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10-04 投稿


movability 发音

英:[?mu?v??b?l?ti]  美:[?mu?v??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

movability 中文意思翻译



movability 同义词

lightness | compactness | convenience | handiness | movableness |portability | transportability | manageability | transferability

movability 反义词


movability 相似词语短语

1、lovability ─── 可爱(loveable的名词形式)

2、loveability ─── 可爱

3、solvability ─── n.[数]可解性;解决之可能性;溶解度

4、immovability ─── n.不变;不动

5、livability ─── n.(家禽,牲畜的)存活率;适于居住性

6、moveability ─── 运动性

7、moldability ─── n.模压性能;可塑性

8、provability ─── n.可证明

9、removability ─── n.可移动性;可解职

movability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords face contacted blocks;movability;vector analysis; ─── 面接触块体;可动性;矢量分析法;

2、The movability of the spatial four-bar linkages is analyzed by the principle of topologic transformation. ─── 本文运用拓扑变换原理,对空间四杆机构的可动性进行了分析研究。

3、system movability ─── 系统可移动性

4、The Study on the Movability of the Face-contacted Blocks in Overlying Strata Above the Longwall Face in Datong ─── 大同采场覆岩面接触块体可动性判定研究

5、Electron 3 kind design, aggravate bourdon output frequency movability , balance input. ─── 电子三分频设计,加重低音输出,频率可调,全平衡输入,输出。

6、Besides can reduce the body sensitive the pressure with movability area, TEMPUR mattess and pillow still have sanitarian effect. ─── 除了可以减轻身体敏感和易动区域的压力,TEMPUR床垫和枕头还具有保健作用。

7、movability parts ─── 可动部件

8、Because of liver advocate sparse release, photograph fire is sent inside, movability decency fire, slant this world slants hot, its use reason for this world. ─── 又因肝主疏泄,内寄相火,易动风化火,偏阳偏热,故其用为阳。

9、Let P and Q be two nonintersecting simple polygons in the plane, this paper discusses the rotational movability of them if P rotates around a point and collides with Q . ─── 设P和Q为平面内两个互不相交的简单多边形,若P在平面内绕某点旋转,文中讨论了其旋转可移动性问题。

10、Bar-Ilan University is the fount of the right-wing political teaching in Israel, who is the stage for a speech that offer one important shift made in otherwise heavy show of movability. ─── Bar-Ilan大学是以色列右翼政治教学的发源地,它为现阶段发表演说提供了政治舞台,这演说是要完成一个以其他能展现极大可动性的形式完成的重大转变。

11、A kind of computer aided new method for identifying the type of movability of planar mechanism ─── 一种计算机辅助识别平面机构活动度类型的新方法

12、I think Tecent also won't the light movability of core business position its QQ instant communication shakes. ─── 我想腾讯也不会把它QQ 即时通讯的核心业务地位轻易动摇的。

13、According to many model experiments experiences,different movability characteristics of bed load and suspended load in flow field of vortex sediment funnel are analysed in this paper. ─── 通过模型试验和量纲分析,推导了处理推移质泥沙和悬移质泥沙的排沙漏斗的直径计算公式;

14、Distribution and movability of inorganic phosphorous on the percogenic paddy soil under continuously phosphorous fertilizer application ─── 连续施磷条件下渗育性水稻土无机磷土层分布及移动特征

15、The benefits of movability in wireless communication and high capacity in optical communication are combined in optical wireless system technology. ─── 光无线系统技术结合厂无线通信的可移动性和光通信的高容量的优点。

16、Besides can reduce the body sensitive the pressure with movability area, TEMPUR mattess and pillow still have sanitarian effect. ─── 除了可以减轻身体敏感和易动区域的压力,TEMPUR床垫和枕头还具有保健作用。

17、Keywords vector analysis;parameter matrix;face-contacted blocks;movability; ─── 矢量分析法;参量矩阵;面接触块体;可动性;

18、A kind of computer aided new method for identifying the type of movability of planar mechanism ─── 一种计算机辅助识别平面机构活动度类型的新方法

19、the latter offers a narrow range, low?movability, high speed transmission access on the Internet. ─── 后者则提供了一个小范围、低移动能力、高资料传输率的网际网路存取方式。

20、Electron 3 kind design, aggravate bourdon output frequency movability, balance input, ─── 电子三分频设计,加重低音输出,频率可调,全平衡输入,输出

21、The scattered single barchan dunes on the non sand bed possess movability and form unstability except the high large crescent sand mountain. ─── 非沙质床面零星分布的单个新月形沙丘具有明显的移动性和形态的不稳定性(高大新月形沙山除外)。

22、White can rise to the person of movability anger adjust action, such conducing to it is normal to maintain blood pressure. ─── 白色对易动怒的人可起调节作用,这样有助于保持血压正常。

23、The fabricated system is designed to be built within 2 weeks accommodating efficiency, affordability, movability as temporary structure. ─── 的建造形式预计两周就能完工,它能很好地适应临时建筑的效率、负担能力及流动性。

24、Keywords depression of Sichuan-west;tight sandstone;gas reservoir;reserve difficult to recover;systematic evaluation;movability characteristic;economy; ─── 川西坳陷;致密砂岩;气藏;难采储量;分类评价;可动用性经济;

25、channel bed movability ─── 可动性

26、White can rise to the person of movability anger adjust action, such conducing to it is normal to maintain blood pressure. ─── 白色对易动怒的人可起调节作用,这样有助于保持血压正常。


28、Keywords offshore drilling rig module;movability;DB;module;economics;design; ─── 海洋模块钻机;可搬迁;交流变频;模块;经济性;设计;

29、The content production of Mobile TV must meet increasing demands of individual users and connect with movability and interactivity of Mobile Media. ─── 手机电视的内容生产必须将受众的个性化需求与手机媒体的移动化、互动化特点结合起来考察。

30、Rotational Movability of Simple Polygons in the Plane ─── 平面内任意简单多边形的旋转可移动性

31、Rotational Movability of Simple Polygons in the Plane ─── 平面内任意简单多边形的旋转可移动性

32、The Study on the Movability of the Face-contacted Blocks in Overlying Strata Above the Longwall Face in Datong ─── 大同采场覆岩面接触块体可动性判定研究

33、Make movability machine money of people need reservation is in the hand, in order to deal with daily life and the defray that the enterprise produces. ─── 交易动机人们需要保留货币在手中,以应付日常生活与企业生产的支出。

34、The Equivalent Manipulator Workspace Method of Movability Analysis of Planar Four Bar Mechanism ─── 用等效机械手工作空间的方法分析平面四杆机构的可动性

35、Keywords clothing shape;clothing space;same construction;movability;variability;openness; ─── 服装造型;服装空间;同构性;移动性;可变性;开放性;

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