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10-04 投稿


mysteriousness 发音

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mysteriousness 中文意思翻译



mysteriousness 短语词组

1、mysteriousness of creativity ─── 创造力的神秘性

mysteriousness 相似词语短语

1、abstemiousness ─── 节制

2、semiseriousness ─── 半严重性

3、utmost seriousness ─── 极其严肃

4、meritoriousness ─── n.有价值

5、boisterousness ─── n.喧闹;欢跃;(风暴)狂烈

6、unseriousness ─── n.不认真;不严肃;不庄重

7、seriousness ─── n.严重性;严肃;认真

8、dexterousness ─── 灵巧;敏捷;熟练

9、deleteriousness ─── 有害性

mysteriousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cats are often admired for their grace and mysteriousness. ─── 猫因为它们的优雅和神秘而常常受到崇拜。

2、But, it must now be said, another portion of the community had latterly begun to take its own view of the relation betwixt Mr. Dimmesdale and the mysteri old physician. ─── 但是,我们现在必须说明的是,后来另外一部分居民开始对丁梅斯代尔先生和那神秘的老医生之间的关系持有异议了。

3、The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive. ─── 保守秘密的感觉,通过耳语带来的神秘感和兴奋的感觉是很令人着迷的。

4、That mysteriousness was the thing that made Lehman's collapse turn instantly into a systemic crisis. ─── 神秘的是让雷曼兄弟垮台的事立即转变成了系统的危机。

5、I haven't had enough of your morning loveliness, and I will always look forward for one more glimpse of your mysteriousness at night. ─── 我还没有看够你清晨的美丽,也永远不会看够你夜里的神秘。

6、This must be the place where the mysteri ous man was hiding! ─── 这一定就是那位神秘人士的藏身之处了。

7、"Elopement" is a term or an event with some sort of mysteriousness. ─── “私奔”总是个神秘的话题。

8、When people sail in the Wu Gorge and recall the story of King Xiang's dream at Gaotang, they are likely to feel excited by the mysteriousness of the setting. ─── 人们过巫峡,联想起这则“高唐梦”的故事,大概都会生出几分神秘感的。

9、Meili Snow Mountain is world-known for its loftiness, magnificence and mysteriousness. ─── 梅里雪山以其巍峨壮丽、神秘莫测闻名于世。

10、Some people had said that because of my blog, I have spoiled the mysteriousness of an entertainer. ─── 有人说我写博客破坏自己作为一个艺人的神秘感。

11、The mysteriousness of God's will is its philosophical basis; ─── 天意神秘论是其哲学基础;

12、appalling things happened, and the mysteriousness of the morning was explained to Mary. ─── 可怕的事情发生后,玛丽就知道了早晨的秘密。

13、They like to have an edge of mysteriousness. ─── 药物治疗可服用维生素类药物。

14、The charm of love lies in the mysteriousness and spontaneousness; requiring no reasons, regardless of losses and gains, and anything else. ─── 爱情的魅力就在于它的神秘性和自发性,它不问原因,不顾一切,不计利害。

15、This step is where most of the frustrations, disappointments, and mysteriousness associated with trading begin. ─── 大部分的挫折、失望、和交易的神秘联系都从此开始。

16、Its major characteristics include: multiplicity and complexity; orderliness and locality; mysteriousness and practicality; ─── 其主要特征有 :多元性与复合性 ,阶层性与地方性 ,神秘性与实用性 ,稳定性与变异性。

17、Because we can merely appreciate it"s simply primitiveness and its mysteriousness but can not reach a further understanding. ─── 因为我们除了从形式上直观地感悟到一种所谓的古朴、神秘的美外,几乎不能再作出进一步的理解了。

18、Not only for its mysteriousness, but more importantly, for one day of the year, they can wear the creative customs, the funny masks, the fun trick-or-treating, and the limitless candies. ─── 不仅充满神秘色彩,更重要的是,一年中只有这一天,他们可以穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提上一盏“杰克灯”,要回来一堆堆的糖果。

19、This step is where most of the frustrations, disappointments, and mysteriousness associated with trading begin. ─── 大部分的挫折、失望、和交易的神秘联系都从此开始。

20、the mysteriousness of God's will ─── 天意神秘论

21、Also, ghosts don't like to work in conditions where people might see them, because they want to retain the mysteriousness that makes them so scary. ─── 而且,鬼魂不喜欢在能被人看到的地方活动,因为他们想要保留这种令人发指的神秘感。

22、Whispering in her ear. The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive. ─── 和她耳语。替人保守秘密的感觉,通过耳语带来的神秘感和兴奋的感觉是很令人着迷的。

23、5) Cats are often admired for their grace and mysteriousness. ─── 猫因为它们的优雅和神秘而常常受到崇拜。

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