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10-04 投稿


supporters 发音

英:[s??p??rt?rz]  美:[s??p??t?z]

英:  美:

supporters 中文意思翻译



supporters 网络释义

n. 支持者,支持单位;支持单元

supporters 同义词

adherent | truss | guardian angel | helpmate | confrere | advocate | stalwart | jockstrap | defender | colleague | ally | helper | crony | contributor | backer | votary | athletic supporter | champion | help | proponent | associate | maintainer | bolster | admirer | underwriter | enthusiast |follower | protagonist | fan | brace | copartner | benefactress | lover | guardian | buttress | angel | jock | partner | upholder | socle | partisan | subsidizer | second | devotee | shoulder | prop | tutelary | bracer | sidekick | comrade | athletic | supporter | booster | suspensor | exponent | helpmeet | consort | assistant | stay | companion | encourager | fulcrum | saint | friend | rooter | patron saint | bracket | benefactor | consociate | grubstaker | co-worker | accomplice | garter | patron | abettor | sustainer | sponsor | base

supporters 词性/词形变化,supporters变形


supporters 短语词组

1、informing and activating supporters ─── 通知并激活支持者

2、supporters of the project ─── 项目支持者

3、devastated trump supporters ─── 震惊了特朗普的支持者

4、supporters pack ─── 支持者包

5、Supporters of Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰教支持者

6、interviews with trump supporters ─── 采访特朗普支持者

7、supporters of the new super ─── 新超级的支持者

8、athletic supporters ─── 男用护肾带;运动员的下部护套

9、supporters of the biotech ─── 生物技术的支持者

supporters 反义词


supporters 相似词语短语

1、supporter ─── n.支持者;拥护者

2、supportress ─── 女支持者

3、supported ─── adj.被支持的;v.支持(support的过去式和过去分词)

4、supportures ─── 支架

5、supportless ─── adj.无支持者的;无支撑的

6、supports ─── n.支持;支承结构;忍受;[法]赡养(support的复数);v.支持,忍受(support单三形式)

7、sporters ─── n.运动者;运动用品

8、outporters ─── 输出站

9、supporture ─── 支持

supporters 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters. ─── 因为那些野蛮的助威者,足球比赛不得不暂停。

2、They received the support of the workers. ─── 他们得到工人们的支持。

3、A framework to support or strengthen a mine or shaft. ─── 井壁基架用来支承或加固矿井的构筑

4、The Senate has voted to support the President's defense plans. ─── 参议院已经投票支持总统的防卫计划。

5、He expected no return when he decided to give us full support. ─── 他决定全力支持我们时并无图报之意。

6、From my point of view, the best choice is to support them. ─── 以我的观点看,最好的选择是支持他们。

7、He needs a high income to support such a large family. ─── 他需要有高收入才能供养得起这样一个大家庭。

8、Health food supporters are always evangelizing. ─── 喜爱保健食品的人总爱劝别人都吃保健食品。

9、She needs to distance herself from some of her more extreme supporters. ─── 她必须与拥护她的那些比较偏激的人保持一定的距离。

10、In that campaign, the tanks were often used in a support role, shooting-in die infantry as mobile artillery. ─── 在那次战役中,坦克常常用来起支援作用; 像机动炮那样掩护步兵。

11、They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument. ─── 他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。

12、Have you noticed the kind of support he has got lined up behind him? ─── 他已经得到了一部分人的支持,这一点你注意到了吗?

13、He had the support of large sections of the populace. ─── 他获得大多数民众的支持。

14、He includes me among his supporters. ─── 他把我列为他的支持者之一。

15、They held a rally in support of the civil-rights movement. ─── 他们举行集会支持民权运动。

16、They are mobilizing their supporters to vote at the election. ─── 他们正在组织其支持者向他们拉选票。

17、He can produce evidence to support his allegations. ─── 他能提出证据以表明他的指控属实。

18、Many of his former supporters voted against him. ─── 他以前的许多支持者投票反对他。

19、His wife was killed in the crash and his supporters are calling for an investigation and wondering why he wasn't given more police security. ─── 他妻子当场死亡,他的支持者要求进行调查并质疑为什么没有更多的警察给予他更多的保护。

20、Opponents would try to break up meetings by threatening to ride down supporters of reform. ─── 反对派们威胁要马踏改革的支持者们,试图以此来冲散集会。

21、His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters. ─── 他的乐观情绪与他的支持者的低落的士气形成了鲜明的对照。

22、His fall chagrined his supporters. ─── 他的垮台使他的支持者感到懊恼。

23、Money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate. ─── 储蓄中逐渐增多的利息; 加强一个政党候选人的支持

24、They did not waver in their support for him. ─── 他们毫不动摇地支持他。

25、In corroboration of his story (ie to give support to it) he produced a signed statement from his employer. ─── 为了进一步证明他所说的是事实,他出示了一份雇主签了字的文件。

26、He had to support his seven children, to say nothing of his wife and parents. ─── 他要养活自己的七个孩子,更不必说还有妻子和父母了。

27、She dispensed with the financial support of her uncle. ─── 她放弃了她叔叔对她的经济援助。

28、He made a bid for middle class support. ─── 他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。

29、His supporters failed in their attempt to reinstate the President in the White House. ─── 他的支持者试图使总统重新入主白宫的努力失败了。

30、His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound. ─── 他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。

31、In ane-mail to supporters, Mr. Obama said "the race may not reach full speed for a year or more. " ─── 在一封写给支持者的邮件中,奥巴马总统说“大选或许需要一年甚至更长时间才会进入全速状态”。

32、Material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall. ─── 基础材料用于支撑结构的材料或砖石建筑,例如墙

33、A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to the gums to anchor artificial teeth. ─── 假牙托安装在牙床上固定假牙的薄金属或塑料支持物

34、He was completely outmanoeuvred in his campaign to win the support of other ministers. ─── 他为赢得其他大臣的支持而竭尽全力,却因失算而彻底受挫。

35、He appealed to his friends for support. ─── 他请求朋友支持。

36、She spoke in support of the project. ─── 她发言支持这项计划。

37、On the printer, a roller-type support around which the paper is guided and held during the printing. ─── 在打印机上,打印时纸卷绕其上,起衬垫、导向作用的一种滚柱状支承体。

38、She prostituted herself in order to support her children. ─── 她为养活子女而操皮肉生涯。

39、Mr Thompson himself is said to prefer John McCain. But any of these candidates could grab some of his supporters, as could Rudy Giuliani. ─── 据说汤普森个人支持约翰·麦凯恩,但这些参选人都可以瓜分他的支持者,就像瓜分朱利安尼的支持者一样。

40、Can you give some examples to support your argument? ─── 你能举几个例子来证实你的论点吗?

41、He has committed himself to support them. ─── 他答应负担他们的生活。

42、Which football team do you support? ─── 你支持哪个足球队?

43、He had to work hard to support his family. ─── 他不得不努力工作来养家。

44、He is weak with hunger, so I have to support him. ─── 他饿得没有力气,我得搀着他。

45、He found it demeaning to ask his wife to support the family. ─── 他觉得让妻子来养家糊口有损他的面子。

46、He find it demean to ask his wife to support the family. ─── 他觉得让妻子来养家虎口有损他的面子。

47、The cables, which will be the bridge's main support, are strung from tower to tower. They are made up of wire that's high tensile steel. ─── 作为大桥的主要支撑,绳索被绷在塔之间。它们是由高抗拉强度的钢丝组成的。

48、He had to support his family with his meager income. ─── 他只能靠微薄的收入来养家。

49、She tried to beat up some support for the campaign she was leading. ─── 她力求赢得人们对她所领导的运动的支持。

50、People were unanimous in support of the peace effort. ─── 人们一致支持为和平所作的努力。

51、When it comes to the crunch they will support us. ─── 到紧要关头他们会支持我们的。

52、Supporters crammed the streets. ─── 街上挤满了支持者。

53、Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes. ─── 前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。

54、They hope to win mass support among the middle class. ─── 他们希望能赢得中产阶级的广泛支持。

55、They made a last-minute effort to rally their supporters. ─── 他们作了最后的努力团结他们的支持者。

56、Do not fear; I will support you. ─── 别担心,我会支持你的。

57、He must work very hard in order to support his large family. ─── 他必须拼命工作以养活他的大家庭。

58、He promised to support her come what may. ─── 他答应不论发生什麽事都支持她。

59、She pledged her support to us. ─── 她保证支持我们。

60、His supporters began to fall away from him. ─── 他的支持者开始疏远他了。

61、The threat of a general collapse of financial institutions is one of the main arguments offered by the supporters of state intervention. ─── 金融机构普遍崩溃的威胁是国家干预的支持者提出的主要论据之一。

62、A mound of earth or stone built to hold back water or to support a roadway. ─── 堤用以阻挡水或支持公路而建造的土堆或石堆

63、They signed a petition in support of the workers' demands. ─── 他们在请愿书上签名,支持工人的请求。

64、In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory. ─── 凡在我国生活阴云密布的时刻,坦率而有活力的领导都得到过人民的理解和支持,从而为胜利准备了必不可少的条件。

65、Their 30 years-old son is just a leech, yet they continue to support him. ─── 他们那个三十岁的儿子只是一个寄生虫,而他们还继续负担他的生活。

66、They all support socialist policies. ─── 他们都拥护社会主义的政策。

67、Mr.Smith spoke in support of the motion. ─── 史密斯先生发言支持该项。动议。

68、His supporters fell away as his popularity declined. ─── 在他声望下降时许多支持他的人都疏远了他。

69、A horizontal beam, as of steel or wood, used as a main support for a building or bridge. ─── 大梁一水平的铁制或木制的桁条,用来作为建筑物或桥梁的主要支撑物

70、Our people's support is a bulwark against the enemy. ─── 人民的支持就是抗拒敌人的堡垒。

71、He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree. ─── 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。

72、All his support melt away when he really needed it. ─── 在他真正需要支持时,却得不到一丝半点。

73、The United States is also working with the international financial community to deny resources to al-Qaida and its supporters, he said. ─── 他说,美国还与国际金融机构进行合作,截断“基地”组织及其支持者的资金来源。

74、His supporters gathered in the main square. ─── 他的支持者聚集在主广场上。

75、George worried along six months trying to support a large family. ─── 乔治设法应付了6个月,维持着一个女子众多的家庭。

76、They urged us to give our support. ─── 他们敦促我们给予支持。

77、You must show your support by deeds, not words. ─── 你必须用行动支持,不能空口说白话。

78、Such a barren desert can support very few creatures. ─── 在这样荒瘠的沙漠里,很少生物能够存活。

79、They're trying to whip up support for their candidate. ─── 他们竭力激励大家支持他们的候选人。

80、They requested financial support. ─── 他们要求资助。

81、The moment Gaddafi is captured or killed and his regime put to bed, there will be nothing left for his supporters to support. ─── 此刻卡扎菲正被抓获或击毙,他的政权也付之一炬,没有留下什么给他的支持者们幻想。

82、He quotes the Bible to support his beliefs. ─── 他引用《圣经》来支持他的信仰。

83、He could not support his family on his meager salary. ─── 他靠微薄的工资无法养家。

84、No price is too high for winning their support. ─── 为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。

85、Their efforts are worthy of your support. ─── 他们这样努力应得到你的支持。

86、The Leeds supporters were in full cry. ─── 利兹队的球迷在激情高昂地呐喊助威。

87、I'll support you through thick and thin. ─── 在任何情况下我都会支持你们。

88、An extension product, such as a diet version of a soft drink or a liquid version of a detergent, added to a line to support the sales of the main product. ─── 名牌辅助产品,系列新产品一种延伸产品,如某种软饮料的保健型或某种洗涤剂的液体型,这种产品附加到一系列产品中以促进主要产品销售

89、The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly. ─── 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者,他们使劲给他鼓掌。

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