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10-02 投稿


mouser 发音

英:['ma?s?]  美:['ma?s?]

英:  美:

mouser 中文意思翻译



mouser 网络释义

n. 捕鼠动物;爱探听的人;鬼鬼祟祟搜寻的人

mouser 相似词语短语

1、douser ─── n.遮光板

2、mousery ─── n.育鼠处

3、smouser ─── 斯穆塞

4、houser ─── n.(Houser)人名;(英)豪泽

5、mousers ─── n.捕鼠动物;爱探听的人;鬼鬼祟祟搜寻的人

6、moused ─── n.鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人;vt.探出;vi.捕鼠;窥探

7、mouse ─── n.鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人;vt.探出;vi.捕鼠;窥探

8、mousier ─── adj.像老鼠的;多鼠的(mousey的变形)

9、louser ─── 虱子

mouser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Without waiting for the captain's order, Mouser jumped onto the table and killed almost all the rats and mice. ─── 不等船长的指示,小毛就跳到桌上去,几乎把所有的老鼠都扑灭了。

2、The king and queen were very pleased with Mouser. ─── 国王和皇后对小毛颇为满意。

3、Not a house cat, not a mouser in a barn in some green forest town, but a lioness or a jungle panther. ─── 不是家猫,不是某个绿色森林小镇谷仓里的捕鼠动物,而是母狮或丛林豹。

4、The black and white one-time "mouser in chief" was perhaps the most famous pet in a country of animal worshippers. ─── 据路透社3月20日报道说,布莱尔的发言人证实说,“这是真的。我们上星期得到消息称,汉弗莱已经死亡”。

5、As the captain went to the ship to bring Mouser, the servants prepared another dinner. ─── 当船长回去船上带小毛时,仆人准备了另一顿晚餐。

6、The captain put Mouser on the queen's lap. ─── 船长将小毛放在皇后的膝上。

7、Atmel, atmel, atmel avr32 uc3l, mcu, dsp, dma, pico power, picopower, microcontroller, datasheets, Mouser, mouser, semiconductor distributor, electronics buy mouser. ─── 此处提及的其他产品、徽标和公司名称是其各自所有者的商标。

8、a poor mouser ─── 不会捕鼠的猫

9、Mouser was a nice cat. ─── 小毛是一只很好的猫。

10、A mewing cat never a good mouser. ─── 猫儿咪咪叫,老鼠捕得少。

11、When the captain came back with Mouser in his arms, the rats and mice were eating the food. ─── 船长手里抱着小毛回来时,这些老鼠正在大吃特吃。

12、Mouser Electronics stocks suitable parts if you substitute a pair of 0.47uF caps for the 1uF electrolytics. ─── 电影帽子实在有点大,但有空间,如果你把一些工作,为寻求微型零件.

13、said, ``That was the old Cat; she is the best mouser in town, -- if she once gets you, you are lost.'' ─── 介绍说,“一只老猫;她是这镇上最好的捕鼠器,--要是被她抓到,肯定完蛋。”

14、Sybil's predecessor as chief mouser in the seat of government was Humphrey, who arrived in 1989 when Margaret Thatcher was in office, but left shortly after Blair came to power. ─── 西比尔的前任、英国首相府的“头号捕鼠器”汉弗莱在1989年入住唐宁街,当时在位的是他的女主人玛格丽特?撒切尔夫人。但布莱尔上任后不久,汉弗莱就“退休”了。

15、Mouser was tired and began to sleep on her lap. ─── 小毛累了,于是就在皇后的膝上睡着了。

16、The captain put Mouser on the queen's lap. Mouser was tired and began to sleep on her lap. ─── 船长将小毛放在皇后的膝上。小毛累了,于是就在皇后的膝上睡着了。

17、Mouser was tired and began to sleep on her lap. ─── 小毛累了,于是就在皇后的膝上睡着了。

18、Not a house cat, not a mouser in a barn in some green forest town, but a lioness or a jungle panther. ─── 不是家猫,不是绿色的森林城镇谷仓里逮老鼠的猫,而是一只母狮,或者是一只丛林豹。

19、The captain put Mouser on the queen's lap. ─── 船长将小毛放在皇后的膝上。

20、" Mouser was a nice cat. ─── 小毛是一只很好的猫。

21、Shaefer (Mouser origin)by sergeus relesed; ─── [人物公开]Major D.

22、We are very pleased to be able to through our online Mouser technology tentacles extended to the global engineering. ─── 我们非常高兴能够通过我们的在线报告查看技术触角延伸到全球的工程。

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