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10-04 投稿


lobbed 发音

英:[l?bd]  美:[lɑ?bd]

英:  美:

lobbed 中文意思翻译



lobbed 短语词组

1、lobbed through pass ─── 挑高直通通道

2、lobbed dropshot ─── 吊球 ─── 吊射

3、lobbed bonus package ─── 吊球奖金套餐

4、lobbed shots ─── 吊射;高 ─── 吊球

5、lobbed caustic leech ─── 叶状腐蚀性水蛭

6、lobbed pass ─── 高弧线传球 ─── 高吊传球

7、lobbed shot ─── 吊射;高 ─── 吊球

8、lobbed at ─── 吊起在

lobbed 词性/词形变化,lobbed变形

动词过去式: lobbed |动词过去分词: lobbed |动词第三人称单数: lobs |动词现在分词: lobbing |名词: lobber |

lobbed 相似词语短语

1、slobbed ─── 流口水

2、dobbed ─── vt.向…捐钱;将责任强加给(dob的变形)

3、lobbied ─── n.大厅;休息室;会客室;游说议员的团体;vt.对……进行游说;vi.游说议员

4、cobbed ─── 鹅卵石

5、fobbed ─── n.表袋;短表链及其饰物

6、bobbed ─── adj.短发的;剪短的;成束的;v.剪短(bob的过去分词);急拉

7、blobbed ─── v.给……蘸上液滴(blob的过去式和过去分词)

8、flobbed ─── 被鞭打

9、gobbed ─── n.凝块;水兵;vi.吐唾沫;n.(Gob)人名;(法)戈布

lobbed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, as Shaya stepped up to the plate, the pitcher moved a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shaya should at least be able to make contact. ─── 但是,在沙亚走向垒板的时候,投手移动了几步,把球轻轻缓慢地低手掷过来,这样沙亚至少能碰到球。

2、For example, work tables could be used to store temporary results for query spool, lob variables, XML variables, and cursors. ─── 例如,工作表可用于存储查询假脱机、LOB变量、XML变量和游标的临时结果。

3、It is sufficient to just add the average size of the LOB values that are expected, multiply by Num_Rows, and add that to the total clustered index size. ─── 只需加上所期望的LOB值的平均大小、再乘以Num_Rows,然后再加上聚集索引的总大小。

4、Inside the stadium, angry fans lobbed glass bottles and smashed seats; ─── 在体育馆内,恼羞成怒的粉丝乱抛玻璃瓶子,砸坏座椅;

5、Cumulative count of large object (LOB) pages retrieved from the LOB_DATA allocation unit. ─── 从LOB_DATA分配单元检索到的大型对象(LOB)页的累积计数。

6、Data or index rows that contain all data, except large object (LOB) data. ─── 包含除大型对象(LOB)数据以外的所有数据的数据行或索引行。

7、The same day, a 28-year-old man in another part of the city suffered cuts after another pair of scissors hit him on the head, while a boy survived a brush with an iron bar lobbed from yet another high-rise window. ─── 同日,香港某地一名28岁男子同样被一把高空坠落的剪刀刺中头部而受伤伤,而与此同时而另一个男孩托一根铁棍的福,没有被从高层窗户抛出的刷子击中。

8、He smashed the lob . ─── 他把高球叩杀过去.

9、A high pitch that is lobbed to the batter. ─── 击出高飞球一个过高的冲向击球员的高飞球

10、Bynum caught a lob pass from Farmar that he turned into a dunk over Graham. Bynum was fouled on the play and converted the free throw. ─── 另外,他还接到了农民的传球,然后隔着格拉汉姆扣篮,同时安猪博到了格拉汉姆犯规,利用罚球完成了2+1。

11、Mortars are also available, which will lob shells high in the air -- this is perfect for battling enemies that are close but behind an emplacement or high terrain. ─── 在游戏中也有迫击炮,可以把炮弹高高的抛向空中--对于和躲在掩体之后的敌人或者在高地的敌人非常好用。

12、He lobbed the ball over the defender's head. ─── 他把球高挑过防守队员的头顶。

13、Ruud once scored a Beckham-style long-range lob from 45 yards whilst playing for PSV against FC Roda JC. ─── 在为埃因霍温效力时,范尼曾在对阵罗达JC的比赛中进了一个贝克汉姆式的45码远射。

14、A lob is part of the set up. ─── 吊球是垫球的一种。

15、The wounded dog lobbed along, trying to reach the farm where it knew it could get help. ─── 受伤的狗一瘸一拐地想走到农场,它知道在那儿它就可以得到救援。

16、He lobbed the ball over the defender's head. ─── 他把球高挑过防守队员的头顶。

17、Her cleverly disguised lob completely wrong-footed her opponent. ─── 她做个巧妙的假动作,一个高球把对手打得乱了阵脚。

18、This one-time space increase occurs during the first update of each LOB column. ─── 在每个LOB列的第一次更新过程中,会出现一次这样的空间增长。

19、If you lob it right, I'll be able to spike it. ─── 你把高吊球打好,我就可以扣球。

20、Zhos wef beb lob nbet hot uat Hmongb. ─── 只因为我们的名字叫苗族。

21、get the lob ─── 发高球

22、If you lob it right,I'll be able to spike it. ─── 你把高吊球打好,我就可以扣球。

23、9. The basic individual skills include serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots. ─── 个人的基本技术包括:发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。收藏指正

24、Some bloggers have lobbed more pointed accusations, saying that alerts by a local seismology bureau were brushed off by provincial officials. ─── 其他一些网民则更加富有进攻性,他们说当地一个地震局的警报曾被官员置之不理。

25、United again dominated matters in Glasgow, perhaps even more so than in 2006, but looked set to fall foul of Scott McDonald's neat lob until Ryan Giggs' vital late leveller. ─── 在格拉斯哥,曼联再次统治了比赛。甚至比2006年还要彻底。但麦克唐纳的进球却还是让曼联陷入落后。幸亏吉格斯扳平了比分。

26、The basic individual skills include serving,volleying,backhand and forehand ground strokes,the smash,the lob and passing shots. ─── 个人的基本技术包括:发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。

27、5.When it comes to such basic skills as serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots, she is the best among the four players. ─── 个人的基本技术包括:发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。

28、The IS NULL and IS NOT NULL predicates cannot reference LOB columns in a remote table. ─── IS NULL和IS NOT NULL谓词不能引用远程表中的LOB列。

29、a high pitch that is lobbed to the batter ─── 一个过高的冲向击球员的高飞球


31、When defining LOBs in a table, you can explicitly specify the tablespace and storage characteristics for each LOB. ─── 在表中定义LOB列时,用户可以显式地设定每个LOB列使用的表空间及存储属性。

32、After Gasol made just one of two free throws, the Heat took a 90-89 lead on a basket by Michael Beasley (23 points) off a lob pass from Wade. ─── 在加索尔两罚一中之后,迈克尔-比斯利(23分)却与韦德完成一个空中接力后,热火队与90-89分领先。

33、The upgrade process is equivalent to deleting the LOB value and reinserting the same value. ─── 升级过程相当于先删除LOB值再重新插入相同值。

34、Oliver Norwood put the Reds ahead early on with a tidy lob, and further goals from Evandro Brandao (2), Josh King and Jack Dean sealed an emphatic passage for United's youngsters. ─── 奥利弗.诺伍德很早就让曼联领先,然后埃万德罗.布兰达奥又打进2球,约什.金和杰克.迪恩也都为青年队建功。

35、Even as he lobbed a set of robes, two spellbooks, and a packet of crisps across the room, the doorbell rang. ─── 他刚把一件长袍,两本魔法书和一包脆饼从房间那头丢过去,门铃就响了起来。

36、When a truck driver drove through the red light, the old man lobbed a brick through his side window. ─── 一名卡车司机闯红灯驶过时,老人掷出砖头砸中了汽车侧窗。

37、Every time I lobbed a suggestion, she'd smack it back at me like a tennis pro. ─── 每次当我抛出一个建议,她就会打回来,就像职业网球选手。

38、The camshaft has a cam, on which there is a lob, or bump. ─── 凸轮轴上有一个凸轮,凸轮上有一个凸角。

39、In the first half he was lobbed by Massimo Ambrosini from the most bizarre of angles, before then conceding a penalty from which Kaka scored. ─── 在上半场,他把守的大门被安布罗西尼用一粒角度刁钻的进球攻破,随后再次被卡卡的点球洞穿.

40、On one play, he extended for an alley-oop layup after Kobe Bryant lobbed the ball to him. ─── 在一次进攻中,科比往空中高抛球给他,让他舒展地完成了一次空中接力上篮。

41、Then when someone lobbed the ball, it was just too low, and I dived to save it. ─── 然后当有人打高吊球打太低时,我就俯身去救球。

42、But the Italy international's profile has been raised following his lobbed goal at Old Trafford plus one earlier in the week against Real Madrid. ─── 但意大利国脚的地位在连续攻入羞辱曼联和皇马的进球后迅速提高。

43、She lobbed the ball over her opponent's head to the back of the court. ─── 她把球挑高越过对方的头向後场落去。

44、Mortars are also available, which will lob shells high in the air-- this is perfect for battling enemies that are close but behind an emplacement or high terrain. ─── 在游戏中也有迫击炮,可以把炮弹高高的抛向空中-对于和躲在掩体之后的敌人或者在高地的敌人非常好用。

45、And I empathize with you after seeing all those expletive-spouting, scurrilous diatribes lobbed by his lunatic fans on a supposedly low-profile writer like you, whom I respect and admire. ─── 和我理解你们在看到所有的咒骂,喷流,他的疯狂球迷投掷就喜欢你,据说低调作家下流谩骂我很尊敬和钦佩。

46、Because LOB pages are not deallocated when empty, compacting this data can improve disk space use if lots of LOB data have been deleted, or a LOB column is dropped. ─── 因为不会释放空的LOB页,所以在删除大量LOB数据或LOB列时,压缩此数据可改善磁盘空间使用情况。

47、And she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. - Justice and punishment are the same thing to her. ─── 公正和惩罚对她来说没什么区别。

48、A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's i Phone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . ─── 一年前,诺基亚公司向苹果公司砸下了一起讼案,宣称它的美国对手所生产的iphone苹果手机侵犯了自己多个“基本专利”。

49、It is sufficient to just add the average size of the LOB values that are expected and add that to the total heap size. ─── 只添加所期望的LOB值的平均大小就足够了,然后将其添加至总的堆大小中。

50、The WCF LOB Adapter SDK is a collection of run-time engine and tools that help adapter developers create service-oriented interfaces to existing LOB systems by using WCF. ─── 你应该注意到所有这些场景都有一个相同的主题:分布式应用的通信。但是,很显然,每一种技术都用到不同的方法或技术来解决这个问题。

51、All his attempt to get a lob have fail. ─── 他找工作的全部尝试均已落空。

52、The clinical applied value of MRI of posterior lob of pituitary gland in DI ─── mri在诊断尿崩症的诊断价值探讨

53、Chelsea finally responded.Lampard raced on to a Robben chip and lobbed the advancing Isaksson only for Richards to get back and head away from inside the six yard box as the ball looked goal bound. ─── 切尔西终于有了反击的机会,兰帕德接罗本的突破传球后加速突进,面对出击的伊萨克松兰帕德挑射射门,球缓缓飞向球门,但是里查兹及时赶到在门前6码处将这个必进之球解围。

54、He looked like his illustration, as he raised his eyes to Mr. Lob's face. ─── 他抬起眼睛望着罗瑞先生的脸,那样子正像他用以举例的孩子。

55、Thereafter, America vied with the Soviet Union for supremacy in aerospace's equivalent of “mine's bigger than yours”, as successively taller rockets lobbed larger payloads further afield. ─── 从此以后,美苏展开了对太空霸权的竞争,不停地追求“更大”:更高的火箭携带更多的有效载荷到达更远的空间。

56、I lobbed the ball back over the net. ─── 我将球向球网上方抛回去。

57、Today, he is facing some of the very arguments he once lobbed at Redmond. ─── 今天,他面临的正是一些他昔日在雷德蒙抛给对手的论点。

58、Do you like to drive tanks over rugged terrain, lob artillery shells into the far hills, and blow up lethal opponents lurking around every bend? ─── 你喜欢驾驶坦克在崎岖的地形,球炮弹到远的山峦,和炸毁致命对手潜伏在每一个弯道?

59、A heap with LOB data and no nonclustered indexes, and; ─── 具有LOB数据但没有非聚集索引的堆;

60、The data, index, long field, and LOB portions of a table can be stored in the same tablespace, or can be individually broken out into separate tablespaces for performance reasons. ─── 一个表中的数据、索引、long字段和LOB部分可以存储在相同的表空间中,也可以分别放到不同的表空间中,以提高性能。

61、He just lobbed in town ─── 他刚到镇上。

62、He smashed the lob (straight at his opponent's body). ─── 他把高球(冲著对手)叩杀过去。

63、Lampard raced on to a Robben chip and lobbed the advancing Isaksson only for Richards to get back and head away from inside the six yard box as the ball looked goal bound. ─── 下半场前10分钟,切尔西出现了4次犯规,使曼城有很多机会把球传到禁区,但是切赫在之前那次失误后表现的十分出色。

64、Her cleverly disguised lob completely wrong footed her opponent. ─── 她做个巧妙的假动作, 一个高球把对手打得乱了阵脚.

65、He smashed the lob(straight at his opponent's body). ─── 他把高球(冲着对手)叩杀过去.

66、Lob because you are being thrown outside the court wide or deep. ─── 因为你正广或深地被拉到球场外面时,才打高吊而慢的球。

67、Cumulative count of orphan LOB values inserted during bulk operations. ─── 大容量操作期间插入的孤立LOB值的累积计数。

68、The EPM Solution's extensible, enterprise-scale architecture helps enable effective integration with other line-of-business (LOB) solutions and Office system applications. ─── EPM Solution的可扩展企业级体系结构可实现与其他行业(LOB)解决方案以及Office system应用程序的有效集成。

69、9.The basic individual skills include serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots. ─── 个人的基本技术包括: 发球,截击空中球,反手和正手击落地球,高压球,挑高球和超身球。

70、Unfortunately, one day half the act left and Shaw had no one to lob the ball to. ─── 不幸的是,终于在那么一天,这一幕不再了。肖也不用给别人吊球了。

71、The wounded horse lobbed along trying to reach the farm where it knew it could get help. ─── 受伤的马一拐一拐地想走向农场,它知道在那里就可以得救。


73、Besides, she is a master of the smash, the lob and passing shots. ─── 再说,她也是打高压球、挑高球、超身球的行家。

74、A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's iPhone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . ─── 一年前诺基亚公司上诉苹果公司,指控其美国劲敌的产品iPhone侵占了自己数项“基本专利”。

75、Oh, man..THis is freaking funny. I like my fat guy. Good lob! : ─── 2005蔡依林生日会第四段-歌迷模仿秀...

76、A quick motion will make for a bullet pass;a slow movement will result in a lob pass. ─── A键对应了快速传球,当然按的慢的话就会传出一个慢球。

77、Columns that are of the large object (LOB) data types ntext, text, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, or image cannot be specified as key columns for an index. ─── 不能将大型对象(LOB)数据类型ntext、text、varchar(max)、nvarchar(max)、varbinary(max)、xml或image的列指定为索引的键列。

78、The next day, a grenade was lobbed at the offices of an important television broadcaster, injuring several employees. ─── 次日,一个重要电视广播公司的办公室被投掷了一枚手榴弹,造成数名员工受伤。

79、If not, the LOB column will be refreshed at the Subscriber when the next update to a non-LOB column in the same row occurs. ─── 否则,只有在下一次更新该行中的非LOB列时,才会刷新订阅服务器中的LOB列。

80、It would be, he said at Cambridge University (an event better remembered for the shoe lobbed in his direction by a protesting German student), a peaceful and co-operative great power. ─── 他在剑桥大学(那里发生了一个更能让人记住的事件,一名提出抗议的德国学生把鞋子朝他的方向扔过来)说,中国是一个和平的、合作的大国。

81、You can use the infectious effects of a grin to jump-start an optimistic outlook in yourself by sending others what you want them to lob back at you. ─── 你可以用这种露齿一笑的感染效果,通过像对方发出一个你希望对方对你发出的表情,来立即获得一个对自己的乐观展望。

82、Stones were lobbed over the wall. ─── 石块扔过了围墙。

83、More client, server, and communication overhead is involved when using a BFILE data type compared with the LOB data type. ─── 使用BFILE数据类型与使用LOB数据类型相比,需要更多的客户端、服务器和通信系统开销。

84、Exchange Web Services clients can integrate Outlook data into line-of-business (LOB) applications. ─── Exchange Web服务客户端可以将Outlook数据集成到行业(LOB)应用程序中。

85、Indexes can be rebuilt online, pages containing LOB data can be compacted, and partitioned indexes can be reorganized or rebuilt on a single partition basis. ─── 可以在线重新生成索引,可以压缩包含LOB数据的页,并且可以在单个分区基础上重新组织或重新生成已分区索引。


87、The LOB index is an internal structure that is strongly associated with LOB storage. This implies that a user may not drop the LOB index and rebuild IT. ─── Lob索引是内部结构,同LOB存储紧密联系,这意味看用户无法删除并且重建lob索引..

88、Because the index contains a LOB data type in the leaf level, the statement also compacts all pages that contain the large object data. ─── 因为该索引在叶级别包含LOB数据类型,所以该语句还会压缩所有包含该大型对象数据的页。

89、You should lob the ball high. ─── 你该把球打高点。

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