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10-02 投稿


methodology 发音

英:[?meθ??dɑ?l?d?i]  美:[?meθ??d?l?d?i]

英:  美:

methodology 中文意思翻译



methodology 常用词组

teaching methodology ─── 教学方法

design methodology ─── 设计方法学

research methodology ─── 研究方法论

methodology 短语词组

1、teaching methodology ─── 教学法

2、object-oriented design methodology ─── [计] 面向目标的设计方法

3、holistic software engineering methodology ─── [计] 整体化软件工程方法

4、imputation methodology ─── [经] 转嫁方法论

5、programming methodology ─── [计] 程序设计方法学

6、software methodology ─── [计] 软件设计方法学

7、design methodology ─── [计] 设计方法学

8、improvement methodology ─── [计] 性能改善方法学

9、debugging methodology ─── [计] 调试方法学

10、medical methodology ─── [医] 医学方法派

11、computer programming methodology ─── [计] 计算机程序设计方法学

12、simulation methodology ─── [计] 模拟方法学

13、nucleus-based methodology ─── [计] 基于核心的方法学

14、structured design methodology ─── [计] 结构设计方法学

15、computer system methodology ─── [计] 计算机系统方法学

16、mosel methodology ─── [计] 模型方法学

17、software teat methodology ─── [计] 软件测试方法学

18、Jackson methodology ─── [计] 杰克逊方法学

19、legal methodology ─── [法] 法律方法学, 法律方法论

methodology 词性/词形变化,methodology变形


methodology 相似词语短语

1、methodologist ─── n.方法论者;方法学家

2、mythology ─── n.神话;神话学;神话集

3、Q-methodology ─── 质量方法论

4、metrology ─── n.度量衡;度量衡学

5、meteorology ─── n.气象状态,气象学

6、ethology ─── n.动物行为学;人类行为学

7、methodologies ─── n.[经]方法论(methodology的复数形式)

8、ethnology ─── n.人种学;人类文化学

9、R-methodology ─── R方法论

methodology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Title: Methodology of Rural Landscape Planning in the Rurban Area of Beijing. ─── 关键词:乡村景观;?规划;?生态脆弱带;?近郊区;?北京

2、The author comments on the entire methodology on plan design and three attention points during this process. ─── 作者全面地论述了计划制定的整套方法,以及规划设计过程中的三个注意事项。

3、Abstract: We developed a real-time wideband speech codec adopting a wavelet packet based methodology. ─── 摘要:本文论述采用小波包法进行实时宽带语音编码。

4、Methodology: Sometimes simply giving a presentation is sufficient. ─── 培训的方法:有时候简单的陈述就足够了。

5、Are you implying that Mensa is using the second methodology? ─── 一般的智力测验都是以第二种方法计算。

6、To analyze the directory effect of systematic methodology principle in prophylaxis and treatment of dyslipidemia. ─── 分析系统思维方法主要基本原则在血脂异常综合防治中的指导性作用。

7、One who employs this methodology is referred to as a scalper. ─── 定义:用于日内短期交易,平仓开仓在很短的时间内完成(一两秒到几分钟)

8、Although it does not prescribe a methodology, it does assume you have one. ─── 它没有规定一种具体的方法,而是假定您有某种方法来指导整个开发过程。

9、Shifts in the vertical axis can be thought of as "hardening" of the methodology. ─── 垂直方向间的切换在方法学上被称为强化。

10、From these requirements, the Lab develops the protection methodology and procedures. ─── 实验室根据这些条例制定了若干保密措施和管理程序。

11、The CPI methodology has been continuously improved since its inception. ─── CPI方法体系自采用以来不断地得到完善。

12、Whereafter, the methodology for software development procedure with ARIS and GenuXus is summarized. ─── 接着,在软件开发平台GeneXus上以增量开发的方式实现软件系统,并归纳一套ARIS与GeneXus结合的软件开发过程的方法。

13、It is possible and necessary to build Mao Zedong methodology, the scientifically methodological theory system into a separate discipline. ─── 把这一科学的方法理论系统作为一门独立的学科-毛泽东方法建立起来,很有必要和可能。

14、Trained for cost reduction methodology. ─── 接受过成本节约措施方面的培训。

15、Based on neurobiological perspective, the paper analyses the affect and methodology in foreign language learning. ─── 摘要本文主要从神经生物学的角度分析情感在外语学习过程中的作用和影响。

16、From the point of methodology: using different methods in parallel connection and series connection. ─── 从方法学角度:强调不同方法的串联和组合。

17、With my methodology we will have a 21 man squad plus three goalkeepers. ─── 但在切尔西的队伍里,我只需要二十一个球员外加三个守门员。

18、He said such reports can be a 'useful mechanism provided that they are produced using objective methodology. ' ─── 他说这类报告如果是用客观的方法写成,则可成为一种“有用的机制”。

19、The WEF also released a revised league table for last year, based on its new methodology. ─── 世界经济论坛还根据其新排名方法,发布了一份去年排行榜的修正版本。

20、Methodology for horizontal gravel pack wells in Brazilian deepwater. ─── 巴西深水域中水平砾石充填井的方法。

21、Barry Boehm introduced a Spiral methodology to address this problem. ─── Barry Boehm引入了一个螺旋型方法来解决这个问题。

22、It is also the last architecture for a crafted series built machine designed entirely by analogue methodology. ─── 也是最后一个精工系列建筑机械建筑设计完全模拟方法。

23、In OO methodology, classes contain certain data and exhibit certain behaviours. ─── 在面象对象方法学中,类包含通常的数据并列出通常的行为。

24、People recently developed a kind of methodology? ─── 发展了一种方法学?

25、The methodology, steps and strategies of population decomposition are given in detail. ─── 并给出算法的思想、步骤及具体实施方案。

26、The Influence of Ingraftment Methodology to the Breeding of Bombax Malabaricum via. ─── 接穗与嫁接方法对美丽异木棉嫁接的影响。

27、Therefore, both the research methodology and application potential are all on the eve of a total change. ─── 因此,这些学科无论在研究方法和应用上,均进入了大变革的前夜.

28、You do not have to agree with Freedom House's precise methodology to agree that the autocrats have had the upper hand. ─── 就算不认可FreedomHouse的精密计算,你也不得不承认独裁者占据了上风。

29、Provides a methodology for analyzing application performance using reports. ─── 提供使用报告分析应用程序性能的方法。

30、You can criticize her methodology. ─── 你可以批评她的方法。

31、Together we decide on the methodology and the objectives of the research. ─── 我们一起决定研究的方法和目标。

32、Design for Six Sigma, or using Six Sigma methodology in the development of a new process. ─── 在新过程开发中,六西格玛法的设计或使用六西格玛法。

33、We think you’ll agree with the many Magid clients who have expressed an interest in this new methodology. ─── 我们认为您会与迈进传媒的美国客户们一样,会对这个新的方法感兴趣。

34、Understanding of the research methodology and formulate expectation for the results of the research project. ─── 了解研究方法并阐明所预计的研究项目结果。

35、Optimization of Technology by Response Surface Methodology: Producing Cholesterol Oxidase From Brevibacterium sp. ─── 响应面分析应用于短杆菌产酶工艺的优化。

36、A design methodology for the optimal multiple-field-limiting-ring(FLR)termination structure is proposed. ─── 提出了一种多重场限环(FLR)终端结构的优化设计方法。

37、Back in the 1970s, we created a methodology built on data structures. ─── 70年代,我们建立了一种基于数据结构的方法学。

38、Being able to use Statistics Processing Control methodology to improve quality. ─── 可以运用统计学的方法改进產品质量。

39、You might call this a Design-for-Sustainability (DFS) methodology. ─── 您可以称呼此种设计为可持续性设计方法(DFS)。

40、The methodology suggested may not guarantee ultimate success ,but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort . ─── 提出的方法不一定保证最终的成功,但最后的结果非常值得付出努力。

41、Dealing with methodology used in the collection, presentation, analysis of data. ─── 关于收集、呈现、分析数据的方法。

42、Up to now, many companies have adopted activity-based costing methodology. ─── 到目前为止,许多公司已经采用了作业成本制度的观念。

43、Statistics is a methodology involving a great number of statistical methods. ─── 摘要统计学是一门方法学,涉及的统计分析方法有很多。

44、After adding new markets to the list, we have revamped our methodology. ─── 把新市场加入名单后,我们改变了评级方法。

45、Features of petroleum systems of China and their evaluation methodology II. ─── 中国含油气系统基本特征与评价方法2。

46、The structure,analytical methodology and biological activities of limonoids are discussed in this paper. ─── 主要对柠檬苦素类似物的结构、分析方法和生物活性等方面进行探讨。

47、Engineering Software Development Methodology and ? ─── 工程软件开发方法与技术

48、New design methodology or techno. ─── 新颖的设计思路或方法技巧。

49、It contains scientific philosophy and philosophical methodology. ─── 它包括学科哲学和哲学方法学(方法类应用哲学)。

50、Validation is the process of determining the suitability of methodology for providing useful analytical data. ─── 方法确认是确定方法能够提供有效分析数据的过程。

51、With regard to the research methodology, the author adopts the descriptive approach proposed by Gideon Toury. ─── 文章在研究方法上采用了图里提出的描述性研究方法。

52、Have basic engineering knowledge and methodology. ─── 具有基本的工程知识和方法。

53、A lightweight methodology has only a few rules and practices or ones which are easy to follow. ─── 轻量级方法仅具有很少的一些规则和惯例,

54、Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: A New Methodology for Identifying Wave Structures in Observational Data. ─── 对流耦合赤道波:在观测数据中确定波结构的新方法。

55、Excess methodology weight is costly. ─── 方法集中超出的重量代价很高。

56、Objective To evaluate the quality of Chinese literatures on the methodology of D-dimer diagnostic test. ─── 摘要目的评价国内关于D-二聚体的检测文献方法学质量。

57、Teaching methodology of chinese national folk dance II. ─── 中国民族民间舞教学法2。

58、We master our methodology and our trading rules. ─── 我们已经精通和掌握我们的交易系统和规则;

59、Of course, there's nothing forcing you to slavishly follow this methodology. ─── 当然,没有什么强迫您盲目采取这种方式。

60、In this paper, the optimization design of the transonic airfoil is performed by the Response Surface Methodology(RSM). ─── 基于响应面方法进行了跨声速翼型的气动优化设计。

61、The relationship, type and selection methodology of the Supply Chain Partnership are theoretically analyzed. ─── 从理论的角度对供应链合作伙伴关系、供应链合作类型、供应伙伴的选择方法、供应链契约进行了初步分析。

62、What is a Lightweight Methodology? ─── 什么是轻量级方法?

63、In the test-driven development (TDD) methodology, the tests are written before the code. ─── 在测试驱动开发(TDD)方法中,测试程序在编码以前就开始编写。

64、Do you use a specific "Sales methodology" e. G.Solution Selling, Conceptual Selling, Value Vision. ─── 您是否使用特殊的“营销方法”,如?

65、That methodology might have worked for a few years if they only had to contend with bailing out Greece, Portugal and Ireland. ─── 如果只是用来救助希腊、葡萄牙和爱尔兰,这些政策的作用还能持续几年。

66、Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an object-oriented and Web-enabled program development methodology. ─── 敏捷统一过程(RUP)是一个面向对象和网络应用的程序开发技术。

67、Introduction of a methodology to conduct on-site waste investigations of hazardous waste generators. ─── 引入危险废物现场调查培训方法等。

68、Combination of the holographic theory and the methodology of topology is holographic topology. ─── 把全息原理和拓扑学方法有机结合就是全息拓扑学。

69、The Panel discussed the paper on the proposals on the PLS methodology and the application of the survey results. ─── 事务委员会讨论政府当局就有关薪酬水平调查方法及调查结果应用事宜的建议提交的文件。

70、Exploratory Analysis is a system analysis methodology summarized from Rand strategy analysis. ─── 探索性分析方法是rand公司在战略分析中总结出的一种定量系统分析方法,是进行高层策略分析的重要方法。

71、The paper first points out the drawbacks in tradtional NPU performance evaluation methodology. ─── 摘要 指出了传统的网络处理器性能评估方法的不足。

72、He does not 、operate from one single coaching methodology. ─── 他不只采用一种指导方法。

73、The CIM specification is the language and methodology for describing management data. ─── CIM规范是描述管理数据的语言和方法。

74、Include quality data showing current performance, continuous improvement methodology and action plans. ─── 包含可以反映当前绩效,持续改善的方法和对应措施的质量数据。

75、Research methodology includes verification of historical article review, field visit and dictation interview. ─── 主要研究方法包括史料文献查证,实地访查,口述访谈。

76、A new methodology is presented for composite plate stiffness identification. ─── 提出了一种复合材料刚度识别的新方法。

77、Then we will use the introspective method to test and verify the dispute of the CIT methodology on the exercise. ─── 我们将对cit的若干方法学争议进行验证。

78、Easy to follow methodology to conclusion? ─── 容易根据该方法得到结论?

79、Which provide guidelines that help you develop a building methodology and implement best practices. ─── 它们提供了一些准则,帮助您开发构建方法和实现最佳实践。

80、Change methodology, the teachers don't change easily. ─── 教法变了,教师不容易变。

81、In this thesis, we propose a new methodology for determining the size of sleep transistors for the DSTN structure. ─── 在这篇论文当中,我们提出一个新的方法去决定分散式睡眠电晶体网路中睡眠电晶体的大小。

82、The latter's methodology was more fluid and more convenient for application. ─── 后者的方法更富于成果,更便于应用。

83、If the nodes used a push methodology, then it would be easy to deduce from the routing table which nodes are final outputs. ─── 如果节点使用push方法,则很容易从路由表推出最终输出节点。

84、Formalize a testing methodology; you will test everything the same way and you will get uniform results. ─── 固化你的测试方法,使用相同的方式测试所有的东西,这样你会得到一致的测试结果。

85、In practice, there are three interlaced righteousness one another or tort law methodology. ─── 在侵权行为法的存在与展开过程中存有三种相互交错的正义观抑或侵权法思考方法。

86、Development of a research plan and methodology for the completion of the research project. ─── 制定研究计划和方法以保证研究项目的顺利完成。

87、At the beginning of a project the team attempts to adopt a well-known methodology. ─── 从项目一开始,团队就尝试采用知名的方法。

88、Methodology of Rural Landscape Planning in the Rurban Area of Beijing. ─── 北京市近郊区乡村景观规划方法初探。

89、His plan is to make a reform in their teaching methodology. ─── 他的计划是要对他们的教学方法进行改革。

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