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10-02 投稿


mottling 发音

英:[?mɑ?tl??]  美:[?m?tl??]

英:  美:

mottling 中文意思翻译




mottling 词性/词形变化,mottling变形

动词过去分词: mottled |动词现在分词: mottling |动词第三人称单数: mottles |动词过去式: mottled |名词: mottler |

mottling 短语词组

1、mottling of teeth ─── [医] 斑牙

2、mottling score ─── 斑驳分数

3、chromosome mottling ─── 染色体斑

4、diffraction mottling ─── 衍射斑纹

mottling 相似词语短语

1、buttling ─── vi.做男管家,做仆役长;n.(Buttle)人名;(英)巴特尔

2、guttling ─── vt.贪婪大嚼,狼吞虎咽

3、footling ─── adj.无价值的;无能的;无足轻重的;愚昧的;v.做笨事;浪费时间(footle的ing形式)

4、ettling ─── n.尾矿;废矿石;n.(Ettle)人名;(德)埃特勒

5、bottling ─── v.把(液体)装入瓶中;把(水果或蔬菜等)装瓶储存;将(液化气)装瓶;(非正式)用玻璃瓶砸(bottle的现在分词);n.瓶装饮料(尤其是酒)

6、mortling ─── 死羊毛

7、battling ─── v.作战;斗争(battle的现在分词)

8、fettling ─── n.补炉材料,涂炉床材料

9、goatling ─── n.小山羊(尤指一到两岁的母山羊)

mottling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Statin has the splendid impact not only in adjusting fat, but also in improving blood vessel bast function and the stable mottling, the suppression blood plate... ─── 他汀类药物不但具有出色的调脂作用,而且还有改善血管内皮功能和稳定斑块、抑制血小板聚集与抗血栓、抗炎等非调脂作用。本文综述了他汀类药物目前临床应用的进展。

2、Many evidence indicated that his sandbank class medicine besides adjusts the fat also to be able the anti-SARS, the stable mottling, can protect the blood vessel well. ─── 很多证据表明,他汀类药物除调脂外还能抗炎、稳定斑块,能很好地保护血管。

3、He loved the mottling of the bruises he'd left on her skin. ─── 他爱着他在她皮肤上留下的斑纹似的瘀伤。

4、Solitarily, I tread with the mottling tree shadow relishing the after-rain moistening air, fresh and refreshing, putting all my daytime anxiety to the wind. ─── 踩着路灯下斑驳的树影,我默默的独行,喜欢雨后湿润的空气带给人的这种清新舒适的感觉,让我拂去白日的浮躁,心思 沉静,在沉静中品味着自己的孤独。

5、Normal individuals will cool the skin and may experience some skin mottling on cold exposure. ─── 正常人遇冷后,皮肤将发凉,可有一些皮肤呈斑点状。

6、According to colour of seed coat mottling and relativeflavonoids, two types of mottling can be distingaished by with and without anthocyanidin. ─── 按种粒斑驳的颜色和相关的黄酮类化合物分类,斑驳可以分为有或无花色素苷两个类型。

7、It showed that there might be somerelationship between degree of virus disease and mottling ratio. ─── 这说明病毒病的发生与褐斑率的高低可能有某种程度的关联。

8、Complete neutralization,paste fatliquoring and short float dying were applied to eliminate mottling and color difference,which also make the whole piece of leather much softer. ─── 为使整张革柔软,采取中和全透、糊状加脂方法,结合染色少液法促使染色革切口透心,也消除了色花、色差的质量问题;

9、Vetch yellow mottling virus ─── 巢菜黄斑点病毒

10、Results The most cases of pulmonary tuberculosis had smooth edge,high density,mottling calcification and communication with bronchia. ─── 结果肺结核病灶边缘多数光滑,密度普遍较高,可见斑点状钙化灶,可见引流支气管影像;

11、CT image showed acute hemorrhage and MRI showed mottling hemorrhage in various stage,its signal can persist in months. ─── 而MRI可显示不同时期及斑点状出血,出血信号可持续数月。

12、Double white large star/bright red mottling. ─── 重瓣大朵星型花,白色底,明亮红色晕染。

13、The funduscopic examination showed diffuse mottling of the retinal pigmented epithelium. ─── 眼底镜检显示视网膜色素上皮斑驳化。

14、Blotchy interveinal yellow-green mottling and marginal yellowing of expanded leaflets; irregular brown necrotic patches; wavy margins and down-curved leaf tips. ─── 矮生菜豆缺锌:带泡的脉间形成黄绿色斑纹,展开的小叶边缘黄化及不规则的褐色坏死斑点,波浪形边缘,叶尖向下卷曲.

15、This Tiger I of “Das Reich” is dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling. ─── 这辆帝国师的虎式坦克在深黄的底漆上涂有红综合橄榄绿色的条纹迷彩。

16、The CT manifestations of spinal tuberculosis were: mottling, patchy, caved or faveolate bone destructions. ─── 脊柱结核的 CT 表现为:斑片、斑点状、洞穴状或蜂窝状骨质破坏。

17、mottling of rice plants ─── 稻条斑

18、chromospheric mottling ─── 色球日芒

19、Citrus yellow shoot disease (citrus huanglongbing) leaves of Citrus maxima cv.Shatianyou collected from pommelo orchard in Meizhou, Guangdong Province, showed typical symptom of leaf mottling. ─── 摘要柑桔黄龙病可以侵染沙田柚而产生典型的‘斑驳’症状。

20、Semidouble white large star/dark blue shaded mottling. ─── 半重瓣白色大型星型花,深蓝色镶晕其中。

21、The seed coat mottling was different from normalseed coat on content and composition of flavonoids.The accumlation of flavonoids was relat-ed to soybean was infected by SMV. ─── 种粒斑驳中的黄酮类化合物在含量和组成上都可显著地区别于健株种皮,其积累与感染SMV相关。

22、congenital diffuse mottling of the skin ─── 先天性弥漫性皮肤色素斑

23、A mottling or streaking that resembles marble. ─── 一种类似于大理石纹的斑纹或条纹

24、mottling of soap ─── 使皂具有斑点

25、Genetic silver-leaf mottling ─── 遗传性银斑

26、However,more virus infection grade one plants handlower mottling seed ratio than grade three plants had. ─── 但在褐斑率低的品种中,一级病害的发生率明显多于三级;

27、Studies for GenicEffect of Resistancee to Seedcoat Mottling on Soybean ─── 大豆抗种粒斑驳基因效应的研究

28、idiopathic mottling ─── 特发性斑牙

29、The results showed that:The correlation coefficient between grade of virus disease and mottling ratio of seeds aws 0.1869 below the significant level. ─── 结果表明:大豆花叶病发病程度与籽粒褐斑粒率的相关系数为0.1869,未达到显著水平。

30、Profuse necrotic speckling of some leaves with chlorosis ranging form total yellow with deep green major veins to diffuse interveinal mottling. ─── 矮种菜豆缺镁:一些有大量坏死斑点叶片,深绿色主脉全部变色,黄化,并和脉间色斑慢慢混合。

31、It showed that there might be somerelationship between degree of virus disease and mottling ratio. ─── 这说明病毒病的发生与褐斑率的高低可能有某种程度的关联。

32、He studied waters from five areas where mottling was endemic ─── 他研究有地方性牙病的五个地区的水。

33、mottling of teeth ─── [医] 斑牙

34、Results The most cases of pulmonary tuberculosis had smooth edge, high density, mottling calcification and communication with bronchia. ─── 结果肺结核病灶边缘多数光滑,密度普遍较高,可见斑点状钙化灶,可见引流支气管影像;

35、Once factors and so on hypertension, diabetes, smoking cause the artery bast to suffer injury, in blood “bad” cholesterol on convergance collection in partial, forms atherosclerosis mottling. ─── 一旦高血压、糖尿病、吸烟等因素使动脉内皮受损,血液中的“坏”胆固醇就会聚集在局部,形成动脉粥样硬化斑块。

36、viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes; potatoes; tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves. ─── 茄属类植物的一种病毒性疾病导致其皱纹。

37、diffraction mottling ─── 衍射斑点

38、Sun Blotch is a viral disease that causes yellowed streaking of young stems, mottling and crinkling of new leaves and occasional deformation of the fruit. ─── 孙腐病是一种病毒性疾病,造成泛黄裸奔年轻茎,色斑和皱纹的新叶和偶尔变形果.

39、Semidouble white pansy/purple two-tone frilled edge, variable purple mottling. ─── 半重瓣堇型花,白色,深浅不一的紫色镶边,变异的深紫色晕染其中。

40、Some degree of mottling occurs in more than 50% of all eggs. The severity of mottling increases as eggs become stale. Discoloured yolks are rare. ─── 有些情况下色斑蛋会超过50%。后期随色斑蛋的变质,蛋黄颜色会逐渐变灰,但是褪色的情况很少发生。

41、an abnormal condition caused by excessive intake of fluorine,as from fluoridated drinking water,characterized chiefly by mottling of the teeth ─── 氟中毒,由于过量摄入氟而导致牙齿产生色斑的不正常状况,如饮用氟化的水

42、The hard, durable wood of such a tree, deep orange-red with black streaking or mottling, used for small specialty items such as knife handles. ─── 黄檀木这种树的坚硬耐用的木材,深橙红色间有黑色条纹或斑驳,用于小的特制品如刀把

43、chromosome mottling ─── 染色体斑纹

44、tablet mottling ─── 片剂的斑点

45、Administration:Afrer washing, apply this cream on the face or the skin with mottling, and then gently rub the face or skin until the cream is completely absorbed. ─── 使用方法:早晚洁面后,将本品擦于面部或皮肤色斑处,轻轻擦摩,直至完全吸收。

46、His self-indulgent lifestyle had left its mark with a characteristic mottling of his green skin. ─── 其自我放纵的生活方式在其绿色的皮肤上留下了特有的斑痕。

47、Generally the bodily both sides can appear, present the cream color mottling. ─── 一般身体两侧都会出现,呈现乳白色斑块。

48、pressure mottling resistance ─── 抗压痕性

49、The size of the brain lesions was varied, the appearances were punctiform, mottling, patching, ellipse and so on. ─── 病灶大小不一,形态可为斑片状、斑点状、圆形、类圆形。

50、Crawling: Contraction to ink paper when it has not penetrated the surface .A cause for mottling. ─── 墨蠕动:油墨末渗入纸内前的收缩情况。是引起斑的原因。

51、Yuuzhan Vong skin is a mottling of scarring and sweeping tattoos, and those of lofty elevation even graft creature or bioengineered body parts onto themselves. ─── 遇战疯人的皮肤布满了伤痕和蜿蜒的纹身,而地位显赫者甚至把其他生物或由生物工程改造的肢体嫁接到自己身上。

52、Hemorrhagic infarcts of forehead and parietal lobe were fanlike or irregular and low density area with mottling high density. ─── 出血性梗塞多位于额、顶叶,表现为扇形或不规则低密度区内出现斑点状高密度,有明显占位表现。

53、Mud and snow kicked up, mottling our trousers as we sped on at an insanely giddy pace. ─── 泥雪被踢飞,溅在我们的裤子上,我们达到了一种令人晕眩的疯狂速度。

54、clear even texture without mottling or veins is also preferred. ─── 纹理清晰,甚至无脉或色斑也是首选。

55、mottling lustre of coal ─── 煤的斑点闪光

56、Standard Test Method for Pressure Mottling and Blocking Resistance of Organic Coatings on Metal Substrates ─── 金属基材表面有机涂层耐压力斑迹和粘结性试验方法

57、luster mottling ─── 斑驳光泽

58、The hard,durable wood of such a tree,deep orange-red with black streaking or mottling,used for small specialty items such as knife handles. ─── 黄檀木这种树的坚硬耐用的木材,深橙红色间有黑色条纹或斑驳,用于小的特制品如刀把。

59、Semidouble white star/medium blue mottling. ─── 半重瓣星型花,白色底,有中蓝色分布。

60、In web offset production, ink scuffing and rubbing, buckling, blistering, cracking and picking/build-up fill the middle of the complaint curve, while mottling and dusting are at the bottom. ─── 在轮转胶印生产,油墨的划伤和摩擦,屈曲,起泡,开裂和选择/建立填补中间的投诉曲线,而斑驳和除尘是在底部。

61、Dock mottling mosaic potyvirus ─── 酸模斑点花叶马铃薯Y病毒

62、iron mottling ─── 铁锈斑

63、mottling zone ─── 土壤斑驳层

64、Entered the same resturant and sat beside, or sat under the same shade, enjoying the shining mottling? ─── 在同一个餐馆出入,坐的是临桌?坐在同一片小树林下,感受阳光闪烁的斑影?

65、Application:chloasma、butterfly mottling、pigmentation,solar dermatitis, and warts of the middle-and old-aged. ─── 适用范围:黄褐斑、蝴蝶斑、色素沉着,日光性皮炎等。

66、Keywords paper dyeing problem;coloured backwaters;two-sidedness;metamerism;Unlevelness(mottling;colour spot);paper bleedfastness;possible cause and cures; ─── 纸张染色问题;两面性;配色;不均匀性;因原和消除;

67、Some degree of mottling occurs in more than 50% of all eggs. ─── 有些情况下色斑蛋会超过50%。

68、Keywords Carotid artery;Gruel type hardening;Mottling formation;Colored Doppler supersonic inspection; ─── 颈动脉;粥样硬化;斑块形成;彩色多普勒超声检查;

69、Grows up unceasingly along with the mottling, the artery changes gradually narrow is even blocked, will cause the corresponding internal organs ischemia to have a series of diseases. ─── 随着斑块不断长大,动脉逐渐变狭窄甚至被阻塞,就会引起相应脏器缺血而发生一系列疾病。

70、seed mottling ─── 种子斑纹

71、Mottling of enamel ─── 斑釉

72、These dogs usually have the paler face markings over the muzzle, on the cheeks, above the eyes and with cream mottling in the ears. ─── 这些犬通常脸部有分界线,覆盖包括口鼻,在脸颊上,眼睛上部和耳朵都有奶油色的斑纹。

73、Bright yellow interveinal chlorosis of older leaves followed by red mottling, and often purple tinting in many brassicas. ─── 缺镁的椰菜叶片:老叶脉间黄化,随后出现红色斑点,在许多芸苔中常转变成紫色.

74、These dogs usually have the paler face markings over the muzzle, on the cheeks, above the eyes and with cream mottling in the ears. ─── 这些犬通常脸部有分界线,覆盖包括口鼻,在脸颊上,眼睛上部和耳朵都有奶油色的斑纹。

75、Piper betel mottling and vein clearing virus ─── 蒟酱斑点及脉明病毒

76、An abnormal condition caused by excessive intake of fluorine, as from fluoridated drinking water, characterized chiefly by mottling of the teeth. ─── 氟中毒由于过量摄入氟而导致牙齿产生色斑的不正常状况,如饮用氟化的水

77、dental mottling ─── 斑釉症

78、The funduscopic examination showed diffuse mottling of the retinal pigmented epithelium. ─── 眼底镜检显示视网膜色素上皮斑驳化。

79、It applies to iron mottling and stain on acid-resistant natural granite, artifical stone, tile and plastic.It removes rust, stain and oil stain on the surface quickly and conveniently. ─── 用于耐酸性的天然花岗岩、人造石、瓷砖上的铁渍、污渍,快速简便地去除铁锈、污渍和表面油污。

80、Chest radiography showed mottling in 105 cases (53.57%),interstitial lung lesions in 35 cases (17.86%), and large plaque-like shadows in 46 cases (11.73%). ─── 多数肺部可闻及湿啰音,两肺呈斑片状阴影105例(53.57%),呈间质性损害35例(17.86%),大片状阴影23例(11.73%)。

81、radial-type mottling ─── 放射性斑纹

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