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10-02 投稿


grimacing 发音

英:[[gr?'me?s??]]  美:[[gr?'me?s??]]

英:  美:

grimacing 中文意思翻译




grimacing 反义词

mild | gentle |quiet | meek

grimacing 同义词

adamant | blue | inexorable | gruesome | depressing | ill | drab | fearful | inflexible | sick | sorry | unyielding | bleak | shocking | cheerless | low-spirited | ugly | dark | horrible | dour | dreadful | violent |ghastly | unforgiving | somber | rigid | down in the mouth | unappeasable | mordant | drear | forbidding | strict | depressed | grave | down | macabre | unwell | funereal | dismal | harsh | grisly | disconsolate | relentless | gloomy | frightful | downcast | unrelenting | downhearted | merciless | black | terrible | bad | dispirited | bloodless | constant | rough | dreary | shoddy | iron | stern | dingy | serious | fierce | low

grimacing 词性/词形变化,grimacing变形

动词第三人称单数: grimaces |动词过去分词: grimaced |动词现在分词: grimacing |名词: grimacer |动词过去式: grimaced |

grimacing 相似词语短语

1、-racing ─── n.赛马;竞赛;vi.赛马(race的ing形式);竞赛;adj.比赛的

2、bracing ─── adj.令人振奋的,凉爽的;支撑的;n.支撑,支柱;背带;v.绷紧,顶住(brace的现在分词)

3、gracing ─── n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;vt.使优美;n.(Grace)人名;(英)格雷斯,格雷丝(女名);(法)格拉斯

4、gricing ─── 弄脏

5、griming ─── n.尘垢;污点;煤尘;vt.使污秽;使…弄脏;n.(Grime)人名;(法)格里姆

6、griddling ─── n.矿筛;煎饼用浅锅;vt.筛;vi.用锅煎

7、grimacingly ─── 愁眉苦脸地。

8、grimalkins ─── n.猫(特指老母猫);恶毒的老妇,老刁妇

9、grillading ─── 烧烤

grimacing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nasal and facial grimacing associated with speaking ─── 说话时鼻和脸怪相

2、"Certain experiences," he says, grimacing, "taught me some years ago the lack of wisdom in acting without first determining the facts. ─── “过去的事,“他说道,带着一脸的痛苦,“曾教会了我,如果不够聪明的话,做事就不要凭第一印象。

3、Grimacing and gritting his teeth all the while. ─── 美国人gritting他的牙齿,而所有。

4、6. the telegraph, contorted and grimacing, forms an admirable accident upon their roofs. ─── 两座塔楼屋顶上那电报天线歪歪扭扭,起伏波动,像在不断做鬼脸,煞是可爱!收藏指正

5、Ennis stood as if heart-shot, facegrey and deep-lined, grimacing, eyes screwed shut, fists clenched, legscaving, hit the ground on his knees. ─── 埃尼斯的心被狠狠地击中了。他面如死灰,表情扭曲,闭上了眼睛。双拳紧握,两腿一软,重重地跪在地上。

6、Median baseline scores for facial grimacing, crying, and visual analog scale (VAS) did not differ significantly between groups. ─── 在不同组间,婴儿的面部痛苦表情、哭叫和可视得分(VAS)的平均基线得分并没有显著的差别。

7、Be serious,do not answer my questions with smile and grimacing. ─── 回答问题不要扭扭捏捏,正经点!

8、Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary, repetitive movement of the limbs and lip smacking, grimacing and other symptoms that can be permanent. ─── 迟发性运动障碍导致肢体不自主的节律性重复运动、颌部咀嚼运动、撅嘴以及其他可能的永久性症状。

9、I evince distaste by grimacing. ─── 用作鬼脸表明厌恶和不喜欢。

10、"There's nowhere for that fluid to go, " he said, grimacing at the thought of all the swelling. ─── “没有地方让液体流动”他说,美国人的思想关于所有的肿胀。

11、Liu was the most popular sportsman in China and his grimacing departure clouded the Games for millions of home fans. ─── 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员,他的意外离场让他的无数支持者扼腕叹息。

12、Mr McCain let his contempt for the younger man shine through, harrumphing, grimacing, smirking and goggling his eyes whenever Mr Obama got a chance to speak. ─── 麦凯恩对奥巴马这个年轻候选人的轻视表露无遗,当奥巴马有机会讲话时,麦凯恩就会一脸鄙视、作鬼脸、假笑或是瞪眼睛。

13、Look into your partner's eyes, but avoid grimacing or using negative body language. ─── 正视对方的眼睛,避免做鬼脸或者使用消极的肢体语言。

14、Ennis stood as if heart-shot, face grey and deep-lined, grimacing, eyes screwed shut, fists clenched, legs caving, hit the ground on his knees. ─── 埃尼斯木然地站在那里,内心深处被猛然击中了,他的脸变得苍白,表情因痛苦而扭曲着,然后紧紧闭上眼睛,紧握着又拳,两腿慢慢弯曲,最后重重地倒在了地上。

15、and Tihon, assuming a doleful face, and grimacing to pretend he was angry, would abuse the French with the most comical oaths. ─── 这时吉洪故意弯下腰,做个鬼脸,假装生气的样子,用最好笑的话咒骂法国人。

16、We're back on track, and I'm. . . ( grimacing ) . . . chewing someone else's gum. This is not my gum. Oh my God! ─── 我又重回轨道,而且(一脸苦相)……还嚼着别人嚼过的口香糖。不是我的口香糖。噢,天啊!

17、That's enough to do serious damage, but I won't know the extent for several days," he said, grimacing. ─── 真是让人受够了,但是我们还不知道接下来几天会不会更糟,”他非常痛苦的说。

18、Oh no," my mother says grimacing, "oh dear."" ─── 哦不,"妈妈说鬼脸,"唉"

19、Grimacing, the 21-year-old added: 'I can never ever have a sexy image because I don't like to wear tight clothing.I will not be able to tahan (Malay for take it)!' ─── 而看见她努力的在白纸上留下满满的给银河朋友的话,就觉得她是个对于每个小细节都很认真的新人,不禁让人想要为她鼓鼓掌!

20、"Everybody just charged and got in a big pile," she says, grimacing, "and ifs hard to breathe in that pile. ─── “人人都向前冲,挤成一大堆,”她愁眉苦睑地说,“在那一大堆人里连气都喘不过来。”

21、Nasal grimacing ─── 装鼻怪相

22、"There's nowhere for that fluid to go," he said, grimacing at the thought of all the swelling. ─── "没有地方让液体流动"他说,美国人的思想关于所有的肿胀。

23、Evince distaste by grimacing. ─── 用作鬼脸表明厌恶和不喜欢

24、Nurse: (Grimacing) Mmm hmmm. ─── 护士:(表情古怪)嗯。

25、Ralph, Jr. pulls on the Devil's nose with both hands, grimacing from the effort. ─── 小拉尔夫用双手拉着恶魔的鼻子,因为太使劲,脸都扭曲了。

26、The symbol of the Bad Moon Clan is a grimacing , yellow moon-face wrapped in a halo of black flames. ─── 恶月氏族的标志是一个被黑色火焰环绕,做着奇怪鬼脸的黄色月亮。

27、Smile, some people should be very happy in this life, as met with many setbacks, often moody, but he has not thought about, grimacing what things can play a role, can help you settle this thing? ─── 微笑,有些人的一生本应该很快乐,因为遇到了许多的挫折,时常闷闷不乐,但他有没有想过,愁眉苦脸对事情能起到什么作用,能帮你摆平这件事情吗?

28、His executioner, a prison employee, missed his vein and witnesses described Diaz grimacing. ─── 他的行刑人员,一位监狱员工,没对准静脉,目击者描述了Diaz面部扭曲的状况。

29、the telegraph, contorted and grimacing, forms an admirable accident upon their roofs. ─── 两座塔楼屋顶上那电报天线歪歪扭扭,起伏波动,像在不断做鬼脸,煞是可爱!

30、"That's enough to do serious damage, but I won't know the extent for several days, " he said, grimacing. ─── “真是让人受够了,但是我们还不知道接下来几天会不会更糟,”他非常痛苦的说。

31、"Everybody just charged and got in a big pile, " she says, grimacing, " and ifs hard to breathe in that pile. " ─── "人人都向前冲,挤成一大堆,"她愁眉苦睑地说,"在那一大堆人里连气都喘不过来。"

32、He was seen limping and kicking the wall in the warm-up room and grimacing on the track before the hurdlers even lined up for the final heat of first-round qualifying. ─── 人们看到刘翔在第一次110米栏资格赛开始前,就在热身区跛着脚,用脚踢墙,并在赛道上表现出极其痛苦的表情。

33、Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren't accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still or squinting or grimacing. ─── 2个孩子说头痛,但病情与他们正常的身体语言不符,他们并没有抱着头部,而是乱晃着脑袋,而且斜眼瞅来瞅去或是做鬼脸。

34、"Everybody just charged and got in a big pile," she says,grimacing,"and is hard to breathe in that pile." ─── “人人都向前冲,挤成一大堆,”她愁眉苦脸地说,“在那一大堆人里连气都喘不过来。”

35、I stared at a photograph of a young boy on tip-toes, grimacing and straining to get a large orange rubber ball through a homemade hoop attached to a chain-link fence. ─── 我盯住一张相片:相中那一排栏杆上有一个自制的铁圈,只见一个小男孩正踮着脚尖,脸上带着搞笑的奇怪表情,试图把一个巨大的桔色橡胶球投进铁圈。

36、Beckham down with a challenge that left the England star grimacing. ─── 小贝在一次拼抢中倒地,脸上表情痛苦。

37、The symbol of the Bad Moon Clan is a grimacing, yellow moon-face wrapped in a halo of black flames. ─── 恶月氏族的标志是一个被黑色火焰环绕,做着奇怪鬼脸的黄色月亮。

38、"You think you have it bad," I said, grimacing as I rose. "Alice will be working on me all day long." ─── “你觉得这样就很为难了,”我说,起身时我自顾自作了个鬼脸,“艾丽丝得在我身上忙活一整天。”

39、Liu was the most popular sportsman in China and his grimacing departure clouded the Games for millions of home fans. ─── 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员,他的痛苦离场让数百万中国运动迷扼腕叹息。

40、to see him as a grimacing personage, laughing at her poverty, and her shrouded knightly ancestry. ─── 看见他像是一个怪笑着的怪人,在嘲笑她的贫穷,嘲笑她的已成枯骨的骑士祖先。

41、But then Boozer drove past Gasol for a rattling, grimacing slam dunk. ─── 但是接着布泽尔运球过了枷锁,然后来了一个剑拔弩张、气吞山河的扣篮。

42、Chandler: Good save! We're back on track, and I'm... (grimacing) ..chewing someone else's gum. This is not my gum. Oh my God! Oh my God! And now you're choking. ─── 救场成功!我们重回正轨了,而我...(觉得有点恶心)...正嚼着别人的口香糖。这不是我的口香糖,哦我的天哪,哦我的天哪,而我还在嚼。

43、Every day is fully occupied, yet not knowing by what. How should I arrange my life thereafter, I could not find an answer after careful check. Cannot help grimacing. ─── 每天填得满满的,一天下来又不知到底忙了什么。之后要怎么样安排自己的生活,我仔细对照却发现我一件也是做不到的。不由得苦笑。

44、He went airborne, fell, then lay on the ground in pain, grabbing his left thigh and grimacing. ─── 他的身子腾空而起,然后跌落,痛苦的倒在地上,手紧紧的捂着右大腿,表情非常痛苦。

45、There's no point on grimacing or frowning in a meeting or a gathering, unless it's a funeral. ─── 除非是在葬礼上,否则在会议或是聚会上没有理由一脸痛苦或郁闷。

46、Facial grimacing ─── 做鬼脸

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