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10-04 投稿


micropyle 中文意思翻译



micropyle 词性/词形变化,micropyle变形

形容词: micropylar |

micropyle 短语词组

1、micropyle of an ovule ─── 胚珠珠孔

micropyle 相似词语短语

1、microcyte ─── [医]小红细胞;[医]小红血球

2、micropylar ─── 珠孔的;卵膜孔的

3、microphyll ─── [植]小叶植物;[植]小型叶

4、micropyles ─── n.[植]珠孔;[动]卵孔

5、microphyte ─── n.细菌;微小植物

6、microphytes ─── n.细菌;微小植物

7、micromole ─── n.微摩尔,微克模,微克分子

8、microphylls ─── [植]小叶植物;[植]小型叶

9、micropore ─── n.微孔

micropyle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The chorion and micropyle of left-eyed flounder are observed by transmission electron microscope and scanning electronic microscope. ─── 并通过透射电镜和扫描电镜对牙鲆卵膜和受精孔进行观察。

2、They may arise from the placenta, micropyle, or funicle and are seen in castor oil seeds (Ricinus) at the micropyle and in violet seeds (Viola) at the hilum. ─── 在蓖麻种子(Ricinus)的珠孔或紫罗兰种子(Viola)的种脐处可以观察到。

3、Porogamy The usual method of fertilization in angiosperms in which the pollen tube enters the ovule by the micropyle. Compare chalazogamy. ─── 被子植物通常的受精方式。花粉管通过珠孔进入胚珠。比较。

4、8.Growing straight, so that the micropyle is at the end opposite the stalk.Used of an ovule. ─── 直生的直立生长以至珠孔在茎的另一端的。

5、In third stage, at maturing of the embryo sac, pollen tubes grow directionally toward micropyle into embryo sac. ─── (3)朝珠孔定向生长阶段,胚囊成熟时,花粉管朝珠孔定向生长进入胚囊。

6、The pollination drop was withdrawn into the micropyle which was later sealed by enlargement of the cells lining the micropylar canal. ─── 花粉管在五月底穿透珠心,此时花粉管的生长缓慢,到六月上旬,花粉管快速的伸长到藏卵器颈细胞的表面。

7、It takes about 0.5 h for a pollen tube from germination to arrive at the micropyle. ─── 授粉后0.5小时左右, 花粉管进入一个助细胞, 释放精子;

8、There are numerous pollen tubes which approach the micropyle in the whole process of the fertilization. ─── 注人胚囊的内含物进入两助细胞之一,在卵细胞的一侧形成钩状构造。

9、Building of Mathematical Model of Unusual Structure on Teleost's Micropyle ─── 真骨鱼卵膜孔奇异结构的数学建模

10、ovule 1, pendulous, anatropous, micropyle closed; ─── 胚珠1,倒生,珠孔关闭;

11、The thesis have reported firstly the embryological charactercampylotropous, and there are endothelium Without hypostase. micropyle is long, formed by inner integument only. ─── 摘要厚皮香大孢子与雌配子体形成特徵首次报导如下:双珠被,薄珠心,珠孔为内珠被构成,弯生胚珠,有珠被绒毡层;

12、(of a plant ovule) completely straight with the micropyle at the apex ─── (指植物的胚珠)珠孔完全直向顶点

13、The development of the obturator and the micropyle correlates with that of the female gametophyte in P. amurense. ─── 黄檗珠孔塞和珠孔的发育与雌配子体发育存在密切关系。

14、Pollination The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma in angiosperms, and from the sporangiophores to the micropyle in gymnosperms. ─── 授粉:指在被子植物中花粉从花粉囊转移到柱头上,在裸子植物中从小孢子囊转移到珠孔。

15、micropyle formed by inner integument, rudimentary aril. ─── 珠孔形成于内珠被,假种皮不发育。

16、micropyle Opening in egg capsule through which spermatozoa enter. ─── 卵孔在精子进入过打开的卵鞘。

17、On this butterfly egg, the lacy pattern marks the micropyle, where sperm enters. ─── 在这种蝴蝶卵上,花边图案标记精子进入的卵孔。

18、(of a plant ovule) curved with the micropyle near the base almost touching its stalk. ─── (指植物的胚珠)珠孔弯曲接近底部,几乎接触了干。

19、The micropyle was formed by the inner integument. ─── 珠孔由内珠被形成。

20、(of a plant ovule) curved with the micropyle near the base almost touching its stalk ─── (指植物的胚珠)珠孔弯曲接近底部,几乎接触了干

21、An ovule which is half-inverted so that the funiculus is attached near the middle with the micropyle at a right angle. ─── 珠柄与胚珠长轴成直角的半倒置胚珠。

22、Developmental Morphology of Obturator and Micropyle and Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth in Ovary in Phellodendron amurense (Rutaceae) ─── 黄檗(芸香科)的珠孔塞和珠孔的形态发育及花粉管在子房室中的生长路径

23、On this butterfly egg, the lacy pattern marks the micropyle, where sperm enters. ─── 在这种蝴蝶卵上,花边图案表示精子进入的卵孔。

24、(of a plant ovule) completely straight with the micropyle at the apex. ─── (指植物的胚珠)珠孔完全直向顶点。

25、In radicle areas, there are palisade cells and a lucuna which located above micropyle and formed via knockdown parenchyma cells . ─── 胚根区有栅栏状细胞,珠孔区以上有薄壁细胞解体后形成的断裂层。

26、micropyle cap ─── 卵孔盖(动)

27、funicle usually thickened above micropyle; ─── 珠柄通常在珠孔上部加厚;


29、An ovule which is inverted and straight with the micropyle situated next to the funiculus. ─── 直且倒置,珠孔紧邻珠柄的胚珠。

30、micropyle formed by inner integument or by both integuments. ─── 珠孔由内珠被或者两层珠被形成。

31、ovules 2, rarely 1 per locule, pendulous from apex, anatropous with abaxial raphe and micropyle facing upward; ─── 子房每室2(很少1)胚珠,从顶端下垂,倒生,背面有种脊,珠孔向上;

32、An ovule which is curved so that the micropyle is positioned near the funiculus and the chalaza. ─── 珠孔邻近珠柄和合点的弯曲的胚珠。

33、The region of an ovule that is opposite the micropyle,where the integuments and nucellus are joined. ─── 合点珠孔对面的胚珠内结合珠被和珠心的一个区域。

34、micropyle is formed with inner integuments and partial outer integument. ─── 珠孔由内珠被和腹侧外珠被构成。

35、chalazogamy A method of fertilization in angiosperms in which the pollen tube enters the ovule by the chalaza instead of through the micropyle, penetrating the placenta en route. ─── 合点受精:被子植物的一种受精方式,花粉管是通过合点部分而不是通过珠孔进入胚珠的。

36、In third stage, at maturing of the embryo sac, pollen tubes grow directionally toward micropyle into embryo sac. ─── 朝珠孔定向生长阶段,胚囊成熟时,花粉管朝珠孔定向生长进入胚囊。

37、Growing straight, so that the micropyle is at the end opposite the stalk. Used of an ovule. ─── 直生的直立生长以至珠孔在茎的另一端的。用于形容胚珠

38、micropyle was formed by the inner integument. ─── 珠孔由内珠被形成。

39、The part of an ovule or seed where the integuments are connected to the nucellus, at the opposite end from the micropyle. ─── 合点 Chalaza 胚珠或种子中珠被和珠心联合的部位,与珠孔相对。

40、The inner wall of the micropyle in all three species is spiraled. ─── 种鱼的卵孔管内壁都具有螺纹,属于螺线形。

41、Antipodal cells The three haploid cells found in the embryo sac of seed-bearing plants that migrate to the chalaxal end of the sac farthest from the micropyle. ─── 反足细胞:胚囊三次分裂形成卵细胞,助细胞和极核等,其中位于合点端的三个单倍体细胞称反足细胞。

42、After fertilization through the micropyle, the zygote turned into dormancy status without certain time phase. ─── 成熟胚囊经珠孔受精后,合子休眠,休眠时间不确定。

43、located just below the micropyle ─── 位于珠孔正下方

44、having an ovule partially inverted and curved such that the micropyle nearly meets the funiculus ─── 具有部分地反向生长并变弯曲以致卵孔几乎碰到珠柄的胚珠的

45、growing straight,so that the micropyle is at the end opposite the stalk. Used of an ovule ─── 直立生长以至珠孔在茎的另一端的。用于形容胚珠

46、Having an ovule partially inverted and curved such that the micropyle nearly meets the funiculus. ─── 弯生胚珠的具有部分地反向生长并变弯曲以致卵孔几乎碰到珠柄的胚珠的

47、At the center is a minute opening, called a micropyle, through which the sperm enters the egg. ─── 它的中央有个微小的开口,称为卵孔,精子通过这个孔进入卵内。

48、In 30 seconds, 86%of sperm entered micropylar canal along the grooves around the micropyle; ─── 在授精开始的30秒内,测得卵膜附近约86%的精子沿着凹沟进入精孔管;

49、Must not be wearing a pearl bath, sports, water from the micropyle (especially necklaces and played the entire hole wearing a chain style) infiltration into the beads, making it easy bead layer off. ─── 不得佩戴珍珠浴,体育从珠孔(特别是项链,水和发挥整个洞身穿连锁式)到珠渗透,容易造成珠层了。

50、The region of an ovule that is opposite the micropyle, where the integuments and nucellus are joined. ─── 合点珠孔对面的胚珠内结合珠被和珠心的一个区域

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