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10-02 投稿


uninfluenced 发音

英:[?n??n?fl??nst]  美:[?n??nfl??nst]

英:  美:

uninfluenced 中文意思翻译



uninfluenced 同义词


uninfluenced 反义词


uninfluenced 相似词语短语

1、influenced ─── adj.受影响的;v.影响(influence的过去分词)

2、undifferenced ─── 无差别的

3、influencer ─── n.有影响力者;有影响力的人

4、influences ─── n.影响,影响力;作用(influence的复数形式);vt.影响,感化(influence的三单形式)

5、influence ─── n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;vt.影响;改变

6、interinfluenced ─── 相互影响

7、noninfluence ─── 不影响

8、noninfluences ─── 不影响

9、uninflected ─── adj.无屈折变化的

uninfluenced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results show that, when 4%steelmaking sludge was added to pelletized material, the pellet quality is uninfluenced and the bentonite requirement and the pelletizing cost were decreased. ─── 结果均表明,配加4%左右的炼钢污泥对球团矿产质量无不利影响,而且能降低膨润土用量和球团矿生产成本。

2、Its advantage is simple in its way and can correct deformity of the face rapidly.Clinic observation of these cases shows that the growth and development of jaw, tooth and dental germ are uninfluenced. ─── 结论:开窗减压术是治疗青少年颌骨大型囊肿的有效方法,其主要优点是手术方法简单,能迅速消除面部畸形,临床观察颌骨、牙和牙胚生长发育不受影响。

3、it has had quite complete information communication with all relevant members, and it has guaranteed the Chinese business uninfluenced. ─── 对于所有的利益相关者都做了比较充分的信息沟通,保证了在中国业务不受影响。

4、Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices ─── 客观的,不带感情的,无个人偏见的

5、Two-terminal Fault Location Algorithm Uninfluenced by Parameters of Parallel Transmission Lines ─── 不受线路参数影响的双回线双端故障定位方法

6、Rock and roll Find a Beatles or Stones song uninfluenced by American music. Just try. ─── 甲壳虫乐队或摇滚乐都受美国音乐影响,不信你找找看。

7、He kept these ideas to himself, writing them in code in voluminous notebooks, so that his contemporaries knew little of his ideas and remained uninfluenced by them. ─── 他从未把他的这些见解告诉过别人,而是用密码写在浩瀚的笔记中, 因此他同时代的人很少知道他的想法,因而也没有受到他这些想法的影响。

8、Uninfluenced innovation advance development of orthopaedics and traumatology of China ─── 自主创新推动我国骨科学发展

9、SUONAN Jia-le,GE Yao-zhong,WANG Ding-an,et al.A new frequency measurement algorithm uninfluenced by zero crossing of voltage[J].Proceedings of the EPSA,1996,8(4): 19-21. ─── [1]索南加乐,葛耀中,王定安,等.一种不受电压过零点影响的新型频率测量方法[J].电力系统及其自动化学报,1996,8(4):19-21.

10、judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices. ─── 根据观察到的现象不受个人的偏见和情感因素影响而得到的判断。

11、The goggles mirror slice is clear to have no color, tenacity good not easy broken up, to insure the sight of the car hand uninfluenced. ─── 风镜镜片清晰无色,韧性好不易破碎,以确保车手的视力不受影响。

12、Keywords Development of orthopaedics and traumatology;Uninfluenced innovation; ─── 骨科学发展;自主创新;

13、Men's view of a woman, on the other hand, appeared to be uninfluenced by her wit. ─── 另一方面,男学生对女性的观点似乎不受她的才智的影响。

14、Theoretically, the algorithm needs shorter data-window than the phasor-based algorithms and is uninfluenced by the low-frequency swing component. ─── 该方法判别原理简单可靠,仅利用单端电气量,且不需要长数据窗滤波,理论上不受低频振荡分量的影响。

15、Ehrlichman's hiring of Young was not uninfluenced by the petty jealousies of the White House staff. ─── 埃利希曼启用扬,并非没有受到白宫工作人员狭隘嫉妒心的影响。

16、This early introduction is thought to shape their list-making ability, but it makes it impossible to study that ability in its raw, uninfluenced form. ─── 但是,这样一来,以这种能力原始的、不受任何影响的形式下进行研究就不可能了。

17、The word itself, "alone," means what it says - uninfluenced, innocent, free and whole, not broken up. ─── 独自”这个词说的就是它本身的意思——未被影响、纯真、自由而完整,没有支离破碎。

18、The analysis results showed that the surface roughness of etched films is lower, but the structure of films is uninfluenced. ─── 结果表明:薄膜的结构未发生变化,表面的粗糙度减小。

19、It is well-known that,unlike other countries,the traditional Chinese culture had developed on its own steam,largely uninfluenced by other cultures. ─── 众所周知,传统中国文化,跟其他国家的文明不一样。它自行发展,自成一格,在很大的程度并未受到其他文明的影响。

20、Patients' eyes were aerted during the measurements and were uninfluenced by expectations. ─── 测试过程中患者不会受到视觉的影响。

21、A System Framework for Uninfluenced Combat Decision in Uninhabited Tank ─── 无人驾驶坦克自主作战决策系统框架

22、The word itself, "alone, " means what it says - uninfluenced, innocent, free and whole, not broken up. ─── “独自”这个词说的就是它本身的意思——未被影响、纯真、自由而完整,没有支离破碎。

23、Suffer an effect bigger is Jiangsu, Shanxi is taken, shenzhen reachs circumjacent uninfluenced. ─── 受影响较大的是江苏、山西一带,深圳及周边未受影响。

24、Below everybody's joint efforts, the company works each to undertake in ground of in an orderly way, a bit uninfluenced. ─── 在大家的共同努力下,公司各项工作都在有条不紊地进行,丝毫未受影响。”

25、We suggested that riparian vegetation wasn't an uninfluenced factor to the echolocation when the smooth river habitat was open enough. ─── 我们认为,当平滑河流生境水面上空足够开阔时,两岸植被对其声波结构无影响。

26、A volta, ge measurement algorithm uninfluenced by signal frequency ─── 一种不受信号频率影响的电压计算方法

27、In the coming high tech partial combat,Tanks will have to act in a dynamic complex environment,which will constantly require changes in the threat assessment and uninfluenced fire. ─── 在未来高技术局部战争条件下,坦克不得不面临一个动态复杂的战场环境,这就要求坦克能根据战场环境实时地进行目标威胁评估及自主射击。

28、They come and they go and the sky remains untouched, uninfluenced. ─── 这是真的:思绪只是像天空中飘动的云朵。

29、2. forest or woodland having a mature or overmature ecosystem more or less uninfluenced by human activity. ─── 森林或林地,具成熟或过熟的或多或少没有被人类活动影响的生态系统。

30、Take in meaningful words like a sponge absorbing water. Remain uninfluenced by gossip like cement that water quickly evaporates. ─── 听到人间好话,要如海绵遇水牢牢吸住;面对世间是非,要如水泥地般坚固;水过则干.

31、pulp yields were basically uninfluenced after enzymatic treatment under the optimal treatment condition. The crystallization index of the fibers changed little. ─── 最佳酶处理条件下,CTMP经纤维素酶或木聚糖酶处理后,纸浆的得率基本未受影响,纸浆的结晶指数变化也不大。

32、If sections or individual formulations of this text are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact. ─── 如果声明的部分内容或条款违法或者不正确,其他部分内容和条款的正确性将不受影响。

33、forest or woodland having a mature or overmature ecosystem more or less uninfluenced by human activity ─── 森林或林地,具成熟或过熟的或多或少没有被人类活动影响的生态系统

34、judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices ─── 根据观察到的现象不受个人的偏见和情感因素影响而得到的判断

35、Two-terminal Fault Location Algorithm Uninfluenced by Parameters of Parallel Transmission Lines ─── 不受线路参数影响的双回线双端故障定位方法

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