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10-04 投稿


illumined 发音

英:[??lu?m?nd]  美:[??lu?m?nd]

英:  美:

illumined 中文意思翻译



illumined 词性/词形变化,illumined变形

动词过去分词: illumined |动词过去式: illumined |动词现在分词: illumining |形容词: illuminable |动词第三人称单数: illumines |

illumined 相似词语短语

1、illuminers ─── 打火机

2、reillumined ─── 重新照明

3、illusioned ─── adj.充满幻想的,受幻觉影响的;迷妄的

4、illuminer ─── 照明器

5、illuminated ─── adj.照亮的,发光的;被照明的;装饰华丽的;v.照亮;阐明;用灯装饰;启发(illuminate的过去分词)

6、illumines ─── vt.照明,点亮;启发

7、unillumined ─── 瞌睡虫

8、illumine ─── vt.照明,点亮;启发

9、enlumined ─── 恩鲁米斯

illumined 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Let my love ,like sunlight ,surround you and yet give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我的爱像阳光一样在你身边围绕,并给你自由之道的启发.

2、The more a man's tongue flees talkativeness, the more his intellect is illumined so as to be able to discern deep thoughts; ─── 人的口舌越是远离喋喋不休的说话,他的理智就越会受到光照,而能明辨内心深处的思想。

3、Tsai's trademark humor returns in flashes, but the film's ultimate destination is a world outside of time and social limitations illumined by love. ─── 片中看得到蔡明亮独有的幽默,但最终的目标是一个没有时空限制,由爱主导的世界。

4、In the days of the summer campus, what took me most was the interact and team-work spirits among us, which illumined me a lot. ─── 微软夏令营活动使我学到了在决策的过程中,确认任何一种方案,都要保证高效率的同时,发挥集体的智慧,尽可能寻找最优解;

5、Your mind will be illumined and your emotions will be harmonious as they are blended with the light of your Higher Self. ─── 当与你的大我的光明相融合时,你的心将变得容光焕发,你的情绪将会变得平和。

6、Caption:: Sunlight shine on Earth by the reflection of Moon is not little, moonshine can bring brightness in the dark, in the photo, the cloud is illumined by the moon. ─── 月球所反射到地球上的太阳光绝对不能少看,月亮的光芒能为黑夜带来光明,照亮大地,图中是月夜下受月照下的云海。

7、After wearing and wasting her palpitating heart with every engine of regret that lonely inexperience could devise, common-sense had illumined her. ─── 她那样一个没有阅历的人,独居孤处,想出种种自悔自恨的方法,折磨、消耗她那颗搏动跳跃的心,这样以后,通常情理又使她心里豁亮起来。

8、The blaze illumined the sea for a hundred paces around ─── 火焰照亮了百步之内的海面。

9、I have had no hate and tried my best to seek swordsmanship since I had revenged for XueZi and illumined by WuBei master. ─── 自从为雪子报掉大仇后,再得无悲大师已死渡化,我的心已再无怨恨,从此一心求剑。

10、That sentence suddenly illumined her. ─── 那句话突然启发了她。

11、The street is illumined by many lights. ─── 许多灯点亮了街道。

12、His whole face was illumined with a vague expression of satisfaction, of hope, and of felicity. ─── 他的面容隐隐显出满足、乐观和安详的神情。

13、Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我的爱像阳光,环绕着你并赋予你闪亮的自由。

14、Whosoever enters here must become illumined. ─── 不管谁进入这家的将会受到启发。

15、Stalin has well said, "Theory becomes purposeless if it is not connected with revolutionary practice, just as practice gropes in the dark if its path is not illumined by revolutionary theory. ─── 斯大林说得好:“理论若不和革命实践联系起来,就会变成无对象的理论,同样,实践若不以革命理论为指南,就会变成盲目的实践。”

16、It is a God-illumined master's consciousness exiting from the body at the time of physical death - the Great Liberation. ─── 这是神明般的主人意识到觉知从肉身死亡那一刻起提升起来——伟大的解脱。

17、And from the height of this vision everything that had once occupied him seemed suddenly illumined by a cold, white light, without shade, without perspective or outline. ─── 从这个意念的高度来看,从前使他痛苦和担心的一切,忽然被一道寒冷的白光照亮了,那道白光既无阴影,也无远景,也无轮廓的差别。

18、Green fireflies spattered lights across the air and illumined for seconds, now here, now there, the pale trunks of enormous, solitary trees. ─── 绿莹莹的萤火虫在空中闪出光亮,一会儿这里照亮一下,一会儿那里照亮一下幽木巨树的暗淡的树干。

19、If love and agreement are manifest in a single family, that family will advance, become illumined and spiritual, but if enmity and hatred exist within it, destruction and dispersion are inevitable. ─── 如果一个家庭中充满爱和一致,这个家庭就会兴旺,变得光明和神圣。如果家中存在着敌意和憎恨,则家的毁灭和解体就不可避免。

20、Theres a primal urge, it seems, to go into a cave: to sniff it and test it and wonder what primal fires might once have illumined it. ─── 这些洞穴会令人产生一种原始冲动,想进去一探究竟:闻闻周围的空气,抚摸一下石壁,畅想当年首次有火光照亮这里时是什么样的情景。

21、All that is illumined by the sun and the moon. ─── 日月所烛。

22、4. A lot of electric lamps illumined the stage. ─── 舞台由许多电灯照亮。

23、2.That sentence suddenly illumined her. ─── 那句话突然启发了她。

24、The water before them, illumined by the sunset , had become the deep clear blue of the sky on a summer evening. ─── 落日的余辉似乎也把他们眼前的海水照亮了,一派清澈湛蓝,宛如夏晚的晴空。

25、And at this moment there was a tremendous peal of thunder, while the livid lightning illumined the room, and the thunder, rolling away in the distance, seemed to withdraw unwillingly from the cursed abode. ' ─── 正当这个时候,他们听到了一连串轰隆隆的雷声,银白色的闪电照亮了房间,然后,那雷声渐渐地远去了,似乎有点不情愿离开这该诅咒的房子似的。

26、You will link your rational mind with the Will to Act to build a more beautiful mental aura, and to have illumined thoughts. ─── 你可以用行动的意志连结你的理性,以建立更美丽的心智光能场,并拥有清彻的思想。

27、A few paces in front of him, in the hollow road, at the point where the pile of dead came to an end, an open hand, illumined by the moon, projected from beneath that heap of men. ─── 在他前面相隔几步的地方,在那凹路里尸山的尽头,有一只手在月光下的那堆人马中伸出来。

28、Consciousness is raised from an emotional nature into an illumined awareness when the pineal gland is lifted from dormancy. ─── 当松果体从休眠态被提升的时候,意识就从情感自然状态进入到受启发的知觉凸现中。

29、The count's sad face was illumined by a faint smile, as he noticed the portfolio which the receiver-general held in his hand ─── 伯爵注意到那位出纳主任的手里拿着一只公文包,他那种十分严肃的脸上不由得掠过一个转瞬即逝的微笑。

30、In this plane the seeker casteth away all signs, allusions, veils, and words, and beholdeth all things with an eye illumined by the effulgent lights which God Himself hath shed upon him. ─── 在这个境界,寻道者抛开所有的表象,隐喻,藩篱,名相,而以那神的光辉所点亮的眼睛,直观万物现象。

31、Through the wide doors of the sheds she caught a glimpse of the black mass of the boat . . . with illumined portholes. ─── 从棚子的大宽门看出去她瞥见了黑糊糊的船体,。。。。。舷窗亮着灯光。

32、Day by day become ye more illumined. ─── 你们要日渐觉悟。

33、Theres a primal urge, it seems, to go into a cave: to sniff it and test it and wonder what primal fires might once have illumined it. ─── 这些洞穴会令人产生一种原始冲动,想进去一探究竟:闻闻周围的空气,抚摸一下石壁,畅想当年首次有火光照亮这里时是什么样的情景。

34、Of the caves of Guilin, the Reed Flute Cave is one of the most fascinating haunts. Illumined by multi-coloured lights, the cave looks like a bejewelled world whose brilliant display of colour and light makes one gape. ─── 桂林无数的洞府中,最令人神往的是芦笛洞,在彩灯照耀中,整个洞天仿佛全用宝石珠翠装点镶嵌而成的五彩缤纷的世界,令游人叹为观止。

35、And he rightly adds that "practice gropes in the dark if its path is not illumined by revolutionary theory". ─── 当然又是他的话对:“实践若不以革命理论为指南,就会变成盲目的实践。”

36、Whosoever enters here must become illumined. ─── 无论谁进入这家的将会受到启发。

37、The clerk's lamp illumined his countenance. ─── 记录员的灯光正照着他的脸。

38、3, Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我的爱像阳光一般地围绕你并给你五彩缤纷的自由。

39、and yet give you illumined freedom. ─── 带给你光彩,留给你自由。

40、As he rose, a flash of lightning, that seemed to rive the remotest heights of heaven, illumined the darkness. ─── 当他站起身来的时候,一道闪电划破了天空,驱走了黑暗,直射到了上帝灿烂的宝座脚下。

41、The water before them, illumined by the sunset, had become the deep clear blue of the sky on a summer evening. ─── 落日的余辉似乎也把他们眼前的海水照亮了,一派清澈湛蓝,宛如夏晚的晴空。

42、To most men, experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumin the track it has passed. ----Samuel Coleridge ─── 对多数人而言,经验宛如船的尾灯,只照亮驶过的航班。---塞缪尔。尔雷基

43、The illumined battlement, and darker tower, ─── 辉映的城墙,和暗淡的城楼,

44、and the earth was illumined with His glory. Kemudian dari pada itu aku melihat seorang malaikat lain turun dari sorga. Ia mempunyai kekuasaan besar dan bumi menjadi terang oleh kemuliaannya. ─── 这些事以后,我看见另一位有大权柄的天使从天降下,地就因祂的荣耀发光。

45、The impenetrable darkness was illumined only by the terrible flames of the cremation pyres. ─── 只有火葬用的柴堆发出的可怕火焰才会照亮难以渗透的黑暗。

46、21. Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet, give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我们的爱象太阳一样包围着你,却又给你光辉灿烂的自由!

47、The water before them, illumined by the sunset , had become the deep clearblue of the sky on a summer evening. ─── 落日的余辉似乎也把他们眼前的海水照亮了,一派清澈湛蓝,宛如夏晚的晴空。

48、1. As he rose, a flash of lightning, that seemed to rive the remotest heights of heaven, illumined the darkness. ─── 当他站起身来的时候,一道闪电划破了天空,驱走了黑暗,直射到了上帝灿烂的宝座脚下。

49、Let my love,like sunlight,surround you and yet give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我的爱像阳光一样,包围你,并给你光辉灿烂的自由。

50、After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. ─── 启18:1此后、我看见另有一位大权柄的天使从天降下.地就因他的荣耀发光。

51、Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedomrde. ─── 让我的爱像阳光,环绕着你并赋予你闪耀的自由。

52、And you are sometimes like horizons fine Illumined by the suns of autumn time. ─── 你有时就像那在雾季的太阳照射下的美丽的地平线一样;

53、By night, the perimeter wire was illumined by lights. ─── 夜晚,周遭的铁丝网都被灯光照亮。

54、An indescribable ray of joy illumined that wretched countenance like the last ray of the sun before it disappears behind the clouds which bear the aspect, not of a downy couch, but of a tomb. ─── 他那忧郁的脸上掠过一丝说不出的快乐,犹如太阳消失在云彩中,进入坟墓前的最后一丝光亮。

55、For once illumined by the divine and infinite light, it remains insensible to anything that is made by him, just as the physical eye has no sensation of the stars when the sun has risen. ─── 因为,一旦受到神性与无限之光的启示,就不会再执著于任何受造物,就好像,当太阳升起的时候,我们的肉眼就不会感觉到星星的存在一般。

56、finally;their theory inherited and got beyond of that of ancient Chinese writer, what is more, they illumined the theory in the May fourth period. ─── 最后,他们的作家论既是对中国古代作家论的继承与超越,也对“五四”时代的作家论具有重要的启示意义。

57、I know not what vent-hole daylight habitually illumined his soul ─── 我不知道是怎样一种黯淡的光经常照着他的心。

58、10 Let my love, like sunlight, surround youyet give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我的爱如阳光般将你拥抱,并赠你璀璨的自由。

59、10 Let my love,like sunlight,surround you and yet give you illumined freedom. ─── 让我的爱像阳光一般地围绕你并给你五彩缤纷的自由。

60、After these things I saw another Angel coming down out of heaven, having great authority; and the earth was illumined with His glory. ─── 1这些事以后,我看见另一位有大权柄的天使从天降下,地就因祂的荣耀发光。

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