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medically 发音

英:[?med?kli]  美:[?med?kli]

英:  美:

medically 中文意思翻译



medically 短语词组

1、medically induced ─── 医学诱导的

2、contemporaneously definition medically ─── 当代医学定义

medically 相似词语短语

1、medially ─── adv.平均地,居中地;一般地

2、epically ─── adv.宏伟地;史诗式地

3、comedically ─── 滑稽地

4、medicably ─── 医学上的

5、medievally ─── adv.以中世纪的方式地;在中世纪地

6、helically ─── adv.成螺旋形地

7、melodically ─── 旋律地(melodic的变体);音调优美地(melodic的变体)

8、medicinally ─── adv.用药物,当做药

9、genically ─── 亲切地

medically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Medically speaking, sea sickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis. ─── 从医学角度来讲,晕船是运动病或者晕动症的变异。

2、Along with our country joining WTO and deepening the reform of the medic... ─── 因此,医疗机构必须运用合适的价格竞争策略,以获得竞争力。

3、Medic," When I Was Young"(10/24/55). A menopausal woman thinks her life is over. ─── 实习医生》之〈我年轻时〉1955年10月24日)一位更年期妇女认为她的生命行将结束。

4、Fixed tracking of hours with the medic hub in BFHQ: Medic hub hours shown in BFHQ has been corrected. ─── 修正BFHQ里医药箱的统计信息,现在医药箱的累积时数已经可以正确显示。

5、To me, those words sound so complicated for medically uneducated folks, including me. ─── 依我看,上面的那些对于非医学人士来说太复杂了,包括我在内。

6、Medicare, on the other hand, decides whether to pay for new technology based on whether a treatment is "medically necessary and appropriate. ─── 医疗保险在另一方面决定着要不要为一项在医学治疗方面能否必要而且恰当的新技术买单。

7、The Medivac Dropship was the controversial replacement to the Medic. ─── 医疗运输机是极具争议的护士的替代品。

8、His clinic, in operation since 1999, was not medically supervised, a government prosecutor had told the court. ─── 他的诊所自1999年开业至今,但未受到医疗当局监督,一位政府检察官告诉该法庭。

9、Medically speaking seasickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis. ─── 医学上称晕船是一种运动病的变化。

10、Medic, "When I Was Young" (10/24/55). A menopausal woman thinks her life is over. ─── 《实习医生》之〈当我年轻时〉(1955年10月24日)。一位更年期妇女认为她的生命行将结束。

11、If independent doctors deem him to be malingering, he should be dragged to court. If he is medically unfit, the trial should be postponed. ─── 如果独立医生判定他是装病的话,他将被押赴法庭受审,但如果其病情属实,审讯将延后举行。

12、But regardless of whether market or bureaucratic health care reforms are adopted, the chafing and inequitable nature of the medically uninsured problem must be addressed. ─── 不管医疗市场和官僚部门的改革能否适应,非保险者医疗问题的摩擦和不公平性必须得到解决。

13、Today, the EEG is still a medically useful recording for brain function. ─── 今天在医学上,EEG仍旧是一个有用的检测工具。

14、The hippocampal sclerosis is the most common neuropathologic finding in patients with medically refractory TLE. ─── 在内科难治性颞叶癫?的患者中,海马硬化是最常见的神经病理学改变。

15、The physician has an obligation to cooperate in the coordination of medically indicated care with other health care providers treating the patient. ─── 在医学需要的救护中,医生有义务与治疗病人的其他医学救护提供者进行协同合作。

16、Encounters of this kind have revealed to me the consequences of medically underserved communities. ─── 像这类遭遇显示了社区医学服务不周到的结果。

17、The prevalence of medically attended motor vehicle and fall injuries in the past year were 2.6%, and were significantly associated with age, household income, and geographic area. ─── 其中交通事故与跌倒/落伤害盛行率皆为2.6%。交通事故与跌倒/落在年龄、家户收入及地区别上皆有显著差异。

18、If you are JP or UK nation, the Medic will be count in the BB6/CV6 requirement if the Medic is on Lv 115 or above. ─── 如果你玩日本或英国,使用在BB6/CV6上的(共享来的)医疗兵将一样需要遵守不低于115级的要求。

19、The herb sold as dong kui zi in Taiwan is mainly the seed of qing ma (Abutilon theophrasti Medic) . ─── 台湾市售之冬葵子药材均为苘麻的种子。

20、Anne Simon Simon Webb/Dr.Secare Jim Leard/Captain Lacerio Ken Kramer/Dr.Berube Phillip MacKenzie/Medic William B. ─── 其他演员: Jerry Hardin/Deep Throat Lindsey Ginter/Crew-Cut Man Anne DeSalvo/Dr.

21、Advisory services for insurance companies in medically related matters both in Hong Kong, China and overseas. ─── 专业谘询服务给保险公司查询有关医学方面事宜包括香港、中国及海外。

22、As some of them can be medically used to stimulate sexual desires and improve fertility, they are closely related to human existence and reproduction. ─── 它们的某些药用价值具有催发情欲、提高生育能力的功能,因此它们与人的生存繁衍密切相关。

23、Medically speaking, cellulite is primarily a condition of poor micro-circulation that causes damage to the fat tissues under the skin. ─── 医学角度上来说,主要是脂肪团的微循环条件差,引起皮肤下的脂肪组织的受损。

24、Supplement would only be given when medically indicated. ─── 婴儿健康上有需要才可添加奶粉。

25、We recommend that patients with bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, or those unsuitable for surgery, optimally be treated medically by mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. ─── 在每个阶层的推荐中,特别委员会小组都撰写了专门的注解及内部需要的变化。

26、Once she is cleared medically, efforts to effectuate her repatriation will resume. ─── 一旦她没有医疗顾虑,遣返作业将会继续。"

27、Consultation: Assist a fellow Medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life. ─── 帮一个同队的医生治疗,并且在一条命当中完成5次助杀.

28、Carrying so much morphine around a battlefield proved be a temptation at least one medic could not resist. ─── 对某位意志不甚坚强的救护兵来说,在战场上携带这么多的吗啡颇具诱惑。

29、He wished to join the army,but was rejected as medically unfit. ─── 他想要参军,但因体检不合格而未被批准。

30、Waiting at the medic station down the mountain, Joni Corbett knew only what was relayed by radio. ─── 在山下的医疗点等待着的科贝特仅仅知道收音机转播的情况。

31、He is a medic, he can help the injured person. ─── 他是救护车上的医生,他可以帮助那个受伤的病人。

32、Once the information on tag SNPs from the HapMap is available, researchers will be able to use them to locate genes involved in medically important traits. ─── 一旦从HapMap中获得标签SNPs的信息,研究者将能利用它们来定位与重要医学特征相关的基因。

33、Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated. ─── 至于他们孩子被医治的方式,父母通常少有选择的余地。

34、Paramedics rushed him to the ER. The lead medic stayed back to comfort the wife. He asked what trauma had precipitated the cardiac arrest. ─── 医护人员赶紧送进急诊室,这时主治医生站到医生的太太旁边安慰道:是什么创痛让他突然心脏病发?

35、"Once we figured out medically that there is nothing wrong with her, it's OK with me," he said."I don't mind the voice at all. ─── 他说:“我们知道了从医学上来说她的身体没什么病,那就行了,我完全不介意她的口音。”

36、He was rejected as medically unfit. ─── 他因健康不合格而遭淘汰。


38、Next of Kindling: Ignite an enemy, and the Medic healing him. ─── 引火物的处理:点燃一个敌兵,紧接着医疗兵把他治好了。

39、Marked effectiveness of burnet root leukopoietic tablets on leukopenia caused by chemotherapy of gynecological tumor has been medically verified. ─── 地榆升白片对妇科肿瘤化疗过程中白细胞减少症有明显疗效。

40、As jobs disappear and employers begin trimming expenses, we can foresee people losing health insurance, swelling the ranks of the medically uninsured. ─── 因为失去工作,人们就要削减开支,我们可以预计,人们会失去医疗保险,这样没有医疗保障的人就会大幅增多。

41、A white crystalline salt made by the action of lactic acid on calcium carbonate,used in foods (as a baking powder) and given medically as a source of calcium. ─── 一种白色晶状的盐,由乳酸和碳酸钙反应形成,用于食物(做发酵粉)中,并作为医学上钙的来源。

42、He's been out for so long it would be unlikely I would use him, but medically speaking he is physically fit to be selected. ─── 他离开赛场有很长一段时间,我(这次)不大可能会使用他,但医疗上说,他身体上已经恢复好了可以被选择。

43、SCULLY: (sound distorted) Somebody call a medic! ─── 史高丽:(声音扭曲了)快叫医生!

44、A medic would administer chest compressions to maintain minimal blood flow, and the body would be taken to hospital. ─── 一个医师会负责胸部按压以便保持最小限度的血液流动,尸体然后被送到医院。

45、Several researches in medically field have been investigated and indicated this technique not only can kill bacteria but also can removal endotoxin when bacteria died. ─── TiO_2光催化杀菌在医学领域的研究已表明,这种光催化剂不仅能杀死细菌,而且能同时分解细菌死亡后释放出的内毒素。

46、Used medically as a cathartic and agriculturally as magnesium fertilizer. ─── 医药上用泻剂、制革行业、农业上用作镁肥。

47、"We should continue chest compressions as much as possible, only pausing to do things that are proven to be medically beneficial. ─── “我们应该尽量维持按压不被打断,除非是去做对病人更有益处的事。”

48、Some medically unexplainable symptoms may be listed under well defined psychiatric disorders, the rest is grouped loosely as medically `unexplained` symptoms (MUS). ─── 一向被认以为是躯体的疾病,现在我们知道精神障碍也可以引起同样症状.

49、European medic naturalized in North America having yellow flowers and sickle-shaped pods. ─── 引入北美的欧洲苜蓿,开黄花,结镰刀形荚。

50、If you experience severe or bad moods, you may have a biochemical imbalance that can and should be treated medically. ─── 如果你体验严重或糟糕的情绪,也许是生化失衡。这能够并且需要从医学上进行治疗。

51、When reviewing the history of the formation and transformation of the episiotomy discourse, it is clear that the medical paradigm of childbirth continues to be medically centered. ─── 在会阴切开术医学论述的形成与转变的历史中,我们很清楚地看到现行医疗典范对于自然产的思考,是建立在医疗导向的逻辑之下。

52、The research, medically valuable, aims at the microburst of femtosecond laser in translucent product. ─── 因此,研究飞秒激光在半透明物质中的微爆,对医学应用领域具有重要的参考价值。

53、However, now that Richard is over 18 his parents have no legal authority to medically help him and he leaves school to go live on his own. ─── 但是,Richard已经年满18岁,没有任何司法机构能够为他提供援助,他不得不离开学校,独立生活了。

54、The medic who performed the surgery, Professor Mariani, had advised Totti to take the plaque out this summer to avoid potential problems later on in life. ─── 但是,这个手术将需要两个月来养伤,这将影响托蒂夏天的训练和休假,托蒂现在决定今年夏天不做手术。

55、International SOS will assist the Member in arranging for appointments with medical service providers, if medically necessary. ─── 如有医疗方面的需要,国际SOS为使用者当地安排医生的预约。

56、Medic renamed to Navy Corpsman. ─── 医生重新命名为海军医务兵。

57、A rapid response medic arrived within six minutes, but because her injuries were non-life threatening she had to wait for the ambulance. ─── 一位急救医疗人员不需六分钟便到达了,但因为她的伤势没有生命危险,她必须要等待救护车到来。

58、As a medic, for example, you could put all your skill points into increasing your healing speed and ability, at the expense of improving your weapon proficiency. ─── 因为军医, 例如, 您能投入所有您的技能点入增加您医治用的速度和能力, 牺牲改进您的武器熟练程度。

59、For a few days this August, much of the news media in the West became convinced that we were headed back to the 1800s, medically speaking. ─── 从今年八月份开始,许多西方新闻媒体开始相信医学界最近一直在流行的传言,即我们正面对和19世纪同样的问题。

60、At a 2001 ACOG conference, a committee noted there is no "medically appropriate procedure" for the reestablishment of virginity. ─── 在2001年北美妇产科学会会议上,一个委员提出根本没有“合适的医学上的程序”来重建童贞。

61、Quality. Health facilities, goods and services must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality. ─── 卫生设施、商品和服务必须在科学和医学上是适当和高质量的。

62、The Platoon Medic has several responsibilities above and beyond what a normal medic has. ─── 一个排医疗兵有一些在一般医疗兵之上或之外的职责。

63、Where are the others?" asked a medic. ─── “其他人在哪儿?”一名医生问道。

64、Budapest, 27 July 2009 - The medic's at Budapest's AEK hospital presented a chart of Felipe Massa's condition. ─── 布达佩斯AEK医院的医生出示了一份关于马萨状况的图表。

65、Therapists cannot prescribe drugs as they are not necessarily medically qualified. ─── 治疗师们不能开药方,因为他们不一定具备医疗资格。

66、M" Making investments in reform nowin we medically cost , investments that will dramatically lower costs, won't add to the our budget deficits in the long termwhether . ─── “现在对改革作出大幅度降低成本的投资,从长远来说并不会增加我们的预算。

67、One-fourth of the 3,260 patients in the study were considered medically illiterate. ─── 在调查的3260名病人中,有四分之一不了解用药知识。

68、Claimants of incapacity benefit (renamed the employment and support allowance) will be medically reassessed by 2013. ─── 丧失工作能力津贴(又被称为就业和扶助津贴)的申请人在2013年前,将进行医学上的重新评估。

69、Unexpectedly, a few days before the emergence of physical activity on the right side of the inconvenience, medically diagnosed as cerebral infarction. ─── 不料,前几天出现右侧躯体活动不便,经医生诊断为脑梗塞。

70、He informed them that he had been a medic in World War I and saw amputated arms and legs, and he had noticed that none of them could think. ─── 他说,在一战时,他曾经是实习医生并且亲眼目睹了许多次切除胳膊或腿的手术,而且他发现,那些东西是不能思考的。

71、In an attempt to aoid the possibility of a PDPH in younger patients, an epidural anesthetic may be offered to patients if a regional technique is requested or medically indicated. ─── 为了避免年轻病人发生PDPH的可能,如果区域阻滞需要或有指征,可以采用硬膜外麻醉。

72、She is very medic at every thing . ─── 她做事有板有眼的。

73、"Where are the others?" asked a medic. ─── “其他人在哪儿?”一名医生问道.

74、Extending life grows medically feasible, but it is often a life deprived of everything, and one exposed to degrading neglect as resources grow over-stretched and politics turn mean. ─── 延长寿命在医学上变得越来越可行,但它往往是一种被剥夺了一切的生命,而且随着资源变得过度紧张和政治变得卑鄙,生命会暴露在令人堕落的忽视之中。

75、Perspiration, especially when copious and medically induced. ─── 出汗排汗,尤指过多的出汗

76、Medic: A medic is equipped with a rifle and afirst-aid kit. He has a wide range, a low rate offire, and can heal infantry. ─── 卫生兵:装备一支步枪和急救包。拥有较远的射程,低射速,并能救治步兵单位。

77、Uses: Phosphorus by itself is used in only a few medically significant conditions. ─── 使用:磷独自被用于只有一些医学地重要的情况。

78、"Done!" said the American. Instantly, he found himself sanding unhurt near the scene."Where are the others?" asked a medic. ─── “成交”美国人说,立刻他就发现自己安然无恙的回到了事故现场。"其他人呢"救援人员问

79、In a time of war, Maiev felt that Tyrande would have made a far better medic than a leader. ─── 在战争时期,玛维觉得泰兰德更适合做医师,而不是领袖。

80、Caesarian section, if it is medically indicated and justified, is covered by the Package. ─── 倘若产妇在临床上有需要进行剖腹生产,有关费用已包括在产科服务套餐的一笔过收费内。

81、Medically, the condition is called X-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (X-SCID). ─── 在医学上,这种情况称为X连锁重症联合免疫缺陷(X-SCID)。

82、Bad breath is also known medically as halitosis. It is not life-threatening, but it can seriously damage one's social life and cause incredible stress for sufferers. ─── 口臭虽然不会涉及到生命危险,但是这也是一个令患者非常烦恼的一个问题,尤其是在社交会友时带来负面影响。

83、At two years, 23% of patients who had received the LVAD were still alive, compared with just 8% who were treated medically. ─── 2年后,接受LVAD治疗的患者有23%的人依然存活,而对照组的人存活率仅有8%。

84、He sought to be a motorcycle mechanic, but instead he was assigned as a medic. ─── 他想成为一名机车技工,却被安排当了医师。

85、Reverted: When a Wehrmacht Bunker is upgraded to Medic Bunker/MG Bunker/Repair Bunker, it can no longer be garrisoned. ─── 取消修改:国防军碉堡升级为医务碉堡/机枪碉堡/维修碉堡后失去驻扎能力。

86、The medic asked those who had not had their physical examination to stand out. ─── 军医请那些未受过体格检查的人站出来。

87、The medically recommended units of alcohol for men is more than for women. ─── 在医学上,男性的酒精推荐使用量要高于女性。

88、"Once we figured out medically that there is nothing wrong with her, it's OK with me, " he said. "I don't mind the voice at all. " ─── 他说:“我们知道了从医学上来说她的身体没什么病,那就行了,我完全不介意她的口音。”

89、Stories of an Amelia swoop have gathered pace after the youngster underwent a knee scan in Turin on Tuesday, allegedly in the presence of a Bianconeri medic. ─── 关于阿梅利亚的转会传闻起于星期二,这名年轻人来都灵进行膝部扫描,而据闻当时斑马军团的队医也在场。

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