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10-04 投稿


metre 发音

英:['mi?t?]  美:[?mi?t?r]

英:  美:

metre 中文意思翻译



metre 网络释义

n. 米;公尺;韵律n. (Metre)人名;(英)米特

metre 短语词组

1、kilogram-metre n. ─── 公斤米, 千克米

2、metre rule ─── [化] 米尺

3、Candela per square metre ─── 每平方米坎德拉

4、compound metre ─── 复合米

5、consolido metre ─── 固结米数

6、differential head metre ─── 差动水头计

7、a quarter of one metre ─── 四分之一米

8、colour difference metre ─── 色差计

9、square metre ─── 平方公尺

10、Newton metre ─── 牛顿米

11、color difference metre ─── 色差计

12、detonation metre ─── 爆震计

13、dial flow metre ─── 刻度流量计

14、cubic metre ─── 立方米

15、capillary flow metre ─── 毛细管流量计

16、diaphragm metre ─── 隔膜流量计

17、consistency metre ─── 稠度计

18、cohesion metre ─── 内聚度计

19、digital density metre ─── 数字密度计

metre 词性/词形变化,metre变形


metre 相似词语短语

1、mere ─── adj.仅仅的;只不过的;n.小湖;池塘;n.(Mere)人名;(日)目连(姓);(西)梅雷

2、metres ─── 米;格律

3、mitre ─── n.斜接;主教法冠;僧帽;vt.将…斜接;vi.斜接;n.(Mitre)人名;(西、罗)米特雷;(英)迈特;(法)米特

4、metro ─── n.地铁;大都市;伦敦地下铁道;麦德隆(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营零售)

5、metate ─── n.磨刀石

6、mete ─── vt.给予;分配;测量;n.边界;测量;n.(Mete)人名;(意、土、乍、中非)梅特

7、metage ─── n.重量或容量检定;称量税

8、metered ─── adj.测量的,按计量的;v.以计量器计算(meter的过去式)

9、metr- ─── abbr.边际有效税率(marginaleffectivetaxrates);伦敦地铁(MetropolitanRailway)

metre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men's110- metre hurdles. ─── 刘翔夺得了男子110米跨栏的金牌,作为获得此项目冠军的第一位亚洲人,他让全亚洲的人都为之激动。

2、A metre equals 39.38 inches. ─── 1 米等于 39.38 英寸。

3、More than half of all sharks are smaller than 1 metre long. ─── 以此类方式捕获的鲨鱼大半都还不到一米长。

4、A few days ago our family made a major decision, be in south the house that a 130 square metre buy outside 3 annulus. ─── 前几天我们全家做出了一个重大的决定,在南三环外购买一套130平方米的房子。

5、Discover beautiful metre from the banality of the intravenous drop. ─── 从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律。

6、They dig burrows in almost every square metre of available soil or live in deep crevices in rock outcrops. ─── 它们在能挖洞的任何一平方米挖洞或者生活在岩缝中的岩洞中。

7、They pack into shaded areas above the waterline at densities of up to 100 per square metre in places. ─── 在某些地方,他们以超过100只/平方米的密度拥挤进海平面上面的阴暗处。

8、His troubled eyes were gazing at the wall about a metre above the level of Winston's head. ─── 他的发愁的眼光凝视着温斯顿头上约一公尺的墙上。

9、A typical wind-powered generator used by the Observatory consists of three blades each about a metre long. ─── 天文台所使用的风力发电机,由三块长约一米的车叶组成。

10、One hundred centimetres make one metre. ─── 100厘米就是1米。

11、Be you able to cover 100 metre in 10 second? ─── 你能够在10秒之内跑100米吗?

12、Last year rangers found a 13-foot (4 metre) python with a half-eaten six-foot alligator in its jaws. ─── 去年护林员发现一只13英尺(4米)长的大蟒吞食一只还剩一半的6英尺长的短吻鳄。

13、One centimetre equals to 0.01 metre. ─── 一厘米等于0。01米。

14、Front seat passengers should maintain a gap of not less than one quarter of a metre between their body and the dashboard. ─── 前座乘客的身体,应与仪表板最少保持四分一米的距离。

15、Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band. ─── 短波收音机用的波段是20–50米。

16、Liu Xiang holds the world record for the 110 metre hurdles. ─── 刘翔是110米跨栏赛跑的世界纪录保持者。

17、In a 7800 square metre underground garage and clubs. ─── 区内设有会所及7800平方米地下车库。

18、Jim defeated Tom by about a metre and won the race at last. ─── 吉姆以大约一米的优势击败汤姆,最后赢得了比赛。

19、Changes in solar irradiance since 1750, the panel now says, have amounted to an increase of about 0.1 watts per square metre of the Earth's surface. ─── 委员会说,自1750年至今,太阳对地球表面辐射的绝对值每平方米增加了0.1瓦特。

20、For example, 15 square metre room should choose 120 cubic meters / hour purifiers. ─── 例如,15平方米的房间应选择120立方米/小时的净化器。

21、He stands one metre and eighty. ─── 他身高一米八十。

22、Lux: The unit of illumination. One lux equals toone lumen of flux over an area of one square metre. ─── 勒克司:照度的单位。1流明的光通量分布在一平方米的面积上,其照度为1勒克司。参阅照度。

23、The dog is usually worked on a 10-metre or (30-foot) lead, but the length of lead actually used depends on the terrain. ─── 通常,犬只行于指导手前方10米左右,但实际的距离决定于比赛的地形。

24、Certain parts of the South American coast probably will see almost nothing but other parts might get a metre or two of wave height. ─── 南美局部地区可能什么也看不到,但是其他地区可能会遇上一到两米高的海浪。

25、One was only a metre or two from him, the other was further away, near the door. ─── 一张桌子距他只有一两公尺远,另一张稍远一些,靠近门边。

26、One cubic metre weighs from 1000 to 1500 kilograms. ─── 1立方米的重量由1000到1500公斤不等。

27、In our country cloth is sold by the metre. ─── 在我国,布料以米为单位来出售。

28、The fare shows in the metre. ─── 价格显示在表上。

29、But Kiribati is still doomed: “Half a metre of sea level rise is a heck of a lot for islands like that,” says Parry. ─── “半米的海平面危险,就使得很多那样的岛屿完了。”派瑞说。

30、They estimate one square metre of glass will cost only a few cents to treat. ─── 他们估计处理每平方米的玻璃只需要花费几美分。

31、One metre is 100 centimetres,or thirty nine inches. ─── 一米等于100厘米或39英寸。

32、They planted a tree every other metre along the road. ─── 他们在马路边每隔一米栽一棵树。

33、It's only a low wall—about a metre high. ─── 那只不过是一堵矮墙—约一米高。

34、Related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a metre tall (three feet), lived on fruit and nested on the ground. ─── 与灰鸽和白鸽相似,渡渡鸟身高约一米(三英尺),以觅食果子为生,在地上筑巢。

35、Too deep - One fish species for each metre over 15m per buddy pair. ─── 太深-每次下潜超过15米将被删除一个鱼类记录。

36、How many species of invertebrates could you expect to find in a single square metre of soil from a European beech forest? ─── 从欧洲山毛榉林的一平方土壤中你可以找到多少种无脊椎动物?

37、"She was only 12 yuan per metre lace was not about to agree. ─── 刘女士听说花边每米才12元并未在意,就同意了。

38、To Bettie Van Metre this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being. ─── 在贝蒂?范米特眼里,这个伤兵不是敌人,而是一个受苦受难的人。

39、The toilet of most other people has volume of a few square metre only, and bathroom and toilet are operable. ─── 大多数人家的卫生间只有几平方米大小,而且浴室与厕所合用。

40、Is Jim going to have a bash at the500 - metre race? ─── 吉姆打算试试500米赛跑吗?

41、He is running against many competitors in the 100 metre. ─── 在100米赛跑中,他得对付许多竞赛者。

42、He stands one metre and seventy. ─── 他身高1.7 米。

43、Once it was thought that Nanga Parbat ("The naked mountain") was the easiest 8,000 metre mountain to climb. ─── 人们曾一度认为南迦帕尔巴特(裸峰)是最容易攀登的8000米级山峰。

44、The table is half a metre high. ─── 也可以出示一幅世界地图,让学生造句

45、Beijing Yutianneng Na Metre Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 北京宇天能纳米技术有限公司。

46、He ran the 100 metre dash in 10 seconds flat. ─── 他一百米跑十秒正。

47、She jumped over one metre sixty-five. ─── 她跳过了1. 65米,

48、Refer to the metre for the exact charge. Always ask for a receipt. This helps you track down lost items or the taxi driver. ─── 为保障您的权益,付款时,请要求司机提供车费收据,以防日后需要追寻失物或联络司机之用。

49、She's hoping to beat the world 1000 metre record. ─── 她希望能打破1000 米世界纪录。

50、That, in turn, bounces the light down in a concentrated beam about a metre (3ft) wide to produce heat and drive generators. ─── 这个塔又反过来把光以3米宽的光束集中反射到地上,这样可以产生热量和发电。

51、The taxi's metre was ticking away. ─── 出租汽车的计程表在滴答滴答地走着。

52、The influence of the daily temperature changes can be neglected below one metre depth. ─── 一米深度以下就可以不考虑温度日变化的影响。

53、Title: The Application of the Practicality Burthen Check Metre at Power Measure in Bengang Iron &Steel Co. ─── 关键词:实负荷;虚负荷;误差;修约值;现场电能表校验仪

54、Cost per square metre million in the upmarket residential property market in Shanghai share increasing. ─── 单价在每平方米万元左右的高档住宅在上海楼市中所占比重日渐增加。

55、One yard is 3 feet, a little less than a metre. ─── 一码等于三英尺,比一米短一些。

56、He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. ─── 他从那卷布上剪下一米。

57、To Bettie Wan Metre, this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being. ─── 在贝蒂.范.米特的眼里,这个伤兵不是敌人,而是一个受苦难的人。

58、Students are asked to construct a square metre using tape. ─── 学生被要求用卷尺量出一平方米来。

59、He was in the seventh heaven because he got a gold medal of winning the800 - metre race. ─── 他赢得了800米赛跑的金牌,开心极了。

60、He picked up Charlotte by nipping her diaper and tossed her over his shoulder by more than a metre. ─── 牠咬住夏绿蒂的尿布,把她叼起来,从肩膀上方将她往后丢了逾一公尺远。

61、In resembling big the Gemini star city on, already was end goods, monovalent even 8000 multivariate / square metre. ─── 像中大对面的双子星城,已是尾货了,单价还要8000多元/平方米。

62、He is running against many competitors in the 1 0 0 metre . ─── 在100米赛跑中,他得对付许多竞赛者。

63、An unrivalled sharpshooter, at distances of less than a metre their aim is invariably lethal. ─── 在动物王国中,只有射水鱼拥有这种独一无二的,罕见的,无与伦比的致命武器.

64、Homebred nonstandard shower room collects fees according to computation of square metre unit commonly. ─── 国产非标准淋浴房一般按照平方米单位计算收费。

65、One was only a metre or two from him, the other was further away, near the door. ─── 一张桌子距他只有一两公尺远,另一张稍远一些,靠近门边。

66、He came in third in the 100--metre race. ─── 他获得百米第三名。

67、The diagram shows a metre rule pivoted off-centre but kept in equilibrium by suspended mass of 240g. ─── 图表所示,一个米尺偏离中心而转动,但通过挂着240公斤的东西而保持平衡。

68、He will be competing in the 100-metre race. ─── 他将参加100米比赛。

69、The hole must be half a metre deep. ─── 坑一定要有半米深。

70、The Pygmy Hippopotamus stands about one metre high and is native to West Africa. Numbers in the wild have fallen to below 2000 since 1993. ─── 只有1米多高的矮脚河马生活在西非,从1993年起这种动物在野外的数量不足2000只。

71、A country station between Yiliang and Kunming on the metre gauge Yunnan Railway. ─── 云南米轨铁路上宜良和昆明站间的一个山村小站。

72、Second, the pieces larger than 1 square metre single window pane and window. ─── 二是单块大于1平方米的窗玻璃和落地窗。

73、Chet poses excitedly in front of a 26 metre wind rotor. ─── 一峰站在长达26米的风车叶前,心情兴奋。

74、Then as if nothing has occurredly in Taiwan from payment of one metre away and began to play gambling machines. ─── 然后就若无其事地坐在离付款台一米远的赌博机,开始玩赌博游戏。

75、He had been checking a farmhouse half a mile away from the Van Metre home, a farmhouse he thought was empty. ─── 他一直在检查离范梅特尔家半英里的一个农庄,这农庄他以为是空的。

76、The sensors can be sited anywhere within a 50 metre range of the control panel. ─── 传感器可以安在控制面板50米范围内的任何位置。

77、The common aggrandizement floor board with 8 large millimeter goes up on average also achieved 5 yuan / square metre. ─── 8毫米厚的普通强化地板平均涨幅也达到了5元/平方米。

78、The stateroom ability that has above of 20 square metre only generally speaking considers to buy this kind of sofa. ─── 一般来说只有20平方米以上的大客厅才能考虑买这种沙发。

79、Don't confuse poetry of regular metre with poetry with irregular metre. ─── 不要把诗和词混同起来。

80、One yard is near a metre in length. ─── 一码长度等于将近一米。

81、There are 100 centimetres to the metre. ─── 100厘米是1米.

82、She agreed to take part in the Girls'100- metre race. ─── 她同意参加女子100米赛跑。

83、See that Mrs. Van Metre gets the supplies. ─── 你负责让范米特太太得到这些药品。

84、Angrily, he leaped down and stood a metre away, scowling at me. "Quit your kidding! You've got a newspaper in your pocket. ─── 嗬! 他恼啦! 一蹦起来,站在离我几步远的地方,皱着眉头,偏着脑袋,把我上下打量了一番,说:“你! 哼,还哄我!

85、O'Brien moved the cage nearer.It was less than a metre from Winston's face. ─── 奥勃良把铁笼子移得更近一些,距离温斯顿的眼前不到一公尺了。

86、The melting will cause sea levels to rise by one metre, forcing many coastal populations to move. ─── 冰盖融化会产生什么影响呢?它将导致全球海平面上升1米,许多沿海居民将被迫迁移。

87、You are just one metre sixty. ─── 你刚刚一米六。

88、The base of the south face is presently 'under a pressure of 7.4 tonnes per square metre of masonry-- that on the north side is "almost zero". ─── 塔南面的基础所受的压力为每平方米大理石结构7.4吨,而在北面却“几乎为0”。

89、An Israeli military spokesman said the two-metre-high wall was no longer needed. ─── 以色列军方一名发言人表示,现在已经不再需要这座两米高的水泥墙了。

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