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10-02 投稿


murkiness 发音


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murkiness 中文意思翻译



murkiness 网络释义

n. 阴沉;黑暗

murkiness 相似词语短语

1、muckiness ─── 粘液

2、curdiness ─── 凝乳

3、mirkiness ─── 欢笑

4、bulkiness ─── n.庞大;笨重

5、burpiness ─── 勃起

6、muskiness ─── n.麝香;麝香气味

7、corkiness ─── n.软木似的;喜不自禁

8、quirkiness ─── n.诡诈;离奇;突变

9、burliness ─── n.结实;强壮

murkiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However increases the amount of space occupied at the same time is actually market murkiness. ─── 然而增加体量的同时却是市场的低迷。

2、Let's decipher what these studies indicate and sort through the murkiness about what it really means to be fit. ─── 这些能帮助你保持肢体协调。平衡能力很好的人会很少受伤,特别是因运动过度引起的损伤。

3、He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo “this murkiness, next time murky and under next time murky”. ─── 他表示有信心,维斯菲尔德伦敦店能经受住“这次低迷,下次低迷和下下次低迷”。

4、This year soon graduates the graduate student already felt the employment market the murkiness. ─── 今年即将毕业的研究生已经感受到就业市场的低迷。

5、Murkiness brings unpredictability, which financial markets do not like. ─── 暗箱操作导致了不可预测性,而金融市场对此不甚欢迎。

6、But for all this, the employment reported that still reflected the employment market the murkiness. ─── 周五美国海外股市涨跌不一,日经225指数下跌了3.5%,收于近26年新低;

7、He indicates has the confidence, the Vyse Fielder London Shop can undergo "this murkiness , next time murky and under next time murky" . ─── 他表示有信心,维斯菲尔德伦敦店能经受住“这次低迷,下次低迷和下下次低迷”。

8、The murkiness of the Dark River is caused by absorption of background starlight by dust, although the nebula contains mostly hydrogen and molecular gas. ─── 暗河的黑暗度是由于尘埃吸收了背景恒星光,尽管星云内几乎都是氢气和分子气体 。

9、The burning light-wick appears as a whole splotch of redness in the murkiness of her eyes. ─── 燃烧的灯芯在朦胧中变得红通通的一片。

10、It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness. ─── 对于行事保密的威权国家的国有电视台来说,谴责百度讳莫如深似乎有点过了。

11、But bond index funds are rarer than stock funds, in part because the murkiness of the bond market makes them hard to manage. ─── 这在一定程度上是因为,债券市场难以捉摸,让这类指数基金难以管理。

12、The team paces back and forth in the murkiness, the chart pulls out has not put out the very good countermeasure obviously. ─── 球队在低迷中徘徊,图拔显然没有拿出很好的对策。

13、It is a tribute to their murkiness that, despite frequent dredging, the Colonel has never been found. ─── 在经历了多次清淤之后,上校依然不见踪影,这着实体现了大阪运河淤泥的深度。

14、Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say. ─── 没人告诉他们,他们的风格中挤入了多少多余或晦涩的成分,以及这些成分又是如何阻碍着他们的表达。

15、It has also illustrated the murkiness of this sort of warfare. ─── 它也揭示了这种战争的阴暗。

16、You are being freed of the 'murkiness' that has dimmed the Light of your Souls. ─── 你们正在被从那使你们灵魂之光暗淡的“黝黑”中解放出来。

17、Regarding the Shandong Luneng near future murkiness, Cheng Yaodong will use “the trough time” this word to make the illustration for the match. ─── 对于山东鲁能近期的低迷,成耀东用“低谷期”这个词为对手作了注解。

18、This has represented the overwhelming majority home-buyer's point of view, therefore, at present market murkiness, is also naturally. ─── 这代表了绝大多数购房者的心态,所以,目前市场的低迷,也是自然而然的。

19、Ms Munro comes from southern Ontario, an area of considerable psychic murkiness and oddity. ─── Ms Munro)来自南安大略,一个奇特古怪的地方。

20、Murkiness around how AIG intends to save itself also caused investors to flee. ─── 有关美国国际集团如何自救的阴影也促使投资者纷纷逃离。

21、There is darkness through and through, a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate. ─── 他是全部黑暗,天昏地黑,日月无光。

22、The stars grew fainter and the sky, shrouded by a murkiness that could have been clouds or mist, seemed much higher than before. ─── 星星渐稀,天上罩着一层似云又似雾的灰气,暗淡,可是比以前高起许多去。

23、But in the global economic murky is because US dollar murkiness, US dollar depreciates every time 1%, affects each barrel oil price 4 to 5 US dollars. ─── 伦敦国际石油交易所十一月份交货的北海布伦特原油期货价格下跌1.06美元,报于每桶103.54美元。

24、There is a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate. ─── 日月无光。

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