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10-04 投稿


marauded 发音

英:[m??r??d?d]  美:[m??r?d?d]

英:  美:

marauded 中文意思翻译




marauded 词性/词形变化,marauded变形

动词过去式: marauded |动词现在分词: marauding |名词: marauder |动词第三人称单数: marauds |动词过去分词: marauded |

marauded 相似词语短语

1、marauds ─── v.掠夺,抢劫;袭击;n.掠夺;袭击;n.(Maraud)(美、法)马罗(人名)

2、mark-uped ─── 涨价;标高价格;赊帐

3、defrauded ─── vt.欺骗;vi.进行诈骗(过去式defrauded,过去分词defrauded,现在分词defrauding,第三人称单数defrauds,名词defraudation)

4、paraded ─── v.游行;检阅;阅兵;炫耀;列队行进(parade的过去式和过去分词)

5、marauders ─── n.掠夺者(marauder的复数)

6、marinaded ─── v.腌泡(marinade的过去式和过去分词)

7、maraud ─── v.掠夺,抢劫;袭击;n.掠夺;袭击;n.(Maraud)(美、法)马罗(人名)

8、marauder ─── n.掠夺者;抢劫者;猛虎;n.(Marauder)人名;(英)马劳德

9、marauding ─── adj.抢劫的;劫掠的;巡行作案的;潜行捕食的;v.抢劫(maraud的ing形式)

marauded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Groups of students marauded around the campus, smashing cars, offices or any piece of property they felt belonged to someone in power. ─── 成群结队的学生袭击校园,砸坏轿车,办公室和任何他们认为属于学校当权人物的东西。

2、Phillips is thought to have been the first American to be taken captive by Somali pirate gangs who have marauded in the busy Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean shipping lanes for years. ─── 菲利普斯是第一位遭索马里海盗挟持的美国人。多年以来,这帮海上匪徒一直在繁忙的亚丁湾和印度洋远洋运输航线上大肆劫掠。

3、groups of students marauded around the campus , smashing cars , offices or any piece of property they felt belonged to someone in power. ─── 成群结队的学生袭击校园,砸坏轿车,办公室和任何他们认为属于学校当权人物的东西。

4、As is known to all, these are treasurable Chinese cultural relics which were marauded by Anglo-French allied force during the second Opium War and run away in overseas for long. ─── 众所周知,相关文物是第二次鸦片战争期间被英法联军劫掠走,并流失海外多年的中国珍贵文物。

5、The Norsemen were hunters and farmers who, when times were hard in their inhospitable land, marauded southwards overland from the Danish peninsula, attacking other Teutonic peoples. ─── 古代北欧人都是猎人和农民,他们在荒凉的土地上艰难度日,从丹麦半岛经陆路前往南部抢劫,袭击其他条顿族人。

6、After the genocidal Hutu militias were chased out of Rwanda, they fled to Congo, called themselves the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), and have marauded in North Kivu ever since. ─── 在大屠杀之后,胡突民兵组织被逐出卢旺达,接着他们逃到刚果境内,称自己为解放卢旺达民主前线(FDLR),并自那之后便在北基伍地区过着靠抢劫为生的日子。

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