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10-04 投稿


nectarous 发音

英:[[nek'te?r?s]]  美:[[nek'te?r?s]]

英:  美:

nectarous 中文意思翻译



nectarous 相似词语短语

1、nectariferous ─── adj.生花蜜的;分泌花蜜的

2、nectareous ─── adj.神酒似的;甘美芬芳的

3、nectaries ─── n.(植物)蜜腺

4、decorous ─── adj.有礼貌的,高雅的;端正的

5、nectars ─── n.[植]花蜜;甘露;神酒;任何美味的饮料;n.(Nectar)人名;(罗)内克塔尔

6、nectarines ─── n.[园艺]油桃

7、cellarous ─── 酒窖

8、nectarivorous ─── adj.[无脊椎]食蜜的

9、anestrous ─── 休情的

nectarous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It feeds on nectar, particularly of Eucalyptus and Banksia, seeds, fruits and insects and mainly forages in the foliage of trees. ─── 它以蜜液为食,尤其是桉木和拔克西木属的花蜜,另外它还吃种子、果实、昆虫以及大部分阔叶树中的草料。

2、Natural diet: nectar, flowers, fruits, berries, pollen, seeds, buds, insects and their larvae; causes considerable damage to apple and pear orchards, other cultivated fruit trees and grain fields. ─── 吸蜜的食物包含花蜜,花,果,浆果,花粉,种子,芽苞,昆虫及蛹.有时吸蜜鹦鹉还会破坏人类种植的苹果园.梨子园,或者其他水果,谷类园区.

3、A hummingbird picks up more than nectar at a flower in Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. ─── 一只蜂鸟吸进比较多的花蜜,花卉在哥斯达黎加的蒙特沃尔德云雾森林保存。

4、That nectar is thoroughly relished by Your vibrating flute and makes people forget any other attachment. ─── 振动的笛子完全地品味着那种甘露,它使人们忘记了其它的任何依恋。

5、Because in its scramble to reach the nectar, a whole bundle of pollen-packets sticks to the wasp between its feelers. ─── 因为黄蜂寻找花蜜时,触角之间会粘上一小包花粉。

6、Disciple Jui Khin wants to include the holy image of Medicine Guru Buddha that we used in fire pujas in his forthcoming book, Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha, so I scan it for the purpose. ─── 弟子惟钦希望将我们在火供时所使用的那张药师佛圣像列入他即将出版的《药师佛法露》一书中,所以我将之扫瞄以供使用。

7、It hovers in front of the flower, using its proboscis to look for nectar. ─── 它在兰花前面飞来飞去,用喙寻找花蜜。

8、Just about an hour after TM took the nectar pills, h is lungs collapsed for the first time. ─── 就在TM用完这瓶甘露丸水约1个小时后,他的肺首度衰竭。

9、He drew a long breath and repeatedly chanted the name of Rama, every word showering nectar into the hearts of the devotees. ─── 他深深地吸了一口气,重复地唱颂着罗摩的名字,每一个字都像甘露般地洒落在奉献者的心里。

10、At 1000 frames per second water looks like nectar and even the smallest of ripples takes on a magical quality. ─── 在1000帧每秒水看起来像花蜜,甚至最小的涟漪呈现出神奇的质量。

11、She is at present gone to look for the best nectar and ambrosia to regale me this evening. ─── 她今晚为款待我,现在又去准备美酒佳肴去了。

12、The flower buds of the palm collect yeast, which ferments the nectar, they said. ─── 他们表示,棕榈树的花蕾聚集了使花蜜发酵的酵母。

13、Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar. ─── 北美东部已引入的欧亚多年生植物有多刺的白色棉花似的叶子和麝香味的深红色的头状花序;水果原汁。

14、I can destroy and solve my agonizing grief only by drinking the nectar of your love. ─── 我能摧毁和解决我的悲伤仅仅通过喝你的爱情的玉浆玉液。

15、 双语使用场景

16、The song becomes the doleful music of the miserable world they no longer occupy ,then they just sit around listening to it ,drinking nectar and stuff . ─── 在他们无法占据的痛苦世界里,这首歌便成了一种悲伤的音乐。然后他们只是坐下来聆听这首歌,伴着美酒佳肴。

17、Six bird species were recorded consuming the nectar of Aeschynanthus acuminatus, and 3 of them used the nectar of Prunus campanulata. ─── 我们也记录到6种鸟类取食长果藤的花蜜,但仅其中3种曾食用山樱花的花蜜。

18、The monks were proficient brewers and began to sell some of their precious nectar to the lay folk of the area. ─── 修士们都是精通酿造的酿酒师并且开始对当地的民众出售他们精心酿制的美酒。

19、As the bee collects nectar and departs without harming the flower or its color or scent, so let the sage live in a village. ─── 如蜂集华,不娆色香,但取味去,仁入聚然

20、Mixed with water it tasted as fragrant and delicate as fresh litchi, a heavenly drink like nectar. ─── 喝着这样的好蜜,你会觉得生活都是甜的呢。

21、The tiny Rufous hummingbird is able to recall where and when it last dined on the sweet nectar of flowers, according to new research, proving bird brains are smarter than first thought. ─── 一项新的研究显示,小小的棕煌蜂鸟能够回忆起自己上一次在何时何地进食甜蜜的花蕊,从而证明鸟的大脑比人们最初想像的还要聪明。

22、Bees feed on necker[nectar] and pollen from flowers. ─── 他们认为空气中臭氧正组织蜂和其他授粉者闻花朵.

23、The modest bee showed gratefulness to the flower after sipping nectar while the butterfly arrogantly believed that it was the flower that owed him thanks. ─── 1蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。/浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。。

24、Each time Mrs. Chen went to visit him, she always brought him a container of nectar water, on which she had prayed to Master to bestow a special blessing. ─── 师姊每次去医院看他,都为他带一壶师父加持过的甘露水。

25、GOX was inhibited by phenolics in nectar outside hives. ─── 在蜂巢外,蜜蜂分泌的GOX的功能被花蜜中的酚类物质所抑制。

26、Upon returning to the hive, they deposit the nectar into pockets, called honeycombs, in the hive’s walls.It is from here that we get honey. ─── 一返回蜂房,它们便将花蜜储存在被称作“六角形蜂窝”的蜂房壁上的小巢中,我们就是从那里采集蜂蜜的。

27、A draft of water would be nectar to me, and I would own myself indebted to you for life itself. ─── 你们给我一点水,在我看来那就是甘露。我一辈子都不会忘记你们的恩情的。

28、When I walked in, he poked around me looking for the nectar. ─── 我一进屋,它就围上来东寻西找要吃花蜜。

29、It is likely that C. lancifolium attracted the bee by the purplish chestnut spots on the labellum (false nectar guides) exploiting the foraging preference of bees. ─── 在传粉过程中兔耳兰的药帽与花粉团和粘盘一起粘在中华蜜蜂背部。

30、Others think that they eat nectar and other insects. ─── 其他人认为它们吃花蜜和其它昆虫。

31、The male mosquito feeds on nectar and other plant juices. ─── 公蚊子靠花蜜和其它植物的汁液哺育成长。

32、Thus, metaphorically, God had cleansed Hsinchus air with nectar showers before sending fine weather to welcome guests. ─── 彷佛是法雨事先净化新竹地区的气氛,再以温暖的天气迎接活动的到来。

33、The name honeysuckle comes from the sweet nectar that the flower produces to intoxicate the greedy bee. ─── 忍冬用产生的甘露迷醉贪婪的蜜蜂,由此而得名(忍冬英文一词是由“蜂蜜”和“吮吸”两组成)。

34、However, I thought that TM just did not have the merits to consume the nectar pills as he was no longer able to take in any solid food. ─── 但是,我想TM无法有足够福报来接受这些甘露,因为他已经无法进食任何固体食物了。

35、Afterwards, I finally tasted the sweet nectar of blissful samadhi. ─── 后来我终于进入了极乐三摩地,品尝到甜美甘露。

36、But he couldn't chant 16 rounds a day. Instead, he started chanting 32 rounds, experiencing so much relief and nectar from the holy names. ─── 但是他没有念颂16圈一天,他从32圈开始,经历了那么多安慰和来自圣名的甘露。

37、On a hot summer day a long cool drink is like nectar. ─── 在炎热的夏天喝一通冷饮如获琼浆玉液.

38、Most are nectar feeding and many mimic bees and wasps, with their characteristic black and yellow bands in the abdomen. ─── 它们大多数都是以花蜜为食,它们中的很多酷似蜜蜂和黄蜂,因为它们都在下腹部有标志性的黄色和黑色条纹。

39、You are the monarch of the intoxicated bee-like devotees who are maddened by drinking the nectar of these and other holy names, and you destroy all grief. ─── 在那些如蜜蜂般的奉献者被主的这些圣名或其它名字的甘露所陶醉,而您是奉献者的国王,您毁灭一切不幸。

40、A glandlike organ,located outside or within a flower,secretes nectar. ─── 一个像腺体的器官,位于花的外部或内部,能分泌甘美的液体。

41、They have good color vision but a poor sense of smell, so they are attracted to bright (often red), odorless flowers.Mature bees visit flowers to collect pollen and nectar to eat. ─── 他们具有良好的颜色视觉不佳,但嗅觉,所以他们被吸引到光明(通常是红色),无臭的花朵。

42、From anthesis to fruit stage, we observed a large mount of nectar stored in upper scare leaves. ─── 从雄蕊期起在最内层麟叶可观察到大量蓄积之蜜液,一直到果实期仍可见。

43、The flower shape of Tropical milkweed is spectacular. Its nectar attracts insects; and leaves of the plant are the food of Monarch butterfly's larvae. ─── 尖尾凤的花型很特别,除了花蜜可吸引昆虫,亦是桦斑蝶幼虫的食草。

44、Insect wax with wax scent usage of beeswax: it is a kind of organic admixture excreted from worker bee wax gland with aroma of farina and nectar. ─── 川蜡(虫蜡)有蜡香气味蜂蜡用途:蜂蜡,又叫蜜蜡,是工蜂蜡腺分泌的一种有机混合物,具有花粉和花蜜香气。

45、Any of numerous, usually dull-colored night-flying moths of the family Noctuidae, having a well-developed proboscis for sucking nectar and larvae such as the cutworms and armyworms that are destructive to young trees and other crops. ─── 夜蛾一种通常为暗色的夜间飞行的夜蛾,长有非常发达的吸管,用于吮吸花蜜和幼虫。如切根虫和行军虫,他们对树苗和其它庄稼有毁坏作用

46、Any of various brightly colored Australasian parrots having a tongue with a brushlike tip that is used to feed on nectar and pollen. ─── 吸蜜小鹦鹉一种澳大拉西亚的色彩艳丽的鹦鹉,具有刷子一样尖端的舌头,用于食花蜜和花粉

48、A tall, brawny Irish American walks into your office, puts a crystal goblet on the desk, and pours out a serving of a deep-purple nectar. ─── 一个高挑健壮的美籍爱尔兰人走进办公室,将一个水晶高脚杯放在桌子上,倒入深紫色的花蜜。

49、Among the 31 nectar plants recorded, most of them were either cultivated or naturalized. ─── 所记录的31种蜜源植物以外来种园艺植物或归化植物居多。

50、A simple cup of Kopi-O,piping hot, fragrant, no sugar, no milk, bitter to most, but to me, it is such sweet nectar. ─── 一杯咖啡乌,热腾腾的,香醇的,不加糖,不加奶,味道虽苦涩,一旦品尝,苦后甘来,才是我的最爱。

51、Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed. To comprehend a nectar requires sorest need. ─── 从未成功的人最懂得成功的甜美,惟有极度的渴求方能体会甘露的滋味。

52、The nectar is normally prevented from passing from the honey stomach to the real stomach by a valve located between the two. ─── 位于蜜胃和真胃之间有一个瓣膜,通常防止花蜜从蜜胃流到真胃。

53、Ambrosia, a sweet drink made from nectar, was described as the elixir of life by the ancient Greeks. ─── 安布罗赛饮料是由花蜜制成的甘味饮料,古希腊人将之说成是长生不老药。

54、Before its 500-mile trip to Central America, the ruby-throated hummingbird bulks up on nectar, insects, and tree sap. ─── 在红宝石喉蜂鸟飞行500英里到达中美洲之前,它们会摄取大量的花蜜、昆虫和树汁。

55、If say that the life is a blossom, the love is a nectar, so isn't the flowers of an each love ability Niang nectar? ─── 如果说生命是花朵,爱情是花蜜,那么是不是每一朵爱情之花都能酿出花蜜呢?

56、In what seasons do bees collect nectar from flowers? ─── 在什么季节蜜蜂从花中采集花蜜?

57、To reach nectar buried deeply in blossoms, it uncoils its long, hollow tongue, now tucked between its eyes. ─── 为了吸到深藏在花中的花蜜,它会舒展现在正蜷曲在两眼之间的长长的中空的口器。

58、Apiculture person oneself plant a flower or the circumstance of designedly implantation nectar source is very few, this is a kind of regret undoubtedly. ─── 养蜂者自己种花或有计划地培植蜜源的情况很少,这无疑是一种遗憾。

59、"Qiankunli" brand nectar flowers to the high-quality raw materials Bozhou real estate chrysanthemum, mint, Huaihua, jujube, Campanulaceae, cassia side for the group. ─── “乾坤力”牌花果茶以亳州地产的优质原料菊花、薄荷、槐花、大枣、桔梗、决明子为组方。

60、Suddenly, a taking to the nectar of bees make me shines. ─── 忽然,一只正采着花蜜的蜜蜂使我眼前一亮。

61、For example, a worker honeybee that has found a rich source of nectar and pollen flies rapidly home to the hive to report. ─── 例如,一只工蜂找到了花圃蜜园,急忙飞回蜂房报信。

62、Bees communicate newly found flowers with nectar by means of dance and smell. ─── 当蜜蜂发现带花蜜的花时它们用飞舞和散发气味的方式进行信息传递。

63、As it fed on the nectar, its wings moved tremulously and I froze in my tracks, transfixed. ─── 它吮吸着花蜜,双翅颤抖地扇动着,我僵在路上,呆呆地望着。

64、Adventurers can satisfy their hunger on Harvest Fish, Harvest Fruits, or Harvest Boar, as well as quaffing some Harvest Nectar. ─── 冒险者们可以用收割节鱼,收割节水果,收割节猪猪,也有可能由收割节的甘露来填饱肚子。

65、Bee sips nectar from flowers, humming its gratitude when leaving./ Butterfly, yet flaunting, believes that the follows owe it grattitude. ─── 1蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。/浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。

66、Our dear hero, please revive Your maidservants with the nectar of Your lips. ─── 我们亲爱的英雄,请用祢嘴唇的甘露令祢的女仆复活。

67、The dying mogul, Murdoch, hires a doctor to harvest a fresh supply of blood orchids and experiment with the regenerative nectar on a baby snake. ─── 垂死的梅铎聘请一位医生采集新鲜血兰花,连同再生花蜜,在小蛇身上进行实验。

68、Taiwan multi-flora honey captures the essence of dozens of different nectar sources. ─── 台湾百花蜜乃集合各种花朵之蜂蜜,以咸丰草蜜、柑桔蜜居多。

69、The nectar is ripened into honey by inversion of most of its sucrose into the sugars levulose (fructose) and dextrose (glucose) and the removal of excess moisture. ─── .花蜜的主要成分蔗糖转化为果糖和葡萄糖,除去多余的水分,即变成蜂蜜。

70、Therefore, they prayed, and the Hindu Trinity suggested a solution: churn the Ocean of Milk in order to obtain the Nectar of Immortality. ─── 因此,他们就祷告,印度教的三位一体暗示了这样一个方案:为了获得永恒的甘露,搅拌乳海(牛奶的海洋)。

71、Taiwan cotton rose / Hibiscus taiwanensis : Family Malvaceae. Deciduous shrub or small tree. It is endemic to Taiwan. It is used in foods, medicines and as a nectar source. ─── 山芙蓉:锦葵科,落叶灌木或小乔木,台湾特有种,可用于食用、药用及蜜源。

72、Over the next few days we smothered them in love and immersed them in an ocean of nectar: Krsna's Village of Peace at the Polish Woodstock Festival. ─── 接下来的几天我们以爱让他们窒息,让他们沉入甘露的海洋:波兰伍德斯托克音乐节中奎师那的和平村。

73、A cold beer is like nectar when you are thirsty. ─── 你口渴时,一杯冰啤酒犹如琼浆玉液。

74、The volume and concentration of Mitrastemon nectar was lower at the beginning of androecium stage, and higher at gynoecium stage, and slowly down in fruit stage. ─── 与其他植物相比,奴草具有丰富的蜜液体积,糖度则比其他植物低;

75、Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar to give her a sweet scent, and the three Graces gave her charm, brightness and joy. ─── 克罗斯请求爱神阿佛洛狄特给了它美丽的容貌。让酒神狄俄尼索斯为它浇灌了神酒,令它拥有了芬芳的气味。

76、O hero, kindly distribute to us the nectar of Your lips, which enhances conjugal pleasure and vanquishes grief. ─── 噢英雄,请仁慈地给我们分发祢唇上的甘露,这种甘露增加爱人的快乐和克服忧伤。

77、Spend eat nectar and insects. ─── 吃花蜜和花上的昆虫。

78、But he couldn't chant16 rounds a day. Instead, he started chanting32 rounds, experiencing so much relief and nectar from the holy names. ─── 但是他没有念颂16圈一天,他从32圈开始,经历了那么多安慰和来自圣名的甘露。

79、Turkish honey is collected Tufeng Alpine forest nectar fully brewed from wild honey. ─── 土蜂蜜是土蜂采集高寒森林野山花蜜充分酿制而成的蜂蜜。

80、He finds sweet ambrosia and rubiate nectar. ─── 他都发现了甜甜的神食和鲜红的神酒。

81、It has a long proboscis used for collecting nectar. ─── 它有着长长的口器以便从花中吸取花蜜。

82、One Asura suspected foul play, disguised himself as a Deva, and drank some Nectar. ─── 其中一位阿修罗怀疑这不公平的游戏,把自己伪装成了一位天神,喝下了一些甘露。

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