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mimosa 发音

英:[m??mo?z??m??mo?s?]  美:[m??m??z?; m??m??s?]

英:  美:

mimosa 中文意思翻译




mimosa 网络释义

n. 含羞草n. (Mimosa)人名;(葡)米莫萨

mimosa 词性/词形变化,mimosa变形


mimosa 短语词组

1、Mimosa pudica ─── [网络] 含羞草;含羞草属植物;含羞草学名

2、leguminosae mimosa ─── 豆科含羞草

3、Mimosa sensitiva ─── [网络] 含羞草敏感

4、prairie mimosa ─── [网络] 草原含羞草

5、genus Mimosa ─── [网络] 含羞草属

6、mimosa bush ─── [网络] 含羞草布什

7、bottomless mimosa ─── 无底洞含羞草

mimosa 相似词语短语

1、mimeos ─── n.油印品(等于mimeograph);vt.油印

2、memos ─── n.备忘录,备注留言板(memo复数)

3、mimes ─── 指手画脚地表演,用哑剧的形式表演(mime的第三人称单数);哑剧(mime的复数)

4、mimosas ─── n.含羞草;n.(Mimosa)人名;(葡)米莫萨

5、mucosa ─── n.[解剖]粘膜

6、limos ─── n.豪华轿车(limo的复数)

7、pimola ─── n.填入辣椒的橄榄果

8、mimsy ─── adj.循规蹈矩的;平淡无奇的

9、mimosis ─── 含羞草

mimosa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a bunch, spray, etc of mimosa ─── 一束﹑ 一小枝等含羞草花.

2、Structural Identification of New C-Glycosylflavones from Mimosa Pudica ─── 含羞草中新黄酮碳苷的结构鉴定

3、It was all over, they said, all finished, and they did not seem to care much or want to talk about it. All they wanted to know was whether Mimosa had been burned. ─── 他们说通通结束了,一切都过去了,并且显得无所谓似的,也不想多去谈它,他们唯一想知道的是米莫萨有没有烧掉。

4、Keywords leather making;chrome-free tannage;mimosa;modificated glutaraldehyde combination tannage; ─── 制革;无铬鞣法;荆树皮栲胶;改性戊二醛;结合鞣法;

5、The application properties of local vegetable tannins in last 20 years were introduced,including mimosa,valonex,chestnut etc. ─── 综述了近20年来我国植物鞣剂产品的应用性能,包括荆树皮栲胶,橡栲胶,栗木栲胶等。

6、We also discovered that slow growers and moderate slow growers of rhizobia form symbiosis with Trifolium, slow growers with Mimosa and fast growers with Crotalaria. ─── 分离自含羞草的根瘤菌的慢生菌株和分离自猪屎豆的根瘤菌的快生菌株 ,此项研究也进一步证实这两种研究方法在菌株归群上的一致性

7、Sixty-seven strains isolated from the root nodules of Trifolium, Crotalaria and Mimosa in comparison with 18 reference strains were analysed by 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP. ─── 采用 16SrDNAPCR -RFLP分析和表型数值分类 ,对分离自三叶草 (Trifolium)、猪屎豆 (Crotalaria)和含羞草(mimosa) 3属植物的根瘤菌进行了分类研究。

8、The present study shows the mechanical properties of homogenate suspension from the leaves and petioles of Mimosa pudica by stress-shear hysteresis loops during shea. ─── 该文旨在通过观察含羞草叶片和叶柄匀浆悬浮液的应力切变率滞后环变化,揭示含羞草的力学性质。

9、Mimosa pudica L. ─── 含羞草

10、It was the sweet allurement of the mimosa tree in full bloom that finally overcame my fears. ─── 那是因为合欢树盛开的粉红花儿,飘起芳香,对我产生强烈的吸引力,且将我的恐惧给予决定性的溃击。

11、large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America, Africa, Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa. ─── 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草。

12、Mimosa invisa ─── n. 巴西含羞草

13、Mimosa is also a kind of drug. ─── 含羞草也是一种药物。

14、The installation was sponsored by the French Senate to celebrate the annual Fête du Mimosa. ─── 这个装置是由法国参议院投资兴建的,以庆祝每年的含羞草花节。

15、Such as: at 7:00 on the January 11, 1938, the beginning of mimosa open, but the 10 o'clock, the leaves of all combined all of a sudden closure, was 13 in a strong earthquake occurred. ─── 如:1938年1月11日上午7时,含羞草开始张开,但是到了10时,叶子突然全部合闭,果然在13日发生了强烈地震。

16、Carrying out a series of inquiring activities with Mimosa pudica ─── 利用含羞草进行系列生物探究活动

17、But not just any plant -- one that goes by the Latin name Mimosa pudica (’pudica’ meaning ’bashful’) and is being marketed in the U. ─── 那可不是随便哪种植物都行的,唯有“含羞草”才有这样的神通。

18、The next minute I knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside. ─── 一会儿我就知道它来自屋外合欢树的香味。

19、Study on Preventive Effect of Mimosa Extract on Hexavalent-Chromium in Leather ─── 荆树皮栲胶对皮革中六价铬预防作用的研究

20、I too like a mimosa! ─── 我太喜欢这些含羞草了!

21、Flowers: mimosa in Pushkin square 1941. ─── 花:在普希金广场,1941年含羞草。

22、"Blossoms-Leaves-Fruits","A magical, graceful and originally blend with a subtle background","Vanilla, Cassia, Patchouly, Mimosa abs., Bergamot",163.00 ─── "花-叶-水果","奇妙,优美和原始调和微妙的背景","香草,肉桂,广藋香,佛手柑,金合欢",163.00

23、a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch; a sensitive voltmeter; sensitive skin; sensitive to light ─── 含羞草的叶子对触摸很敏感;灵敏的伏特计;敏感的皮肤;感光的

24、Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky; ─── 那儿有一望无际的森林遍布全岛的近海一面,其中最多的是:棕树、槟榔树、肉豆蔻、竹子、柏木、大含羞草和桫椤树。

25、In no intention of walking, I found a very special flower called "mimosa. " ─── 在无意的散步,我发现了一种很特别的花,叫“含羞草”。

26、large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America,Africa,Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa ─── 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草

27、It turned out that the stem petiole in Mimosa, a liquid storage pocket, it looks like the fuel tank of the hydraulic drive. ─── 原来,在含羞草叶柄的茎部,有一个储藏液体的囊袋,它好像液压机里的油缸。

28、And fish pelargonium, mimosa and stone garlic, the contact also can cause child hair to fall off too much. ─── 而天竺葵、含羞草和石蒜等,接触过多也会引起孩子头发脱落。

29、Take the hand of Mimosa. And see whether Mimosa is willing to make friends with you. ─── 牵含羞草的手,看含羞草是否愿意和你交朋友。

30、any of various tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Mimosa having usually yellow flowers and compound leaves. ─── 任何属于含羞草种的热带灌木或树,有黄花和复合的叶子。

31、a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch; a sensitive voltmeter; sensitive skin; sensitive to light. ─── 含羞草的叶子对触摸很敏感;灵敏的伏特计;敏感的皮肤;感光的。

32、16S rDNA PCR-RFLP analysis and numerical taxonomy for rhizobia Isolated from Trifolium,Crotalaria and Mimosa ─── 三叶草、猪屎豆和含羞草植物根瘤菌16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析和数值分类研究

33、Keywords Mimosa pudica;C-glycosylflavones;nuclear magnetic resonance;mass spectrum;infrared spectra; ─── 含羞草;黄酮碳苷;核磁共振;质谱;红外光谱;

34、The present study shows the mechanical properties of homogenate suspension from the leaves and petioles of Mimosa pudica by stress-shear hysteresis loops during shear stress. ─── 该文旨在通过观察含羞草叶片和叶柄匀浆悬浮液的应力-切变率滞后环变化,揭示含羞草的力学性质。

35、Behold, she touched is mimosa. ─── 哪想到,她摸的是含羞草。

36、chestnut tannin;mimosa tannin;quebracho tannin;sweet ... tannin from chestnut;tannin from mimosa;tannin from q ... ─── 鞣酸;单宁酸;单宁;二倍酸;落叶松栲胶;单宁...香港

37、They had all made her welcome at Mimosa and had insisted on giving, not selling, her the seed corn. ─── 在米莫萨,人们都很欢迎她,并且坚持要送给她玉米种,而不不要钱。

38、Richly contain natural essential oil extracted from jasmine, mimosa and violet, which can moisten dry lips and bring you full and water lips. ─── 富含茉莉花、含羞草、紫罗兰等天然花卉精油,丰富的维他命成分可滋润干裂唇部,让你拥有丰盈、润泽美唇。

39、The next minute I knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside. ─── 下一分钟我才知道那是来自外面的合欢树。

40、any of various mostly tropical herbs,shrubs,and trees of the genus Mimosa,having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate,compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light ─── 含羞草,一种含羞草属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感

41、" I then also small, do not know what " mimosa. ─── 因为我那时候还小,不懂得什么叫“含羞草”。

42、In the earthquake-prone Japan, the scientists found that under normal circumstances, mimosa leaves open during the day and night close together. ─── 在地震多发的日本,科学家研究发现,在正常情况下,含羞草的叶子白天张开,夜晚合闭。

43、Why touch the leaves of mimosa, it closed the case? ─── 为什么一碰含羞草的叶子,它就合上了呢?

44、"Only Alex left and so much to do at Mimosa. ─── "只剩下亚历克斯了,而在米莫萨却有那么多的事情要做。

45、The next minute I knew it was coming from the marmositure (mimosa tree) outside. ─── 过了一分钟意识到那是这气味是从外面的含羞草树上传来的。

46、Effects of Treatments with four Chemicals on Seed Germination of Mimosa invisa Mast. Var. Inemis Benth ─── 四种化学物质处理对无刺含羞草种子发芽率的影响

47、Flowers: mimosa in Pushkin square, 1941. ─── 花:在普希金广场,1941年含羞草。

48、We are not a group of delicate flowers, we are not shy of a group of mimosa, and we want to do is dare to confront the violent storm petrel. ─── 我们不是一群娇嫩的小花,我们不是一群羞涩的含羞草,我们想要做的应是那敢于对抗暴风骤雨的海燕。

49、If the mimosa leaves appear close together during the day, opening night of the anomaly is a sign of an earthquake. ─── 如果含羞草叶片出现白天合闭,夜晚张开的反常现象,便是发生地震的先兆。

50、Desmanthus virgatus [slender mimosa] ─── 合欢草

51、The air was filled with the sweetness of mimosa. ─── 空气中弥漫着含羞草的芬芳。

52、The lawn area where we have Several mimosa, as different, has aroused my curiosity, so I am particularly looking at it carefully. ─── 我们小区里的草坪上有几株含羞草,因为与众不同,引起了我的好奇心,所以我特别留心观察它。

53、Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genus Mimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light. ─── 含羞草一种含羞草属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感

54、Mimosa pudica Linn. ─── 含羞草科植物。

55、In this paper, the authors studied systematically on preventive effect of mimosa tannin on hexavalent-chromium in leather. ─── 系统地研究了荆树皮栲胶对皮革中六价铬的预防作用。

56、Included in this family are acacia, alfalfa, beans, broom, carob, clover, cowpea, lupine, mimosa, peas, peanuts, soybeans, tamarind, and vetch. ─── 豆科植物有金合欢、苜蓿、豆、金雀花、角豆树、车轴草、豇豆、羽扇豆、含羞草属、豌豆、花生、大豆、酸豆和巢菜。

57、Back to the Mimosa Pudica Club ─── 返回含羞草私人会所

58、A mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch. ─── 含羞草的叶子对触摸很敏感。

59、In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. ─── 在他们家别墅后面一片神经质的、叶子细长的含羞草丛中,在一道矮石墙的残垣上,我们找到一个可以坐一坐的地方。

60、Mimosa extract ─── 荆树栲胶

61、Analysis of Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil from Mimosa pudica L. By Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ─── 气相色谱-质谱法分析含羞草挥发油的化学成分

62、On their way to Mimosa and eager for home, they only stopped a moment at Tara to kiss the girls and give them news of the surrender. ─── 因急于回家,他们在赶往米莫萨的途中,只在塔拉停留了一下,吻了吻几位姑娘,并告诉她们投降的消息。

63、sulfited mimosa extract ─── 亚硫酸化荆树皮浸膏

64、Japan Earthquake in 1976 a member of the club, has seen arise mimosa leaves abnormal close together, the results of subsequent earthquakes have taken place. ─── 1976年日本地震俱乐部的成员,曾多次观察到含羞草叶子出现反常的合闭现象,结果随后都发生了地震。

65、Seismonasty (seismonastic movements) A NASTIC MOVEMENT in response to shock. An example is the collapse of leaves of the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) when touched or shaken. ─── 感震性(感震运动):是一种针对震动刺激的感性运动。例如敏感植物(含羞草)的叶子被触摸或震动时的收拢现象。

66、mimosa seismic foreteller ─── 含羞草地震预报器

67、As an example, Mimosa Systems, Inc. Extends the operational continuity within a single datacenter to remote continuity. ─── 例如,Mimosa Systems,Inc.将一个数据中心内的操作连续性扩展到远程连续性。

68、Turkey, according to seismologists Al Jiang said in a strong earthquake occurred a few hours ago, the outside touch sensitive Mimosa leaves will suddenly shrink, and then withered. ─── 据土耳其地震学家艾尔江表示,在强烈地震发生的几小时前,对外界触觉敏感的含羞草叶会突然萎缩,然后枯萎。

69、Studies on Chemical Constituents of Mimosa pudica ─── 含羞草化学成分的研究

70、catechu mimosa ─── 儿茶

71、Nestled into a forest of Australian mimosa trees, a small family chapel designed by 57 Studio provides a quiet and serene place for religious contemplation. ─── 位于澳洲含羞草丛林中,57工作室设计的这个家庭小礼拜堂,为宗教冥想提供了一处安静和静谧的空间。

72、Mimosa pudica is an ideal model for studying cell response to force because it sensitively closes its leaflets and bends its petioles when subjected to the action of force. ─── 摘要由于受力后叶子立即发生运动,含羞草是一个研究力对于生物细胞作用的良好模型。

73、A fresh, crisp &floral fragrance Elegant, romantic, refined &alluring Reveals a blend of floral rose, blackcurrant, mimosa leaves Combined with hibiscus &almond wood Perfect for daily wear ─── 香榭里舍香水喷雾清新、脆甜花香香水,优雅、浪漫、迷人的感觉,呈现玫瑰、黑加仑、含羞草味调。混有木槿及杏仁木,适合日间使用。

74、Stress-shear Hysteresis Loops of Homogenate Suspension from Leaves and Petioles of Mimosa pudica ─── 叶片匀浆悬浮液的滞后环

75、This Sunday, I and mortar flower market grandfather. I bought a home a beautiful bowl of mimosa. ─── 这个星期天,我和外公去逛花鸟市场。回家时我买了一盆漂亮的含羞草。

76、This feminine scent possesses a blend of floral rose, blackcurrant, mimosa leaves, hibiscus, and almond wood. ─── 岁月里的悲欢离合,是不是最后也能化作一段香,会是怎样的一种芬芳?

77、There was an air of studied and determined cheerfulness about the whole family which brought a colder chill to Scarlett's bones than the bitterness of Mimosa or the deathly brooding of Pine Bloom. ─── 他们一家露出一种勉强装出来的欢乐神情,这比米莫萨斯的痛苦和松花村的死气沉沉更加使思嘉觉得彻骨冰凉,很不好受。

78、The next minute I knew it was coming from mimosa tree outside. ─── 但随后我就知道了,它来自室外的合欢树。

79、mimosa pudica ─── n. 含羞草, 含羞草

80、In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. ─── 在他们家别墅后面一片神经质的、叶子细长的含羞草丛中,在一道矮石墙的残垣上,我们找到一个可以坐一坐的地方。

81、Sports have closed, shares of actin phosphate will be off, so long as the mimosa off phosphate absorption from the compound, the touch will not change. ─── 产生闭合运动时,股动蛋白的磷酸会脱落,只要让含羞草吸收不让磷酸脱落的化合物,经触碰也不会起变化。

82、Mimosa sepiaria ─── n. 光荚含羞草

83、mimosa perfume ─── 银白金合欢香精

84、rhizobia ,invasive plant ,Mimosa sp. ,Mimosa pigra ,symbiont ,nitrogenase ─── 关键词:根瘤菌,入侵植物,含羞草属,刺轴含羞木,共生,固氮?

85、The result shows that the tanning characters of BA is similar to that of import mimosa.So it was able to supersede mimosa extract in leather processing. ─── 结果表明,BA浅色栲胶的鞣革性能优良,接近进口的荆树皮栲胶,在制革过程中可以代替进口的荆树皮栲胶。

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