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10-02 投稿


mewed 发音

英:[mju?d]  美:[mju?d]

英:  美:

mewed 中文意思翻译






mewed 词性/词形变化,mewed变形

动词过去分词: mewed |动词过去式: mewed |动词现在分词: mewing |动词第三人称单数: mews |

mewed 相似词语短语

1、meted ─── vt.给予;分配;测量;n.边界;测量;n.(Mete)人名;(意、土、乍、中非)梅特

2、hewed ─── v.砍;劈;砍倒;砍成(某物或某种形状);遵从,坚持;n.(Hew)(美、英、马来)休(人名)

3、mered ─── abbr.最低能量要求(MinimumEnergyRequirements);最大有效生产率(MaximumEfficientRateofProduction);测量工程报告(MeasurementEngineeringReport);n.(Mer)人名;(英、法)梅尔

4、dewed ─── n.珠,滴;露水;清新;vt.(露水等)弄湿;vi.结露水;n.(Dew)人名;(德)德夫;(英)迪尤

5、meowed ─── v.猫叫;n.猫叫声;n.(Meow)(俄、美、马、印、新)米奥(人名)

6、meed ─── n.奖赏;报酬

7、mowed ─── v.(用机器等)刈草,割草(mow的过去式和过去分词)

8、mewled ─── v.呜咽,啜泣;(尤指婴儿)哭泣;(猫,鸟)喵喵叫,咪咪叫;n.呜咽

9、rewed ─── n.报酬;效益;结果;vt.报答;奖赏;n.(Rew)人名;(朝)柳;(英)鲁

mewed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Occupy additionally divulge, platform of sale of search of Baidu new generation " phoenix mew " already also entered test phase at present, and obtained good client feedback. ─── 另据透露,百度新一代搜索营销平台“凤巢”目前也已进入了测试阶段,而且取得了不错的客户反馈。

2、While he unwrapped the kidney the cat mewed hungrily against him ─── 当他打开那包腰子时,猫儿贪馋地朝他喵喵叫起来。

3、This experience good education help me to get adapted to the mew wking environments. ─── 其他要求:希望能够获得足够的福利要求和培训要求。

4、Tinkles: Mew, mew. How many dogs does it take to overthrow mankind? Just one stupid puppy. ─── 丁克斯:好,好!用多少只狗才能摧毁人类呢?只要一只小笨狗就可以了。

5、I hope the Mew Year will bring you and your family every happiness, good health and continued success. ─── 愿新的一年给你和你的家人带来幸福、康和如意!

6、option a brush type named Chalk and start applying it on a new layer ( Layer ?Mew Layer), selecting a darker color that we'll use on the whole background. ─── 在选择笔刷工具,用里面的大涂抹碳笔,在图片中对人物以外的区域进行涂抹,颜色用深一些的颜色,用以降低色差:

7、Their mew car is a domestic make. ─── 他们的新车是国产的。

8、Mew management of distinctive industry in Sanming ─── 三明烟区特色产业新举措

9、Mew: Oh! You call me Master? You give fat promotion to whisker dude! ─── 哦!你叫我师傅?比起大胡子,你给我晋升真的够“肥”的。

10、"Deep?" mewed the cat. "Does that mean what I think it does? We cannot go there!" ─── “很深?”猫喵喵叫着:“意思是我认为的那么深?我们不能去那儿!”

11、The development and application of mew medical technology should be cost-effective,suitable to China's realities and withpeople at the center. ─── 发展应用高新医疗技术要适合国情、"省钱",要"以人为本"。

12、mew to ─── 对; 不熟悉 ... 的

13、You'd better get up and take a walk in the garden. It's better than lying mewed up all day in this stuffy sickroom. ─── 你最好还是起来到花园里去散散步。这比整天把自己关起来躺在空气混浊的病房里要好些。

14、How do you like the mew style any of the girls wear this season ? ─── 您看现在有此姑娘们做的新发型怎么样?

15、What do you think of our mew wallpaper? ─── 你觉得我们的新墙纸怎么样?

16、If master the spend match colors method of very tonal contrast, no matter use,believe you which kind of, the love mew that can let you gives prize. ─── 假如把握好色调的对比的度的配色方法,相信您无论使用哪一种,都能让您的爱巢出彩儿。

17、mew at ─── 对

18、in love ,people rise like the morning sun ,when heart full of soft love ,the world opens like flowers ,it is the time to revive mew and bright . ─── 当人爱着的时候,爱使人朝阳般升起,温柔的恋情满怀的时候,便是世界如花朵般开放的时候,便是自己簇新簇亮复活和新生的时候。

19、General Chinese speaks of ocean, the figure such as the offing that calms namely, soft beach, lovely small fish and beautiful mew, very accord with a Chinese to gift deep-sea culture breath. ─── 一般中国人谈到海洋,就是平静的海面、柔软的沙滩、可爱的小鱼与漂亮的海鸥等形象,很符合中国人赋予海洋的文化气息。

20、Our determination to stay abreast of the mew technologies and to include new liqueurs and designs in our product range that makes us different. ─── 公司及时了解新技术,在产品中加入新型的烈酒和设计,使之别具一格。

21、The mew guarding against and disposing methods to U-shape bridge platform crack ─── 圬工U形桥合裂缝预防及处理的新方法

22、They will set up a mew training centre. ─── 他们要建一个培训中心。

23、sea mew ─── n. 海鸥(特指欧洲海鸥)

24、From somewhere, the kitten mewed. ─── 从某个地方,这只小猫喵喵地叫着。

25、The municipal government budgeted $ 1000000 for building a mew school ─── 市政府计划花100万美元建一所新学校。

26、WACA Member Meeting for mew Council ─── 世华建协会员大会

27、Female anger not language, male booth advocate say again: Your mew is very white! ─── 女怒不语,男摊主又说:你的咪咪好白呀!

28、The Mew Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge ─── 宗教知识百科全书


30、When he touched the cat, it arched and mewed. ─── 他碰了一碰那只猫,它蜷起身子,喵喵叫了起来。

31、The Practice of and the Reflections on the Training of Teachers Who Are to Teach Teaching he Mew Courses of Basic Education ─── 基础教育新课程教师培训的实践与思考

32、We will keep pace with the times and constantly launch mew products to repay the trust of the society with our sincerity and passion. ─── 一份耕耘一份收获,我们不骄不躁,将继续用我们的真诚和热情去回报社会对我们的信任,紧贴潮流脉搏,不断推陈出新。

33、Will you please help me fit a mew door? ─── 你能帮我装个新门吗?

34、I will, and know her mind early to-morrow; to-night she is mew'd up to her heaviness. ─── 好,我明天一早就去探听她的意思;今夜她已经怀着满腔的悲哀关上门睡了。

35、Mew: What matter? Your face go red, Musashi! ─── 怎么啦?武藏,你的脸这么红!

36、Research of interoperable models based on mew tree structure formed by CA inverse tracing-back ─── 基于CA逆向上溯形成新树结构的互操作模型研究

37、Though the winner despairs sometimes,he gains mew life through struggle instead of end pain in the way of destroying himself. ─── 强者也不是没有失望,只是他不会以灭毁自己来结束痛苦,而是在挣扎中获得新生!

38、Mew: You make good master someday! ─── 你以后肯定会成为优秀的师范!

39、The Change of Role for History Teachers in the Mew Syllabus ─── 关注新课程中历史教师角色的转变

40、The significance of a remark in the listener's mind is often like a strange cat, which enters the room without making a sound.You don't notice its presence until it gives a "mew." ─── 一句话的意义,在听者心里,常像一只陌生的猫到屋里来,声息全无,过一会儿“喵”一叫,你才发觉它的存在。

41、wave Mew ─── v. (挥手)示意, 致意

42、Marvelous, lance from usa had clock 10 second to set a mew 100-meter world record. ─── 好极了,美国的兰斯用10秒的成绩刷新了100米世界纪录。

43、Historian needs to constantly bring forth mew ideas in his research and discussing historical issues in the whole world. ─── 先生研究历史的眼光是开阔的,他总是从世界范围内认识历史学问题。

44、In this way they built the first 12000-kw turbo-generator of the mew type. ─── 他们就样制成了第一新型的一万二千瓦涡轮发电机。

45、Hou Bai is pointing to house bridge path: "You look, swallow mew is not back housetop, abdomen sticks house bridge, the mouth if cup that kind big? ─── 侯白指著屋梁道:“你们看,燕巢不正是背靠屋顶,肚贴屋梁,口如杯子那般大吗?”

46、LL: You can't think this way. You have good job prospects, you have great parents, and you just got a mew car! ─── 好工作、好家庭、还有新车。这些对我来说都不重要,我的心情糟透了。

47、Master Mew laughs a little. After that, Musashi proceeds to the Inventions and inside. ─── Mew师傅笑了笑。之后武藏去到发明屋。

48、When Cathy got her college diploma, many mew jobs opened up. ─── 凯茜获得大学文凭后,许多工作可供她选择。

49、Qing zhu as a critic of Mew Masie ─── 作为新音乐批评家的青主

50、The steel-plastic laminated pipe is a mew kind of laminated material made from the most advanced process technique ,technology,in the world . ─── 不锈钢塑料复合管是利用当今最先进的生产工艺、技术生产的一种高科技新型复合材。

51、Mew Lease on Love ─── 恋恋穹苍

52、Be in this moment, a sister-in-law that crouchs opposite to wash the dress raises a head to mewed they are one: "What! ─── 就在这个时候,蹲在对面洗衣服的一个大嫂抬起头来喵了他们一眼:“什么!!

53、I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of Mew York's families. ─── 今晚我发誓,我将跨越两党的界限为全纽约州的所有家体创造繁荣与进步。

54、It lies on the ground and cries, 'Mew, mew!' ─── 它躺在地上大叫着:‘喵,喵!’

55、You have to stand over the mew man until he learns the routine. ─── 你必须多多关照那个新来的人,直到他学会日常工作为止。

56、He's been called the mew genius of British opera. ─── 他正被人们称作英国歌剧的新天才。

57、You'd better get up and take a walk in the garden. It's better than lying mewed up all day in this stuffy sickroom. ─── 你最好还是起来到花园里去散散步。这比整天把自己关起来躺在空气混浊的病房里要好些。

58、The Order Finite State Machine is mew model for electric circuit describe, We can do combinational equivalence checking convenience and quickly by this model. ─── 它是一种电路描述的新的模型,通过这种新模型可以对组合电路的等价性检验进行方便、高效的验证。

59、But it did. The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew. ─── 可是事与愿违,那猫却走近体大腰圆的灰熊,冲它"喵呜","喵呜"地叫着。

60、second: at the end of the movie Mew cried, in your opinion he was injuredly or happy? ─── 你认为MEW在电影的片尾那场哭戏,是开心的还是悲伤的呢?

61、May this Mew Year be one that brings many good things your way. ─── 愿新年带给你无数美好的事物。

62、The kitten mewed pitifully. ─── 小猫喵喵地叫,挺可怜的。

63、A Mew Method for Spot Speed-measuring Based on Video Technique ─── 基于视频技术的地点车速测定新方法

64、mew from ─── 从

65、Jack mewed himself up in a stuffy bedroom, going nowhere. ─── 杰克把自己关在闷热的卧室里,哪里都不去。

66、Directory Hu Tang-song welcome mew and old customers and would appriciate your advice at anytime! ─── 厂长胡唐松热忱欢迎新老客户光临惠顾。

67、Become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone mew and hoping that person knows who you are. ─── 做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人的知道你是谁。

68、A fter analyzed the quick-current reflowing and the slow-current reflowing control methods, the author brings forward a mew method named mixed-current reflowing control. ─── 在分析快续流和慢续流控制方式的基础上,提出了一种混合续流的新控制方法。

69、An Exploration to Coopeartive Study a mew PE Teaching Model ─── 合作学习体育教学模式初探

70、1, PM planning, PM sheet, spare parts management 2, Process improvement, machine modification mew process design programming 3, Technicial support for trouble shooting. ─── 1,日常维修保养计划制定,备品备件管理。2,过程改进,机品调整,新项目策划。3,为设备故障提供技术支持。

71、This ability him discovery fell into mew lady a trap. ─── 巢女士这才发现自己掉进了一个陷阱。

72、When he flung himself against the bars, quivering and frothing, they laughed at him and taunted him.They growled and barked like detestable dogs, mewed, and flapped their arms and crowed. ─── 当他扑向栅栏,浑身颤抖,口吐白沫时,他们便嘲笑他,讥讽他,学着恶狗的样子咆哮狂吠,学猫叫,还挥动胳膊学鸡叫。

73、Customer acquisition costs for return customers are much cheaper than for mew customers. ─── 在老客户上所花的获取客户成本比开发新客户要便宜得多。

74、Mew: You make good couple! ─── 你们真的天生一对!

75、You will be wise to buy a mew typewriter. ─── 您最好买一台新的打字机。

76、Mew: Ahaha! Not too shabby, little firefly! ─── 啊哈哈!小萤火虫,不要太寒酸了。

77、The kitten mewed pitifully. ─── 小猫喵喵地叫,挺可怜的。

78、Have you read the emperor's mew Clothes? ─── 你读过皇帝的新衣么?

79、The book leads us to enter each new scope of operation, in decorating a bedroom, how do we also decorate to the book " love mew " ? ─── 书籍引领我们进入一个个新鲜的天地,在布置居室中,我们如何给书也布置一个“爱巢”呢?

80、Beginning exploration of openning up class concerning "multiple uses of coal and development of mew energy source" ─── "煤的综合利用及新能源开发"拓展型课程初探

81、he mewed so like a kitten that Toto pricked up his ears and looked everywhere to see where she was. ─── 于是他像一只小猫地叫着,使得托托竖起了它的耳朵,向各方面搜索,找寻。

82、Other innovations include a mew line of cards featuring professional sports figures; ─── 其他新花样包括一种以职业运动员形象为特色的新品种贺卡;

83、Mew Gull ─── n. 海鸥

84、Industry public figure is analysed, "Phoenix mew " one of systematic intents, the likelihood is get on advertisement from the search content with left Baidu gradually billabong. ─── 业界人士分析,“凤巢”系统的意图之一,可能是将广告从百度左侧的搜索内容上逐渐分流。

85、The technigue of staged coal combustion in underplate burning boiler is a mew method for energy saving and environment protecting. ─── 层燃炉两段燃烧技术,是一种行之有效的节能、环保的新技术。

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