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10-04 投稿


magnifico 发音


英:  美:

magnifico 中文意思翻译



magnifico 词性/词形变化,magnifico变形

名词复数: magnificoes |

magnifico 反义词


magnifico 同义词

grandiose | bravura | wonderful | plush | stately | marvelous | wealthy | flashy | sumptuous | noble | impressive | tremendous | exquisite | imperial | gorgeous | majestic | outstanding | elaborate | resplendent | superlative | glorious | splendid |grand | stunning | brilliant | terrific | imposing | regal | great | superb | marvellous | sensational | costly | beautiful

magnifico 相似词语短语

1、magnificos ─── n.显要人物;权贵;贵族(magnifico的变形)

2、magnifies ─── vt.放大;赞美;夸大;vi.放大;有放大能力

3、magnificent ─── adj.高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的

4、magnifical ─── adj.崇高的;庄严的

5、magnific ─── adj.崇高的;壮丽的,庄严的;夸大的

6、magnificoes ─── n.显要人物;权贵;贵族;n.(Magnifico)人名;(意)马尼菲科

7、Magnificat ─── n.圣母玛利亚颂;颂词

8、magnifier ─── n.[光]放大镜;[电子]放大器

9、magnified ─── adj.放大的;v.放大;夸张(magnify的过去分词)

magnifico 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Vice president will say to donkey: Donkey ah I let you become a magnifico, you go quickly. ─── 副总统来了对毛驴说:毛驴呀我让你当大官,你快走吧。

2、If do not have magnifico forest embellish, yu Nu or be dead, or it is to be common person place to save, the opportunity that receives Mo Ji again is very little. ─── 要是没有大官林润,玉奴或是死了,或是为平常人所救,再遇莫稽的机会是微乎其微了。

3、Complete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico. ─── 完成罗伦佐所给予旳首次暗杀任务。

4、Tortoise is an auspicious animal that the magnifico used it for chop in ancient time. ─── 龟,是祥瑞之物,在古代,有大官的印纽为龟。

5、This also is about to beg various government official must from before " I have much power when much magnifico " turn " I become much magnifico to have how old responsibility " " Guan Nian " come up. ─── 这也就要求各级政府官员必须从以往的“我当多大官就有多大权”转到“我当多大官就有多大责任”的“官念”上来。

6、Literacy of magnifico bully wife is not much, a wrapping with yellow damask almanac that takes out him to get ready early says: "Imperial edict here. ─── 大官欺老婆识字不多,拿出他早预备好的用黄缎子包着的一本历书说:“圣旨在此。”

7、The magnifico says: "What meaning is this? ─── 大官说:“这是什么意思呀?”

8、Lin Run is a magnifico, be informed Yu Nu's experience, admit make justice language, catch marry into and live with wife's family of deceive Mo Ji. ─── 林润是个大官,得知玉奴的遭遇,认做义文,接着诓莫稽入赘。

9、9 see joke: There was the magnifico of a hold office at court once upon a time, of one mind wants to marry small concubine, be afraid that wife does not agree, missed a key point. ─── 9看笑话: 从前有个在朝的大官,一心想娶小妾,怕老婆不同意,就想了个点子。

10、my parents have never been magnifico nor earned lots of money ,just kept me away from hunger by their hardworking and simple life in the past years . ─── 父母二人都没有当过大官,也没有挣过大钱,只是用他们的勤劳和朴实保证了我在过去那些年岁里的衣食无忧。

11、Of all ages, do curule the target that became a magnifico to become people lifetime quest. ─── 古往今来,做高官做大官成了人们一生追逐的目标。

12、Vi condivido il felice di fare le photo davanti al scenario magnifico di venezia. ─── 和大家分享在威尼斯面对美景按动快门的愉悦。

13、Abandon earth to cultivate the magnifico poplar, locust, commercial forest such as elm more, dike to grow the capable person that prevent wave more. ─── 弃土多种植大官杨、刺槐、榆树等用材林,堤防多种植防浪材。

14、The " magnifico" is a title, which appears frequently in "Plum in the Gold Vase" and other novels, dramas in Ming Dynasty. ─── “大官(儿)”是明代《金瓶梅》以及其他一些小说、戏曲中出现频繁的一个称谓词。

15、Ah, now that's how it should be played, magnifico! ─── 啊,现在的应如何发挥马尼菲科!

16、The fish says amazedly: "Want to be less than so an august and celebrated magnifico, fear unexpectedly this kind of small demon that act illegally? ─── 鱼惊奇地说:“想不到这么一个威严显赫的大官,竟害怕这种横行不法的小妖魔?”

17、7 the hall that taste emperor is done know a county, young officer is tasted to be prime minister in feudal China when face by magnifico bully; ─── 七品皇堂做知县,小官又被大官欺;当朝一品为宰相,不如面南登了基;

18、Dignitary,magnifico,executive and welldoers, what will you feel when you reading this story? ─── 权贵们,高官们,执法者们,善人们,此情此景,你们感到了什么呢?

19、Complete your first assassination missionfor Lorenzo Il Magnifico. ─── 完成罗伦佐所给予的第一次暗杀任务。

20、He is both an old - world and a new - world figure, a feudal magnifico and a modern technocrat(Observer) ─── 他既是旧世界的人物又是新世界的名人,既是一个封建权贵,又是一个现代的技术统治论者(观察者)

21、9 see joke: No matter much magnifico, monochromatic jacket; ─── 9看笑话: 不论多大官,一色夹克衫;

22、9 see joke: A magnifico stops duty comes home, bought hillside plot to build a room to live, should remove anchoret to come. ─── 9看笑话: 有个大官罢职回家,买了山田建房居住,当起隐士来。

23、Be assured of this, That the magnifico is much beloved, And hath in his effect a voice potential As double as the duke's: he will divorce you; ─── 您要注意,这位元老是很得人心的,他的潜势力比公爵还要大上一倍;

24、YesTrans Culture Elegance of the Translator and Magnifico of the Translated. ─── 译采企业文化译者的风采、译品的精彩;

25、The Huang Bo that the head of a county holds the post of when comes to this a remote, 1000 peaks people saw the first magnifico that sets foot on this thin backbone ridge. ─── 时任县长的黄波来到了这穷乡僻壤,千峰人民看到了踏上这薄脊山梁的第一位大官。

26、Magnifico. I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me ─── 我只是个穷人的孩子,没有人喜欢我

27、9 see joke: Goldfish is worn in water swim, the fish saw escape hastily, tell congener say: "A moment ago wild duck swims and come, be do a magnifico? ─── 9看笑话: 金鱼在水里穿游,鱼见了急忙逃避,告诉同类说:“刚才凫游而来的,是做大官的吗?

28、Be in charge of the magnifico of 3 courtyards, often use the money that comes down more to serve as board expense. ─── 主管三班院的大官,常常利用多下来的钱作为伙食费。

29、He is both an old - world and a new - world figure, a feudal magnifico and a modern technocrat(Observer) ─── 他既是旧世界的人物又是新世界的名人,既是一个封建权贵,又是一个现代的技术统治论者(观察者)

30、The magnifico's face is gradually red. ─── 大官的脸渐渐红了。

31、"He is both an old-world and a new-world figure, a feudal magnifico and a modern technocrat" (Observer) ─── “他既是旧世界的人物又是新世界的名人,既是一个封建权贵,又是一个现代的技术统治论者”(观察者)

32、Assassin For Hire Complete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico. ─── 完成罗伦佐所给予的第一次暗杀任务。

33、9 see joke: The individual became a magnifico, before friend hears the news, his cheek comes to congratulation. ─── 9看笑话: 有个人当了大官,他的腮友闻讯前来祝贺。

34、Banker, businessman, old rich man, magnifico, imperatorial, all has. ─── 银行家啦,实业家啦,大财主啦,大官啦,大将军啦,全都有。

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