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10-02 投稿


mensurate 发音


英:  美:

mensurate 中文意思翻译



mensurate 词性/词形变化,mensurate变形

名词: mensurability |

mensurate 相似词语短语

1、mensurative ─── adj.适合测量的

2、commensurate ─── adj.相称的;同量的;同样大小的

3、mensurable ─── adj.定量的;定律的;可测量的

4、menstruate ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

5、mensural ─── adj.关于度量的;定律的

6、mensuration ─── n.测量;测定法;求积法

7、mercurate ─── vt.用汞处理;使汞化;n.汞化产物

8、menstruated ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

9、menstruates ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

mensurate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Take inorganic ceramicmembrane(include the substrate) as example,different methods was adopted to mensurate the material,and the result was analysed. ─── 以无机陶瓷膜(包括基体板)为例,采用不同方法进行了测试,并对测试结果进行了评述与分析。

2、Comparison of the methods for mensurate the yield of fibrnolytic enzyme of microbe inoculum ─── 微生物产物溶解纤维蛋白活性测定方法的比较

3、The UV-Spectrophotometry was easy operated and had high sensitivity. It was fit for fast ration mensurate of CAT activity. ─── 而紫外分光光度法检测速率快,灵敏度高,操作简便,适于过氧化氢酶活性的快速定量测定。

4、The hard microporous material the gas flux distributing mensurate standard and method of different diameter pore size was introduced. ─── 介绍了硬质多孔材料孔径以及不同孔径范围气体流量分布测定的方法;

5、Keywords powder;granularity distribution;mensurate;laser; ─── 粉体;粒度分布;测试;激光;

6、Conclusion:The measure is feasible to mensurate different alkalinity in the water and to judg result intuitionisticly and easily. ─── 结论:采用一种程序滴定不同的碱度的方法是可行的,且该方法结果分析简单、直观。

7、The Research and Mensurate of the Highly Active Water Absorbing Phenolic Resin ─── 高效吸水性酚醛发泡树脂材料的研究和性能测定

8、Take inorganic ceramicmembrane (include the substrate) as example, different methods was adopted to mensurate the material, and the result was analysed. ─── 以无机陶瓷膜(包括基体板)为例,采用不同方法进行了测试,并对测试结果进行了评述与分析。

9、Mensurate fiber weight loss rate under different treatment time to reflect the degree of etching. ─── 通过测定不同处理时间纤维的失重率来反映纤维发生物理刻蚀的程度;

10、This paper introduce an exertion way of mensurate unsteady state, much improvement have be mading in the mensuration of the thermal conductivity for conductor of undesirability with the counter system. ─── 摘要介绍了一种非稳态测量方法的运用,结合计算机系统,使不良导体热导率的测定得到较大的改进。

11、Methods: To mensurate serum CRP and IL-6 by kinetic turbidimetric test and double antibodies sandwich ELISA respectively. ─── 方法:血清CRP测定采用快速比浊法,IL - 6测定采用双抗体夹心elisa法。

12、To mensurate the coefficient of permeability of sand and grit stratum by measuring the velocity of the liquid in the hole ─── 流量测井法测定砂砾层的渗透系数

13、To mensurate trace iodine element and its reactive mechanism by using photometry of double weavelengh catalyzing ─── 吖啶橙催化光度法测定痕量碘及其机理研究

14、Method:To mensurate absorbence value of Medilac-Vita with different concentration by tube continuous dilution on enteric pathogen,conditioned pathogen and their bacterial L form. ─── 方法:采用试管连续稀释法,测定不同浓度的妈咪爱对肠道致病菌、条件致病菌及其L型的光密度值的影响。

15、The hard microporous material the gas flux distributing mensurate standard and method of different diameter pore size was introduced. ─── 介绍了硬质多孔材料孔径以及不同孔径范围气体流量分布测定的方法;

16、Summarize of plastic flashboard's construction ration mensurate ─── 塑料排水板施工定额测定方法研究

17、Key points of operation to mensurate meat protein in animal body ─── 动物体肉样蛋白质测定的操作要点

18、Improvement of National Standard Methods to Mensurate the Content of Cadmium in Rice ─── 稻米镉测定国标方法的改进

19、Use lamina scanning to mensurate the density of hydrochloric acid berberine in clearing away the stomach-heat and wasting-thirst capsule ─── 薄层扫描法测定清胃消渴胶囊中盐酸小檗碱的含量

20、The interfacial activities of alkyl sulfonate and its combined systems with petroleum carboxylate have been studied and mensurate the adsorption of compound surfactant on oil sand in Daqing oil field. ─── 摘要研究了石油羧酸盐与不同磺酸盐的复配体系的界面活性,测定了复配表面活性剂在大庆油砂上的吸附量。

21、Discussion of How to Mensurate the Content of Gallium in Coal ─── 煤中镓的测定方法的探讨

22、Mensurate the Content of Icariin in Xiaorutong with High Performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 高效液相色谱法测定消乳痛中淫羊藿苷的含量

23、Use: analysis reagent ,the saturation liquor mensurate barium, red flame. ─── 用途:分析试剂,其饱和溶液测定钡,红色火焰。

24、finally, mensurate the genetic variation of variety of Da xizang'regenerated plant. ─── 最后对大西洋品种的再生植株的遗传变异进行测定。

25、In order to mensurate the certain amount of iron, I apply the spectrum-kurtosis technic on the basis of using orthophenanthroline spectroscopy this method can avoid to be disturbed by oher ions and raise the accuracy. ─── 摘要在邻二氮菲光度法的基础上,引入光谱峰面积技术,对微量铁进行定量测定,该方法避免了有关离子的干扰,提高了准确度。

26、Introduced the granularity distributing mensurate method, mensurate theory and character of BT-9300S laser granularity distribution apparatus in ceramic production. ─── 从粒度分布的测定方法、测定原理和特点,介绍了BT-9300S激光粒度分布仪在陶瓷生产中的应用。

27、Conclusion: The measure is feasible to mensurate different alkalinity in the water and to judg result intuitionisticly and easily. ─── 结论:采用一种程序滴定不同的碱度的方法是可行的,且该方法结果分析简单、直观。

28、A study clinic value to mensurate the myocardial thickness of patients with hypertensive disease by native tissue harmonic imaging ─── 自然组织谐波显像超声心动图在高血压病心肌肥厚诊断中的价值

29、The no-load test and short-circuit test can mensurate parameters of asynchronous motor, but cant separate stator reactance from rotor reactance. ─── 摘要异步电动机可以通过空载实验和短路实验来测定其参数,但仅通过这两个实验无法将定转子漏抗分开。

30、Keywords COD;mensurate;influence factor;improvable method; ─── 测定;影响因素;改进方法;

31、Adopt in g the method to mensurate acid number,hydroxyl value and saponification value i n processing lubricant oil determines the contents of additives in lubricants. ─── 采用测定工艺润滑油中酸值、羟值、皂化值的方法来测定润滑油中添加剂的含量。

32、Methods Draw out the CSF in the course of diseases in initial stages and convalescence,adopt the radiative immunological method to mensurate its content. ─── 方法采用放射免疫法在病程初期及恢复期分别抽取脑脊液测定其心钠素含量。

33、Methods Potted plant test was used to mensurate the morphological index, the biomass accumulation and distribution of f. ─── 方法采用盆栽试验方法,测定了不同施水处理下金荞麦形态指标、生物量积累及二者分配情况。

34、Methods: Mensurate the serum CRP and hemorheology of AMI group and NC group, the result carries on the comparison. ─── 方法:对我院54例急性心梗患者(AMI)在发病72小时内测定血清CRP和进行血流变检测,结果与正常对照组进行比较。

35、So it is significant to mensurate Se content of tea and soil in tea gardens. ─── 得出以下结论:安徽省茶园土壤,除石台县茶园硒含量很高,达5。

36、But because of the complexity of its character and its covert, it is hard to mensurate the risk of ROSCA. ─── 但由于种类的多样性、性质的复杂性、以及运行的隐蔽性,使得其融资风险很难被测定和估算。

37、Mensurate the polysaccharides content of radix cyathulae amylase in individual plant through making use of spectrophotometry. ─── 采用分光光度法对不同生长期川牛膝中川牛膝多糖进行含量测定。


39、This instrument can accept the AC voltage resistance, DC high voltage leakage current and coil insulate, and also can mensurate direct current resistance of armature coil. ─── 该检测仪能对机车牵引电机电枢的工频交流耐压、直流高压泄漏电流和绕组匝间耐电压进行试验,并能对电枢绕组直流电阻进行测定。

40、Adopting different zero position of the mercury column of dest biood-pressure meter to mensurate the blood pressure of the same group of people in different time. ─── 采用台式血压计水银柱零点位胃不问对同一组人群进行血压测定。

41、Pathogenicity mensurate ─── 致病性测定

42、Conclusion: The measure is feasible to mensurate different alkalinity in the water and to judg result intuitionisticly and easily. ─── 结论:采用一种程序滴定不同的碱度的方法是可行的,且该方法结果分析简单、直观。

43、Using the Method of Meridian Line to Mensurate accurately the South - North Line of Meteorological Station ─── 利用日中线法准确测定气象台站南北线

44、Deng Biyu,Yuan Qinsheng,Li Wenjie.The improved method to mensurate superoxide dismutase activity by benzene-1,2,3-triol oxidation[J].Advancement in Biology Chemical and Biology Physics,1991,18(2):163. ─── [9]邓碧玉,袁勤生,李文杰.一种SOD的测活方法:邻苯三酚自氧化法的改进[J].生物化学与生物物理进展,1991,18(2):163.

45、The LI-6400(LICOR, Inc. Lincoln, NE, USA) portable photosynthesis system was used to mensurate the Pn, E, Gs and PAR of Reaumuria soongorica grow in the field. ─── 采用LI-6400(LICOR, Inc. Lincoln, NE, USA)光合仪测定野生红砂的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(E)、气孔导度(Gs)、光合有效辐射(PAR)等光合生理指标的日动态变化。

46、Analysis and contents mensurate of alkaloid in liquorice ─── 甘草生物碱成分的分析及含量测定

47、Aiming at the actuality that the instrument used to mensurate the permeability of plastic film depends on import,this paper introduces the design of the mensurate system. ─── 针对国内塑料薄膜透气率测定仪器依赖进口的现状,设计本系统。

48、This method was used to mensurate the quantitative changes of tetramethylpyrazine to analyse the generant mechanism. ─── 应用这一方法针对镇江香醋的生产工艺定点采样,分析川芎嗪的产生机制。

49、Using refractometer mensurate index of refraction to forecast the output of liquorices ointment has developed and the best condition was ascertained by experiment. ─── 采用折光仪测定甘草浸提液折光率预测其产量,并通过实验确定测试最佳条件。

50、This equation will help to mensurate the absorption ratios of some kinds of crystals. ─── 该方程将有助于测定某些晶体的吸光度。

51、Firstly, the objective, principle, method and standard of mensurate results of the above measurement have been confirmed in the paper, furthermore, a feasible design project is put forward. ─── 论文首先确定了牵引电机电枢以上各项试验和测定的目的、原理、方法以及检测结果的判定标准,提出了一种可行的设计方案。

52、Introduced a kind of method to mensurate referenced delicacy degree of pressure sensors by moment power manner. ─── 摘要介绍一种用瞬态激励法测定压力传感器参考灵敏度的方法。

53、There are many methods to mensurate the steels components at the scene of manufacture,but most of them are very complicated. ─── 生产现场对钢材成分检测的方法很多,但大都比较繁琐。

54、Make Use of the Brad Ford's Law Mensurate the Integrity of Retrieval Tools ─── 运用布拉德福定律测定检索工具完整性

55、Methods : Use velum contacting method to mensurate resistance of drug. ─── 方法采用药膜接触法测定抗药性。

56、Methods: Use drug velum contacting method to mensurate resistance of drug. ─── 方法采用药膜接触法测定抗药性。

57、Introduced a kind of method to mensurate referenced delicacy degree of pressure sensors by moment power manner. ─── 介绍一种用瞬态激励法测定压力传感器参考灵敏度的方法。

58、Objective:To explore the value in determining the mensurate of CYFRA21-1 for NSCLC and benign-malignant thoracic fluid. ─── 目的:探讨细胞角蛋白19(CYFRA21-1)检测对非小细胞肺癌、良恶性胸腔积液(以下简称胸液)的诊断价值。

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