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10-02 投稿


memorialize 发音

英:[m??m??ri?la?z]  美:[m??m??ri?la?z]

英:  美:

memorialize 中文意思翻译



memorialize 网络释义

vt. 纪念;请愿;提出请愿书

memorialize 词性/词形变化,memorialize变形


memorialize 相似词语短语

1、memorialised ─── 纪念;请愿;递交请愿书

2、manorialize ─── vt.置于采邑制度下

3、demoralize ─── vt.使道德败坏;使堕落;使士气低落

4、memorialise ─── 纪念;请愿;递交请愿书

5、memorialized ─── vt.纪念;请愿;提出请愿书

6、memorializer ─── 纪念者

7、memorialiser ─── 纪念者

8、memorializes ─── vt.纪念;请愿;提出请愿书

9、memorialises ─── 纪念;请愿;递交请愿书

memorialize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He and Bartholdi, a sculptor, began to discuss the idea of presenting the United States with a monument to memorialize independence and human liberty. ─── 之后,他和巴斯尔德这位雕塑家一起讨论这一想法,即在美国树立一座纪念碑以纪念美国独立和人类的自由精神。

2、People plan to carve a stone to memorialize the tsunami victims. ─── 海啸之后,人们准备刻石纪念这次灾难的受害者。

3、” Do you hope to memorialize your name? ─── 你希望你的名字被人铭记吗?

4、By selecting fragments of the city, Lu Hsien-Ming chooses to memorialize actual objects within our purview. ─── 捡拾城市片段的人事地物,陆先铭以纪实的眼光择取了纪录的对象。

5、When she died in 1946, her friends wanted to memorialize her in some significant way. ─── 当她于1946年去世时,她的朋友们想以某种有意义的方式纪念她。

6、To Americans, the Korean War was the last thing they wanted to memorialize, thus the war became known as "The Forgotten War. " ─── 对美国人来说,朝鲜战争是他们所要纪念的最后事情,因此这场战争就变成了人们所称的“被遗忘的战争。”

7、It was only a ceremony to memorialize the lost happiness, the results wasn't important any more. ─── 对我而言,这只是对逝去的美好的一个纪念仪式,所以结果并不重要。

8、In order to memorialize the white horse's contribution of taking back the sutra, Emperor Ming ordered the construction of the temple and named it White Horse Temple. ─── 为了纪念白马的贡献,明皇帝下旨建造一座寺庙,并命名白马寺。

9、And nine cauldrons were cast to memorialize the prosperous, ─── 因铸九鼎,以纪其昌。

10、Located along Fifth Avenue on the perimeter of Central Park, is the powerful statue of seven American soldiers who memorialize the grueling battles of World War I. ─── 位于第五大道中央公园周边,是7名美国士兵的雕像,为了纪念第一次世界大战。

11、The key to memorialize and Study Deng Xiao-ping is to study and succeed his rich spirit heritage, which is the basic pledge to develop his great Chinese characteristic socialist cause. ─── 纪念邓小平,学习邓小平,关键在于学习和传承他留给我们的丰富精神遗产,这是把他所开创的中国特色社会主义伟大事业继续推向前进的根本保证。

12、Now she is leaving with her husband and she wrote this article to memorialize her life in China. ─── 如今她即将跟随丈夫离开中国,心中充满了依依不舍之情。

13、They built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory. ─── 他们建了凯旋门来纪念胜利。

14、A cairn and stone marker memorialize climber Scott Fischer, who died on Everest in 1996. ─── 一个纪念在1996年葬身珠峰的登山者斯科特·菲舍尔的石冢。

15、These grand monuments were built to memorialize three kings of Egypt over 4,000 years ago. ─── 这些伟大的纪念碑是为了纪念4000多年前埃及的三个国王而建的。

16、Copi:untuk membuat salinan data cadangan dari memori telepon ke kartu SIM memori atau membuat salinan data cadangan dari kartu SIM memori ke memori telepon. ─── 拷贝: 可将手机中的记录复制到SIM上或将SIM卡上的记录复制到手机中。

17、Now she is leaving with her husband and she wrote this article to memorialize her life in China. ─── 如今她即将跟随丈夫离开中国,心中充满了依依不舍之情。

18、To memorialize the moment, he takes a smart-phone photo of himself looking sad. ─── 为了纪念的时刻,他需要对自己的智能手机照片面带愁容。

19、What a bad day!Just use this blog to memorialize my phones and my trousers lacerated by thief's sharp knife... ─── 仅此作记,纪念我的两个被盗手机、我的那些资料,和我被利刃划破的不能再穿的心爱的裤子。

20、The Maya were well aware that a solar system is 365 days but chose to memorialize the number 360. ─── 玛雅人非常意识到太阳系是365天,但选择去向数字360请愿。

21、Within twenty-four hours of the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 politicians, artists, and cultural critics had begun to ask how to memorialize the deaths of thousands of people. ─── 2001年9月11日世界贸易大厦遇袭,其后24小时内,政客、艺术家和文化评论家开始查询该如何纪念数以千计的罹难者。

22、A cairn and stone marker memorialize climber Scott Fischer, who died on Everest in 1996. ─── 这是一个纪念在1996年葬身珠峰的登山者斯科特·菲舍尔的石冢。

23、A cairn and stone marker memorialize climber Scott Fischer, who died on Everest in 1996. ─── 石冢和石碑纪念登山者斯科特.菲舍尔,他1996年死于珠峰。

24、An impromptu performance to memorialize Huipng Mo's longtime dance partner Yi Ming who suddenly and tragically died in the prime of his life. ─── us http 送给Yi Ming的礼物为了纪念莫慧萍长期舞蹈搭档Yi Ming突然在青春佳期悲惨死去的一段即兴表演。

25、So on this day, of all days, let's memorialize our fallen heroes by honoring all who wear our country's uniform; ─── 所以在今天,在所有的日子里,让我们通过这样的方式来缅怀为国捐躯的英雄们,让我们对所有穿军装的美利坚儿女致敬;

26、record or memorialize lastingly with a monument. ─── 为永远地缅怀某人而立一块碑。

27、To memorialize the emperor of the victory and return in triumph ─── 奏捷凯旋

28、Do you hope to memorialize your name? ─── 你希望别人提起你的名字时心怀敬畏吗?

29、bring back to the memory, put in remembrance, memorialize. ─── 想起过去的记忆,把思念,纪念.

30、Description: An impromptu performance to memorialize Huipng Mo's longtime dance partner Yi Ming who suddenly and tragically died in the prime of his life. ─── php 送给Yi Ming的礼物为了纪念莫慧萍长期舞蹈搭档Yi Ming突然在青春佳期悲惨死去的一段即兴表演。

31、They quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son. ─── 他们开始迅速寻找一种恒久的方法来纪念他们钟爱的儿子。

32、Do you hope to memorialize your name?Have a name that is whispered with reverent awe?Do you hope to have your face carved upon 50 ft of granite rock? ─── 译文:给生命以意义你有没有想过,你希望人们在你死后怎样评论你?

33、The founder of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin, wanted to memorialize the 20th anniversary of the revival of the Olympic Games. ─── 现代奥运会创始人顾拜旦决定纪念奥运会复兴20周年。

34、This article tries to make a sketch of the portrait of this artist according to limited sources and very few of his films which are available in order to memorialize him. ─── 本文期望透过有限的达辛资料以及少数能见的作品,试图勾勒出达辛的速写肖像,以纪念这位影人。

35、Thus, I made a special effort to re-print her poetry anthology at the centenary of Nan She to memorialize my dear grandmother Yao Zhuxin. ─── 在南社成立一百周年的时候,我特别翻印此诗集,以纪念我亲爱的祖母姚竹心。

36、Since then, worshiping the spirit became an important ceremony to memorialize Sun Yat-sen.In 1929, the National Government sent the coffin of Sun Yat-sen to Nanjing. ─── 1929年,国民政府将孙中山灵梓奉安南京,敬谒中山陵成为最神圣的纪念仪式。

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