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10-02 投稿


prepositional 发音

英:[?prep??z???nl]  美:[?prep??z???nl]

英:  美:

prepositional 中文意思翻译



prepositional 网络释义

adj. 介词的;前置词的

prepositional 短语词组

1、prepositional objects ─── 介词宾语

2、prepositional conjunction ─── 介词连词

3、adjectival prepositional phrase ─── 形容词介词短语

4、prepositional phrase n. ─── 介词短语

5、prepositional phrases n. ─── 介词短语( prepositional phrase的名词复数 )

6、prepositional verbs ─── 介词动词短语

7、prepositional object ─── 介词宾语

8、prepositional phrasal verbs ─── 介词短语动词

9、prepositional variation ─── 介词变体

10、prepositional verb ─── 介词动词

11、prepositional complement ─── 介词补语

12、phrasal-prepositional verb ─── 短语-介词动词

prepositional 常用词组

prepositional phrase ─── 介词短语

prepositional 词性/词形变化,prepositional变形

副词: prepositionally |

prepositional 相似词语短语

1、appositional ─── adj.同位的,同位格的

2、propositional ─── adj.命题的;建议的

3、preposition ─── n.介词;前置词

4、depositional ─── adj.沉积作用的

5、postpositional ─── adj.后置的;n.日语的格助词

6、prepositions ─── n.[语]介词;系词(preposition的复数)

7、propositionally ─── 命题地;建议地

8、compositional ─── adj.组成的;创作的;作曲的

9、prepositionally ─── 介词的

prepositional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A prepositional phrase can express the direction, time, place, goal, object, manner, reason, passive nature, handling, comparison, and exclusion of an action. ─── 介词结构可以表示动作的方向、时间、处所、目的、对象、方式、原因、被动、处置、比较、排除等等。

2、It shows that unelastic volumetric strain is directly prepositional to the number of micro-cracks. ─── 结果表明,非弹性体积应变与微裂纹数量直接相关。

3、prepositional co-occurrence restrictions ─── 介词同现限制

4、(3) picture theory of prepositional meaning is the core of logical atomism. ─── (3)命题意义的图像论是逻辑原子主义的核心内容。

5、And the two prepositional phrases and one participle phrase have independent meanings comparing to the main clause, so it can be split. ─── 在六月的一天早上,天气晴朗,契西克林荫道上平克顿女子学校的大铁门前面来了一辆宽敞的私人马车。

6、Many disputes occur in its syntactic function in the gramatical field, especially what kind of sentence component a prepositional phrase may act as in one sentence. ─── 一直以来,语法学界对介宾短语的句法功能争议颇大,集中表现在介宾短语在句子中能充当什么句子成分上。

7、That is the speaker utters a sentence, means what he says, but also means another illocution with a different prepositional content. ─── 在日常生活中,使用间接言语行为是一种很普遍的语言现象。

8、Prepositional form ─── 命题形式

9、Prepositional logic ─── 命题逻辑

10、prepositional obiect ─── 前置词宾语

11、prepositional object ─── 介词宾语

12、Prepositional phrase He stood there with his back to his father. ─── 他背对着父亲站着。

13、prepositional verb ─── 带介词的动词

14、In its prepositional use alongside may optionally be accompanied by of: The barge lay alongside, or alongside of, the pier. ─── 在介词用法里alongside后可以选择性地跟of:驳船停在旁边或靠码头旁边

15、The Semantic Space of Prepositional Phrases ─── 介词短语的语义空间

16、prepositional constant ─── 命题常量

17、The preposition is most important in building up a sentence. A preposition together with its object is called a prepositional phrase. ─── 介词在造句中极为重要。介词与它的宾语一起称为介词宾语。

18、prepositional specifier ─── 介词限定词,前置词限定词

19、the prepositional phrase here is used adverbially. ─── 介词短语这里用作副词。

20、prepositional connectives ─── 命题联结词

21、prepositional dative ─── 前置词与格

22、Complete the following sentences and pay attention to the passive voice and prepositional phrases. ─── 完成以下句子,注意各种时态的被动语态和介词短语。

23、prepositional adverb ─── 介词性副词

24、Grammar focus Prepositional Phrase as Adverbial ─── 介词短语作状语

25、prepositional complement ─── 介词补语

26、In sharp contrast with competition is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverbial of contrast while under a market economy modifies the noun competition. ─── 垄断是计划经济的一个重要特征,它与市场经济下的竞争形成鲜明对比.

27、During the SALL course I get many problems, such as common prepositional error and mang other problems. ─── 在自主学习过程中我得到了很多的问题,如常见的介词错误和许多其他问题。

28、Therefore, locative prepositions and prepositional phrases typically represent characteristics of spatial cognition in different languages. ─── 因而,不同语言使用的介词或方位词结构也突出反映了它们在空间关系认知上的特点。

29、prepositional phrase (preposition and the noun or noun phrase that follows it,eg in the night,after breakfast) ─── 介词词组(介词连同其后的名词或名词词组,如in the night,after breakfast)

30、The prepositional phrase is one special kind in those phrases of modern Chinese language. ─── 介宾短语是现代汉语短语中一个比较特殊的类别。

31、Prepositional adjective ─── 介词形容词

32、Temporal-Spatial Cognitive Parallelism of Locative Prepositional Phrases ─── 处所介词短语的时空认知对应

33、with an adv or a prepositional phrase indicating position in space or time ─── 与表示地点或时间的副词或介词短语连用

34、“in sharp contrast with competition” is a prepositional phrase acting as an adverbial of contrast while “under a market economy” modifies the noun “competition”. ─── 垄断是计划经济的一个重要特征,它与市场经济下的竞争形成鲜明对比。

35、prepositional genitive ─── 前置属格

36、A preposition together with its object is termed “ prepositional phrase”. ─── 一个介词与它其后的受词一并被称为“介词片语”。

37、A prepositional phrase is one where a preposition carries an object. ─── 介词结构(也叫介宾词组)是由介词带着宾语构成。

38、prepositional effect ─── 前置效应

39、Humble Opinion of the Prepositional Object ─── 宾语前置刍议

40、In addition, a locative prepositional phrase is mainly composed of a locative preposition and a nominal group. ─── 此外,处所介词短语主要由处所介词加名词词组组合而成。

41、a prepositional phrase(= a preposition and the noun following it, for example at night or after breakfast) ─── 介词短语

42、Research into the Usage of Prepositional Phrase Indicating Continuous Sense ─── 介词短语表进行意义的用法探讨

43、In its prepositional use alongside may optionally be accompanied by of: The barge lay alongside,or alongside of the pier. ─── 在介词用法里alongside后可以选择性地跟of:驳船停在旁边或靠码头旁边。

44、In its prepositional use alongside may optionally be accompanied by of:The barge lay alongside,or alongside of,the pier. ─── 在介词用法里alongside后可以选择性地跟of:驳船停在旁边或靠码头旁边

45、The prepositional phrase used as an adverbial is usually before a verb. ─── 介词结构一般放在动词前作状语。

46、locative prepositional phrase ─── 处所介词短语

47、The preposition and its object constitution prepositional phrase, make the adverb in the sentence, the predicate, the complement or the preposition object. ─── 介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。

48、The particle in in this sentence can be regarded as having been shortened from the prepositional phrase "into the area". ─── Note that the word "in", which does not govern a noun as its complement, is an adverbial particle (小品词).

49、6.a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word. ─── 和名词或代词名词短语结合形成前置词短语同其他单词有形容词或副词的关系。

50、Tactical Skill in Prepositional Phrase of English-Chinese Translation ─── 介词短语的英译汉处理技巧

51、prepositional phrase identification ─── 介词结构识别

52、prepositional structure ─── 介词框架

53、prepositional calculus system ─── 命题演算系统

54、With the background of Point Inclusion Test for Planar Polygon, it evaluates the seven representative algorithms according to the prepositional evaluation index system. ─── 以平面多边形内外点的判定问题为背景,对于其中7个有代表性的算法,依据前面提及的评价指标体系进行了定量化的评估。

55、prepositional usages ─── 介词惯用表达

56、There are many more prepositions and prepositional phrases and we’ll cover them on recording two. ─── 后面部分我们会谈及更多的介词和介词短语。

57、In one sentence, at most one prepositional phrase is allowed. ─── 在一个句子里,最多只能有一个介词短语.

58、prepositional infinitive ─── 介词不定式

59、A prepositional phrase can be put ahead of Subject, between Subject and Verb, behind Intransitive Verb, between Verb and Object, or behind Object. ─── 一个介词短语可以被放在主语前面,主语和动词中间,不及物动词后面,动词和宾语之间,宾语后面

60、prepositional negation ─── 命题否定句

61、prepositional case ─── 前置格

62、In linguistic form, prepositional phrases are most often used to express locative and spatial relationship. ─── 在语言形式上,空间关系经常表现为由介词或方位词结构表达的位置关系。

63、Discuss Prepositional Formula Based on Binary Field ─── 基于二元域研究命题公式

64、a prepositional phrase qualifying a noun ─── 修饰名词的介词短语

65、Active and passive voice of noun, adjective and prepositional phrase ─── 名词、形容词和介词词组的主动态与被动态

66、prepositional conjunction ─── 前置连接词

67、prepositional deletion ─── 前置词省略

68、What is the function of the prepositional phrase? ─── 这个介词短语的作用是什么?

69、prepositional approval procedure ─── 审批程序前置性

70、An easy way to avoid a prepositional ending is to end the sentence with a proper form of address. ─── 一个避免前置词结尾的简单方式,是使用合适的称谓来结束一个句子。

71、The preposition is most important in building up a sentence. A preposition together with its object is called a prepositional phrase. ─── 介词在造句中极为重要。介词与它的宾语一起称为介词宾语。

72、Knowledge is mainly prepositional and is objectively true or false, meaning being a matter of direct correspondence of a concept to the outer world. ─── 在这种哲学观的支配下,语言被视为抽象符号,具有独立于任何机体的特性,并且直接与世界上的事物对应。

73、prepositional language ─── 前置词语言

74、The materials were prepositional in Experiment 1 and dramatized in Experiment 2. ─── 使用冠有“只有一个陈述是正确的”作为限制条件的双陈述推理任务。

75、Phrase of Prepositional Object ─── 介宾短语

76、In recognition of prepositional phrases, statistical learning method and artificial rules method are the two major methods used. ─── 在介词短语的识别中,统计学习方法和人工规则方法是人们常采用的两种最主要的方法。

77、Prepositions are placed in front of nouns or pronouns to form prepositional phrases expressing the exclusion, comparison, being acted on, mode, cause, object, direction, place, or time of an action. ─── 介词放在名词或代词前面构成介词结构表示动作的排除,比较,被动,方式,原因,对象,方向,处所,时间等意义。

78、prepositional proof ─── 命题证明

79、The Prepositional Effect of Varied Range Isokinetic Muscle Torque Testing and Its Mechanism ─── 变幅等速肌力矩测试的前置效应及其机制

80、prepositional group ─── 前置词词组

81、prepositional insertion ─── 前置词插入

82、Nominal phrases (NPK) in different prepositional phrases were studied, and the subcategory of NPK was plotted out. ─── 对方所、时间则通过对其本身义素的分析来进行次范畴研究。

83、Research on Automatic Identification for Chinese Prepositional Phrase Based on HMM ─── 基于HMM的汉语介词短语自动识别研究

84、Different initial length of muscle caused by diff erent starting angle in varied range isokinetic testing is an important factor t hat influences muscle function as a prepositional effect. ─── 变幅等速测试中由于起始角不同造成的肌肉收缩初长度各异是影响肌肉功能的重要因素,是一种前置效应。

85、A prepositional phrase is added to tell where she sleeps. ─── 介词词组说她是在哪里休眠。

86、prepositional phrase ─── n. 介词短语

87、This paper deals with presentation of the active or passive voice in Eng-lish language in the meaning of some intranstive verbs,adjectives,nouns and prepositional phrases. ─── 对英语中一些不及物动词、形容词、名词以及介词词组在语义上呈现语态这一语言现象,以及其表达特征进行探讨和阐述。

88、prepositional variable ─── 命题变量

89、Keywords Recreation;environmental impact assessment(EIA);prepositional approval procedure;site selection;pollution(control); ─── 娱乐休闲;环境影响评价;审批程序前置性;项目选址;污染防治;

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