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10-04 投稿


panorama 发音

英:[?p?n??r?m?]  美:[?p?n??rɑ?m?]

英:  美:

panorama 中文意思翻译



panorama 网络释义

n. 全景,全貌;全景画;概论

panorama 短语词组

1、hotel panorama ─── 全景园酒店

2、panorama view ─── 颌部全景照相

3、carnival panorama ─── 狂欢节全景

4、hotel panorama resort ─── 全景度假酒店

5、panorama sketch ─── 全景图;透视图

6、panorama head ─── 全景云台

7、panorama headache ─── [医] 动画性头痛, 剧院头痛

8、panorama correction ─── 全景校正

9、panorama gram n. ─── 全景图

10、panorama hills ─── 全景山

11、panorama camera ─── [摄]全景摄影机

panorama 词性/词形变化,panorama变形


panorama 相似词语短语

1、panoramicaly ─── 全景

2、panama ─── n.巴拿马(位于拉丁美洲);巴拿马城

3、pantryman ─── n.司膳总管;司膳总管助理;配餐员

4、pangrams ─── n.全字母短句(指包括英语全部26个字母的短句)

5、panoramas ─── 全景装置;概观(panorama的复数)

6、monodrama ─── n.独角戏;单人剧;单人剧剧本

7、panoramic ─── adj.[摄]全景的

8、pancratia ─── n.角斗(pancratium的变形)

9、pangram ─── n.全字母短句(指包括英语全部26个字母的短句)

panorama 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nothing can prepare you for the scale in which giant cruise ships are mere specks in the vast panorama of mountain and sound. ─── 你怎么都无法想象它的雄伟:巨大的游轮就好像是已融入群山与海峡中的一个微小墨迹.

2、Using rotatable motor with mirror to capture several different angle images. The combination image will bring us into another new panorama space. ─── 利用旋转马达以及镜子来撷取多个不同向度的影像,这种影像的结合将带领我们进入另一个全新的环景空间。

3、The aim of these excursions was to provide a panorama of the many aspects of the study of behavior and the scientific approaches to this study. ─── 会提及这些那麽远的学科,其主要目的是为了提供对行为研究及它的科学方法一个全面性的概观。

4、Panorama network January 9 silver AXA Fund Pu hearing notice today, the company's silver AXA Pu optimize income funds will be January 12 purchase and redemption of open business. ─── 全景网1月9日讯浦银安盛基金今日公告,公司旗下的浦银安盛优化收益基金将自1月12日起开放申购及赎回业务。

5、The views from the structure encompass the whole of Barcelona from Montjuic to Tibidabo to the seashore in a 360-degree panorama. ─── 从这座建筑物我们从蒙居易、提彼达博一直到海边可以360度环视巴塞隆纳的景观。

6、Language is not only a means of communication, but also a kaleidoscope through which to view the panorama of all knowledge. ─── 奥委会同时也会考虑哪些地方还没有主办过奥运会。

7、He loved the changing panorama of the street--to see and be seen as he dined. ─── 他喜欢不断变化的街景,边吃着饭,边看着行人,同时也让行人看到自己。

8、From the summit there is a superb panorama of the alps. ─── 从峰巅俯瞰,阿尔卑斯山壮丽的景色尽收眼底。

9、A graphic matching technique based on probabilistic graphical models was used to form a set of algorithms to generate cylindrical panorama of complex scenes. ─── 为解决复杂场景下的全景图生成问题,应用了基于概率图模型的图像匹配技术,提出了一套完整的柱面全景图生成算法。

10、One of our current favorites is Panorama Maker 3 from ArcSoft. ─── 全球首创垂直、水平、360°或平铺超强全景影像组合软件!

11、On the Peak overlooking the panorama of Angkor, the ancient capital of Angkor and the surrounding attractions, to see sunrise and sunset is the best place. ─── 在山顶可以俯瞰吴哥窟全景、吴哥古都和周围的景点,是看日出和日落的最佳地点。

12、The Panorama Factory supports JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF image formats and QTVR, IVR and PTViewer virtual reality formats. ─── 全景工厂支持的JPG , BMP和PNG等TIFF图像格式和QTVR影片, IVR和ptviewer虚拟现实格式。

13、Meitetsu Panorama Super 1030系 - The Meitetsu Panorama Super 1030 (1133-1533) from 1988 leaving Inuyama station on the Hiromi line. ─── 20080524超级偶像张芸京-1030-20080524超级偶像张芸京-1030版权为超级偶像所有,不提供任何商业行为

14、J. H. Wigmore, A Panorama of the the World's Legal Systems, p.153, Washington D. C. 1936. Washington Law Book Company, 128. ─── 刘志峰.“无讼”理想及其对现代法律的影响[J].青海民族学院学报(社会科学版)2001.27.

15、Panorama mosaic is an important research area of Image-Based Rendering(IBR), which is popular in recent years. ─── 全景拼图是近年来兴起的基于图像的绘制技术(IBR)中的一个重要研究方向。

16、Might as well when choosing a ceramic tile have a knowledge to the panorama of ceramic tile first. ─── 在选择一款瓷砖时不妨先对瓷砖的全貌进行一个了解。

17、The super large room of 40-60 m2 and the panorama French window facilitate the ease, spaciousness and comfort. ─── 40-60平方米超大房间,全景式落地窗尽享轻松、宽敞与舒适。

18、SSD stereoscopically showed panorama of blood vessel lesion and the relation with arterial branches, but couldn t display intra - aortic condition. ─── SSD均能直观地显示血管病变的全貌,以及病变与分支血管的关系等,但不能显示管腔内的情况;

19、Karen watch the panorama of pass people with wide eyes. ─── 凯伦瞪著大眼观看著一连串过往的人群。

20、The panorama of the islands, as they steamed by them, was superb. ─── 不久,仰光号上的旅客已经看见了安达曼群岛的主岛大安达曼岛。

21、The first step in making any panorama is to take the pictures. ─── 不管作什么样的全景,这第一步就是拍照。

22、Panorama Three are many patients waiting for their medical check-up by the foreign. ─── 人走进去。

23、In this chapter, we present you how to create an non packaged IVP (XML file with .ivp extension) to make your own panorama. ─── 在这一节,我们主要介绍如何通过完善IVP文件(以.IVP为扩展名的XML文件)来发布自己的全景作品。

24、In a second the whole affair, in all its bearings, went spreading before the eye of his imagination like the rapid unrolling of a panorama. ─── 一转眼工夫,这回事的全盘经过,象一大幅壁画似的,倏地展开在他的想象里。

25、Tonight's edition of 'Panorama' looks at unemployment. ─── 今晚这辑《全景》探讨的是失业问题。

26、This issue of Panorama is dedicated to hearing their stories, as well as the stories of all of you who have something to share. ─── 全景图的这个问题希望听到他们的故事,以及你们所有人的故事一起分享。

27、Several options are available: helicopter and hydroplane offer a thrilling experience and an awe-inspiring panorama. ─── 为此有下列活动可供选择:直升飞机和水上飞机,可以让您在体验刺激的同时欣赏到让人心惊肉跳的高空美景。

28、Survey design to the construction industry as a whole works bridgehead, the WTO deadline week, the Chinese and foreign enterprises market "Panorama" has already been started. ─── 勘察设计业作为整个工程建筑业对外开放的桥头堡,WTO大限未至,业内中外企业市场“暗战”早已打响。

29、Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little.The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted. ─── 可是,明眼人显然徒有两只眼睛,充满着大干世界的丰富多采、千姿百态的画景,在他们看来竟是平淡无奇。

30、A flourishing and prosperous panorama spread out before our eyes. ─── 一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们的眼前。

31、The invention provides an image shooting device in panorama mode, comprising a fixed base, two or more lens modules and a control circuit. ─── 本发明提供一种全景模式的影像摄取装置,包括:固定座、两个或两个以上镜头模块及控制电路。

32、There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel. ─── 从旅馆可饱览峰峦叠嶂的雄伟景观。

33、The addition of the sixth image (Layer 5) presents a problem that you may come across when trying to shoot panorama shots. ─── 加入第六张图片时(图层5)遇到了可能在拍摄全景照片时也会碰到的问题。

34、Mr Caborn said it was for the Football Association and the Premiership to investigate allegations of widespread corruption in the English game made in the Panorama. ─── 他还说这项法令的出台同时也是应欧洲足球联盟和英超联赛委员会的要求,对在英超联赛中日益蔓延的不正之风进行全面的调查取证。

35、Dickens crafted complex plots and striking characters that capture the panorama of English society. ─── 狄更斯精心构思了反映英国社会全貌的复杂情节和鲜明的人物形象。

36、Using the layer dragging method to copy one image into another, we added the fourth, fifth and sixth images into our panorama shot. ─── 利用图层拖拽复制的方法,我们又往全景图片里加入了第四张,第五张,第六张照片。

37、Naya Panorama, for example, can find a basic Mountain card, a basic Forest card, or a basic Plains card. ─── 举例来说,纳雅全景可以找出基本的山脉牌,基本的树林牌,或基本的平原牌。

38、It can display an unlimited number of jpeg, png, tiff, avi, mov, mpg, panorama, flash animations (swf files) and web pages. ─── 利用它可以方便的制作出图文并茂的屏幕保护程序,提供多种过渡性效果。

39、Places of Interest: Panorama of Sha Tau Kok and Shenzhen. ─── 可远眺沙头角及深圳风光。

40、A panorama of carefully tilled farmlands unfolds before the visitor's eyes. ─── 一幅悉心耕作的农场美景展现在来访者眼前。

41、Every bend of the wooded road revealed an entrancing panorama. ─── 在那绿阴路上每拐一个弯就看到一幅豁然开朗的迷人美景。

42、Panorama Three are many patients waiting for their medical check-up by the foreign doctor. A nurse calls a number. A patient goes in. ─── 医院里,有许多人在等待外国专家的诊断,有一个护士在叫号,一个病人走进去。

43、Meanwhile, the film also presents a soul-stirring historical panorama of the Civil War and postwar reconstruction. ─── 同时,这部影片也为我们重现出南北战争那震撼人心的历史全景画面以及战后的重建。

44、In a second the whole affair, in all its bearings, went spreading before the eye of his imagination like the rapid unrolling of a panorama. ─── 一转眼工夫,这回事的全盘经过,象一大幅壁画似的,倏地展开在他的想象里。

45、Before adding the rest of the images to our panorama, let's check the images already loaded for any problems. ─── 在往全景图片添加剩下的图片前,我们来检查下已经加载的图片是否存在问题。

46、Generate panorama as small CD module PE/EXE format, which is easily to write on CD, CD-RW or DVD disk and no plug-in necessary when viewing. ─── 全景产生小唯模块聚乙烯/ exe格式,是很容易写光盘,光盘rw或dvd光盘,并没有插在必要时观看。

47、Unlike other scenic areas where the view is all in sight, the Yellow Mountains offers a constant changing panorama that stirs up vivid imagination. ─── 其他风景区的风光往往是一览无余,而黄山的风光却是变幻不定,能够激起您丰富的想象力。

48、An exterior staircase leads to a roof terrace and provides a panorama on the surrounding dune landscape and its bunkers. ─── 外部楼梯导致屋顶露台,并提供全景对周围沙丘景观和掩体。

49、From the mountain heights we could see a panorama of the city. ─── 从山的高处看,我们能看到该市的全景。

50、From the inside the guests will be able to appreciate the panorama under any weather condition. ─── 从内部游客可以欣赏雪山的全景,无论在任何恶劣的天气环境之下。

51、At the point of his death all the events of his life passed through his mind as a mnemonic panorama. ─── 在他快要死的时候,他一生中经历过的事情,象一幅记忆的全景画在他的脑海里闪过。

52、Panorama They are all desperate and shout into the distance. ─── 几个人绝望在木筏上,向远出拼命呼唤。

53、In a limpid and energetic writing, modern and yet rich of colloquial expressions proper to Beijing, the reader is being offered a vivid panorama of present day China. ─── 他的小说明快有力,具有现代的味道,同时兼有大量的北方方言俚语。读者能从其小说中看到一幅生动的当代中国全景图画。

54、A new wide-field panorama reveals more than a thousand supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies, some up to several billion times more massive than the sun. ─── 一张新拍的广角全景照显示了星系中心的1000多个超大质量的黑洞,有些甚至比太阳的质量大几十亿倍。

55、"Corridor of wine of new perspective dining-room " the position is superexcellent, can look down at the panorama of the beach outside Shanghai. ─── “新视角餐厅酒廊”位置绝佳,可俯瞰上海外滩的全貌。

56、The panorama of mountains that spread in great waves before us caught and held me. ─── 展现在我们面前的一片峰峦起伏的景色把我迷住了。

57、From the top of this building you can see a wonderful panorama of New York City. ─── 从这座建筑物的楼顶可以看到纽约市美丽的全景。

58、The addition of the sixth image (Layer 5) presents a problem that you may come across when trying to shoot panorama shots. ─── 加入第六张图片时(图层5)遇到了可能在拍摄全景照片时也会碰到的问题。

59、Enjoy the panorama view of the infinite golf scenery by having coffee and cigar by the French window. ─── 在这里品着咖啡和雪茄透过落地大窗,高尔夫无限美景尽收眼底。

60、Take a look at the JAVA panorama you must install the JAVA plug-in. (Download. ─── 使用鼠标或键盘上下左右键,可以任意旋转图象观看角度.

61、In your home ,panorama fireplace can be installed at any place. ─── 在您家里的任一位置都可安装瞻景式壁炉。

62、I should behold with awe the magnificent panorama of light with which the sun awakens the sleeping earth. ─── 我将怀着敬畏之心,仰望壮丽的曙光全景,与此同时,太阳唤醒了沉睡的大地。

63、Wilson becomes more than just a great ant man. He extends the lessons of the ant heap to the panorama of evolution. ─── 威尔逊不仅仅是一位伟大的蚁学家,他从蚁群出发让我们得以一窥进化的全貌。

64、Karen watched the panorama of passing people with wide eyes. ─── 凯伦瞪着大眼观看着一连串过往的人群。

65、Panorama The second patient comes out, the third patient goes in. ─── (全景)第二个病人出来,第三个病人进去。

66、At the point of his death all the events of his life passed through his mind as a mnemonic panorama. ─── 在他快要死的时候,他一生中经历过的事情,象一幅记忆的全景画在他的脑海里闪过。

67、It depicts the prosaic local scene rather than Bible, myth or panorama of laboring in the country. ─── 它们的场景没有圣经或神话故事,也没有乡间劳动景象,描绘的是平淡无奇的乡土风光。

68、The super large room of40-60 m2 and the panorama French window facilitate the ease, spaciousness and comfort. ─── 60平方米超大房间,全景式落地窗尽享轻松、敞与舒适。

69、Under his vest he carries a less pear.However you see at him it is sll the time the alike panorama: netsuke snuffbox, ivory handle, chess piece, fan, temple motif. ─── 他在背心里掖了唯一小梨,不论你咋了看他都是那副尊容,随身带着有个坠子的鼻烟盒,象牙柄的,还有棋子、扇子、教堂地图。

70、Tonight's edition of 'Panorama' looks at unemployment. ─── 今晚这辑《全景》探讨的是失业问题。

71、A10 meter long and1 meter tall,360 o panorama takes us to a somehow unreal site in Shanghai's industrial harbor area at dawn. ─── 一个十米长一米高的360度的全景画,带我们进入一个看似虚假在黎明时的上海工业港口的场景。

72、Panorama network on October 14 hearing in the afternoon, financial stocks plate all the way down, and drag Prev sharp turn green, the top brokerage stocks decline. ─── 全景网10月14日讯午后,金融板块个股一路下行,并拖累沪指急转翻绿,券商股跌幅居前。

73、Panorama A guide announces the schedule for a few foreigners. ─── 一名导游对三,四个外国人宣布日程安排。

74、The panorama of colour and action which fills the world is taken for granted. ─── 大千世界的五光十色与千姿百态被认为是理所当然。

75、To rebuild a grand Northwest China with “beautiful landscape” demo nstrates an ideal panorama of the interdependency of human and nature. ─── 再造一个“山川秀美”的大西北,展现出一幅理想的人与自然依存的场景。

76、Panorama sur la ville, la grande lamasserie est principalement a droite, la vieille ville tout a gauche. ─── 小镇的全景,最大的重要寺庙在右边,村镇全在左边。

77、If you can not see the panorama view, please click to install microsoft JVM. ─── 如果你看不到上面的视频,请点击这里安装微软的JVM.

78、The panorama of color and action fill the world is taken for granted. ─── 大干世界中的五光十色的千姿百态被认为是理所当然的。

79、Try reducing the resolution of the panorama in pixels. ─── 尝试在图素中减少全景的解析度。

80、Under his vest he carries a little pear.However you look at him it is always the same panorama: netsuke snuffbox, ivory handle, chess piece, fan, temple motif. ─── 他在背心里掖了一个小梨,不论你怎么看他都是那副尊容,随身带着有个坠子的鼻烟盒,象牙柄的,还有棋子、扇子、教堂地图。

81、"Speisen des Himmels" - das bunte, dramatische Panorama eines hungrigen Landes, das seinen Platz am Tisch der Welt sucht und dem nichts so heilig ist wie seine Mahlzeit. ─── “天堂美食”-一个饥饿国家的多彩的,扣人心悬的全景画.他正在国际上寻找自己的位置,而这个并不像他的胃口那样好.

82、The whole panorama, as usual, was adorned by the mellow distinctness of early morning. ─── 和往常一样,一切都笼罩在清晨柔和的雾霭中。

83、The silvan panorama of large area is OK express in detail from inside a chart. ─── 大面积的森林全貌可以从一份图表中详尽地表示出来。

84、The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague. ─── 从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。

85、NO sentences found of1. Rounding a turn of the uphill road, they looked out on a broad panorama of the base. ─── 他们在上坡路上转了一个弯儿,俯视基地的宽阔全景。

86、The pan (short for panorama) control determines the left-to-right placement of a track in the stereo field. ─── 声相(即声场定位)控制决定一个轨道在立体声场中从左至右的位置。

87、When shooting the series of images that will make up the final panorama, a tripod is an essential. ─── 在为全景照片拍摄一组照片时,三脚架显得至关重要。

88、The above 360-degree full-sky panorama is a composite of 30 images taken two years ago in Racetrack Playa. ─── 上面这张360度天空全景影像是由两年前在干涸湖面上拍摄到的30张影像组合而成。

89、The scene becomes a panorama of desolation, of rocks and scrubby trees, lava fields and herds of goats. ─── 周围变得越来越荒凉:岩石、矮小的树丛、熔岩地和成群的山羊。


Pan 是 “panorama” 的缩写,可以翻译为“声像”。别的称呼有“声相”、“声向”等。

Pan 最简单的定义就是“声音的位置(方位)”。Panorama 这个英文词原意是“全景”;具体到音频处理中就是声音相对于你(参考的中心点)的位置。人耳辨别这个位置(即Pan数值,作为一个角度值)是靠“双耳效应”:希望我的回答能够帮到你。




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