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10-04 投稿


majorities 发音

英:[m??d??r?tiz]  美:[m??d??r?tiz]

英:  美:

majorities 中文意思翻译



majorities 词性/词形变化,majorities变形

名词复数: majorities |

majorities 同义词

gap | absolute majority | the | more | age of consent | more than half | common | part | legal age | most | preponderance | public | popular | the public | voting | populace | adulthood | commonality | difference | legal | voting age | manhood | age | plurality | mainstream | margin | drinking | mass | citizenry | consent |bulk | womanhood | middle-of-the-road | maturity | of | half | than | must

majorities 反义词


majorities 常用词组

majority of ─── 大多数;大部分

overwhelming majority ─── 压倒性多数

vast majority ─── 绝大多数,大部份

majorities 短语词组

1、absolute majorities ─── 绝对多数

2、overall majorities ─── 总体多数

3、majorities of ─── 大多数; ─── 大部分

majorities 相似词语短语

1、majoritaires ─── 多数

2、dakoities ─── 达科塔

3、majorettes ─── n.鼓手队长;军乐队队长或指挥

4、majorats ─── 少校

5、majesties ─── 庄严

6、majoritaire ─── 多数

7、dacoities ─── n.强夺;抢劫(等于dakoity)

8、minorities ─── n.少数(minority的复数形式);少数民族;少数族裔

9、maturities ─── n.成熟;到期;完备

majorities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Love Story" came to be made only after six major studios had given it the thumbs down. ─── 《爱情故事》是在遭到6家主要制片商的拒绝之后才开始制作的。

2、An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company. ─── 一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部分股份。

3、A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago. ─── 卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州东北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻

4、Noticing his military beating, I put him down as a retired major. ─── 从他那军人的举止,我认为他是一位退役的少校。

5、She had a major emotional upset. ─── 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。

6、As prime minister of a Conservative government with majorities in both houses of Parliament, he seems to have changed his mind. ─── 面对国会两院大多数都是保守派,作为总理的他看起来似乎已经改变了主意。

7、In 14 of 23 countries, clear majorities favor the idea. ─── 在23个国家中14个明确的多数赞成这一想法。

8、Illiteracy is a major problem in some developing countries. ─── 在一些发展中国家,文盲是个大问题。

9、He is a Major in the US Air Force. ─── 他是美国空军的少校。

10、The new Congress, with bigger Democratic majorities, has a decidedly less trade-friendly hue. ─── 在民主党拥有大多数席位的新国会里,确定无疑地缺失偏好自由友好贸易的色彩。

11、The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem. ─── 安全处置核废料是个大问题。

12、Her major is French. ─── 她的主修科目是法语。

13、Profit of major airlines has been affected by the rise in fuel price. ─── 主要航空公司的利润受到燃料涨价的影响。

14、Major courses contributing to management qualification: Management, accounting, economics, marketing, sociology. ─── 对管理资格有帮助的主要课程:管理学、会计学、经济学、市场学、社会学。

15、They continued to view it as their major adversary. ─── 他们继续把它看作主要的对手。

16、The major world powers are afraid of falling behind in the arms race. ─── 世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落後。

17、The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization. ─── 审讯结果表明这个组织中几个主要人物都牵连在案。

18、Just because we underbid our rivals and got a major order, they have accused us of sharp practice. ─── 只是因为我们投票时出价低于对手得到了一个大数量的订货单,他们便指责我们有欺诈行为。

19、A president with a big personal mandate, solid majorities in both chambers of Congress and a silver tongue ought to have been much braver. ─── 总统享有强大的个人授权,在国会两院拥有压倒性票数,而且又能言善辩,他本应该更勇敢点的。

20、A major record in auto racing fell. ─── 在汽车赛中产生了一项重大记录。

21、Majorities in almost every country said wealthier nations are not doing enough to help poorer ones. ─── 几乎所有国家中的大多数人认为较富裕国家对贫困国家的帮助不够。

22、The skirmish grew into a major battle. ─── 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。

23、The will of the majorities is not subject to any limitations. ─── 多数人的意志不受任何限制。

24、Major Ports: Copenhagen, Alborg, Arhus, Odense. ─── 主要港口:哥本哈根、奥尔堡、奥尔胡、欧登塞。

25、They now have bigger majorities in both houses than the G.O.P. ever achieved in its 12-year reign. ─── 在其12年执政期间,即使是共和党也从未达到民主党在参众两院所取得的多数席位。

26、The major part of the audience was laughing. ─── 大部分观众在笑。

27、The two firms joined forces to win a major contract. ─── 两家公司联合起来以争得一桩大生意。

28、He spent the major part of a year abroad. ─── 他在国外度过大半年。

29、They tried to pin him down on major issues. ─── 他们试图说服他就重大问题表明立场。

30、It had become of major importance as a pathogen. ─── 它已成为极其重要的病原菌。

31、Her father underwent a major operation last week. ─── 她父亲上周动了一次大手术。

32、Major Smith has been attached to the 2nd division. ─── 史密斯少校暂已派到第二师执行任务。

33、The major media are rapidly becoming the glue. ─── 主要的传播媒介正迅速地变成一条纽带。

34、She played a major part in the success of the scheme. ─── 她对该计画的成功起了重要作用。

35、What is the major cause of the labour-management strife? ─── 劳资冲突的主要原因是什么?

36、They have wiped out the enemy's major military targets. ─── 他们已彻底摧毁了敌人的主要军事目标。

37、People follow confidence, and the majorities of popular people are confident or at least pretend to be. ─── 人们跟着自信的人走,受欢迎的人要么自信,要么假装自信。

38、Though is hard, they win of the majorities can adapt to life in the city, some farmer works even applied for a city to live power. ─── 尽管辛苦,他们中的多数人都能适应城市生活,有些农民工甚至申请到了城市居住权。

39、However, majorities of both blacks and whites did agree that the country is ready for an African-American president. ─── 但是,大部分黑人和白人都认为,美国可以接受一位非洲裔美国人出任总统。

40、Unemployment is one of the major problems of modern times. ─── 失业问题是现代的主要问题。

41、"Slit the tunic," the major said. ─── “撕开制服,”少校说。

42、He was making a major effort to tilt American policy towards Africa. ─── 他正在作出重大努力使美国政策向非洲倾斜。

43、The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. ─── 九州日本最南端的主要岛屿,在西南部,位于东中国海和太平洋上

44、The one major signpost is change. ─── 一个主要的路标就是改变。

45、Even a limited confrontation can escalate into a major war. ─── 即使是局部的对抗也可能扩大成一场大战。

46、Large majorities support higher, not lower, taxes on the wealthy. ─── 绝大多数人支持对富人提高而不是降低税收。

47、It forms a major structural depression. ─── 它构成一个大的构造凹陷。

48、She won commanding majorities in the working-class suburbs of Buenos Aires and among poorer voters across the country. ─── 在布宜诺斯艾利斯市郊的工人阶级与国家稍贫穷的选民中,菲南德斯赢得了势压一切的多数票。

49、Only very, very rarely does someone so far out of the political swim as Jerry Brown, who last held political office almost a decade ago, manage to win the presidential nomination of a major party. ─── 像布朗这样远离政海——他最后一次从政几乎是十年以前的事——而能设法赢得主要政党提名竞选总统,实在是一件绝无仅有之事。

50、The truth is: Nobody is perfect at everthing and the majorities think in common with you. ─── 事实是:没有谁是万能的,而且大多数人都有你这种想法。

51、Money is still a major incentive to most people. ─── 对于大多数人来说,金钱仍是主要的刺激物。

52、One of the great consequences of the system is that it produces majorities automatically. ─── 这种制度的最大结果就是它自动地产生了多数党。

53、The major stations are not broadcasting today. ─── 主要的电台今天都没有广播。

54、His advancement to major came two years ago. ─── 他於两年前被提升为少校。

55、A major vessel has been lacerated. ─── 一个较大的血管已经裂伤。

56、English is his major and history is his minor. ─── 他主修英文,副修历史。

57、She was deemed to the most enfluence one in the commitee by majorities. ─── 她被大多数人认为是委员会里最具影响力的成员。

58、For many Britons accustomed to watching Thatcher browbeat enemies and dress down aides, it seemed like only a matter of time before her support for Major would cool. ─── 对很多看惯撒切尔向她的政敌怒目而视或斥责僚属的英国人来说,她对梅杰的支持迟早都会冷却。

59、A captain is inferior to a major. ─── 上尉的级别低於少校。

60、A major precedes a captain in rank. ─── 少校军阶高于上尉。

61、"On the Ten Major Relationships" is a fine speech. ─── 《论十大关系》是好的。

62、This is not always true, but the strong tendency to produce majorities is built into the system. ─── 虽然并不总是如此。但是产生多数党的巨大倾向在这种制度中形成了。

63、Breastworks were thrown up at major intersections. ─── 在主要的十字路口都匆匆筑起了胸墙。

64、The major general ranks at this camp. ─── 少将是这个营地的最高级军官。

65、Young and old converge on one key point: Overwhelming majorities of both groups said they believe it is harder for young people today to get started in life than it was for earlier generations. ─── 年轻人和老年人在一个关键问题上达成了一致:他们都认为,与前几代人相比,现代年轻人开启新生活更加困难。

66、Major Cities: Roseau, Joseph, Portsmouth. ─── 主要城市:罗索、约瑟夫、次茅斯。

67、Creating a new business process is a major project. ─── 创立一种崭新的商业运行方法可谓是一个大工程。

68、Your comments are an excursion from the major theme. ─── 你的话偏离了主题。

69、It is the major media for malaria and dengue fever. ─── 埃及伊蚊是登革热病的传播媒介。

70、She is working for her double major in English and Economics. ─── 她正在修英语和经济双学位。

71、And the other major item is water and sanitation. ─── 另外一个主要问题是水源和卫生设备。

72、A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. ─── 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。

73、As you are well aware that a merger is a major turning point. ─── 你很清楚合并是一个重要的转折点。

74、But if you are woman, you can point thar majorities of criminists are men. ─── 如果你是女子,你可以反驳说大多数罪犯也都是男人。

75、In some countries, large majorities said AIDS is a bigger problem now than it was five years ago. ─── 在一些国家,多数人觉得比起五年前,AIDS更加严重了。

76、Fellow Democrats rode his coattails to larger majorities in both houses of Congress. ─── 其他民主党的同事借助于奥巴马的燕尾赢得了国会各议会的大多数选票。

77、Almost the majorities thought that knowledge beyond the life was zooty and infinite. ─── 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。

78、They don't have oppositions or majorities or elections. ─── 他们对选举多数没有异议。

79、Captain is an inferior rank to major. ─── 上尉是低于少校的一个官阶

80、The major or minor term of a syllogism. ─── 大前提,小前提三段论中的大前提或小前提

81、His major views are contained in the works. ─── 其主要观点体现在他的著作中。

82、Higher than Junior College: Demestic trade, Marketing, Public relationship and so on majorities. ─── 大专以上学历:国内贸易、市场营销、公共关系等相关专业。

83、It was treated as a major security leak. ─── 它被列为重大安全事故。

84、The preferred the captain to the rank of major . ─── 他们将这个陆军上尉提升到少校。

85、Large majorities of Israelis and Palestinians now want two states, side by side. ─── 以色列和巴勒斯坦的绝大多数人现都希望两个国家能够毗邻而居。

86、He left the major portion of his money to the foundation. ─── 他将大部分钱留给了这个基金会。

87、Graph the three major types of cost functions. ─── 三种主要类型价值函数的曲线图。

88、His inept handling of a minor problem turned it into a major crisis. ─── 他处理不善使小事变大了。

89、Electronic products are the major import from Japan. ─── 从日本进口的主要物品是电子产品。

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