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10-04 投稿


phenomenal 发音

英:[f??nɑ?m?n(?)l]  美:[f??n?m?n(?)l]

英:  美:

phenomenal 中文意思翻译



phenomenal 网络释义

adj. 现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的

phenomenal 短语词组

1、abnormal phenomenal ─── 异常现象

2、phenomenal growth ─── 惊人的增长

3、phenomenal success ─── 非凡的成功

4、phenomenal memory ─── 现象记忆

5、phenomenal world ─── 现象世界

6、phenomenal sea ─── 非凡的海洋

7、phenomenal lobster ─── 非凡龙虾

8、phenomenal woman ─── 非凡的女人

9、phenomenal reversal ─── 现象反转

10、phenomenal gem ─── 非凡的宝石

11、phenomenal storyteller ─── 非凡的故事讲述者

12、phenomenal character ─── 现象性特征

13、phenomenal king ─── 非凡的国王

phenomenal 词性/词形变化,phenomenal变形

副词: phenomenally |

phenomenal 相似词语短语

1、pheromonal ─── 信息素

2、phenomenally ─── adv.现象上地;明白地;从感官认识到

3、epiphenomenal ─── adj.附带现象的;附带现象的性质的

4、phenomenalism ─── n.现象论

5、phaenomena ─── 巴拿马

6、phenomenon ─── n.现象;奇迹;杰出的人才

7、phenomenalise ─── 现象化

8、phenomena ─── n.现象(phenomenon的复数)

9、prenominal ─── adj.置于名词之前的

phenomenal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His goal scoring record was phenomenal at Chelsea. ─── 他的进球得分记录在切尔西赫赫有名。

2、"The Big Three are giving customers phenomenal deals, and the buyer still goes down to the import dealers," said Shearson Lehman auto analyst Joseph Philippi. ─── 休顿汽车分析师菲利比表示,三大制造商提供消费者极为优惠的交易条件,但买车的人依然投向进口商的怀抱。

3、In places where there were cuts or pierces,the pain became phenomenal. ─── 在有划伤和刺伤的地方,疼痛感变得很明显。

4、In the process of practice, man at first sees only the phenomenal side, the separate aspects, the external relations of things. ─── 原来人在实践过程中,开始只是看到过程中各个事物的现象方面,看到各个事物的片面,看到各个事物之间的外部联系。

5、But in its own market, the Oxford English Dictionary CD is phenomenal value for money. ─── 但是在自己的词典市场上,花这些钱买牛津词典光盘却是非常值得的。

6、"As a climber, to know what Mallory did was phenomenal. ─── “作为一名登山者,了解马罗礼所做的事情意义重大。

7、Doctor Richard Gatling patented his design of the "Gatling Gun", a six-barreled weapon capable of firing a (then) phenomenal 200 rounds per minute. ─── 医生理查德转管他的专利设计的"转管炮" ,六桶装武器,有能力发射了(当时)以惊人的200发每分钟。

8、Many owner may think, winter lets the air outside come in, the temperature inside city drops, the floor leaves seam phenomenal nature abate. ─── 不少业主可能认为,冬季让外面的空气进来,市内温度下降,地板离缝现象自然减弱。

9、Sim did a phenomenal job presenting the heartless, miserly, self-centered Scrooge. ─── 他成功地演绎了这个无情、吝啬、自我中心的主人翁。

10、And this was the continuation of two phenomenal games against Man U.Even Eurosport News, who are normally pro-English have posted "Milan outclass Man U to advance to semis". ─── 冠军联赛中对阵曼联的比赛是两场精彩的比赛的延续,米兰可以总结成“高人一筹”。

11、Iggy is playing phenomenal against the Orlando Magic averaging 23.3 PPG 6.3 APG and 7.6 RPG. ─── 他在对阵魔术比赛中有非凡的表现,场均23.3分,6.3个助攻,和7.6个篮板。

12、But in China, the phenomenal progress and rapid development of wind power are more directly driven by huge investment. ─── 但在中国,风电的突飞猛进和跨越发展更多来自巨量投资的直接拉动。

13、If you make it the focus of your career, that would be phenomenal. ─── 假如你们能够以此作为你职业的目标,你将脱颖而出。

14、He has been pursued, day by day, and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. ─── 一天又一天,一年又一年,他始终吉星高照,令人惊异不已。

15、Given its phenomenal growth rate China has been depleting its coal reserves by almost 2% per annum for over a decade and a half. ─── 中国显著的经济增长是以过去二十几年来每年消耗2%的煤储量为代价的。

16、By contrast, the type-B materialist takes an observed connection between physical and phenomenal states, unexplainable in more basic terms, and suggests that it is an identity. ─── 作为对比,B类物理主义者持有观察到的物理事态和现象事态之间的关联,在更基础的术语上是不可解释的,并建议它们是同一的。

17、As someone who just spent three years teaching adolescents year-round, I know firsthand that the differences between each age in the 9-14 bracket is PHENOMENAL. ─── 作为一个刚刚花了三年时间给青春期少年全职教书的人,我亲身有体会,从9岁到14岁的每一年都有多么翻天覆地的变化。

18、Meanwhile, the original iMac has been a phenomenal success story, reaching its first anniversary by clocking up sales of two million units in the first twelve-month period. ─── 与此同时,最初的iMac机还已成为取得巨大成功的一个传奇,它以头12个月高达200万台的销售量迎来了自己的首个周年纪念日。

19、You now have a phenomenal tool so that you can be in touch with the news behind the news and I very much recommend that you do so. ─── 你们现在有一个能知觉的工具以致你们能接触到新闻背后的新闻而我非常推崇你们这样做。

20、In the context of open source, where women have become accustomed to being one of a few women, if not the only woman, in the room, that's a phenomenal number. ─── 在开源环境中,这是一个惊人的数字,妇女对成为这一领域中少数女性之一,如果不是唯一的妇女的话,已经变得习以为常。

21、The DSW pumps operate at phenomenal capacities, moving the raw water at rates as high as 100,000 gallons per minute (gpm). ─── 以色列死海工程公司的泵工作量非常惊人,以每分钟100,000美制加仑(每小时22700吨)的速度输送未处理海水。

22、With some capesize rates just shy of the all-time record high seen back in December2004, it is worth examining again the causes behind these phenomenal rates. ─── 一些好望角型货船费用在2004年12月创历史最高纪录,这也值得我们再次探究这些惊人费用背后的原因?

23、You learn that it takes phenomenal feats of memorization to learn the Chinese characters. ─── 你明白了学习汉字需要惊人的记忆。

24、In the process of practice,man at first sees only the phenomenal side,the separate aspects,the external relations of things. ─── 人在实践过程中,开始只是看到过程中各个事物的现象方面,看到各个事物的片面,看到各个事物之间的外部联系。

25、The interest in who dumps whom, and how, is phenomenal. ─── 人们对谁甩谁以及怎样甩的兴趣是惊人的。

26、"When chemical emissions are multiplied by the number of people in any place, the exposure to risks is phenomenal. ─── "如果将散发出的化学物质与当地人数相乘,人们所置身的危险程度就相当可观。

27、We began to introduce that in our explorations, and we continued to make phenomenal discoveries with our new robotic technologies. ─── 我们开始在我们的探险中推广这一技术,用我们的新机器人技术继续进行惊人的发现。

28、The face of the Other is in the world, a thing among things, and yet its very expressivity breaks through or interrupts its mundane, phenomenal form. ─── 在世之他者之脸,处身事物之间,其真正的表现性却突破或中断了其世俗(性、现实性),(而成为)现象的形式。

29、The Jazz festival starting in late July and the Edinburgh Mela in the last days of August bookend a phenomenal six weeks of arts and culture in the city. ─── 7月末的爵士艺术节和8月末的综合文化节又使这个城市的艺术和文化氛围延长了6个星期。

30、You have a phenomenal memory. ─── 你的记忆力惊人。

31、She was editor of Vanity Fair, one of the great phenomenal women of her day. ─── 她还是《名利场》的编辑,总之,一个在那个年代非常杰出的女性。

32、It is not surprising then that the growth of electric energy consumption in the world has been nothing but phenomenal. ─── 全世界电能消耗的增长一直惊人已并不令人诧异。

33、One way this might happen is by a sort of causal overdetermination: physical states causally determine behavior, but phenomenal states cause behavior at the same time. ─── 一个方式是,超确定论的因果:物理事态因果确定行为,但现象事态同时导致行为。

34、As China's biggest city, Shanghai has made phenomenal progress over the years, thanks in part to the contribution of foreign talent. ─── 上海是中国第一大都会,近年来发展迅速,外来人才或可说功不可没。

35、Pau's skill level, in addition to his basketball IQ, are phenomenal, so we were able to do more things in a short period of time just by his being able to be a sponge. ─── 加索尔的技术和篮球智商绝对是“现象”级别的,所以我们在得到他之后很多的一段时间里就取得了惊人的战绩。

36、What JK says is very right “There is nothing in liberation as such to preclude further activity in the phenomenal worlds. ─── 克氏说得很对,“在所谓的解脱里面,不存在任何阻止你到现象世界进一步活动的障碍。

37、But Mr. Cheney said since his last visit 10 months ago he saw phenomenal changes in Iraq in security and political developments. ─── 不过切尼副总统说,自从他10个月前访问伊拉克以来,他看到了伊拉克在安全和政治发展方面取得的巨大的变化。

38、But this structure is a distinctively phenomenal structure, quite different in kind from the spatio-temporal and formal structure present in physics. ─── 但是这是可区分开的现象结构,不同于在物理中出现的时空结构和形式结构。

39、He was one of the smartest men I've ever met, with a phenomenal IQ and a steel-trap mind. ─── 他是我见过的最聪明的人,智商高得惊人,脑筋快极了。

40、Inter was flying in attack at that time, with phenomenal Adriano and tireless supersonic Martins. ─── 国际米兰那时的有现象级的阿德里亚诺和不知疲倦的超级马丁斯,进攻由此很疯狂。

41、He was not one of those saints who are marked out by their phenomenal piety from childhood onwards, nor one of the other kind who forsake the world after sensational debaucheries. ─── 他不是那种从童年开始就以其非凡的虔诚而受选的圣人,也不是那种历尽奢华后脱离红尘的圣人。

42、On some calculations, demography accounted for about a third of East Asia's phenomenal growth over the past 30 years. ─── 一些计算表明,在东亚过去30年超乎常规的经济增长中,由人口变化带来的增长要占三分之一。

43、The blame exclusiveness of communal product and blame are emulative and " hitchhike " phenomenal existence, caused the difficult problem that communal product furnishs. ─── 公共产品的非排他性和非竞争性以及“搭便车”现象的存在,导致了公共产品供给的难题。

44、In noise attenuation, it is difficult to reduce impulse noise and white noise while retaining the jump phenomen at same time. ─── 在信号去噪声中,要同时去除脉冲噪声和白噪声,并保持信号的突变现象,有一定的困难。

45、"We are taking back B.C. roads with this phenomenal technology," said Les. ─── “有了这项先进的技术,我们又能重新掌控哥伦比亚的道路,”里斯说。

46、Your execution Beethovan's Fifth is phenomenal. ─── 你演奏的贝多芬第五交响曲真是不同凡响。

47、"World of life" is a phenomenal world born of the intertwinement of both natural activities and human activities in the nature. ─── “生活世界”是自然以及人在自然中的活动交织形成的现象的世界。

48、It described the rise in wheat prices as unprecedented and phenomenal and has placed "an almost intolerable burden" on Irish bread bakers. ─── 协会把小麦价格的上涨描述为史无前例和异常的,对爱尔兰的面包师傅造成了“几乎无法忍受的负担”。

49、What VH1 is doing with their Save the Music campaign is phenomenal. ─── VH1正在以他们的救援做音乐活动的是显著的。

50、"We had a good test in Barcelona last week and today Jarno did a phenomenal job. ─── “对比于雅诺的赛车,他的赛车转向不足,所以我们将会调查这件事情。

51、If you're looking for a challenging job to fit in with your career path, this challenging role offers a phenomenal oppor...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京邦世兴业房地产经纪有限公司工作地点:北京市朝阳区发布时间:2009-7-31

52、At the young age of 20, Durant has the height, standing 6'10" and the talent to become a phenomenal athlete in the years to come. ─── 20岁的年纪,6尺10寸的身高,杜兰特已经显现了在未来几年内成长成为一名现象级球员的天赋。

53、Since then, Linux continues to be developed at a phenomenal rate by the open source development community. ─── 从那时开始,Linux就不断由开源开发社区以显著的速度开发着。

54、Although three reported cases could mean that infection is still widely prevalent, Nair said the turnaround has been phenomenal. ─── 虽然3例报告病例可能说明骨髓灰质炎仍广泛流行,但Nair表示这一转变相当惊人。

55、During these times, truly phenomenal DX is possible. ─── 在这些时期期间,真实地现象DX是可能的。

56、By virtue of our outstanding operation performance and phenomenal power, we have been reposed by customers. ─── 凭借自身卓越的操控性能,非凡的动力,而备受用户的信赖与推崇。德国由迈-您最值得信赖的合作伙伴。

57、Janet: I am not surprised. Having been a player in the computer industry in China for the last decade, I have witnessed firsthand its phenomenal growth. ─── 你并不奇怪.十年来我作为中国计算机产业的一名参与者,亲眼目睹了它的飞速发展.

58、A culture structure of better-systemizing information in recorded as a definition of editing as a social phenomen on has been introduced by author. ─── 作者曾对作为社会现象之一的编辑提出了一个定义:编辑是外载信息优序化的文化缔构活动。

59、Calculating at phenomenal speed, the computer was able to make moves that saw it take a pawn and still have time to rescue its king. ─── 凭其惊人的运算速度,计算机能够连走几步妙棋吃掉对方的一个“兵”,还有时间救驾。

60、The product has been a phenomenal success. ─── 这一产品获得了极大的成功。

61、It is predicted that this phenomenal growth will have a great impact on our society and economy. ─── 据预测,这种显著的增长将对我们的社会和经济产生重大影响。

62、Now a new industry standard promises to be able to identify pirated material with phenomenal accuracy in a matter of seconds. ─── 现在一个新的产业标准承诺有能力在几秒钟内识别盗版材料并且准确性惊人。

63、As well as Rafa's inspirational half-time pep talk the Liverpool players were also lifted by the sound of the club's phenomenal followers. ─── 以及利物浦的灵感半时间同时表示,利物浦球员们还取消了健全的俱乐部惊人的追随者。

64、Duality has been a hard lesson to go through at the levels you are in, but your progress up the spiritual ladder has been phenomenal. ─── 在你们所处的水平上,二元性是一堂需要去通过的艰苦的课程,但是你们在灵性的阶梯上的进步一直是显著的。

65、Allen Iverson (1996-present) AI(1966-迄今)His failed stints in Denver and Detroit have sullied his legacy, but Iverson's phenomenal exploits in Philly shouldn't be dismissed. ─── 在丹佛和底特律的失意并不能掩盖住他的传奇,他在费城种种的英雄事迹早已深深的印在了万千球迷的心中。

66、He has been pursued, day by day, year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. ─── 一天又一天,一年又一年,他始终吉星高照。这的确令人惊叹不已。

67、In one sense, it was a natural, recurring event, but it was also a phenomenal glimpse at the power and glory of God. ─── 从一方面来说,这是自然循环的现象,但这令人叹为观止的一幕,也能让我们瞥见上帝的权能和荣耀。

68、"Goals galore, it was phenomenal. ─── “这场进球狂潮是个现象。

69、Exports of Australian wine are growing at a phenomenal rate. ─── 澳大利亚葡萄酒的出口正以惊人的速度增长。

70、He is going to be sharing his phenomenal transformation for communism to Christianity. ─── 他会跟我们分享从共产主义者变成基督徒的奇妙转变。

71、His talent for singing and playing the piano was phenomenal even at that early age and it is admirable that he has used these talents so beautifully for the benefit of all. ─── 他早年对于歌唱及钢琴弹奏的天赋也是引人注目的,他能漂亮地运用好这些天赋并从中受益,这不得不令人佩服。

72、The Botribe have become1) legendaryfor their2) phenomenal habit of burying their dead in theseimpossible3) vertical4) cemeteries. ─── 僰族以将死者埋葬于无法攀越的陡直山崖墓地的惊人风俗闻名。

73、One could also characterize this form of the view as a sort of panpsychism, with phenomenal properties ubiquitous at the fundamental level. ─── 一个人能够刻画这个形式为一类万物有灵论,现象属性在基础水平上四处存在。

74、Sales have remained phenomenal even as Rowling's books have grown longer and darker, reflecting the boy wizard's maturation into adolescence. ─── 《哈利·波特》系列一直保持着强劲的销售势头,尽管罗琳后面的书写得越来越长,内容也越来越阴暗,主要讲述了小男巫哈利·波特步入青春期,逐渐成熟起来的历程。

75、The M1s have phenomenal build quality for their $899/pair MSRP. ─── 厂家建议M1的零售价是$899每对,它的最显著特色就是质量好。

76、Unit labor costs rose a phenomenal 45 percent between 1973 and 1982- a record unmatched by any country. ─── 从1973到1982年期间,每个平均劳动力开支增长了45%,达到了奇迹般的高度,这是任何国家都无法比拟的。

77、He's a winner and a goal poacher and exactly what England needs. His scoring record is phenomenal and we've missed him badly. ─── 他很有天赋,会进球,这正是英格兰所需要的,他的进球记录显示了他的实力,我们真的很想念他。

78、I am not surprised. Having been a player in the computer industry in China for the last decade, I have witnessed firsthand its phenomenal growth. ─── 你并不奇怪。十年来我作为中国计算机产业的一名参与者,亲眼目睹了它的飞速发展。

79、I found Perot to be an interesting man and was fascinated by his phenomenal early popularity. ─── 我发现佩罗是个令人感兴趣的人,对他在早期就能受到非凡的欢迎产生了关注。

80、They recovered from their poor start to finish third, with Mourinho putting in place the ingredients for what would be a phenomenal first full season at the helm. ─── 他们从不利的开局中恢复过来,并且最终获得了联赛第三,这个排名可以使他能在未来第一次执掌完整一个赛季。

81、He has learned a phenomenal amount in the last two years. ─── 他在过去的两年间学习到了大量的知识。

82、There are many specialists to research swelling phenomenal , and havey fruit. ─── 北方地区电力设备的冻害也较普遍,主要表现为:设备厂房破坏、电缆沟道开裂、挡土墙开裂、设备基础因冻胀发生位移导致设备健康水平下降直至丧失使用条件等。

83、It is an attempt to explain an admitted connection between the noumenal and the phenomenal elements in knowledge by suppressing the reality of the latter altogether. ─── 他甚至还说过“光和颜色是感觉者的影响,所以不能是对象的偶性”。

84、For example, nutcrackers have phenomenal memories that encompass thousands of food cache locations, a capacity that would challenge most humans. ─── 例如星鸦的记忆力极为惊人,记得住几千个藏食物的地点,大多人都没这个本事。

85、Only Buffon’s phenomenal quickness of reaction and game readability (he is the world’s best goalie, no doubt) was able to prevent Sheva from scoring. ─── 只有布丰的迅速反应和对比赛的阅读能力(他是世界最佳门将,毫无疑问)可以阻止舍瓦的得分。

86、Since that time, the growth of EMBA programs has been phenomenal. ─── 从那时起,EMBA项目的成长是显而易见的。

87、In July of 2000, Packer lost $21 million playing baccarat over two or three days at Bellagio, a phenomenal amount of money. ─── 佩克2000年7月在贝拉吉欧玩了两三天的把卡拉纸牌游戏,就输掉了两千一百万,相当惊人的数字。

88、"It's our very first, preliminary crude attempt but the gains were phenomenal," says Kuhl. ─── “这是我们第一次初步粗略地尝试但是颇有收获,”库赫说道。

89、It is said that a kind of bryony grow in a barren hill, they are phenomenal. ─── 人们传说着:荒山里还生长着一种野葡萄,可不比一般啊!

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