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10-04 投稿


modus 发音


英:  美:

modus 中文意思翻译



modus 短语词组

1、modus habilis ─── [法] 有效方式

2、modus vivendi n. ─── 生活方式, 暂时妥协

3、modus operandi n. ─── 做法, 惯技

modus 相似词语短语

1、mods ─── abbr.载人的轨道研究站(mannedorbitaldevelopmentstation)

2、modules ─── n.组件;(大学课程)组成单元;(航天器的)舱;模块(module的复数)

3、modes ─── n.模式(mode的复数形式);方法;分辨率

4、motus ─── n.运动

5、modius ─── 斗

6、nodus ─── n.困难,难点,困难环节,复杂情况;结

7、mopus ─── n.钱,现钱

8、modulus ─── n.系数;模数

9、-odus ─── 奥杜斯

modus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this modus, the handling is very easy because dangerous lift-offs during a start within the power zone have been effectively eliminated. ─── 在这种方法,处理非常容易因为危险离地升空在一个开始期间在力量区域之内有效地被消灭了。

2、On bring the positive factors in the new era, we should not copy the modus operandi in the planed economy, but make the new clue and introduce the new counter measure according to the new changes. ─── 新时期调动积极因素 ,不可照搬计划经济时期的做法 ,只能根据新情况新变化 ,创设新思路 ,提出新对策。

3、Comparative Study on Different Modus Operandi of Well-known Chinese and Foreign Food Journals ─── 中外食品类著名核心期刊运作方式的比较研究

4、For both men, secrecy and deceit were the modus operandi. ─── 互相隐瞒和欺骗是他们的家常便饭。

5、Objective:To explore the incisors moving modus of Angle Class I malocclusion with crowding treated by removing four first premolars . ─── 方法:安氏I类错牙合牙列拥挤病例20例,均拔除4个第一前磨牙,采用方丝弓细丝弓技术矫治,牙性支抗(弱支抗)。

6、The Article analyses some ordinary modus of heating,ventilating ,air conditioning design in the chemical fribre currently by the introduce ,and something attentive in the design. ─── 本文根据设计实例的介绍,分析当前化纤企业空调通风的一些常见做法,以及设计中应该注意的一些问题。

7、approach, procedure, method of operation, mode of operation, modus operandi, strategy ─── 做法。操作方法。操作模式。策略。战略。方法。行为方式。途径。步骤。程序。手续。

8、modus tollens ─── 拒取式否定式

9、operandi modus ─── 手术法, 操作法

10、The Main Modus Operandi of Developed Countries Using TBT in Agricultural Product Trade and Its Revelation ─── 发达国家在农产品贸易中使用TBT的主要做法及启示

11、This article brought forward the meaning, basic thinking way, specific modus operandi, actual effect and existent problem of extracurricular tutor system which has some referenced value. ─── 文中提出了课外导师制的意义、基本思路、具体做法、实际效果、存在问题,具有一定的参考价值。

12、6. We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi. ─── 我们设法达成了某种临时的妥协.

13、More importantly, Rawls make a difference between a modus Vivendi and an overlapping consensus. ─── 更为重要的是罗尔斯在一种权宜之计和一种重叠共识之间进行了明确的区分。

14、The time was too short to reveal much, but at least one aspect of Obama's modus operandi should travel with him into the White House. ─── 这段时间太过短暂以至于他并没有展现出太多,不过至少Obama有一方面的做法应该跟着他一起进白宫。

15、But also a most useful modus operandi at this stage. ─── 但是也是一个很有用的方法在这个阶段。

16、religion distribution modus ─── 分布样态

17、modus operandi ─── 做法, 惯用手法

18、But to make money you need to understand the modus operandi of PPC advertisement. ─── 但是,如果要赚钱的话,你需要了解PPC广告的基本特征和做法。

19、I believe they want to alter its culture and modus operandi. ─── 我相信他们希望改变自己的文化和习惯做法。

20、Influence of two modus operandi in acute cholecystitcs in coagulative fuction. ─── 急诊胆囊炎不同手术方法对机体凝血功能的影响。

21、Some modus and experiences about reforming teaching contents of cell biology ─── 医学细胞生物学课程教学内容改革的实践与认识

22、Perhaps this was his modus operandi. ─── 或许这就是他独树一格的作法。

23、To inquire into the exploitation of the talented person market of the engaged nurses, it is expounded in this article that the modus operandi and the experience of exploiting the talented person market of the engaged nurses. ─── 为探讨聘用制护理人才市场的开发 ,本文阐述了开发聘用制护理人才市场的做法和体会 ;

24、The agreement is the first positive sign so far that the two countries may be able to find a modus vivendi. ─── 中日协议是目前为止第一个积极的迹象,表明两国可能可以找到暂时的妥协。

25、modus operandi one : the house (the original Yugouren) with the signing of the home purchase agreement, both sides agreed to be faster to Xianfang, commercial housing sales contracts to be signed. ─── 操作方法一:上家(原预购人)与下家签订定金协议,双方约定待期房转为现房时,再另行签订商品房买卖合同。

26、E.g.: We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi. ─── 我们设法达成了某种临时的妥协。

27、the mistaken optimism surrounding the stimulus package can and should be a one-off, not the administration's modus operandi. ─── 围绕刺激方案产生的错误乐观情绪,可能(而且应该)是一次性的,而不应该是奥巴马政府的惯常做法。

28、Keywords roadheder;loading and conveying mchanism;driving modus;reformation; ─── 掘进机;装运机构;传动方式;改造;

29、modus tollendo ponens ─── 拒取式

30、As regards the Council for Sustainable Development, following the research on the structure, modus operandi and performance of similar committees overseas and consultation with major stakeholders, the council was set up in December. ─── 在成立持续发展委员会方面,该组完成了对外国类似委员会的架构、运作形式和表现的研究,并且谘询了主要团体。 委员会其后于十二月成立。

31、Amid the several viral and wormy outbreaks that buffeted the Internet this past August, one had a peculiar modus operandi. ─── 今年8月大肆攻击网际网路的几种电脑病毒与蠕虫之中,有一只蠕虫的行径不但怪异,也相当罕见。

32、After 1940, a modus vivendi between church and state was achieved. ─── 年后,教会和政府达成了妥协。

33、Modus ponens from premises "if A, then C, A" can be suppressed with the introduction of the additional premise "if C, then Q , "when Q is a consequential conditionals with a negative outcome. ─── 3.当引进了额外前提“如果C,那么Q,”而且这个额外前提是一个带有消极结果的结果性条件时,“如果A,那么C,A”肯定式会受到抑制。

34、Modus Operandi and Experience in the Nursing Staff Continuing Education ─── 在职护士继续教育的做法与体会

35、Keywords extraperitoneal cesarean section;lower uterine segmental cesarean section;modus operandi; ─── 侧入式两指快速分离法腹膜外剖宫产;子宫下段剖宫产;手术方式;

36、Thischapter in epth analyzes this issue, mostly from modus operandi, operationflow reconstituted meaning, operation flow extant problem, the availabilitycondition to recreate operation flow. ─── 主要从指导思想、业务流程再造的意义、业务流程现存的问题、业务流程再造具备的条件等方面进行了分析与探讨。

37、This feature of stability highlights a basic contrast between an overlapping consensus and a modus Vivendi, the stability of which does depend on happenstance and a balance of relative forces. ─── 因此,与一种权宜之计不同,重叠共识所带来的稳定性并不信赖于各种相对力量之间的偶然情形和平衡。

38、Choice of modus operatindi ─── 术式选择

39、The article argues that the definitions about several forms of modus judgment are not scientific, they are short of strict logic, they are wrong. ─── 尽管前人对假言判断作了比较深刻的研究,但仍存在疏忽。

40、In this paper, it summarized the differences between traditional teaching and interactive teaching in information environment, at the same time , it introduces some idiographic modus operandi. ─── 本文总结传统教学与信息环境下互动教学的不同,同时介绍了我们在互动教学中的一些具体做法。

41、As regards the Council for Sustainable Development,following the research on the structure,modus operandi and performance of similar committees overseas and consultation with major stakeholders,the council was set up in December. ─── 在成立持续发展委员会方面,完成了对外国类似委员会的架构、运作形式和表现的研究,并且咨询了主要团体,委员会其后于十二月成立。

42、modus ponens ─── n. 分离规则(一种数学演绎推理规则)

43、The average family modus operandi for holidays is to pack the children and a huge amount of luggage into a car or RV (recreational vehicle - a motorised small house with all the comforts of home) and drive thou-sands of miles. ─── 一般家庭的度假方法是 把孩子和鼓鼓的行囊塞进汽车或者房车(一种活动的 小房子,里面有各种家庭日用品),开上几千英里。

44、Influences of Two Modus Operandi in Acute Cholecystitis on Stress and Immune Function ─── 急诊胆囊炎不同手术方式对机体的应激及免疫功能的影响

45、The Delegation thought that it seemed the United States totally rejected anything that could bring about changes in the modus operandi of the Organization in favor of developing countries. ─── 代表团认为美国似乎对任何可能改变本组织操作方法或是对发展中国家有利的事务一般是采取断然拒绝的态度。

46、By the end of the month details have been hammered out and a modus vivendi has been established to create the foundations for future growth. ─── 月底前,细节问题要仔细推敲,一种生活方式将建立起来,它会为未来的发展奠定基础。

47、He created the original ecological elements with the times modus operandi closely together, to write a number of times in line with the needs of the music. ─── 他把原生态元素用创作的手法与时代紧密结合在一起,写出了一批符合这个时代需要的音乐作品。

48、Modus and Effect of Sichuan Forestry Ecological Project's Supervision and Management Works ─── 四川林业生态工程监理工作的做法与成效

49、of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant. ─── 与被告的简短交流体现了她独特的办事方式。

50、Indeed, “the younger the better” might be the modus operandi1 for companies like the Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG), and the rising superstar, Isabella Leong, is at all representative. ─── “出名要趁早”就成了英皇娱乐集团这类公司的惯用手段,而冉冉升起的超级巨星梁洛施就是彻头彻尾的代表人物。

51、The array of patches forms a resonant surface on which surface currents can be resonantly excited for generating at least one field modus. ─── 所述贴片的阵列构成了谐振表面,在该谐振表面上能够以谐振方式激励表面电流,以便产生至少一个场形式。

52、Prior to agreements mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Republic of China and the adjacent or opposite countries, in a spirit of understanding and co-operation, may reach a modus vivendi. ─── 前项协议未能达成前,得与相邻或相向国家基于谅解及合作之精神,作成过渡时期之临时安排。

53、11.This is the modus operandi of the two robbers that they may be in the region over the past few months a number of culprits robbery. ─── 11.这两个劫匪的作案手法表明他们可能就是过去几个月里这一地区多起抢劫案的元凶。

54、He will also try to thrash out a modus vivendi with Russia, take action against al-Qaeda safe havens in Pakistan and, perhaps most urgently, address Iran's nuclear programme. ─── 他还将试图与俄罗斯达成暂时妥协,对基地组织在巴基斯坦的“安乐窝”采取行动,而最迫切的或许是,解决伊朗核问题。

55、different modus operandi ─── 不同术式

56、Fast pathologic examination of lymph node of central region in patients suffering from thyroid carcinoma of differentiation type may be a guidance in choice of modus operandi and reduce metastasis or recurrence of carcinoma postoperatively. ─── 在分化型甲状腺癌患者的手术中,对中央区淋巴结的术中快速病理检查,可以指导对甲状腺癌患者手术方式的选择,减少手术后癌的复发率及转移率,提高患者的生活质量。

57、Influences of Two Modus Operandi in Acute Cholecystitis on Coagulative Function ─── 急诊胆囊炎不同手术方式对机体凝血功能的影响

58、He also offered an insight into his own modus operandi now that he, too, has no hope of having his films shown in Iran. ─── 他还就其电影作品在伊朗上映无望的情况下,披露了自己特有的工作方式。

59、Discussion on the Modus of Inserting the Gastric Canal in Comatose Patients with Organophosphorus Pesticide Toxicosis ─── 口服有机磷中毒昏迷患者胃管插入方法探讨

60、Finally, political parties will have to change radically their modus operandi. ─── 最后,各政党将来不得不彻底改变现有的行为方式。

61、Report of the GOOS Review panel on the Structure, Mandates and Modus Operandi of GOOS ─── 全球海洋监测系统组织、托管和运作检查组报告

62、Keywords Development technology;Modus operandi;Effective;Recovery;Adjustment;Pucheng oilfield; ─── 开发技术;做法;效果;采收率;调整;濮城油田;

63、modus habilis ─── [法] 有效方式

64、Subtotal gastectomy (80.5%)was the main modus operandi.Post-operation five-year-survival rate was 86.4%and post-operation recurrence rate was 9.1%. ─── 手术方式以胃大部切除为主(80.5%),术后5年生存率为86.4%,复发率为9.1%。

65、Second, the modus operandi of elements from the holy war, a target of attack, they should be a new type of local Indian extremist forces. ─── 其次,从圣战分子作案手法、袭击目标看,他们应是印度本土新型极端势力。

66、Transactions, the team could never get kickbacks , businessmen through decorate Team "pry out" with the modus operandi of consumer prices. ─── 成交后,装潢队可以拿到回扣,商家则通过装潢队的“撬边”,用以次充好的手法欺骗消费者。

67、2. You are the categorical uncatogrerised, thinking out of the box is your modus operandi. ─── 你是个不能被分类的类别,另类思维是你的操作模式。

68、I understand this. Avoidance was my modus operandi. ─── 这我能理解。因为以前,逃避也是我惯用的伎俩。

69、After year of confrontation, they finally have achieve a modus vivendi. ─── 在对抗很长时间后,他们最后达成安宁生存的非正式协议。

70、generalized modus ponens(GMP) problem ─── 广义MP问题

71、Finally introduced our country enterprise private solicits the financing system the performance modus and the development evolves. ─── 最后介绍了我国企业私募融资制度的表现样态及发展演化。

72、Fuzzy Modus Ponens (FMP) and Fuzzy Modus Tollens (FMT ) are two kinds fuzzy reasoning models . ─── FMP(肯定前件式)和FMT(否定后件式)是模糊推理的两种基本模型。

73、Method:The usage relieving Qi Stagnancy in Liver modus treat menstruation front of fretting depression 30 case to carry on analysis. ─── 方法:运用疏肝解郁法治疗月经前期烦躁抑郁症30例进行分析。

74、generalized modus ponens ─── 广义假言推理

75、Such a modus vivendi as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be without prejudice to the final delimitation. ─── 前项临时安排不妨碍最后分界线之划定。

76、Modus improved - operated ─── 改良术式

77、The international modus operandi of government procurement and its apocalypse ─── 政府采购的国际做法及启示

78、A Few Modus Operandi for Talents Cultivation Management in Our Hospital under New Circumstances ─── 新形势下我院人才培养管理的几点做法

79、modus vivendi ─── n. 生活方式, 暂时妥协

80、ground modus operandi ─── 地面做法

81、Breaching the traditional modus operandi, it compresses the time of the whole business process through changing the relationship among processes. ─── 它突破传统的时间压缩的观念,以目标为导向,挖掘隐藏在各业务模块之间的无效时间,改变了企业内部的业务流程。

82、The international modus operandi of government procurement and its apocalypse. ─── 政府生机采购的国际作法及启示。

83、Some Modus Operandi of Culture Certificated in Actualizing Water Area and Intertidal Zone ─── 实施水域滩涂养殖证制度的几点做法

84、Fuzzy Modus Ponens (FMP) ─── 模糊MP规则

85、Study on the operative modus of benign tumor of the ovary ─── 卵巢良性肿瘤术式的探讨

86、[Namsan-gwa Gyeongbokgung sinae juyo gwan-gwang-ji-reul modu gayo. ─── ] 南山、景福宫等等。可以游览市内主要景点。

87、So we certainly hope we could also find a modus vivendi between Taiwan and the mainland based not on zero-sum game, but on pragmatism. ─── 所以我们当然希望我们能找到一个台湾和大陆之间暂时的妥协,不是零合的游戏,而是实用主义。

88、Gradual engagement, rather than rhetoric of shaming China, should be our modus operandi, if we wish to avoid alienating the Chinese people. ─── 如果我们希望避免疏离中国民众,我们应该采取逐步接触的办法,而不是在言辞上羞辱中国。

89、modus poneus ─── 假言推论

波埃修斯 (Bo?thius) 将音乐分为“宇宙的音乐”、“人的音乐”、“乐器的音乐”,应该如何理解?

看到有人问波伊提乌斯的3种音乐观怎么理解,就像是我问贝多芬为什么会写那么多出色的交响曲。首先,波伊提乌斯有两个身份,一个是非常熟悉古希腊文化的罗马人,一个是最早的基督教思想家,也被视为奠定基督教基本神学思想的教父之一。 其次,他对基督教神学的很多理解都来自于古希腊思想,所以使得基督教的很多认识一开始就和古希腊思想保持了高度一致。 再次,他的三种音乐观之所以这么有名是因为被早期基督教会采纳作为一个基本教义了,而这种观点正是来源于古希腊人对世界的理解。 波伊提乌斯认为 宇宙的音乐是宇宙间天体万物运行时的声音,人听不见但是它是上帝全能的造物,不可思不可议,因此最为高级。 人的音乐来自人体,虽不及宇宙之乐高级,但是人体也是自然的造物,身体和生命的运转是个小宇宙,因此,人发出的声音「声乐」是好的音乐。 最下级的是器乐音乐,因为乐器是人造物,发出的声音是人为之音,不是上帝和自然的创造,因此它不好,甚至败坏!他认为这一点在现实中可以找到印证,人们听器乐往往会被华丽的乐音吸引,被夺去心智。 这三种音乐观来源于古希腊人认为世界的本源在抽象的理式层面「柏拉图」,而不在现世的观念。这一观念的继承使得后来的一千年左右基督教会在仪式音乐中,只允许人声「唱诗班」而拒绝器乐「管风琴是例外」。

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