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10-01 投稿


mantling 发音

英:[?m?ntl??]  美:[?m?ntl??]

英:  美:

mantling 中文意思翻译






mantling 短语词组

1、mantling boot camp ─── 曼特林训练营

mantling 常用词组

upper mantle ─── 上地幔;上部地函

mantle plume ─── [地质]地幔柱

mantle convection ─── 地函对流,地幔对流;地幔对流

mantling 词性/词形变化,mantling变形

动词过去分词: mantled |动词过去式: mantled |动词现在分词: mantling |动词第三人称单数: mantles |

mantling 相似词语短语

1、plantling ─── n.幼植物;植物苗;[植]籽苗(等于plantlet)

2、immantling ─── 无形的

3、bantling ─── n.小孩;婴孩

4、unmantling ─── 解构

5、mantlings ─── n.地幔;斗篷;覆盖物;vi.覆盖;脸红;vt.覆盖;n.(Mantle)人名;(英、意)曼特尔

6、manacling ─── n.束缚;手铐;vt.束缚;给…上手铐

7、mangling ─── v.压碎,撕烂;严重损坏;使变形;糟蹋;榨干(mangle的现在分词)

8、bantlings ─── n.小孩;婴孩

9、cantling ─── 慢跑

mantling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dark mantling ─── 暗包盖层

2、26 With but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees mantling the hills. ─── (整个景貌,除了很小的例外,是一大片覆盖着茂盛的草木的群山。)

3、With but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees, mantling minor hills and dales within the major . ─── 只是大山抱小山,大谷套小谷,而那些小山和小谷上,盖着一片连绵、丰茂的草和树。

4、The goblet was mantling with foam. ─── 这个高脚杯盖满了泡沫。

5、Technology of growing seedlings in early spring and high ridge mantling high - yield planting for planting ─── 马铃薯早春育苗高垄地膜覆盖高产栽培技术

6、Arable lands arc few and limited; with but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees, mantling minor hills and dales within the major. ─── 的耕地很少,面积不大;这儿的景物除了很少的例外,只见那些广阔的生长茂盛的大片草地和树木覆盖着大山中间的山峦和小谷。

7、Technology of growing seedlings in early spring and high ridge mantling high - yield planting for planting ─── 马铃薯早春育苗高垄地膜覆盖高产栽培技术

8、from a bench or off of dip bars) are great for working tricep and chest in a mantling motion. ─── 腹部训练是必须的。大量仰卧起坐类型的练习。做仰卧起坐时加上转体动作更好。

9、Dips (from a bench or off of dip bars) are great for working tricep and chest in a mantling motion. ─── 手臂的推拉练习,可以增强三头肌和胸肌的力量。

10、With but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees, mantling minor hills and dales within the major ─── 只是大山抱小山,大谷套小谷,而那些小山和小谷上,盖着一片连绵、丰茂的草和树。

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