus aureus Mell the number in the world is rare, the suspects bound by the law and severely punished. ─── 有关办案人员称,大瑶山这次非法捕杀“国蝶”金斑喙凤蝶的数量在国际上也是罕见的,犯罪嫌疑人必将受到法律的严惩。

10、Through the above procedures,liquor body is more comfortable and mell... ─── 酒体更加细腻、醇厚、绵甜、爽净,风格更加突出。

11、Scanning Electron Microscopy Observations of Antennal Sensilla of the Male Teinopalpus aureus Mell ─── 金斑喙凤蝶雄虫触角感觉器的扫描电镜观察

12、I asked Teinopalpus aureus Mell what is the use ? ─── 笔者问金斑喙凤蝶有什么用?

13、three of us rushed pell-mell into the kitchen. ─── 我们三人全都匆忙跑进厨房。

14、If the Rock's mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise, staff and branches dismantled pell-mell, the taxpayer would lose out. ─── 如果草率的将北岩的债权卖掉而且把它的分支职工和机构拆的乱七八糟的话,那么纳税人就将受到损失。

15、The defeated soldiers retreated pell-mell. ─── 败兵仓皇退却。

16、Be sure to write and tell mell ll the news . ─── 一定要写信告诉我所有的消息.

17、Last week, the Federal Reserve pushed through a deal for JP (J.P.)Morgan Chase to buy Mell sterns (Bear Stearns) for 2 dollars a share. ─── 上周,美联储促成了J.P.摩根以每股2美元的价格收购贝尔斯登公司的交易。

18、Clanisbilineata tsingtauica Mell ─── 豆天蛾

19、I am not clear whether he was going to strike Mr. Mell, or Mr. Mell was going to strike him. ─── 我不清楚是他要打梅先生呢,还是梅先生要打他。

20、The food in the school's mell really taste good.I love to eat. ─── 学校食堂做的饭菜卫生可口,我很爱吃。


22、Several years ago, the mell mayor of Chicagoand noll , Illinois, visited Germanyhow lead , a leader in Greenroof green roof design. ─── 几年前,伊利诺斯州的芝加哥市长参观了德国的一个绿色屋顶设计的业内的领导企业。

23、"No mill, no mell." ─── (谚)"不磨面,没饭吃。;没有前人种树,哪会有荫乘凉。"

24、In the international market, Teinopalpus aureus Mell city has no price. ─── 而在国际市场,金斑喙凤蝶有价无市。

25、Mr. Sharp was the first master, and superior to Mr. Mell. ─── 夏浦先生是一等老师,比麦尔先生高一级。

26、Int JRadiat Oncol Biol Phys , 2002 , 52 (5) : 133021337.8 Mundt AJ , Mell L K, Roeske JC. ─── 另外,较之常规4野放疗,调强放射治疗计划的制定和实施均会耗费更多的时间,如何提高效率还需进一步研究。

27、mell era hess ─── n. 乱七八糟的地方(故意将hell of a mess头音互换而来)

28、In disorderly haste;confusedly;pell - mell. ─── 匆促忙乱地;慌乱地;乱七八糟地

29、Observations on Copulatory and Predatory Behaviors of Adult of Teinopalpus aureus Mell ─── 金斑喙凤蝶成虫的交配和取食行为观察

30、1. The children rushed pell - mell down the stairs. ─── 孩子们乱哄哄地冲下楼去.

31、pell mell construction ─── 抛筑

32、Trying to get there by a pell-mell fielding of the costliest renewables is pointless. ─── 所以,通过运用大量昂贵的可再生能源来达到低碳减排的目的是毫无意义的。

33、Compare benefit two hands drive tightly-although pell-mell-bind proud straight at him back. ─── 比利两只手被紧紧地——虽然乱七八糟地——绑在他骄傲挺直的背后。

34、The author regards with distaste the pell-mell enthusiasm for globalisation, and casino capitalism that marked the last decade. ─── 作者表达了对过去十年十分显著的全球化狂热和赌场资本主义的厌恶。

35、No mill, no mell. ─── 不磨面,没饭吃。

36、Recently writer discovered and collected a specimens of buck Teinopalus aureus (Mell) in Jinggangshan County, Jiangxi Province. ─── 摘要最近在江西井冈山调查发现并采集到一例金斑喙凤蝶的雄性标本。

37、thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind. ─── 他头脑里出现了一阵乱糟糟的无比恐怖的想法。

38、Mell, I am wondering what kind of family you are from? ─── 我在想你出生在一个怎样的家庭呢?

39、Teinopalpus aureus Mell why such a precious ? ─── 金斑喙凤蝶为何这般珍贵?

40、I went to work pell - mell, blotted several sheets of paper with choice floating thoughts(Washington Irving) ─── 我慌忙地投入了工作,在几张纸上涂写着我的一些犹豫不决的想法(华盛顿 欧文)

41、The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent. MELL LAZARUS ─── 如何才能成功的对付一个孩子?奥秘是:别当他的爸爸。迈尔·拉扎鲁斯

42、In the end it has been a pell-mell, 10-day rush to be ready for a day that has been spoken of throughout Kosovo Albanians' lifetimes. ─── 经过十天忙乱的准备之后,最终迎来这一天的讲演,对科索沃的所有阿族人来说,他们一生都在等待这个日子。

43、At present, Teinopalpus aureus Mell larvae form, host plants and ecological habits, the scientists are very mysterious. ─── 目前,金斑喙凤蝶的幼虫形态、寄主植物和生态习性,对科学家也是很神秘的。

44、Guo Ming squadron leader that these may be expensive Teinopalpus aureus Mell. ─── 中队长郭金明认定这些可能就是名贵的金斑喙凤蝶。

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