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10-04 投稿


milliner 发音

英:['m?l?n?]  美:['m?l?n?]

英:  美:

milliner 中文意思翻译



milliner 网络释义

n. 女帽制造商;女帽贩卖商n. (Milliner)人名;(英)米利纳

milliner 词性/词形变化,milliner变形


milliner 短语词组

1、man-milliner n. ─── 女帽制造人, ─── 女帽商, 忙于琐碎事务的男子

milliner 相似词语短语

1、milline ─── n.百万行广告费

2、millier ─── n.公吨

3、miller ─── n.磨坊主;碾磨工;蛾;n.(Miller)人名;(西、葡)米列尔;(英、德、法、爱沙、芬、罗、瑞典、波)米勒

4、millinery ─── n.女帽制造及销售业;女帽类

5、airliner ─── n.班机;大型客机

6、millines ─── n.百万行广告费

7、millibar ─── n.毫巴(大气压强单位)

8、mainliner ─── n.主干线列车

9、milliners ─── n.女帽制造者(或销售者);n.(Milliner)(美)米利纳(人名)

milliner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The apples display their 14)milliner’s scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. ─── 苹果树则像卖帽人,向人们展示他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红的乳白色丝缎。

2、Do you have a milliner, can I meet him? ─── 你们有女饰设计员吗?我能见见他吗?

3、One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago?The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. ─── 我们不禁要惊羡地问一句:一个月前这些种子还在哪儿呢?苹果树则像卖帽人,向人们展示他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红地乳白色丝缎。

4、That electron microscope can magnify objects to one millin times as big as their original size. ─── 那架电子显微镜可以把物体放大一百万倍.

5、Millin was a crusty old codger who took the college job after he retired from the navy. ─── 米林是一位脾气暴躁的老伙计,从海军退役后就在大学里找了这么个活儿。

6、The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat. ─── 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上

7、The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk,orse-tinged. ─── 苹果树则像卖帽人,向人们展示著他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红的乳白色丝缎。

8、Toomey sat down at the side of Miss Purdy, milliner, and their hands came together in sympathy. ─── 但是图米先生坐到女帽商珀迪小姐身旁,两人的手同情的握了起来。

9、Articles, especially women's hats, sold by a milliner. ─── 女帽,妇女头饰帽商出售的商品,尤指女帽。

10、Millin's bladder neck spreader ─── 米林(氏)膀胱颈牵开器

11、hats: the wares sold by a milliner. ─── 帽子;女帽制造商出售的商品。

12、According to Shenzhen "Nov.5th" development plan,in 2010,the thuoughput of cargo of Shenzhen port will reach 250 millin tons,and the thuoughput of containers will reach 25 million boxes. ─── 根据深圳港口“十一五”发展规划,到2010年,深圳港货物吞吐量将达到2.5亿吨,集装箱吞吐量将达到2500万标箱。

13、Based on the classical oblique cutting database, the computer aided predictive models have been numerically and experimentally verified in plane faced ball end millin... ─── 以车削斜角切削数据库为基础,实现了平面前刀面球头铣刀铣削性能的计算机预报,并通过数值模拟和切削实验对所建立的数学模型进行了验证。

14、Millin's ligature holding forceps ─── 米林(氏)结扎把持钳

15、A milliner's shop ─── 女帽店

16、Her girls had more milliner's furniture than they had ever enjoyed before ─── 她的女儿们在衣著方面也比以前讲究。

17、The UN estimateds about 100 millin of the world's poorest people cannot afford to buy food because of the spiraling cost. ─── 联合国估计全世界约有1亿贫困人口因为持续上升的价格而无法负担食物的费用。

18、A few video websites that take original course take original content to sell someone else again directly even later, become the intermediate milliner of original content. ─── 一些走正版路线的视频网站后来甚至直接拿正版内容再销售给其他人,成为正版内容的中间贩卖商。

19、CLEO :At three o'clock the milliner arrived. ─── 三点钟的时候女帽设计师到了。

20、The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. ─── 苹果树炫耀着女帽饰带般的枝条,恰似绸缎,乳白中点缀着玫瑰红。

21、French dancing girl, a Viennese milliner. ─── 一个法国的舞女。

22、Millin's capsule forceps ─── 米林(氏)精囊(把持)钳

23、NC millin ─── 数控铣削

24、Discussion on Some Likely Confusion Ideas at the Time of Development in Flour Millin ─── 讨论当前制粉工艺的误区

25、These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner, watching the sentinel on guard, and dressing a sallad and cucumber. ─── 这两位姑娘已经在那儿待了一个多钟头,高高兴兴地光顾过对面的一家帽子店,看了看站岗的哨兵,又调制了一些胡瓜色拉。

26、The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat.See also Synonyms atresort ─── 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上参见同义词

27、'Yes, I'm her milliner, and she's a neighbour of mine.' ─── 认识,她是铺子里的主顾,而且也是我的邻居。”

28、'Yes,I'm her milliner,and she's a neighbour of mine.' ─── “认识,她是我铺子里的主顾,而且也是我的邻居。”

29、Made to resemble giant origami knots, they were created by Philip Treacy, surely fashion's hardest working milliner. ─── 本场秀的帽子类似巨大的折纸结,出自时尚界最努力的女帽设计师PhilipTreacy之手。

30、From the fascist's brown shirt to the bishop's purple cassock, authorities have a fetishistic attraction to the tailor and milliner. ─── 从法西斯的棕色衬衫到主教的紫色长袍,权威对裁缝和女帽设计者有一种盲目崇拜的吸引力。

31、An awning creaks quietly as the milliner arrives at his shop on Marktgasse. ─── 帽店老板来到马克特街上的铺子,阳篷哗啦哗啦。

32、Do you have a milliner, can I meet him? ─── 你们有女饰设计员吗?我能见见他吗?

33、The profession or business of a milliner. ─── 女帽或妇女头饰制造业帽商的工作或业务

34、She had once been a kept woman, had tried the stage, had not succeeded and, counting on her contacts among the fashionable women of Paris, had gone into business and opened a milliner's shop. ─── 这个女人过去也做过妓女,曾经打算进戏班子,但是没有成功。后来靠了她和巴黎那些时髦女子的关系,做起生意来了,开了一家妇女时装铺子。

35、One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago The apples display their milliner’s scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. ─── 苹果树则像卖帽人,向人们展示他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红地乳白色丝缎。

36、A New Cramk Millin Machine CNC System ─── 一种新型曲轴磨床数控系统

37、a: do you have a milliner, can i meet him? ─── 你们有女饰设计员吗?我能见见他吗?

38、Through the test of the raw-milling system in the Dry-process Factory of Luo Yang Cemnt Plant,some problems of ball millin the test stage are analysed, and some opinions are stated in the article. ─── 本文主要针对洛阳水泥厂干法分厂的生料粉磨系统球磨机调试阶段所出现的问题进行了分析,并提出自己的观点,可作为有关方面的参考。

39、The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat. ─── 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上。

40、These hats are the wares sold by a milliner. ─── 这些帽子是女帽制造商出售的商品。

41、Her grandmother, Paula, a milliner by trade, who kept up with old Nazi friends long after the war, "must have had to make great efforts not to know anything" of her brother-in-law's activities. ─── 凯特琳的祖母保拉是一个女帽商,她在战争结束之后很长一段时间还和自己的纳粹老朋友保持联系,她“肯定曾经不得不做出很大的努力,不去了解”自己二伯的任何活动。

42、The apples display their milliner' s scraps of ivory silk, rose - tinged. ─── 苹果花开,展示出一片片染了玫瑰红的象牙色薄绸。

43、The apples display theirs milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. ─── 苹果树则像卖帽人,向大部分人展示他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红地乳白色丝缎。


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