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10-04 投稿


maintainer 发音

英:[me?n?te?n?(r)]  美:[men?te?n?r]

英:  美:

maintainer 中文意思翻译



maintainer 短语词组

1、regainer-maintainer ─── [医](牙间隙)恢复保持器

2、space maintainer ─── [医] 间隙保持器

3、temporary maintainer ─── [医] 暂时保持器

maintainer 词性/词形变化,maintainer变形


maintainer 相似词语短语

1、mainliner ─── n.主干线列车

2、abstainer ─── n.节制者;戒酒者;弃权者

3、maintained ─── adj.被保持的;v.维护,维修;维持(maintain的过去分词)

4、mountaineer ─── n.登山家,登山运动员;山地人;vi.登山

5、attainer ─── 获得者

6、maintain ─── vt.维持;继续;维修;主张;供养

7、maintains ─── vt.维持;继续;维修;主张;供养

8、maintaining ─── n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养(maintain的ing形式)

9、unmaintained ─── 未维护的

maintainer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、project maintainer may change ISPs or host institutions. ─── 项目的维护者可能改变ISP或者存放的机构。

2、He has to maintain his wife and five children . ─── 他不得不养活妻子和5个孩子。

3、The plan is merely designed to maintain their nuclear superiority. ─── 制定这个计划只是为了保持他们的核优势。

4、It is necessary to maintain public highways . ─── 养护公路是必要的。

5、The two nations try to maintain durable peace. ─── 两国尽力维护持久和平。

6、She tried to maintain a businesslike look. ─── 她想要保持一种有条不紊的样子。

7、Operator and maintainer must operate and maintain the equipment as the operating and maintenance manual strictly , avoid dangers to happen. ─── 操作人员和维护人员必须严格按照设备的操作维护手册进行操作和维护,避免危险的发生。

8、She struggled to maintain her composure. ─── 她竭力保持镇静。

9、Owning much unprofitable land but lacking the capital to improve or maintain it. ─── 土地多而收入少的拥有大量不能获利的土地但是又缺乏资金加以改造或维持的

10、Maintain good relationship with local tax bureau. ─── 与当地税务局保持良好的关系.

11、The "Maintainer" field should be your full name (or company name) and an e-mail address contained within angle brackets as shown above. ─── “Maintainer”字段应该是您的全名(或公司名称)和由尖括号括起来的电子邮件地址(如上所示)。

12、you work with Brian Fox before becoming the primary maintainer of the language? ─── 您和布赖恩·福克斯一起工作后才成为这种语言的主要维护者?

13、Why do we supply IT maintain outsourcing service? ─── 为什么我们要提供企业IT维护外包服务?

14、Maintain and enhance self-esteem of the employee. ─── 增强人员自尊心,培育人员自信心。

15、Eating to maintain vital energy. ─── 吃饭以维持生命力。

16、We must maintain an open mind on such questions. ─── 在这种问题上心胸要开阔一些。

17、You are the cause and the maintainer of the three worlds. ─── 你是三个世界的原因和维系者。

18、How does FTM maintain the pool of active transfers? ─── FTM如何维护活动传输池?

19、Mankind have been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature. ─── 人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡。

20、They also help us to maintain the machinery. ─── 他们还帮助我们维修机器。

21、A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio. ─── (汽车的)超速档机动车辆的一种齿轮装置,通过降低齿轮比率来减少为将车速保持在一定范围内而需要的输出力

22、Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. ─── 在他如何对待你之间保持一个界限。

23、Maintain the left leg straight on the ground. ─── 保持左膝盖挺直在地面上。

24、The practice of marrying the widow of one's brother to maintain his line, as required by ancient Hebrew law. ─── 叔娶嫂制如古希伯来法律规定的弟弟与寡嫂结婚以维持哥哥的家系的一种风俗

25、He is too poor to maintain his family. ─── 他太穷了,无法养活家人。

26、Don' t maintain your wrong opinion. ─── 不要坚持你那错误主张啦。

27、He has to maintain his wife and two children. ─── 他必须养活妻子和两个孩子。

28、They are trying to maintain good public relations. ─── 他们试图保持良好的公共关系。

29、Maintain a reserve of mind and heart. ─── 保留一点私人的空间。

30、Maintain 5400m until further instruction. ─── 保持5400米直到进一步通知。

31、The system is configured so that the maintainer of a component is notified when a bug against that component has been reported. ─── 系统经过了配置,这样当某个组件的缺陷被报告时,那个组件的维护者就会得到通知。

32、In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. ─── 为了维持身体健康,一个人应该吃有益健康的食品,并经常锻炼身体。

33、Maintain positive guest relations at all times. ─── 在任何时间都保持和客人良好的关系。

34、He is too poor to maintain his life. ─── 他太穷,不能维持生活。

35、Their work is to maintain railway lines. ─── 他们的工作是养护铁路。

36、With the help of the query, the period for new maintainer to understand software system is largely shortened. ─── 通过该查询方法的帮助,能有效缩短新来的软件维护人员理解软件系统的周期。

37、Maintain 9000m until past the FIR boundary. ─── 保持9000米直到飞越飞行情报区边界。

38、Stock and maintain warehouse inventory. ─── 储存并保存仓库存货清单.

39、Descend and maintain Two Tousand Five Hundred feet. ─── 下降到两千五百尺或两五洞洞。

40、However, you do need to be a Debian Developer to actually upload packages and be a package maintainer for official Debian releases. ─── 不过,您确实需要是Debian开发人员及软件包维护人员,以便分别进行实际的软件包上载和正式的Debian发行版的维护。

41、How do you maintain a good friendship? ─── 你是如何呵护友谊的?

42、Maintain NPI test network environment. ─── NPI网络环境的日常维护以及更新工作。

43、In 1990 Chet Ramey became the primary maintainer. ─── 在1990年,Chet Ramey成为了主要的维护者。

44、Does the dormitory maintain an injury log? ─── 宿舍是否保留受伤记录?

45、It's hard to keep track of (ie maintain contact with) all one's old school friends. ─── 与中学时的所有老校友都保持联系是很困难的。

46、If he can maintain this speed he will win the race. ─── 如果他能保持这种速度,就能赢得这场赛跑。

47、If you are going to marry my daughter, I must ask if you can afford to maintain her in the manner to which she has been accustomed? ─── 如果你打算娶我的女儿,那我就必须问问你是否能维持她原来习惯的生活方式?

48、How do you build and maintain plans? ─── 如何建立和维护应急管理计划?

49、Doing their best to maintain its peace and order. ─── 努力维护台湾法制而默默耕耘。

50、Maintain present heading for a while. ─── 保持一会儿现在航向。

51、An attempt to convey or maintain the appearance of refinement and elegance. ─── 假派头试图表达或保持优雅和得体的外表的努力

52、Maintain healthy paranoia about competitors. ─── 对竞争者要保持一种健康的偏执狂心态。

53、We must maintain keen vigilance at all times. ─── 任何时候我们都要保持高度的警惕。

54、How to Maintain Microsoft Windows? ─── 如何维护系统健康?

55、The team managed to maintain a firm face even in times of great adversity. ─── 即使在危难时刻,这个队仍成功地保持了坚定的信心

56、He continue to maintain his technical innocence of any indictable offence. ─── 他仍然声称自己从严格的法律意义上说并未犯有任何可以起诉的罪行。

57、He has worked hard to maintain his family. ─── 他努力工作来养家。

58、Let you maintain the collection of Java listeners. ─── 允许您维持一个Java侦听器集合。

59、Is it complex to maintain them after the upgrade? ─── 升级后的维护是不是很复杂?

60、Maintain scrap rate at an acceptable level. ─── 保持废品率在一个合理的水平。

61、They must maintain the rhythm in unison. ─── 两者必须保持节奏的合拍。

62、This cannot be relied on to maintain peace. ─── 不能依靠这个来维护和平。

63、Assist Engineer to maintain BOM. ─── 协助工程师维护BOM。

64、We are a maintainer and builder of the international system. ─── 但我们是负责任的大国,是世界秩序的维护者和创建者。”

65、Maintain a close liaison with Civil Defence. ─── 保持一次与民防短距离的通信。

66、Plan ahead but maintain flexibility. ─── 事前计划,但要保持弹性。

67、It's still a short list so if you're a plugin maintainer, be sure to add your plugin if you know either way! ─── 这仍然是一个简短的列表,所以如果你是一个插件的维护者,一定要添加到你的插件中,如果你知道的话!

68、She tried to maintain a low profile. ─── 她努力保持低姿态。

69、To maintain the tempo or rhythm. ─── 保持节奏或旋律

70、Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer. ─── 和雇主要一直保持目光接触。

71、To maintain or affirm against opposition. ─── 反驳针对反对意见来坚持或肯定

72、Check and maintain STD cost of BOM and process in the system. ─── 在系统中检查并维护BOM的标准成本及程序。

73、You earning enough to maintain a family in comfort? ─── 你挣的钱足以维持一家人过舒适的生活吗?

74、Different projects handle the maintainer role in different ways. ─── 不同的工程对待维护人员的角色处理也是不相同的。

75、Agreements maintain motivation and action. ─── 协定能维护动力和行为.

76、How to maintain the advanced nature of the party? ─── 保持党的先进性的路径与方法?

77、The army must maintain strict discipline and allow no laxity. ─── 军队非讲纪律不可,纪律松弛是不行的。

78、Does a good programmer refuse to maintain his code? ─── 一个好的程序员不应拒绝维护他的程序。

79、They were determined to maintain their right . ─── 他们决心维护他们的权利。

80、He can't maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike. ─── 他骑自行车不能保持平衡。

81、Utility companies could install and maintain them. ─── 公用事业公司可以安装并保养它们。

82、Here, we know how to maintain our engine, have. ─── 在這裡,我们知道了怎样保护我们的引擎还有。

83、A warden employed to maintain and protect a forest or other natural area. ─── 国有森林员保护和维持森林等自然地貌的雇佣的看护人

84、For to maintain his two brothers and he. ─── 好养活哥几个。

85、The two factories maintain frequent contacts. ─── 两个厂经常打交道。

86、Maintain a proper working posture. ─── 保持良好的工作姿势。

87、Maintain peace and calm at home. ─── 在家里保持平和与冷静。

88、Maintain lab equipment well with maintenance team. ─── 协助维护部确保实验室设备的正常运转。

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