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10-02 投稿


gilbert 发音

英:[?ɡ?lb?rt]  美:[?ɡ?lb?t]

英:  美:

gilbert 中文意思翻译



gilbert 短语词组

1、Gilbert Stuart ─── 吉伯特·斯图尔特

2、Gilbert circuit ─── [电] 吉尔伯特电路

3、Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier ─── [网络] 玛丽·约瑟夫·保罗·伊夫·罗奇·吉尔伯特·杜·马蒂尔(Gilbert du Motier)

4、Humphrey Gilbert ─── [网络] 吉尔伯特;汉弗莱·吉尔伯特

5、Gilbert Charles Stuart ─── [网络] 画家斯图尔特;名画家斯图尔特

6、Sir Humphrey Gilbert ─── [网络] 吉尔伯特爵士;汉弗雷·吉尔伯特爵士;吉柏特爵士

7、Gilbert's disease ─── [医] 吉耳伯氏病(家族非溶血性黄疸)

8、Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna Gilbert ─── [网络] 玛丽·多洛雷斯·伊丽莎·罗莎娜·吉尔伯特

9、George Gilbert Aime Murphy ─── [网络] 乔治吉尔伯特艾米·墨菲

10、Gilbert code ─── [计] 吉尔伯特码

11、Gilbert and Ellice Islands ─── 吉尔伯特和埃利斯群岛[西太平洋]

12、Gilbert Murray ─── [网络] 吉尔伯特·默里

13、Gilbert and Sullivan ─── [网络] 吉尔伯特和沙利文

14、Cass Gilbert ─── [网络] 吉尔伯特;卡斯·吉尔伯特;吉尔柏特

15、Gilbert's sign ─── [医] 吉耳伯氏征(肝硬变时,饥饿时的尿量较饭后为多)

16、Gilbert per contimeter ─── [电] 每公分吉尔伯特数

17、Gilbert Islands ─── 吉尔伯特群岛

18、Gilbert Keith Chesterton n. ─── 吉尔伯特·凯特·齐斯特顿

19、Gilbert's method ─── [医] 吉耳伯氏法, 自体血清疗法

gilbert 相似词语短语

1、filberts ─── n.榛子;榛树;n.(Filbert)人名;(德、坦桑)菲尔贝特;(英)菲尔伯特

2、Colbert ─── n.科尔伯特(人名);科尔伯特(地名,在美国)

3、gilberts ─── n.吉伯(磁通量的单位)

4、filbert ─── n.榛子;榛树;n.(Filbert)人名;(德、坦桑)菲尔贝特;(英)菲尔伯特

5、Delbert ─── n.德尔伯特(人名)

6、Albert ─── n.艾伯特(男子名)

7、Wilbert ─── 威尔伯特(姓氏)

8、Hilbert ─── n.希尔伯特

9、Gilbert ─── n.吉尔伯特(男子名)

gilbert 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Where did you go last Saturday, Gilbert? ─── 吉尔伯特,上个星期六你去哪去了?

2、Bliss, Arline Burgemeier, Patricia H.Fulbright, Gilbert, Neufeld, Richmond. ─── 作者所著图书 Interface 作者 Patricia T.

3、Gilbert bristled and chilled. ─── 吉尔伯特有些反感,心里发惊。

4、The report by G. K. Gilbert on the geomorphology and structure of the Henry Mountains of southeastern Utah is a classic of geological literature. ─── 吉尔伯特关于犹他州东南部的享利山的地貌和构造的报告是一篇杰出的地质文献。

5、I'm Mr. John Gilbert. ─── “我就是约翰?吉尔伯特先生。”

6、You marriage was washed up long before Gilbert left; you should never have married him. ─── 你们的婚姻关系早在吉尔伯特离开前就结束了;你原来不应该嫁给他的。

7、Now Searches:[ commercial frosted cheerios vhs gilbert gottfried xu fei!!!yi shu wai) hai tv star xu fei!!! ─── yi shu wai) hai fei hearts 仇恨入心要发芽 仁甫 爆杆宾果王 vhs mistress worship xu fei!!!

8、Dr Gilbert Oh on the contrary. Now, how about sport? You play any games, don't you? ─── 哦,正相反。那么,在运动方面怎么样?你参加比赛,对吗?

9、Greta Garbo gives a luminous performance in this lavish costume drama, starring with her one-time off-screen fiance John Gilbert and directed by Rouben Mamoulian. ─── 两人结交成好友之后,女王才表明真正身份,二人以情侣关系共渡两天缠绵时光。

10、"My dear Middleton," - Gilbert affected the use of surnames even for his most intimate friends,- "don't, for heaven's sake, be the prize ass of all time. ─── "我亲爱的米德尔顿先生,"-吉尔伯特即便是对最要好的朋友也老爱用姓来称呼-"看在老天的份上,别一直做天下头号大傻瓜了。

11、Gilbert's selection comes after a string of impressive performances for Arsenal's first team last month. ─── 吉尔伯特由于上个月在阿森纳一线队中的出色表现而入选。

12、For my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one. ─── 就我而言,我不知道吉尔伯特是否一位伟大的指挥家,甚至是否一位优秀的指挥家。

13、Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb. ─── 吉尔伯特发现了电,但爱迪生发明了电灯。

14、Gilbert Arenas pulled out another late victory. ─── 吉尔伯特赛区另一后拔出胜利。

15、Enormous obstacles block Gilbert's picture of RNA forming in a nonliving nucleotide soup. ─── 吉尔伯特描绘RNA从无生命的核苷酸汤中形成的景象,有著巨大的障碍。

16、Gilbert was born at 11: 58 on Monday November 18th 1986. ─── 吉尔伯特生于1986年11月18日星期一11点58分。

17、It was rough for some, but by senior year, two-thirds have moved up to physics," says Gilbert. ─── 对一些人来说这很艰难,但是到了大四的时候,升级的三分之二学生选择了物理专业。”吉尔伯特说。

18、In addition, we designed a quadrature Gilbert mixer to construct a mult-band mult-standard RF receiver frond end (FE). ─── 另外,本文还设计实现了一个正交Gilbert 混频器, 与宽带低噪声放大器一起构成一个多频带、多标准射频接收前端。

19、Gilbert: We're going to play football this afternoon. Would you like to join us? ─── 下午我们一起去踢足球,你想加入我们的比赛吗?

20、Gilbert's skill as a writer dovetailed Sullivan's talent as a composer ,resulting in the famous Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. ─── 吉尔波的写作技巧配合沙利文的作曲才能,创作出了著名的捷尔波和沙利文轻歌剧。

21、Gilbert persisted, anxious and determined because of his innate opposition to Clyde to keep him there if possible. ─── 吉尔伯特坚持自己的看法,态度又急躁又坚决。因为他心底里对克莱德反感,只要能做到,就想把他留在那里。

22、The painting of George Washington is by Gilbert Stuart. ─── 乔治华盛顿的画像是吉尔伯特斯图亚特做的。

23、With his two sidekicks Caron Butler and Gilbert missing a significant amount of games, Jamison was still able to hold down the fort. ─── 即使他的两位伙伴—巴特勒和阿里纳斯缺席很多场比赛,贾米森依然能够带领球队前进。

24、But she did look at Gilbert when they arrived at school. He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile. ─── 但当她们到达学校的时候,安妮还是打量了吉尔伯特一下。他是个长着鬈曲的棕色头发的高个男孩,脸上挂着友善的微笑。

25、Gilbert's skill as a writer dovetailed Sullivan's talent as a composer, resulting in the famous Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. ─── 吉尔伯特的写作技巧配合沙利文的作曲才能,创作出了著名的吉尔伯特和沙利文轻歌剧。

26、Daniel Gilbert is professor of psychology, Harvard University. ─── 丹尼尔吉尔伯特是哈佛大学的心理学教授。

27、You ought to do as Gilbert tells you. ─── 你应该按照吉尔伯特告诉你的去做。

28、Mary Anne Gilbert revived her sister Alice on Thursday while their mother tried to telephone a doctor and the police for help. ─── 周四,在她们的母亲试图打电话向医生与警察求救时,玛利.安.吉尔伯特使妹妹爱丽丝再生。

29、Ralph Dalzell and Gilbert Townsend. ─── 书名 :Masonry simplified /by J.

30、Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electriclight bulb. ─── 伯特发现了电,爱迪生发明了电灯。

31、There his cousin, Gilbert, resented this cousin from the Middle West. ─── 但表兄基尔伯特对这位来自中西部的表弟很不满。

32、All the children were pleased to see her again, but she did not speak to Gilbert Blythe. ─── 所有的学生再见到她都很高兴,但是安妮还是没有再跟吉尔伯特·布莱思说过一句话。

33、Dr Gilbert An outdoor girl, from the sound of it. ─── 听起来,你是一个喜爱户外活动的姑娘。

34、Warren, Gilbert G. ─── 任修本

35、He and his brother Gilbert rented a farm, but their farming efforts proved a failure. ─── 他和弟弟吉尔伯特租种了一块土地,他们努力耕作但却没有获得任何收获。

36、Gilbert went there by motorcycle. ─── 吉尔伯特乘摩托车去的那儿。

37、Mr. Gilbert's heir inherited the house and a large sum of money. ─── 吉伯特先生的继承人继承了房子和一大笔钱。

38、The use of Gilbert's method sharpens our field observations. ─── 吉尔伯特方法的应用使我们的观测结果更具有说服力。

39、She befriends introverted Sylvie (Sara Gilbert) and seduces her way into the lives of Sylvie's wealthy family. ─── 在好奇心驱使下,她决定跟蔓藤成为好友。

40、Gilbert speculates that the reason for this increase of transport rate is the reduction of friction losses by the presence of fine suspended material in the flow. ─── 吉尔勃特认为输沙率增加的理由,是水流中存在的细悬移泥沙将减少阻力损失。

41、Ladd Greeno, Gilbert S.Hedstrom, Maryanne DiBerto. ─── 书名 :Environmental auditing :fundamentals and techniques /J.

42、Gilbert is employed to check out groceries in a supermarket, and his sister Ellen to check out cleaned suits in a dry cleaning establishment. ─── 吉尔伯特受雇在一家超级市场为杂货计价收款,他的妹妹埃伦在一家干洗店里为洗好的服装计价收款。

43、In the Lewis electron theory (see acid-base theory), advanced by Gilbert N.Lewis in 1923, nucleophiles are by definition Lewis bases. ─── 在1923年由路易斯提出的电子理论中(参阅acid-base theory),亲核试剂是由路易斯定义的。

44、Gilbert, as a famous drummer, have done many studio recordings in Mauritius, France and China with local and international artists. ─── 作为打击乐大师,吉尔伯特曾分别与来自毛里求斯、法国和中国的艺术家们合作录音。

45、In the documentary of extended DVD version, editor John Gilbert says that there was a car in the background, but they thought no-one would notice it. ─── 不过剧场版的电影里面有没有汽车却没有得到澄清,毕竟DVD是经过电脑再处理的。

46、Gilbert's half brother Sir Walter Raleigh continuted in his work. ─── 吉尔伯特同母异父的弟弟沃尔特?雷利继承了他的事业。

47、And yet, that's not to say that what kids see on TV or on the Internet doesn't affect them, Gilbert said. ─── 盖博特又说到但那并不表明青少年在电视和网络上看到的内容没有多他们造成影响。

48、Dozens of tornadoes produced by Gilbert spread through Texas, ripping off roofs and overturning vehicles. ─── 吉尔伯特形成的许多龙卷风穿越了得克萨斯州,把屋顶掀起,使车辆翻了个底朝天。

49、'Do you know, 'she said, 'that Gilbert isn't going to be the Avonlea teacher now? ─── “你们知道吗,”她说,“吉尔伯特现在不想当埃文利村的教师了?”

50、In 2006, Gilbert said, Kathy's body was exhumed in search of further clues, but authorities were unable to obtain forensics from the remains. ─── 在2006年,她的尸体被挖掘出来,以期找到新的线索,但是当局没能从残尸中找到证据。

51、Gilbert F (1997). "Disease genes and chromosomes: disease maps of the human genome. Chromosome 19". Genet Test 1 (2): 145-9. PMID 10464639. ─── 19号染色体(人类)是一个相关于遗传学的小作品。你可以经由扩充其内容。

52、But those concerns could fade away in his new role as the backup to Gilbert Arenas and Mike Miller in Washington's backcourt. ─── 但是来到华盛顿,后场有著大将军阿里纳斯和迈克-米勒,弗耶将会担任一个新的角色,他的这些忧虑都会慢慢消失。

53、Boswell with Gilbert Paul Carrasco. ─── 作者声明: Richard A.

54、Carter, Gilbert Arenas and Wade are in the past of the All-Star team, but they have suffered injuries. ─── 卡特、阿里纳斯和韦德在过去纪念都是全明星队员,但是他们都遭遇了伤病。

55、Hurricane Gilbert is the strongest recorded hurricane in the Western Hemisphere (based on barometric pressure). ─── 主后1988年,飓风吉尔伯特是西半球有记录的最强的飓风。

56、He asked if Mr Gilbert' s operation had been successful. ─── 他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功。

57、You ought do as Gilbert tells you . ─── 你应该按着吉伯特告诉你的那样去做。

58、Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb. ─── 吉尔伯特发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯泡。

59、Anderson Gilbert M. ─── 吉尔伯特·M·安德森

60、Oh , my dear gilbert , what nonsense you talk ! ─── 哎呀,亲爱的吉尔伯特,你少说废话把!

61、Public opinion still seems to be behind Gilbert Bates at this time, though, much to Mr.Appleby's consternation. ─── 公众舆论目前似乎仍倾向贝茨先生一边,但埃珀拜先生披露的内幕无疑是令人震惊的。

62、Laxman Kapur Bawre Nain, Download Bawre Nain movie, Akhtar Mirza Bawre Nain.Paul Quarrington Camilla, movie Camilla, Ronald Gilbert Camilla. ─── Jos茅 Mar铆a Lara Blanca o la luna, Download Blanca o la luna, Julia Juaniz Blanca o la luna.

63、The main purpose of proposed mixer is to demonstrate lower voltage application with higher conversion gain and linearity, based on the traditional Gilbert mixer prototype. ─── 在本论文中,我们的主要工作是在吉尔伯特混频器(Gilbert Cell Mixer)的原型上,设计了一种可以工作在低电压下具有优良性能的新型混频器。

64、Gilbert discovered electricity, while Edison invented the light bulb. ─── 吉尔伯特发现了电,而爱迪生发明了灯炮。

65、Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. ─── gilbert 先生说,他要询问一个病人,一位名叫 John gilbert 的先生。

66、This year, after leaving Gilbert, Murai has released the astonishing acceleration. ─── 今年,在离开吉尔伯特之后,穆雷释放了惊人的加速度。

67、Dr Gilbert Well, they are not compulsory here, so you have nothing to worry about. One last question. ─── 噢,这两种球在本校都不是必修的,所以你没有什么可担心的。最后一个问题

68、Annexed by Britain in 1889, they were joined to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands in 1937. ─── 1889年被英国占领,1937年归属吉柏特和埃利斯群岛(Gilbert and Ellice Islands)。

69、Then Dr Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient.' No,' the patient answered,' I am Mr John Gilbert. ─── 之后,米灵顿医生问打电话的人是否是病人的亲属。

70、"Washington is improved, and Gilbert Arenas is currently healthy, but can the Wizards improve last year's record by 23 games? ─── “华盛顿得到了增强,阿里纳斯最近也恢复健康了,但是奇才这个赛季能不能提升23个胜场?

71、Gilbert told BBC Five Live's Sportsweek programme: "If Andy is having to do all the running, then it's going to be a tough night for him. ─── “能够在罗迪克的主场战胜他,对我来说就像是美梦成真。”穆雷对于击败罗迪克一役记忆犹新。

72、Gilbert: This is a new kind of sport called paintball. ─── 吉伯特:大家好!人们会进行不同的体育运动。

73、Mr Gilbert said he was inquiring abutt a certain patient, a Mr John Gilbert. ─── Gilbert先生说,他要询问一个病人,一位名叫JohnGilbert的先生。

74、He asked if Mr Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. ─── 他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功,医生告诉他手术是成功的。

75、In 1952 a young English runner named Roger Gilbert Bannister found himself in the 1500m final. ─── 1952年,年轻的英国长跑选手罗杰.吉尔伯特.班尼斯特在1500米终点的时候发现了自我。

76、How many leftover shots will there be, however, after Gilbert Arenas, Antawn Jamison and Caron Butler have satisfied their own personal quotas? ─── 也有很多没有投出的球,不管怎么样,在巫师队中,米勒不是排在阿里纳斯和贾米森和卡隆巴特勒之后吗?

77、Ghost Ship is a stylish, effects-packed chiller from House on Haunted Hill and Thirteen Ghosts producers Joel Silver, Robert Zemeckis and Gilbert Adler. ─── 〈鬼船〉一齣别具鬼味和视觉效果的惊吓故事,它绝对可以把你吓至心惊胆破!

78、Gilbert proposed in 1600 that electrical effects arise from an electric fluid. ─── 1600年,吉伯提出,电效应起因于一种电的流质。

79、He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. ─── 他又问什么时候吉尔伯特先生能允许回家,医生告诉他说他得在医院里再呆两周。

80、Akhtar Mirza Bawre Nain, movie Bawre Nain, Pesi Patel Bawre Nain.James Farr Camilla, movie Camilla, Ronald Gilbert Camilla. ─── Jos茅 Mar铆a Lara Blanca o la luna, Blanca o la luna, Joseba Apaolaza Blanca o la luna.

81、Gilbert Arenas finished it with a baseline jam. ─── 吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯以底线灌篮完成了这次进攻。

82、Gilbert once gave warning that "Things are seldom what they seem/Skim milk masquerades as cream. ─── 吉尔伯特曾警告说:“如同脱脂乳看似奶油而实质不同,事物很少表里一致。”

83、Currently we present Gilbert CATV connectors, Ripley Cablematic tools and Trilithic test equipment for the territory of Mainland China, with some kind of exclusively. ─── 专业从事美制先进有线电视器材及仪器设备的代理工作。

84、Well, you remember Gilbert Cannan, don't you? ─── |你记得吉伯坎宁吧?

85、He asked if Mr. Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. ─── 他问吉尔伯特先生的手术中否成功,医生告诉他手术很成功。

86、Gilbert broke the world record for pull-ups in 1900. ─── 吉尔伯特在1900年打破了举重世界纪录。

87、An island country on the Tuvalu islands,formerly part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands until it withdrew in 1075 and became independent in 1978. ─── 位于图瓦卢群岛上的一个岛国,以前该群岛成为去尔伯特和埃利斯群岛殖民地的一部分,年获得独立。

88、But she has written Gilbert asking if she may come for a few weeks . . . and you know how the doctor is about such things. ─── 安妮坦白地说,但她给吉尔伯特写了封信,问他她是否可以过来住几个星期,你也知道医生对这种事都会怎么反应了。

89、"When my assistant first told me I thought, 'Oh God', I wouldn't like my husband to see me bidding for a divorce," Gilbert told reporters. ─── “当助手刚告诉我这件事情时,我想:‘噢,天啊








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