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10-04 投稿


versatile 发音

英:[?v??rs?t(?)l]  美:[?v??s?ta?l]

英:  美:

versatile 中文意思翻译



versatile 网络释义

adj. 多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的

versatile 常用词组

versatile person ─── 通才

versatile 词性/词形变化,versatile变形

副词: versatilely |名词: versatility |

versatile 短语词组

1、Versatile Digital Network ─── 多功能数字网络

2、versatile tool ─── [计] 通用工具

3、Versatile Upper Stage ─── 多功能上舞台

4、Versatile Console System ─── 多功能控制台系统

5、versatile lighting ─── 多功能照明

6、Versatile Digital Analyzer ─── [医]通用计数式计算机

7、versatile anther ─── 丁字药

8、versatile career ─── 多才 ─── 多艺的职业

9、versatile vector ─── [医]多功能载体

10、versatile man ─── 多才 ─── 多艺的人

11、versatile information processor ─── [计] 通用信息处理机

12、versatile automatic test equipment ─── [电] 转变自动测试设备, 万用自动测试设备

13、Versatile Repair Facility ─── 多功能维修设施

14、versatile adhesive ─── 多功能粘合剂

15、Versatile Signal Generator ─── 多功能信号发生器

16、versatile idiocy ─── [医] 易感性白痴

17、Versatile Tracking Mount ─── 多功能跟踪系统

18、versatile acceptor ─── 多才 ─── 多艺的受体

19、versatile pulse shaper ─── 通用脉冲形成器[整形器]

versatile 相似词语短语

1、conversative ─── 健谈的

2、versatility ─── n.多功能性;多才多艺;用途广泛

3、erectile ─── adj.勃起的;[昆]可使直立的

4、mercantile ─── adj.贸易的,商业的;营利主义的

5、versatilely ─── adv.多才地;反复无常地;多方面地

6、oversailed ─── v.(使)连续突腰;(建筑物某一部分)突出

7、versatileness ─── 多才多艺

8、adversatives ─── adj.反意的;表示相反的;n.反意语;转折词

9、adversative ─── adj.反意的;表示相反的;n.反意语;转折词

versatile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But high def takes up more memory, so a new kind of DVD, digital video or versatile disc, was needed. ─── 但是高清定义占用更多内存,故而需要一种DVD(数字录像或者万用录像)的新格式。

2、MCPs are versatile detectors of ions, electrons and photons, providing a large active area of high gain and uniformity. ─── MCP是多种带能粒子和光子的探测器,它可以提供一个增益高和均匀性好的大的工作面。

3、This was why an airport manager needed to be a tactician as well as versatile administrator. ─── 因此,一个空港经理必须既是一个计谋家,又是一个能应付各种情况的行政管理家。

4、He is a versatile student who earns us a lot of honor. ─── 他是个多才多艺的学生,为我们赢得了许多荣誉。

5、Part of that is because vertical navigation is one of the most versatile patterns out there, able to accommodate a long list of links. ─── 这有可能是因为竖直导航是当前最通用的模式之一,可以适应数量很多的链接。

6、But High-Defi takes up more memory, so a new kind of DVD, digital video or versatile disk was needed. ─── 但是高清需要更多的内存,因此需要一类新的数字视频或通用碟片(DVD)。

7、A subset of FORTRAN including built-in functions augmented by versatile operating statements for complete control maintenance. ─── FORTRAN语言的一种子集,包括许多由通用操作语句扩展的、作完全控制维护用的内部函数。

8、He has a beautiful idea, but versatile. ─── 他有美好的理想,而且多才多艺。

9、Atomic absorption spectroscopy has proved to be a versatile tool in measuring concentrations of trace metals. ─── 原子吸收光谱法已证明是一种用于测定痕量的金属浓度的灵活多用的仪器。

10、KG is one of the most versatile big man of all time, as he is an excellent scorer, rebounder, passer, and defensive player. ─── 加内特是历史上最全能的大个子球员之一,他是一个出色的得分手,篮板手,传球手和防守球员。

11、Plastics are a kind of versatile material in industry. ─── 在工业中,塑料是一种多用途材料。

12、XT-X191 unsaturated polyester resin viscosity is a convenient and versatile resin. ─── X191不饱和聚酯树脂是一种粘度适中的通用型树脂。

13、Undisputedly, this man has been seen to be a very talented and versatile performer. ─── 他也因此常常被广告商选为产品代言人。。

14、She is really versatile. ─── 她真是多才多艺。

15、He is a very versatile performer, he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano. ─── 他是个非常多才多艺的表演者,他会演戏、唱歌、跳舞,还会弹钢琴。

16、It's a versatile and economical clear alkyd varnish. ─── 一种用途广泛的经济型透明醇酸清漆。

17、Chicken is one of the most versatile, healthy and easy to cook meats available. ─── 鸡肉是烹调方式最多样、最健康也是最容易做的肉类之一。

18、Their ability to derive effects from any of the damage classes makes the Clip Mod highly versatile. ─── 因其可以提高各种伤害类型效果的绝佳性能,弹药匣插件具有非常高的通用性。

19、Versatile actors can play all kinds of roles. ─── 多才多艺的演员能演各种类型的角色。

20、If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm. ─── 如果你能工作,实现这些目标,您将成为一个全面的和灵活的学生,而是作为一个书虫。

21、She is charming as well as versatile. ─── 她既是很迷人又多才多艺。

22、Versatile user selectable rotation function. ─── 万能的用户可选择的旋转功能。

23、The versatile cable-stayed bridge concept lends itself to a large variety of geometrical configurations. ─── 具有灵活性的斜拉桥设想,使其几何型式有多种多样变化。

24、She is a versatile and superlative actress. ─── 她是位多才多艺、演技高超的女演员。

25、A versatile person is often good at a number of different things. ─── 多才多艺的人通常擅长许多种不同的事情。

26、A versatile pair of ruthenium-plated pierced earrings sport 3 baguette cut Jet Hematite crystals each. ─── 一种多功能双钌镀钻耳环体育三棍子面包喷赤铁矿削减每个晶体。

27、Her versatile performances on stage in a guitar, piano and Ta. ─── 多才多艺的她在台上还表演了弹吉他、钢琴及打鼓。

28、A black shawl is the most versatile cover-up accessory for evening wear. ─── 一条黑色披巾是晚礼服的最佳搭配装饰。

29、He is a nimble and versatile wit. ─── 他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。

30、Company geographical advantages, three-dimensional traffic versatile. ─── 公司区位优势得天独厚,立体交通四通八达。

31、The most versatile data-processing system is an on-line computer. ─── 功能最全的数据处理系统就是联网计算机。

32、He is a very versatile performer, he can act, sing,dance, and play the piano. ─── 他是个多才多艺的表演者,他会表演、唱歌、跳舞以及弹钢琴。

33、He is sparkling and versatile in front of the camera. ─── 他在摄影机前聪颖机智、多才多艺。

34、La Duoyi 27-year-old is a versatile, can play midfield can also play guard this summer almost on the transfer. ─── 27岁的拉多伊是一名多面手,既可以踢中场也可以踢后卫,今年夏天就差一点转会。

35、Versatile antenna can help these insects measure the size of holes. ─── 可旋转的触须能帮助这些昆虫测量洞口的尺寸。

36、To help consumers keep up with TV audio and video technology the versatile VideoCenter(R) collection was introduced. ─── 为了帮助消费者赶上电视,音频和视频技术,多功能视频中心(R)收集介绍。

37、Pipe Bond is so versatile you won't lose time and money because of bad weather. ─── 不会因为天气原因浪费时间和金钱。

38、Wi ep A versatile tool for the analysis of aminoacid sequences. ─── 分析蛋白序列的工具软件。

39、The Assumption Swindle is one of the most ingenious and versatile principles in mentalism. ─── 假定诈骗是其中一项最巧妙和最多才多艺的原则在精神论。

40、She is a versatile performer; she can act, sing, dance and play the piano. ─── 她是位多才多艺的演员, 能演戏、唱歌、跳舞, 还会弹钢琴。

41、On the a iversary the versatile poet wrote an adverse verse Virtue versus Evil. ─── 在周年纪念日上,多用途诗人写信告诉不利的句美德对邪恶。

42、Like the Rocket Militia they can be put to versatile uses. ─── 像火箭兵一样,它们是多面手。

43、The specialist is venerated; the versatile person, far from being admired, is more often regarded with suspicion. ─── 受人崇敬的是专家;而多面手非但不受人钦佩,反而常常不为人所信服。

44、B:"Versatile?" What does it mean? ─── "多用途"?这是什么意思呢?

45、The deep crimson dye is versatile enough to be used in skin creams, lipsticks and almost any other beauty product. ─── 这种万能的深红色染料可用于护肤面霜,唇膏和几乎其它任何美容产品。

46、He is a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano. ─── 他是个多才多艺的演员,能够演戏、唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴。

47、The dual rotation welding positioner is a versatile welding positioner with comprehensive functions. ─── 双回转式焊接变位机是一种用途广泛、功能完善的焊接变位设备。

48、One of the Chinese students at Yale several years ago was a versatile sportsman. ─── 几年前耶鲁的一个中国学生是个体育多面手.

49、He is a nimble and versatile wit. ─── 他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。

50、Be versatile with your appearance, assume a mesmerizing new look anytime you feel like it. ─── 多才多艺是与您的外貌,承担起新的期待着迷随时随地你觉得喜欢它。

51、From something as vile as coal tar came a remarkably versatile substance. ─── 从某种像煤渣那样污秽的东西中炼出了一种用途十分广泛的东西。

52、He's a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano. ─── 他是个多才多艺的演员,会演戏,唱歌,跳舞,还会弹钢琴。

53、He is a versatile person and can be trusted as a master in many fields. ─── 他是个多才多艺的人,在许多领域都是令人信服的好手。

54、Step by step and be versatile. ─── 一步一步地成为一个知识丰富的人。

55、The versatile accounting items are expounded with the aim at improving the accounting practice of the special fund. ─── 在理论与实践的结合点上阐明事业单位普遍适用的有关专用基金的核算内容、核算方法并分录例举,以确保专用资金在会计实践中得到进一步的完善。

56、But just where does this amazingly 8)versatile dish come from? ─── 可是,这种千变万化的面食到底是从何而来?

57、CB Ryan Garry, 20 Made his Premiership debut last season and is a versatile defender capped for England. ─── 中卫:雷恩-加里,20岁,上个赛季首次亮相英超,是一个不可多得后防大将。

58、A versatile, he reads widely and has a broad range of interests. ─── 他是一个多面手,博览群书,兴趣广泛。

59、Looking for a classy, versatile shoe to wear in and out of the office? ─── 寻找一个优雅,多才多艺的鞋穿在办公室?

60、Pekka is a versatile musician playing saxophones, clarinets, flutes and piano. ─── 佩卡和他的波管工厂合作无间。

61、She is a versatile performer.She can act, sing, dance and play the piano. ─── 她是位多才多艺的演员,能演戏、唱歌、跳舞,还会弹钢琴。

62、VATE? Versatile Automatic Test Equipment? ─── 万用自动检测设备?

63、Java is making possible the rapid development of versatile programs for communicating and collaborating on the Internet. ─── Java正在使快速开发Internet上通信与协同工作的通用程序成为可能。

64、There is no doubt that this is the most versatile, accessible and well-balanced post game to date. ─── 毫无疑问这是有史以来最全面,最容易上手,和最平衡的背身单打系统了。

65、Of all beverage alcohol, champagne is the most versatile. ─── 在所有的酒精饮料中,香槟是最多面化的。

66、The array type in PHP is very versatile, so here will be some examples to show you the full power of arrays. ─── PHP中的数组类型有非常多的用途,因此这里有一些例子展示数组的完整威力。

67、He is very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano. ─── 他是个非常多才多艺的表演者,他会演戏、唱歌、跳舞,还会弹钢琴。

68、He was the Beatles' most versatile singer and not just as a balladeer. ─── 他是甲壳虫乐队中最多才多艺的歌手,不只是个民谣歌手。

69、Bt is the most versatile biopesticide for use in pest management. ─── BT是用于害虫治理的最通用的杀虫剂。

70、Made from select premium aluminum oxide grain the RASP is our most versatile all around finishing stone. ─── 从选择优质粮食氧化铝的锉是我们最多才多艺各地整理石头。

71、He is a versatile player that can score, defend, rebound, and Mayo will be Rudy - the real help. ─── 他是一个全能型球员,能得分,防守,抢篮板,而且梅奥将是鲁迪-的真正帮手。

72、Perl is a versatile, powerful, scripting language which is frequently used in Web development. ─── Perl是一种通用的、功能强大的脚本语言,常用于Web开发。

73、He is a versatile writer; he is able to play the piano. ─── 他是位多才多艺作家,会弹钢琴。

74、Adult stem cells are thought by scientists to be less versatile than their embryonic equivalents. ─── 在科学家看来,成人干细胞没有胚胎干细胞那样神通广大。

75、The versatile Trevor Ariza just may find himself being pushed to the limit. ─── 多才多艺的阿里扎可能发现他正在被推向极限。

76、Local traffic versatile : Xinhua Main Street is the easternmost hundred miles Chang'an Street. ─── 区内交通四通八达:新华大街是百里长安街的东端。

77、He is a versatile gymnast with perfect skills. ─── 他是一个技术全面和娴熟的运动员。

78、No man can be too versatile or too handsome. ─── 人不可能是万能的或者十分英俊的。

79、The eyes of anole can be versatile. ─── 变色龙的眼睛可以转动。

80、He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts. ─── 他是个多才多艺的演员,扮演过各种各样的角色。

81、Only a versatile person can settle the complex problem . ─── 只有通才,才能解决这个复杂的问题。

82、Bayern, however, appear loathe to sell the versatile midfielder, who was voted England's best player at the World Cup. ─── 但是,对于这位被评为世界杯上英格兰最佳球员的中场多面手,拜仁似乎并不乐意将其出售。

83、He is the most versatile of actors. ─── 他是最为多才多艺的演员。

84、The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithms. ─── 使用的技术采用了一种新开发的通用xx算法。

85、The versatile data-processing system is an on-line computer. ─── 功能全的数据处理系统就是在线计算机。

86、Zinfandel is a very versatile wine grape, which has led to various wine styles. ─── 仙粉黛/增芳德是世界上用途最广泛的葡萄,它酿出许多不同风格的葡萄酒。

87、Plastic is quite versatile and can be moulded into any shape. ─── 塑料用途很广泛,而且可以被塑造成任何形状。

88、The physiognomist images are also versatile in the ancient novels. ─── 他们在推动小说情节发展、增强小说吸引力等方面都具有重要的文学功能。

89、The innovative SDI-5 uses dry ice block, pellets, or nuggets to create a versatile blast cleaning medium. ─── 创新的SDI-5使用干冰块、颗粒或固体小块作为通用的喷射清洁介质。


can 英[k?n] 美[k?n] aux. 可以; 能; 能够; 可能; vt. 将…装入密封罐中保存; n. 罐头; (用金属或塑料制作的) 容器; (马口铁或其他金属制作的) 食品罐头; [例句]Pork is also the most versatile of meats. It can be roasted whole or in pieces 在肉类中,猪肉的做法也是最多的,可以整块烤来吃,也可以切片烤来吃。

[其他] 第三人称单数:cans 复数:cans 现在分词:canning 过去式:could过去分词:could



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