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10-02 投稿


monas 中文意思翻译



monas 短语词组

1、Monas prodigiosus ─── [医] 灵杆菌, 灵单胞菌

monas 相似词语短语

1、Jonas ─── n.乔纳斯(人名)

2、moas ─── abbr.外显攻击行为量表(modifiedovertaggressionscale);多媒体办公自动化系统(MultimediaOfficeAutomaticSystem)

3、monals ─── n.(南亚)虹雉

4、minas ─── n.米纳斯(印度尼西亚石油市场)

5、manas ─── n.马那(一种生命力概念,指人体现的自然力量)(mana的复数);n.(Manas)玛纳斯(自然保护区)

6、Donas ─── n.(Donas)人名;(法)多纳;(葡)多纳斯

7、monads ─── n.单子;单孢体;单细胞生物;一价物;单轴

8、mona ─── n.莫娜(女子名);白腹长尾猴

9、molas ─── n.翻车鲀类(mola的复数);n.(Molas)人名;(法、俄、西、乌克)莫拉斯

monas 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Heoi hoatu ana ta Hamahona wahine ki tona hoa i waiho hei hoa mona. ─── 参 孙 的 妻 便 归 了 参 孙 的 陪 伴 , 就 是 作 过 他 朋 友 的 。

2、In 1983, a Japanese artist made a copy of the Mona Lisa completely out of toast. ─── 1983年一个日本艺术家制作出了一幅完全用烤面包做的蒙娜丽莎画像。

3、If you've got a Mona, or a stable of Monas, you've got a problem. ─── 如果你有一个“Mona"(伙伴),或者,是一打Mona,你就出问题了。

4、Whilst they are at the Lantern Festival, Jack goes for a walk to the beach. Mona becomes worried when she cannot find him. ─── 在元宵节灯会上,杰克独自到海滩散步,当蒙纳找不到他时,她为父亲的安全感到焦虑不安。

5、He said the Mona Lisa looked "totally different" 500 years ago, when it had a blue sky and the subject's skin had not yellowed. ─── 他称,五百年前的蒙娜丽莎和现在“完全不同”,当时画上背景的天空是蓝色的,人物的肤色也没有变黄。

6、It is theorized that Leonardo da Vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the Mona Lisa. ─── 在这一理论中,莱昂那多·达·芬奇沿着蒙娜·丽莎脸上的面纱边缘来刻画他自己的肖像。

7、You can see his melon-sized head on the shoulders of Austin Powers, or as Jackie Chan, Marilyn Monroe- even the Mona Lisa. ─── 你可以看到他的脸出现在诸如王牌大贱谍,成龙,玛丽莲·露,甚至蒙娜丽莎肩膀上。

8、What lies behind the intrigue of the Mona Lisa? ─── 《蒙娜·丽莎》吸引力的背后是什么呢?

9、In Virginia. We lived in Arlington, Virginia. Mona and I are cousins. ─── 在弗吉尼亚。我们都住在弗吉尼亚的阿林顿。我和莫娜是表亲。

10、People always wrote that the Mona Lisa had allowed her hair to hang freely over her shoulders. ─── 他说:“人们总是这样写:蒙娜丽莎散发披肩。

11、Spokeswoman Mona Astra Liss said response was slow at first, but has since picked up. ─── 以避免汞对环境及生物体造成危害。

12、A few years ago, a picture of Mona Lisa was made out of slices of bread baked to different colours. ─── 几年前,一幅《蒙娜·丽莎》的画是用烘焙成不同颜色的面包片做成的。

13、Not surprisingly, the face of da Vinci's Mona Lisa matches the golden rectangle. ─── 可想而知,其代表作品蒙娜丽莎的脸型也完全符合黄金矩形。

14、His daughter, "Louise," is by now a college sophomore, "Mona Dahl" is a student in Paris. ─── 他的女儿,“路易丝”,现在已是一名大二学生;

15、It's all very well if Mona comes with us, but how will she get back home? ─── 如果莫娜跟我们一起来好倒是好,可她怎么回家呢?

16、"However, the actual history of the Mona Lisa is just as mysterious as the smile. ─── 《蒙娜·丽莎》的历史如同她的微笑一样神秘。

17、The museum has commissioned a study to evaluate the Mona Lisa's vulnerability to climate changes. ─── 博物馆已经委托一项研究来考察《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画对于气候变化的敏感程度。

18、The daringness of it (as it seemed to her), like that time with Mona in Zheng Da, wrote breathless pleasure across her face. ─── 对她来说这是非常大胆的,就像在正大和Mona一样,她的脸上写满了愉悦。

19、He demonstrated his artistic talents by making a fair copy of the Mona Lisa. ─── 他那幅蒙娜·丽莎的摹本表现了自己的艺术才能。

20、It is not only the Mona Lisa that smiles in his works. ─── 他的作品中并不只有《蒙娜·丽莎》在微笑。

21、Cardio Co Mona ktail?delivers in each ounce 5g-rams of pure grade l-arginine that the bodyonvers into nitric oxide. ─── 健康鸡尾酒每盎司都有5克的纯左旋精氨酸,这能转换成一氧化氮。

22、The Mona Lisa features in the opening of Dan Brown's hit novel The da Vinci Code when a Louvre curator is found dead near the painting. ─── 丹·朗的畅销小说《达·奇的密码》中的开头一幕就是卢浮宫的馆长秘死在博物馆中《蒙娜丽莎》的画旁。

23、In fact, the point, it becomes clear, is not to look at Mona Lisa but to have seen her. ─── 事实上,这一点,显然是不看蒙娜丽莎,但见过她。

24、The statue is almost as beautiful as the Mona Lisa! ─── “这座雕像美得几乎可以媲美‘蒙娜丽莎画像’

25、But it is ignored in favour of the smiling figure of Mona Lisa set behind bullet-proof glass and protected constantly by a guard and a stout railing. ─── 但是人们对微笑的《蒙娜·丽莎》的偏爱而冷落了它。《蒙娜·丽莎》挂在防弹玻璃的后面,不仅设置了结实的护栏,而且始终有一位警卫把守。

26、The Louvre in Paris is a great museum for art lovers. You can see famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa there. ─── 巴黎的罗浮宫对艺术爱好者来说是很棒的博物馆。在那里可以看到像蒙娜丽莎那样著名的画。

27、The legend of the Mona Lisa, or La Giaconda as she is called in Italian, is closely tied to the legend of her creator, Leonardo da Vinci. ─── 《蒙娜·丽莎》或意大利语中所称的《乔康达夫人》的传说和它的创作者列奥纳多·达·芬奇的传说是密不可分的。

28、The Mona Lisa was painted between 1503-1506 and was thought to be named after the sitter, most likely the Florentine wife of Francesco del Giocondo. ─── 《蒙娜丽莎》创作于1503-1506年间,据说是以画像中的人物来命名的,这个人很可能是意大利佛罗伦萨人弗伦奇斯科·焦孔多的妻子。

29、I huaina e Ihowa tou ingoa, Ko te oriwa matomato, ataahua, hua papai: nui atu te reo ngangau i tahuna ai e ia te ahi mona, kua whatiwhatiia ona manga. ─── 从 前 耶 和 华 给 你 起 名 叫 青 橄 榄 树 , 又 华 美 又 结 好 果 子 ;如 今 他 用 哄 嚷 之 声 , 点 火 在 其 上 , 枝 子 也 被 折 断 。

30、A single - celled microorganism, especially a flagellate protozoan of the genus Monas. ─── 单胞体单细胞的微生物,尤指单' '。'胞'。' '虫类的有鞭毛的原生动物。

31、He has uncovered a host of secrets about the Mona Lisa using a 240 megapixel camera. ─── 例如,从红外图像可以看出,达芬奇在作画时改动了蒙娜丽莎左手一根手指的位置。

32、Mona Lisa is a great work of art. ─── 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》是一幅伟大的艺术品。

33、Mona: Could you tell me the cost of a single room per night? ─── 您能告诉我每个房间每晚的收费是多少吗?

34、The following story tells about the "Mona Lisa" smile. ─── 下面这篇文章就是关于“蒙娜丽莎”的微笑。

35、Is it true Mona Vaginus is a tramp? ─── 听说蒙娜·瓦琪纽斯是个破鞋,可是真的?

36、Experiencing the Mona Lisa in person is something quite different than viewing it on your MacBook. ─── 亲眼观看蒙娜丽莎的画像,和你在电脑屏幕上看截然不同。

37、L-arginine,a precursor to nitric oxide, has been proven to pport i a healthy cardiovac Mona lar system. ─── 左旋精氨酸是一氧化氮的先驱,已被证明能保护心血管系统。

38、Leonardo do Vinci, Italian artist and man of science, noted for his painting of the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, died at the Chateau Cloux near Amboise. ─── 以名画《蒙娜·莎》和《最后的晚餐》而著称的意大利艺术家和科学家雷奥纳尔多··奇逝世于安布瓦斯附近的克卢克城堡。

39、There are always crowds in front of the Mona Lisa. ─── 《蒙娜·丽莎》前面总是人群涌动。

40、He was an artist and painted the well-known picture,the Mona Lisa. ─── 他是一名艺术家,画出了著名的油画“蒙娜丽莎”。

41、He discovered that He could run off Snoopy calenders, pictures of the Mona Lisa, and witty little computer accounts of The Creation. ─── 他发现他能迅速生成Snoopy日历,蒙娜丽莎的肖像画,甚至计算机本身对于创世纪的机智诙谐的阐释。

42、One day, Mona Lisa came to his bakery and found that da Vinci was baking his chocolate cake. ─── 一天,蒙娜丽莎去他的面包房,看见他正在烤巧克力蛋糕。

43、A single - celled microorganism,especially a flagellate protozoan of the genus Monas. ─── 单胞体单细胞的微生物,尤指单胞虫类的有鞭毛的原生动物

44、The thin, wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago, the museum said. ─── 博物馆称,“两年前专家检查过这幅画之后,镶嵌着油画《蒙娜·丽莎》的细木板正在变形。”

45、On the wall is Mona's picture: she is facing northeast on a line with Cracow written in green ink. ─── 墙上挂着莫娜的像,她面朝东北方,与她的视线平行的是用绿墨水写的克拉科夫,她左边是多尔多涅河,这个词是用红铅笔圈起来的。

46、Do you smile to tempt a lover, mona lisa? ─── 你的微笑来勾引一个情人、蒙娜丽莎?

47、It's all very well if Mona comes with us,but how will she get back home? ─── 如果莫娜跟我们一起来好倒是好,可她怎么回家呢?

48、But the Renaissance is, of course, more than just Mona Lisa. ─── 但可能有一部作品,比其它任何作品都能更表现文艺复兴的精神,那就是《蒙娜丽莎》。

49、The Loof museum said that she threw an empty mug at the Mona Lisa portrait last week. ─── 卢浮宫称她上周将一个空杯子扔向蒙娜丽莎画像。

50、I hari to koutou matua, a Aperahama, mona ka kite i toku ra: i kite ia, a koa ake. ─── 你 们 的 祖 宗 亚 伯 拉 罕 欢 欢 喜 喜 的 仰 望 我 的 日 子 , 既 看 见 了 就 快 乐 。

51、However, what on earth has evoked four emotions of "Mona Lisa" conccurrently? ─── 不过,究竟是什么情景竟然同时勾起了“蒙娜丽莎”的四种情绪?

52、But foreigners will always want to visit the Colosseum and the Vatican museums, or make a pilgrimage to Paris to see the Mona Lisa. ─── 但是,对于外国人来说,他们永远都会有兴趣去参观罗马竞技场和梵蒂冈博物馆,亦或是朝圣般的去巴黎看一看蒙娜丽莎。

53、"The thin, wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago," the museum said. ─── 博物馆称,"两年前专家检查过这幅画之后,镶嵌着油画《蒙娜·丽莎》的细木板正在变形。

54、Mona Baker declares that it is the motivations behind the use of a particular cohesive device, rather than the device itself, that ought to be considered in translation. ─── Mona Baker认为,翻译应该考虑原文中使用某种衔接手段的动机,而非仅仅是衔接手段本身。 这两个问题导致研究不够深入,缺乏说服力。

55、Only that tree full of flowers is still waiting quietly just as the gloomy smile of Mona Lisa, touching and ever lasting. ─── 只有那一棵开满鲜花的树仍静静地守候着,犹如蒙娜丽莎脸上的微笑,忧郁动人而永恒。

56、What we can teach is how to "hold a brush", but it is you, who should paint "Mona Lisa" and become "Leonardo da Vinci". ─── 你可以学到的是:拿画笔的方法。只有自己描绘蒙娜丽莎,你才能成为达芬奇。

57、Stop irritating me. Mona: But our relationship seemed to be going so good, until yesterday. How do you think that makes me feel? ─── 但我们的关系看来进行得不错呀,直到昨天。

58、There was a gap on the wall and the frame and glass were found hidden in the Louvre but the Mona Lisa was gone. ─── 墙上有个豁口,框架和玻璃留在卢浮宫里,《蒙娜·丽莎》不见了。

59、Mona Lisa smiles, but no more than a smile. Beautiful, sweet, and profound her smile is, we are in no position to quest why she smiles, or what she smiles about. ─── “蒙娜丽莎”的微笑,即是微笑,笑得美,笑得甜,笑得有味道,但是我们无法追问她为什么笑,她笑的是什么。

60、A portrait of Mona Lisa by Nick Walker, where the Da Vinci icon is mocked up as Marge Simpson. ─── 尼克·沃科尔的蒙娜丽莎画像,画中这位达·芬奇的偶像被装扮成了美国著名的动画形象马吉·辛普森。

61、He gave us much more than the Mona Lisa. This Renaissance man drew up designs for an armored vehicle, a fixed-wing glider, a helicopter and a pyramid-shaped parachute. ─── 他留给我们的不只是蒙娜丽莎,他是文艺复兴时期的伟大画家,绘制出了装甲车的图形,机翼固定的滑翔机,直升机和角锥状降落伞的图象。

62、The world's biggest Mona Lisa has been unveiled just as the secret of her enigmatic smile was revealed for the first time. ─── 世界上最大的蒙娜丽莎就如她神秘的微笑之谜一样首次揭开面纱。

63、While on vacation in Guatemala in 1999, hairstylist Mona Purdy noticed children had no shoes. ─── 一九九九年,发型师蒙娜?普尔蒂在瓜地马拉度假时,注意到那里的孩童没有鞋子穿。

64、He was an artist and painted the well-known picture, the Mona Lisa. ─── 他是一名艺术家,画出了著名的油画 “蒙娜丽莎”.

65、He also appeared in director Mike Newell's 2003 film Mona Lisa Smile . ─── 他也出现在总监迈克纽维尔2003年电影蒙娜丽莎的微笑。

66、The top of his head is the veil line crossing Mona Lisa's forehead. ─── 他的头顶正好是蒙娜·丽莎前额的面纱边线。

67、Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa,Do you smail to tempt a lover? ─── Mona Lisa,(你在用微笑诱惑一个爱人吗?蒙娜丽莎?)

68、Such a landscape is the background to the Mona Lisa. ─── 《蒙娜·丽莎》的背景就是这样一幅风景。

69、Leo takes Jack and Mona to participate in the Lantern Festival. ─── 利奥带领着杰克和蒙纳去了元宵节灯会的现场。

70、Are you warm, are you real, mona lisa? ─── 你是温暖的,你真的,蒙娜丽莎?

71、The Preparation and Application of Specific Antigen Gene Probe of Pseudo-monas Mallei ─── 鼻疽杆菌特异性抗原基因探针制备及应用研究

72、Like the Mona Lisa, "Qingming Festival" is to some extent famous for being famous. ─── 像蒙娜丽莎,"清明",是为了在一定程度上著名的成名。

73、I whakapaia e koe he tunga mona, na, ka hou ona pakiaka, a ka kapi te whenua. ─── 你 在 这 树 根 前 预 备 了 地 方 , 他 就 深 深 扎 根 , 爬 满 了 地 。

74、But you will gasp in recognition. This is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and is the most famous work of art in the world. ─── 但是你会倒吸一口气一眼认出来,这就是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的《蒙娜·丽莎》,世界上最最著名的艺术品。

75、For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile? ─── 为了你笑容中那种蒙娜丽莎般的奇妙?

76、Like many old ladies, the Mona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell. ─── 就像许多老妇人一样,《蒙娜·丽莎》也有颇多趣闻。

77、The thin, poplar panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since conservation experts last evaluated it, the Louvre Museum said. ─── 卢浮宫宣称,最近一次保护专家检查后发现,绘制画像的薄画板已经变形。

78、French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum. ─── 1911年的今天,法国诗人纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔因被怀疑从卢浮宫中偷窃名画《蒙娜·丽莎》而遭逮捕并入狱。

79、The Renaissance is, of course, more than just Mona Lisa. ─── 当然文艺复兴不仅仅是蒙娜丽莎。

80、In the same year he began painting the portrait of the Mona Lisa. ─── 同年,他开始了《蒙娜·丽莎》的创作。

81、The Mona Lisa is showing her age, museum curators in Paris said while announcing a scientific study of the 500-year-old masterpiece. ─── 巴黎卢浮宫博物馆馆长说,《蒙娜丽莎》的芳容正日益呈现出"老态",同时他还宣布要对这幅有着500年历史的名画进行科学研究。

82、The Mona Lisa is widely recognized as the most famous painting in the history of art. ─── 《蒙娜?丽莎》被公认为艺术史上最著名的画。

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