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10-02 投稿


yarrow 发音

英:['j?r??]  美:['j?ro]

英:  美:

yarrow 中文意思翻译



yarrow 网络释义

n. 蓍草n. (Yarrow)人名;(英)亚罗

yarrow 短语词组

1、golden yarrow ─── [网络] 黄金耆草

2、sneezeweed yarrow ─── [网络] sn eed y

3、oil of yarrow ─── [化] 欧蓍草油

yarrow 词性/词形变化,yarrow变形


yarrow 相似词语短语

1、Barrow ─── n.搬运架,手推车;弃矿;古坟;n.(Barrow)人名;(英、西)巴罗

2、marrow ─── n.髓,骨髓;精华;活力;n.(Marrow)人名;(英)马罗

3、farrow ─── n.一窝小猪;猪的一胎;vt.产(仔猪);vi.产小猪;adj.(母牛)未怀孕的;n.(Farrow)人名;(英)法罗

4、Jarrow ─── n.贾罗(英国国会选区)

5、arrow ─── n.箭,箭头;箭状物;箭头记号;vt.以箭头指示;箭一般地飞向;n.(Arrow)人名;(英)阿罗

6、yarrows ─── n.蓍草;n.(Yarrow)人名;(英)亚罗

7、Darrow ─── 达罗;n.(Darrow)人名;(英)达罗

8、Harrow ─── n.耙;vt.耙地;使苦恼;vi.被耙松;n.(Harrow)人名;(英)哈罗

9、narrow ─── adj.狭窄的,有限的;勉强的;精密的;度量小的;n.海峡;狭窄部分,隘路;vt.使变狭窄;vi.变窄

yarrow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This mixture of grasses and yarrow will out-compete the resident weed population, increase water penetration, and improve the microflora and organic matter in our soils. ─── 牧草和蓍草混合可以减少杂草的数量,增加水的穿透能力,改善土壤的微生物和有机物质。

2、Subject_Topical_Eng: Herbal;Nexus Burdock;Catnip;Comfrey;Yarrow ─── 草药;关联牛蒡;猫薄荷;紫草科植物;西洋蓍草

3、Yarrow has a spicy floral scent that is useful to stimulate regeneration and heal skin ailments . ─── 西洋蓍草有一种辛辣的香味,那是对激励再生并疗愈皮肤疾病有益的。

4、From Divination by Tortoise-Shell and Yarrow in Ancient Times to Modern Scientific Forecast ─── 从古代龟蓍占卜到现代科学预测

5、oil of yarrow ─── [化] 欧蓍草油

6、Yarrow reminds humans to find their own god goddess-ness in a dance with all other kingdoms founded upon unity, harmony, peace, abundance for all, and love. ─── 西洋蓍草提醒人类在与所有王国在基于统一、和谐、和平、给一切的丰饶与爱的共舞中,找到自己的神与女神。

7、This year, retailers have picked up on that tactic this year as a way to separate their sales from the sea of 20%-off offers, Yarrow says. ─── 亚罗说,今年,各路商家已经用上了这种招数,为的是让自己的促销活动秀出群伦,跟那些铺天盖地的“降价20%”有所区别。

8、perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本属,常有芳香,有时呈垫状;西洋蓍草;

9、Fwill soothe us in oui sorrow .That earth has something yet to show.The bonny holms of yarrow. ─── 大地将抚慰我们的哀伤,除了展示美丽的冬青和夏草,还展示着其他的一切。

10、From Divination by Tortoise-Shell and Yarrow in Ancient Times to Modern Scientific Forecast ─── 从古代龟蓍占卜到现代科学预测

11、Definition: Yarrow consists of the whole or cut, dried flowering tops of Achillea millefolium L. ─── 本品为菊科植物蓍Artemisia absinthium L.的干燥的完整或切段的开花的顶端。

12、Yarrow assists humans in learning to live with one another in communion and community. ─── 西洋蓍草协助人们学会在交融与一致中彼此生活在一起。

13、‘Ah,’ said the grasshopper, ‘But, you see, the meadow is now white instead of yellow.We now have michaelmas daisies and yarrow flowering there. ─── “啊,”蟋蟀说道:“但是,你瞧,草地现在由黄色变成白色了,正在开花的是紫苑和蓍草。

14、a whole bohemia of butterflies swooped down upon the yarrow, the clover, and the sterile oats,in the august park of the King of France there was a pack of vagabonds, the birds. ─── 一群群流浪的蝴蝶在蓍草、苜蓿和野麦中间翩翩狂舞,法兰西国王的森严园囿里有成堆的流氓小鸟。

15、Extracts of Ginseng, Pineapple, Chamomile, Yarrow Flower, St. John's Wort. ─── 人蔘萃取、凤梨萃取、洋甘菊萃取、蓍花草萃取、圣约翰草萃取。

16、Subject_Topical_Eng: HerbFresh Herbs;Herb Plants;Artemisia;Basil;Geraniums;Lavender;Mint; Oregano;Rosemary;Sage;Thyme;Yarrow ─── 草本植物;黄花蒿;罗勒;天竺葵;薰衣草;薄荷;牛至;迷迭香;鼠尾草;百里香;蓍草

17、Identification of Yizhihao(Artemisia rupestris) and Its Confusable Material Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) ─── 一枝蒿与混淆品千叶蓍草的鉴别

18、Yarrow type boiler ─── 亚罗型锅炉A型锅炉三汽包

19、wilson yarrow herb ─── 土一枝蒿

20、Your use of turtle shell, yarrow divination, there is no an unlucky omen. ─── 你用龟板、蓍草占卦,没有不吉利的预兆。

21、Contains wheat germ oil ,lemon ,yarrow ,double effect cleaning factor & so on . ─── 主要成份: 蕴含麦芽、柠檬、欧蓍草、双效洁肤因子等。

22、Yarrow has a spicy floral scent that is useful to stimulate regeneration and heal skin ailments. ─── 西洋蓍草有一种辛辣的香味,那是对激励再生并治愈皮肤疾病有益的。

23、It contains valuable essential fatty acids carrying evening primrose oil, jojoba oil and yarrow oily extract known of its inflammation reducing effect. ─── 产品含有提炼的脂肪酸,带有夜来香油、荷荷巴油和西洋蓍草提取物,消炎效果显著。

24、yarrow blossom ─── 蓍草花

25、the common yarrow ─── 蓍(Achillea millefolium)

26、alpine yarrow herb ─── 一枝蒿

27、perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil. ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本属,常有芳香,有时呈垫状;西洋蓍草;蓍草属植物,西洋蓍草。

28、it is the purpose of yarrow to assist in uncovering and decoding this blueprint making it available to those who are ascending at this time in history. ─── 协助剥开并解码这一蓝图,从而让该蓝图由历史此刻的提升者可获得,这就是西洋蓍草的目的。

29、alpine yarrow fruit ─── 蓍实

30、In beauty preparations yarrow is used for hair care and to decrease appearance of scars, stretch marks and varicose veins. ─── 西洋蓍草在医学上被用来处理一些人们日常的疾病,比如说感冒,痔疮,高血压,消化不良,失眠,偏头痛和伤口

31、The Great Mandala by Peter Yarrow How can it possibly be Sunday night again? ─── 这一切都要感谢辛苦的薇裙妈,和不辞辛劳的义工妈妈以及讲师群。

32、perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本属,常有芳香,有时呈垫状;西洋蓍草;蓍草属植物,西洋蓍草

33、The famous song Puff, the Magic Dragon, written by Leonard Lipton and Peter Yarrow, tells the story of one such creature. ─── LeonardLipton和PeterYarrow写得一首魔法龙,就是讲述这种动物的。

34、Chlorophyll, Milk Protein, Algae Extract, Aloe Vera, Wheat Protein, Yarrow Flowers Extract, Orange Peel Extract. ─── 叶绿素、牛奶蛋白、海藻萃取、芦荟、小麦蛋白、蓍花草萃取、橘皮萃取。

35、So why does Yarrow, a carer who lives on a council estate, do it? ─── 那么亚罗——一个居住在政府土地上的护理工作者——为什么要这么做呢?

36、hedgerows full of yarrow ─── 有很多欧蓍草的灌木树篱.

37、of Albany, New York, is a researcher with a background in electronics. ─── 纽约州奥尔巴尼的戴维·亚罗是一位有着电子学背景的研究者。

38、Yarrow assists ascending initiates in anchoring the ascension blueprint for the entire form from one's ancient red ancestry. ─── 西洋蓍草协助提升者为了整个身体而从你的远古红族祖先中锚定提升蓝图。

39、Subject_Topical_Eng: Herbal; Nexus Burdock; Catnip; Comfrey ; Yarrow. ─── 草药;关联牛蒡;猫薄荷;紫草科植物;西洋蓍草。

40、Ms.Travers’s voice blended seamlessly with those of her colleagues, Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey, to create a rich three-part harmony that propelled the group to the top of the pop charts. ─── Travers女士的声音配合著她的同事Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey,创造出的三部和声将他们推向流行乐坛天王的地位。

41、yarrow boiler ─── 雅鲁式锅炉亚罗型锅炉船用水管锅炉

42、Vickers,J.and Yarrow, G.1988.Privatization: An Econimic Analysis.Cambrige:MIT Press. ─── 张昕竹,拉丰,A.易斯塔什.网络产业:规制和竞争理论[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2000.

43、Economist Kit Yarrow believes those estimates are on the low side. ─── 经济学家基特·亚罗认为,这个估计还是保守的。

44、common yarrow herb ─── 洋耆草


比较级为更yarrow(more yarrow)。


同时需要注意,在比较级中,原级yarrow已经发生了变化,变成了more yarrow,所以更yarrow才是正确的比较级形式。









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