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10-02 投稿


mulched 发音

英:[m?lt?t]  美:[m?lt?t]

英:  美:

mulched 中文意思翻译




mulched 短语词组

1、mulched drip irrigation ─── 膜下滴灌;覆盖滴灌

2、mulched up ─── 覆盖

3、mulched the boxwoods ─── 覆盖了黄杨木

mulched 词性/词形变化,mulched变形

动词过去式: mulched |动词现在分词: mulching |动词第三人称单数: mulches |动词过去分词: mulched |

mulched 相似词语短语

1、bunched ─── v.变紧,成皱褶;挤作一团;集中;隆起(bunch的过去式和过去分词)

2、mulcted ─── vt.抢夺,诈取;处以罚金;n.罚金

3、mutched ─── n.帽子之一种

4、dunched ─── 灌篮

5、belched ─── v.打嗝;喷出;n.打嗝;冒烟;n.(Belch)(美、英、荷)贝尔奇(人名)

6、mulches ─── n.覆盖物,护盖物;护根;vt.做护根;以护盖物覆盖

7、munched ─── vt.用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;vi.用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;n.用力的咀嚼;n.(Munch)人名;(挪、丹、瑞典)蒙克;(西)蒙奇;(法)曼什;(英)芒奇

8、mulcher ─── n.表土疏松机;土壤覆盖机

9、smutched ─── vt.弄脏;n.污迹

mulched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The soil temperatures and peanut yields in the mulched plots were greater than those in the non-mulched plots. ─── 另外覆盖条件下的小区花生产量和平均地温高于裸地。

2、Forage corn;mulch;no-tillage;sesbania;weed coverage ─── 不整地栽培;田菁;青割玉米;杂草覆盖率;覆盖作物敷盖

3、A layer of mulch at least a couple of inches thick will help make watering easier and more efficient. ─── 弄一层至少几英寸厚的护根物,可以使水更容易且有效的吸收。

4、Straw mulch is a very common measure during wintry fallow period that can last more than five months in southern China. ─── 冬季覆盖和裸田休闲作为两种主要的冬闲方式,在我国南方地区广泛存在,且有扩大趋势。

5、As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime.And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch. ─── 其结果是,被覆盖的土壤在夏季会较凉爽,而在冬季,不会让土壤像没有盖土的区域一样冻得那样严重。

6、Shifting the plastic mulch from covering the planted rows of corn to the wide inter-row spacings between paired rows is one of the innovations. ─── 塑料地膜由原来盖在玉米种植行上改为在玉米宽行上盖膜,这种方法是个创新。

7、However, results of nutrient uptaking were 50% and 50% for nitrogen, 55% and 45% for phosphorus, 50% and 50% for potassium respectively when intercropped maize was mulched with plastic sheet. ─── 当玉米覆膜时,地上部和地下部因素对小麦/玉米间作氮、钾养分吸收优势的相对贡献均具有同等重要性(各占50%),对磷吸收的贡献分别占55%与45%。

8、Some have learned to take the dead or dying plants, trees and leaves and create mulch by placing them in a bin and adding many worms. ─── 一些人已经学会收集死去或将死的植物、树木和叶子并放到容器中加入许多昆虫来制造肥料。

9、By applying Three-Yuan energy to the onions in mulch film in the expanding period, the onion production is increased by 11. ─── 在大田地膜洋葱葱头膨大期发放三元能量,使葱头产量提高11。

10、Many cities have programs that use the trees to make mulch for city parks in the spring. ─── 很多城市有这种计划,用圣诞树做成来年春天城市公园里树林的护根物。

11、Leaves from your yard will work nicely as mulch for your bush. ─── 从你离开院子将复盖您为布什好听。

12、You can support this by adding a good layer of new mulch over your garden as it dies off due to colder weather setting in; and then just as the snow melts, add another layer of mulch in the Spring. ─── 你可以在植物相继死去的寒冷季节里为你的菜园加上一层优质的新覆盖物,并当春暖雪化时加上另一层覆盖物以支持这一目标。

13、Polyethylene blown mulch film for agricultural uses ─── GB13735-1992聚乙烯吹塑农用地面覆盖薄膜

14、In the absence of air, microbes in the mulch (mostly bacteria) produce toxic substances such as methanol, acetic acid, ammonia gas, and hydrogen sulfide gas. ─── 如果没有空气,则微生物(主要是细菌)会产生有毒物质如甲醇、醋酸、氨气以及硫化氢气体。

15、Experiment was carried out in tobacco’s field to compare effect of polythene mulch, straw mulch and straw manuring on soil moisture, flue-cured tobacco growth and leaf quality. ─── 在大田条件下研究了地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖和秸秆还田对烤烟生长发育、土壤相对含水率、烟叶产质量的影响。

16、As a result mulched soil will be cooler than other soil in the summer. ─── 因此,给土壤做农地膜比夏天的土壤要凉。

17、Although mulch is used primarily for vegetable production in the United States, it is a viable concept for any crop where profitability can be demonstrated. ─── 在美国,虽然塑料薄膜覆盖主要用于蔬菜生产,但对任何可以获得效益的作物都可行。

18、As a result, mulched soil will be cooler than other soil in the summer.Mulched areas usually warm up more slowly in the spring and cool down slowly in autumn. ─── 因此,在夏天,有覆盖的土地就会比五覆盖的土地要凉快些,在有覆盖物的区域,春天里土地升温就会慢些,在秋天里,土地降温也会慢些。

19、The incidence of wheat sharp eye-spot in straw-mulched fields was lower than in not-mulched. ─── 秸秆覆盖田小麦纹枯病发生比未秸秆覆盖田有明显降低。

20、result, mulched soil will be cooler than other soil in the summer. ─── 因此,给土壤做农地膜比夏天的土壤要凉。

21、Things like mulch and wood chips can help the soil hold moisture better as well, and aeration ensures that the water gets down closer to the roots. ─── 东西复盖和木屑可以帮助进行土壤水分和美好,确保水、曝气除此之外接近根部。

22、Ecophysiological effect of dry-cultivated and plastic film-mulched rice planting. ─── 水稻覆膜旱作的生态生理效应。

23、Based on soil field infiltration test,the effects of corn straw mulch on freezing-thawing soil infiltration capacity are discussed. ─── 基于大田土壤入渗试验,讨论了玉米秸秆覆盖对土壤冻融特点及入渗能力的影响。

24、Introducing and Breeding of a Potato Variety Kexin 2 and Its Demonstration and Extension of Culture with Plastic Film Mulched ─── 马铃薯品种克新2号引育及地膜栽培示范推广

25、Limited supplementary irrigation with catchment of rainfall was made for spring wheat mulched with plastic film in dry mountainous areas of South Ningxia. ─── 在宁夏南部干旱山区的试验结果表明,集蓄雨水进行有限补充灌溉,可以显著提高地膜春小麦的产量和水分利用效率。

26、Results showed that mulched treatments had significant effect on increasing yield. ─── 结果表明,秸秆覆盖有明显的增产效果。

27、Mulch provides a thick barrier between the soil and the air. ─── 农地膜作为土壤和空气中得一层薄的隔离。

28、Black plastic mulch, the primary color used in vegetable production, absorbs most UV, visible, and infrared wavelengths of incoming radiation and reradiates energy in the form of thermal radiation or long-wavelength infrared radiation. ─── 主要用于蔬菜生产上的黑色塑料薄膜,能够吸收入射光线中的大部分紫外线、可见光和红外线,再以热辐射或长波红外辐射的形式再辐射能量。

29、Li Xiaoyan, Liu Lianyou, Gong Jiadong, Wang Jianhua. Influence of Gravel Mulch on Soil Erosion by Wind and Trapping Capacity of Windblown Sediment. Journal of Arid Environments (accepted). ─── 刘连友,王建华,王小雁等,耕作土壤可蚀性颗粒风洞模拟测定,科学通报,1998,43(15)。

30、In the use of plastic mulch for BOPP film at prbroin gelatinize. ─── 在使用拉伸聚丙烯薄膜覆膜时,必须在膜上涂胶。

31、Mulch forms a barrier between the soil and the air.As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime.And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch. ─── 在土壤和空气之间的形成保护层,因此,被保护的土壤在夏天凉爽.即使在冬天没有保护层的时一定厚度的区域也不会冻结.

32、Other controls include turning over the soil, pulling the weeds by hand or covering them with mulch made from wood, garden waste or other material. Mulch is widely used, but even mulch has its limits. ─── 别的还有锄地,用手薅草或护根覆盖,护根一般是木屑,园内废物和其它杂物混合而成。护根使用广泛可它也并非一劳永逸。

33、Plastic mulch increases soil temperature in the bed which promotes faster crop development and earlier yields. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖提高苗床的土壤温度,促进作物较快发育并提早成熟。

34、Additionally, if you have too much mulch (preferred depth is 2 to 4 inches) you can damage the plants and cause root rot. ─── 另外,如果你有太多复盖(深度为2至4英寸首选)你可以破坏植物及事业根腐病。

35、One can also place the wastes from one's meal or refrigerator into the mulch bin and this will add yet more nutrients to your mulch that will also benefit your garden as they break down. ─── 一个人也可以从你剩饭和冰箱中没用的东西放到你的肥料容器中,当它们被分解,更多营养素也将有益于你菜园的生长。

36、Liang Y C,Hu F,Yang M C et al.Mechanism of high yield and irrigation water use efficiency of rice in plastic film mulched dryland[J].Scientia Agricultura Sinica,1999,32(1):26-32. ─── [1]梁永超,胡锋,杨茂成,等.水稻覆膜旱作高产节水机理研究[J].中国农业科学,1999,32(1):26-32.

37、The purification and the granulation of recycled PE film or packing bag and the processing condition of preparing mulch film were presented. ─── 介绍了废旧PE薄膜或包装袋净化、造粒方法及其与新料共混生产地膜的工艺条件,所得再生PE地膜的指标符合国家标准。

38、But once the seeds are planted, she does suggest covering the soil with a little mulch to protect it during rains and dry periods. ─── 一但种植的菜籽,她建议用少许的覆盖物盖上土壤,在雨季和干燥期保护菜籽。

39、But scans would show that his brain had been virtually mulched. ─── 但扫描结果却显示他的大脑实际上被一种东西覆盖住了。

40、They almost froze to death. Mulch keeps garden plants from freezing. ─── 他们几乎要冻死了。护根物使花园里的植物免于被冻死

41、Spring wheat mulched with plastic films ─── 地膜春小麦

42、Mulch keeps the fruit cleaner and reduces the time and effort that goes into preparing the product for shipment and sale because rain splashed soil deposits are virtually eliminated. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖使果实干净并减少运输和销售过程中清洗水果而花费的时间和精力,因为塑料薄膜覆盖完全防止了降雨把泥土溅到果实上。

43、The pavement was thick with the slippery brown mulch of fallen leaves and the smell of bonfires wafted across the common. ─── 人行道上铺了厚厚的一层褐色的落叶,篝火的气味飘送过那块公地。

44、Minutes previously, Harry had plunged his hand into this mulch, experienced a stabbing pain in the fourth finger of his right hand, and withdrawn it to see a lot of blood. ─── 几分钟前,哈利刚把手伸进这些东西里时,便感到右手的无名指一阵刺痛,拿出来一看,他的指尖上流出了大量的血。

45、Prepare beds for annuals and small plants by working in plenty of organic material, layer mulch on top, then gently stick the transplants through mulch to the appropriate depth. ─── 为一年生植物和小型植物准备苗床需要大量的有机材料,如腐叶土堆在上层,然后将移栽苗种植到适当的深度。

46、The thermal oxidative and biologi cal degradation tests of photo/bio-degra dable mulch film covered with soil were studied. ─── 主要研究了双组份降解地膜埋土部分在热氧化、微生物的综合作用下,微生物的降解试验。

47、Instead of joining us, he went outside and mulched the boxwoods.The three remaining fat people finished the puzzle and made chocolate, double-fudged brownies to celebrate. ─── 剩下的三个胖子,把游戏做完后还做了双层果仁巧克力方块蛋糕,表示庆祝。

48、A thick mulch of some organic material also keeps the soil cool in summer while adding humus to the soil. ─── 厚地膜的一些有机物质,也可使土壤清凉夏曰,而加入到腐殖质土壤.

49、Placing a 1/2 inch of mulched grass on top will help preserve moisture, but should be removed when the seed has fully germinated. ─── 在顶上安置一1/2英寸用覆盖树根的草将帮助保护水分,但是在种子已经完全发芽时,应该被除去。

50、Recent overseas research progress of anti-aging film s, antifogging films, photo-selective greenhouse films, and diversiform mulch fi lms, as well as covering material recycling were introduced. ─── 分别就国外近年在耐老化棚膜、流滴棚膜、光选择性棚膜、各类地膜以及覆盖材料的回收方面所做的工作进行介绍。

51、Plastic mulch, while protecting the soil beds from rain-drop impact, intensifies the potential of rill erosion in furrows. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖使土壤苗床免受降雨的影响,但却增加了犁沟中细沟侵蚀的可能性。

52、Water well before and after applying mulch to give your landscaping a good beginning. ─── 先浇水,然后应用土壤覆盖,对你的庭院是一个好的起点。

53、The effect is obvious on weed control with black film mulched, the fresh weight of weed in field is reduced 70. ─── 利用黑色地膜覆盖防草效果明显,田间杂草鲜重比与黑膜同材质的透明地膜覆盖减少70。

54、The mulch can be omitted if an auto-irrigation system is used and timings of water are tightly controlled (see below). ─── 如果上了自动灌溉系统并且灌溉计时严格控制(见下面),可以不用地面覆盖。

55、Mulch used to help moderate the effects of winter weather can be added late in autumn. ─── 农地膜通常在秋季末冬天中等温度的时候盖上去。

56、As the mulch breaks down, it provides material which keeps the soil from getting hard. ─── 如果农地膜分解,会提供一种物质可以保持土壤不坚硬。

57、The function of heat preservation of kenaf mulch and its biodegradation behavior in field application were investigated. ─── 对红麻全秆地膜保温效果及生物降解性能进行了实际应用研究。

58、The effect of straw and plastic film dual mulch in dry-cultivation of rice planting was studied. ─── 我国覆膜稻栽培研究始于1996年,但迄今都为地膜单元覆盖。

59、Soil is disturbed as little as possible and is seeded directly through existing mulch cover. ─── 尽量减少对土壤的干扰并通过现有的覆盖层直接播种。

60、Soil N2O discharge flux of mulch was higher than that of no mulch treatment, and with the depth of 5, 10, 20cm the soil N2O discharge flux and the net adding flux increased in the order of depth in the upper soil layers. ─── 3 地膜覆盖使5,10,20cm土层处N_2O的排放通量较未覆膜处理显著增加,且随着土层的加深,排放量依次增大,增加幅度也表现为下层大于上层。

61、It can be seen from the photo of SEM, that the microstructure of mulched film had been changed obviously after degradation. ─── 从SEM照片能够直观看到降解地膜降解前后微观结构发生了明显变化;

62、Photodegradable mulch overlay systems are being investigated.These involve atop layer of black photodegradable mulch which degrades leaving a white nondegradable layer. ─── 人们正在研究光解塑料复层薄膜覆盖体系,这是顶层的黑色光解性薄膜降解后余下白色非降解层。

63、Mulch is important to home gardens but also to farms. ─── 保护层不仅仅对农业也对家庭园圃很重要。

64、Results showed that the total number of bacteria and fluorescent pseudomonads was much higher in straw-mulched plots than in not-mulched. ─── 结果表明,秸秆覆盖麦田总细菌及荧光假单胞菌数量比未秸秆覆盖麦田有明显的提高;

65、Agriculture report: Don't Know Much About Mulch? ─── 农业报道:你知道土壤覆盖层么?

66、The tuber yield of the three culture ways with plastic mulch were significantly higher compered with furrow in the field, The tuber yield of hole with plastic mulch was the highest. ─── 3种覆膜栽培法球茎产量均显著高于露地栽培法,打孔覆膜栽培法球茎的产量最高。

67、Be prepared to cover early plantings during the night if there is still a risk of freeze.Black plastic mulch can help keep them warm. ─── 如果晚上还会结冰,要准备好给早期的幼苗覆盖一层保护物,黑色塑料膜可以帮助保暖。

68、Grass cuttings are also a good mulch for plants.Mulch from newspapers works well in controlling weeds. ─── 割下来的杂草也是很好的覆盖物原料,而用报纸做成的覆盖物尤其能控制杂草的滋生。

69、Cotton canopy structure and yield was determined and analyzed in different water and fertilizer conditions under mulch drip irrigation (MDI) with Xinluzao No.7 as the test material. ─── 以新陆早7号为试材,进行了不同水肥条件下膜下滴灌棉株群体冠层结构测定和产量结果分析。

70、Too much mulch can restrict oxygen and water flow to the soil and harm roots. ─── 太多的盖土会阻止氧气和水流入土壤,同时还会对根系有害。

71、Alley cropping system with Flemingia congesta as hedgerows; hedgerows are cut regularly and the foliages are used for mulch; conventional tillage, crop residues are incorporated. ─── 在种植制度中,用黎豆属作物作为第三季覆盖作物。用除草剂或人工除草实施免耕,把黎豆属作物叶片和其它作物残体,作为覆盖物。

72、I mulched the fruit trees and the flower beds till the shreds became dry. ─── 待碎屑乾燥,我将它们堆放果树根,花圃.

73、Soil moisture content in mulched plots were higher than those in non-mulched plots, and ET rate in mulched plots is less than those in non-mulched plots. ─── 其中有覆盖的小区土壤含水率高于裸地,覆盖的小区日均土壤水分蒸发量小于裸地。

74、How often mulch needs to be replenished depends on the mulching material.Grass clippings and leaves decompose very fast and need to be replenished frequently. ─── 多大的频率覆盖取决于覆盖物的材料,草屑和叶片分解非常快,需要经常反复覆盖。

75、Then cover the soil with a good layer of mulch and your garden will grow, thrive and produce a lovely harvest for you in the year ahead. ─── 之后用覆盖物覆盖土壤,之后你的菜园将会在新的一年中生长、繁荣并为你长出良好的收成。

76、The kids seem to always disappear when it's time to plant, mulch, or weed. ─── 当种植、护根、除草时孩子们总是消失。

77、Production systems utilizing plastic mulch involve additional input costs over traditional non-plastic systems. ─── 应用塑料薄膜覆盖的生产体系要比传统非塑料薄膜覆盖体系多投入资金。

78、In the past, the shells were burned as fuel;the hot market today is for mulch. ─── 以往是将外壳当成燃料烧掉,最新的市场则是将其当成护根层;

79、To flood the air with carbon dioxide, the biospherians hauled back the tons of dried grass clippings they had removed earlier.The clippings were piled on the soil as mulch and wetted. ─── 为了向空气中充入二氧化碳,生物圈人把成吨的修剪下来的干草拖回去弄湿,盖在地表作地膜。

80、Many crops will grow better when you use large leafy plants to provide ‘mulch’. ─── 如果你用大叶植物当作“覆盖物”,许多作物都能长得更好;

81、A better technique is to use mulch. ─── 一个更好的方法是使用覆盖物。

82、To reduce the risk of damage a light mulch only should be used. ─── 为了减少受害的危险,只应进行薄薄的覆盖。

83、One innovative grower near the Salinas Valley of California uses plastic mulch only 15 cm wide to protect drip-irrigated peppers from soil contamination. ─── 加利福尼亚州萨利纳斯流域附近的一位富于创新的种植者仅用15厘米宽的塑料薄膜覆盖就使得用滴灌灌溉的甜椒免遭泥土污染。

84、In winter, the mulched soil may not freeze as deeply as other soil. ─── 在冬天,被覆盖的土不会结冰像其他的土一样。

85、There was significant difference between different mulches and bamboo height, but no difference between mulch thickness and bamboo height. ─── 不同覆盖物对于黄甜竹的竹高存在显著影响,覆盖厚度对于竹高生长没有显著影响;

86、People in Queensland are advised to take weeds and garden waste to a waste center or burn them, bury them deeply or make them into mulch. ─── 在昆仕兰要求人们把杂草和果园废物运到废料中心或焚烧,深埋或转换成护根。

87、Mulch G,Peterman,W.Influence of age on results of vestibular function tests[J].Ann Oto-rhinol laryngol,1979,88(Suppl):56. ─── 宋海涛,高波,黄魏宁.冷热试验和正旋谐波加速度试验与正常人年龄的相关性研究[J].听力学及言语疾病杂志1996,3:134.

88、However, results with afforestation showed that at least 60% mulch should he applied. ─── 但实地人工造林试验结果证明,覆盖程度需达植苗穴的60%以上;

89、The effect is obvious on weed control with black film mulched,the fresh weight of weed in field is reduced 70. ─── 利用黑色地膜覆盖防草效果明显,田间杂草鲜重比与黑膜同材质的透明地膜覆盖减少70。

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