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10-02 投稿


overt 发音

英:[o??v??rt]  美:[???v??t]

英:  美:

overt 中文意思翻译



overt 词性/词形变化,overt变形

副词: overtly |名词: overtness |

overt 同义词

obvious | clear | manifest | plain |patent | blatant | explicit | unconcealed | evident | open | apparent

overt 反义词


overt 相似词语短语

1、vert ─── n.绿色;森林中的草木;adj.绿色的;vi.背教;n.(Vert)人名;(西)贝尔特;(法)韦尔

2、obvert ─── vt.将换置;将…之正面转向

3、covert ─── adj.隐蔽的,秘密的;在丈夫保护下的;n.(动物藏身的)矮树丛;(鸟)覆羽;隐藏处;n.(Covert)(美、加)科弗特(人名)

4、avert ─── vt.避免,防止;转移

5、Evert ─── v.使……外翻;翻转;n.(Evert)(瑞典、荷、德、美、希)埃弗特(人名)

6、over ─── adv.倒下;翻转;穿过;完全覆盖;以上;大于;再;结束;改变;完毕;仔细地;prep.在……上面;从……上方;穿越;在……的另一边;在……的远端;从……落下;遍及;多于;在……期间;渡过;由于;关于;利用;通过;声音大于;高于;级别在……之上;优先于;超过;n.(板球)一轮投球;adj.倒下的;折起来的;结束的;剩下的;v.越过;n.(Over)(美、英、德)奥韦尔(人名)

7、over- ─── adv.倒下;翻转;穿过;完全覆盖;以上;大于;再;结束;改变;完毕;仔细地;prep.在……上面;从……上方;穿越;在……的另一边;在……的远端;从……落下;遍及;多于;在……期间;渡过;由于;关于;利用;通过;声音大于;高于;级别在……之上;优先于;超过;n.(板球)一轮投球;adj.倒下的;折起来的;结束的;剩下的;v.越过;n.(Over)(美、英、德)奥韦尔(人名)

8、overs ─── n.筛渣;筛除物;补加纸张;[印刷]伸放纸;v.越过(over的单三形式)

9、ouvert ─── adj.露天的;营业的;n.开展式

overt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In young children, it may take the form of defiant behavior but not overt sadness. ─── 对儿童来说,可能出现藐视但不是公开悲伤行为。

2、Overt rationalism had been advance d by French scientist Morin in 1980s. ─── 他们认为,分析事物、处理问题应该是逻辑分析与整体直觉判断的结合。

3、The unaffected twin therefore represents the biological and environmental risk of developing schizophrenia in the absence of overt symptomatology and therapeutic medication. ─── 他们认为,开发一种灵敏、特异的精神分裂症血液检测方法还需要更多的标记物。

4、Humans are inside the test tube to prevent the experiment from crashing, to divert the trials from overt crisis. ─── 人类在这个试管里的作用就是防止这个实验撞车,就是转移航向避免危机。

5、If you carve out an overt benefit and become known for that, the odds that people will choose your product or your service increase. ─── 如果能够开发出明显的好处,并且藉着这项好处打响自己的名号,就更能吸引顾客选择你的产品或服务。

6、Third, the aim of carrying out overt work is to begin covert work. ─── 再次谈公开工作与秘密工作。公开工作的目的,是为着建立秘密工作。

7、His overt message was that people should obey the law. ─── 他公开发表言辞:每个人都应该服从法律。

8、To express(unconscious impulses, for example) in an overt manner without awareness or understanding. ─── 冲动行事不知不觉中公开地表示(例如,无意识的冲动)

9、Violent groups generally have overt belief systems that emphasize their superiority over others. ─── 一般而言,施暴的一群都有公开的信仰系统,强调他们与众不同,高人一等。

10、No overt local or systemic adverse effects were observed from implanting the lidocaine-containing matrix at the rat sciatic nerve. ─── 在植入含利多卡因的基质的鼠坐骨神经没有发现局部或者全身的不良效果。

11、The red bar code overt his hidden desire and drives him into becoming a psychopath. ─── 其实,红色条码激起他潜藏的欲望,使他变得更神经质。

12、However, in present-day Chinese society there are still exploiters, overt and covert practices of exploitation, and ideas of the exploiting class. ─── 但是,剥削分子、剥削行为、变相的剥削行为和剥削思想,在我国目前的社会中,还是存在着的。

13、Dedicator intends this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights under copyright law, whether vested or contingent, in the Work. ─── 奉献者打算这奉献受版权保护是在所有礼品和未来权利的永久的作罢的公开行为法律,是否既定或偶然,在工作。

14、Customer will frequently withhold their decision to purchase until they perceive there is a genuine reason to believe you will deliver your overt benefit. ─── 在顾客有充分理由相信,你的产品确实能带来明显好处之前,顾客通常会观望不买。

15、"But people should be cautious about advocating the use of aspirin in the very elderly who do not have overt vascular disease, the so-called worried well who take it as a lifestyle choice," he noted. ─── 他同时指出,虽然人们普遍赞成在没有明显血管疾病的老龄患者身上使用阿司匹林,我们也应当对此小心谨慎,因为人们担心这些老年人会把服用阿司匹林当成一种生活方式。

16、Some recent Chinese films or TVs show indifference to the moral authority, estrangement from the radical ideas and overt pursuit of current interest. ─── 中国近期部分电影和电视表现出对道德权威的冷漠,对激进理想的疏离,以及对于当下利益毫不掩饰的追求。

17、At that moment he was so embarrassed that it seemed to him that everybody on deck was watching him.Inwardly he blamed Miss Pao for being too overt in her behavior and wished he could have said something to her about it. ─── 他那时候窘得似乎甲板上人都在注意他,心里怪鲍小姐太做得出,恨不能说她几句。

18、Therefore, to be noticed, you have to be bold, brash and almost in-your-face about the most overt benefit you have to offer. ─── 因此想要吸引顾客注意,就的大胆、大剌剌,甚至大言不惭地宣传自己最明显的好处。

19、Sara: There were no overt signs.Why? ─── |没有明显的迹象 为什么突然这么问?

20、He was Rudolph's best friend on the campus, an energetic, overt boy, cynical and shrewd behind a lazy Oklahoma drawl. ─── 他是鲁道夫在学院中最要好的朋友,是个精力旺盛、诚挚坦率的小伙子,在他那懒洋洋的俄克拉何马州的拖沓口音后面,隐藏着精明强干和愤世嫉俗。

21、PATIENTS in a vegetative state are, by definition, unable to respond to stimulation with any form of overt behaviour. ─── 由科学概念看,植物人无法对外界刺激作出任何显而易见的身体反应。

22、B: Oh, he did not make it that obvious. overt a. ─── 公开的,不隐蔽的 A: I am planning to overthrow the government.

23、Constructed using covert and overt security features, they can be easily incorporated into product logos and designs. ─── 兴建使用的秘密和公然的防伪特征,他们可以很容易地纳入产品标志及外观设计的。

24、Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message. ─── 广告试图传达一种隐藏在公开信息里的潜在意义。

25、Unfortunately, anxious to avoid such overt intervention, the government has opted for half-measures. ─── 不幸的是,迫切地为了避免这种明显的介入(国有化),政府选择了折中措施。

26、Therefore, we should learn how to apply the dual revolutionary policy and co-ordinate both the overt and covert work. ─── 因此必须善于掌握革命两面政策的运用,善于进行公开工作和秘密工作的联系。

27、They do not always work as intended, but they make overt and gross discrimination less likely. ─── 她们总是不能找到预想的工作,她们却让这种公然且粗俗的歧视变淡了一些。

28、With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle. ─── 估计到敌后斗争的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗争与非法斗争具有很大的变动性。

29、Among them are sex and gender, universal prestige and local prestige, overt prestige and covert prestige, standard, prestige, the standard variant and the prestige variant. ─── 其中包括性和性别,普遍声望和本地声望,公开声望和隐性声望,标准、声望、标准变异体和有声望变异体。

30、Men imagine that hey communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment. ─── 人们以为只有外部行为才能展示自己的美德或恶行,殊不知美德与恶行本身每时每刻都在散发着气息。

31、Its overt failure to prevent such looting was roundly condemned by thinking people everywhere. ─── 因为没有制止劫掠行动,美国受到许多有识之士的谴责。

32、Overt hostility;overt intelligence gathering. ─── 公然的敌意;公众智慧的结晶

33、little overt support for the project. ─── 这个项目公开表示支持的很少。

34、WOVM involves multiple copies of a 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) being applied in covert and overt locations on the vehicle in the form of numerous (7,000-10,000) microdots. ─── WOVM包含许多粒17位数字车辆辨识码(VIN),以许多微粒(7,000-10,000粒)的形式,被应用在车子的隐蔽和明显的位置。

35、It was the overt sign. ─── 它是一个表面的标记。

36、US government official says a new video of Osama bin Laden makes no overt threats against the United States and could have been made this summer. ─── 一位美国官员称一盘关于本拉登的新的录像带资料显示,本拉登并没有对美国公开挑衅,这盘录像带可能录制于今年夏季。

37、Candidates for the World Performance Car award had to demonstrate a specific and overt Sports/Performance orientation. ─── 候选人世界性能租车裁决已显示出具体的和公开的体育/性能的取向。

38、If we can understand the dynamics of emotions, we can skillfully handle myriad of overt and hidden influences that ripple through our being all the time, except perhaps in deep sleep. ─── 如果我们能够理解情绪的运动,我们就能够处理无数种明显的或者隐藏的,无时无刻(也许除了深睡之外)不在影响着我们的心理波动。

39、"The danger of protectionism, whether of a creeping or overt type, would really make a situation that is very bad much worse," said Robert Zoellick. ─── 佐利克说:“贸易保护主义的危险,无论是暗中的还是公开的,都肯定会使形势变得非常糟糕。

40、The price of grain should be an overt competifive price in market. State draws up the lowest protective and highest limited price of grain only. ─── 对于粮食价格,必须在市场上公开竞争中形成,国家只管最低保护价和最高限价。

41、Duke of Venice. To vouch this, is no proof, Without more wider and more overt test Than these thin habits and poor likelihoods Of modern seeming do prefer against him. ─── 公爵没有更确实显明的证据,单单凭著这些表面上的猜测和莫须有的武断,是不能使人信服的。

42、To express (unconscious impulses, for example) in an overt manner without awareness or understanding. ─── 冲动行事:不知不觉中公开地表示(例如,无意识的冲动)行为不良。

43、In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official. ─── 在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。

44、His psychology did not recognize inner feelings and thoughts as legitimate objects of scientific study, he was only interested in overt behavior. ─── 他的心理学并不承认内在的感觉及想法作为科学研究的合理项目,他只对明显的行为感兴趣。

45、When a solid reason to believe is provided, the overt benefit promised is enhanced with depth and substance. ─── 只要能提出充分可靠的理由,就能让顾客对你说的明显好处,留下更深刻、更具体的印象。

46、Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my Ministry. ─── 分开或隐蔽反对我部扩大权限的风源当然是博尔曼。

47、The confluence of the Great Migration and the Civil Rights Movement propelled the drive for "fair- housing" legislation which attempted to curb overt discrimination in housing markets. ─── 大移民潮和和民权运动的合流推进了“公平住房”立法的行程,这一立法试图对在住房市场上公然出现的不平等进行约束。

48、The following diagram serves as an illustration of overt rank and covert exponence shifts taking place in the category of unit. ─── “一样的花费,更好的质量和服务”,这是新华翻译社对客户的承诺。

49、From the aspectof overt narrators, Truffaut is good at using poetic language, while Godardis skillful in using essayistic language to express . ─── 从内隐的叙述者角度来看,特吕弗尊重传统,并试图在对传统的继承中实现个人化风格;

50、An epidemic resulted in overt measles in 99. 9 percent of the indigenous population. ─── 一次流行引起99.9%土著居民患有明显的麻疹。

51、When a dramatic difference is combined with an overt benefit and a genuine reason to believe, you can literally supercharge your sales. ─── 如果能在醒目的差异之外,再加上明显的好处与真实可靠的理由,公司业绩自然就会快速起飞。

52、The Party is not interested in the overt act: the thought is all we care about. ─── 党对表面行为不感兴趣,我们关心的是思想。

53、In choosing between false friends and overt enemies I always preferred the latter. ─── 在错误的朋友和公开的敌人之间,我宁愿选择后者。

54、Any overt discord in the talks could rattle the bond and currency markets. ─── 如果对话中出现任何明显的不和谐迹象,可能令债券及外汇市场出现波动。

55、He believed that Scripture contained many implied meanings in addition to its overt meaning, and he regarded written law (Torah) and oral law (Halakah) as ultimately one. ─── 他认为经文里面除了明显的意义外,还含有许多暗示,成文法(托拉,Tora)和口传法规(哈拉卡,Halakah)终归是一样的。

56、In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official. ─── 在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。

57、How much are they paying you? I honestly can't understand how somebody with a reasonably well-furnished mind can lend himself to this kind of overt propaganda. ─── 他们给了你多少钱?我真的不能理解为什么一个大脑健全的人会相信这种明显的宣传。

58、In choosing between fales friends and overt enemies Ialways preferred the latter. ─── 在错误的朋友和公开的敌人之间,我宁愿选择后者.

59、This is not the sort of coup in which the armed forces have to make an overt grab for power, because the supreme leader is part of the conspiracy. ─── 在这种政变中,军方力量是不情愿公然地夺取政权,因为国家最高领袖参与了此阴谋。

60、An epidemic resulted in overt measles in 99.9 per cent of the indigenous population. ─── 一次流行引起99.9%土著居民患有明显的麻疹。

61、The covert or overt form of" le" is not completely correspondent with the meaning of" perfect aspect", and is correspondent with contrast of" bounded unbounded". ─── 了”的隐现与“完整体”意义不完全对应,与“有界-无界”的对立平行对应。

62、But in the shadow of success there lurked overt disputations and covert contentions of sorts, with apparent cooperation barely a reluctant choice under political pressure. ─── 但成功的背后是双方利益的角逐和较量,貌似和睦的合作乃是政治家不得已而为之的选择。

63、His opponent's intention is quite overt. ─── 他的对手的意图很明显。

64、One of the most surprising things about this revolution is how little overt celebration it has engendered. ─── 最让人惊奇的事之一是这一革命引来的公开颂扬如此之少。

65、CEOs are busy and shouldn’t need to spend overt amounts of time micromanaging their four employees. ─── CEO们都很忙碌,他们也没必要花很多公开的时间对自己的四位雇员进行微观管理。

66、Overt expression of hostility is considered evidence of marital problems. ─── 公然的敌意表现被认为是预示婚姻问题的前兆。

67、Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment. ─── 人们总以为他们仅仅借助于公开的举止来传达他们的善与恶,殊不知善或恶每时每刻都在散发着一种气息。

68、Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much. ─── 虽然没有明显的敌意,但黑人学生和白人学生还是交往不多。

69、Overt hostility; overt intelligence gathering. ─── 公然的敌意; 公众智慧的结晶

70、To express(unconscious impulses,for example) in an overt manner without awareness or understanding. ─── 冲动行事不知不觉中公开地表示(例如,无意识的冲动)。

71、David mourned Amnon's death but once again did not take any overt action against his son Absalom other than keeping him banished. ─── 大卫为暗嫩之死哀伤,但他除了将押沙龙驱逐出境,并没有对押沙龙采取任何公开的刑罚。

72、Invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in a bodily part or tissue, which may produce subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms. ─── 传染致病微生物侵入人体的某部分或组织,并且不断繁殖,接着造成组织损坏,最后通过一系列细胞或中毒机制发展为显性症状

73、Overt watching was prohibited. ─── 公开的监视已被禁止。

74、Bleeding may be overt (eg, hematemesis or melena) or concealed (eg, ruptured ectopic pregnancy). ─── 出血有明显出血(如呕血、黑粪症)或隐性出血(如异位妊娠破裂)。

75、In the late 1980s a large segment of rap became highly politicized, resulting in the most overt social agenda in popular music since the urban folk movement of the 1960s. ─── 在80年代晚期斥责的大段成为了高度参与政事,造成最公开的社会议程在流行音乐从60年代的都市民间运动。

76、She criticized any overt display of emotion and attempts at open rebellion against the Ruling Power. ─── 凡是明显的感情流露或者公开反抗执政党的企图,她都批评。

77、Mithraism disappeared from overt practice after the Theodosian decree of AD 391 banned all pagan rites, and it apparently became extinct thereafter. ─── 密特拉教的消失显然是在公元391年的西奥多法令之后,禁止所有的异教祭礼,从此就销声匿迹。

78、At no time did we meet in a government building. “Covert,” as opposed to “overt,” employees, we never saw inside the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency. ─── /因为我们是秘密而非公开的雇员,我们也没有见过中央情报局总部是什么样子。

79、If there is no clear overt benefit involved, then pricing becomes the sole determinant for customers. That’s not the way to achieve superior profitability. ─── 产品如果没有清楚明显好处,价格就会是顾客买与否的唯一因素,这样是无法达成卓越获利能力。

80、Palate: Full-bodied, Fruit flavours notes to the fore. Further liqueur chocolate and spice flavours are impregnated by overt, chewy and ripe tannins. ─── 口感:中等浓度,口中首先出现浓郁的水果味道伴随而来的是显著的巧克力酒与香料味,单宁细腻柔顺。

81、James Zimmerman, a Beijing-based American lawyer, said politics and trade can't be separated but that 'overt political posturing welcomes a like response. ─── 在北京工作的美国律师吉莫曼(JamesZimmerman)说,政治和贸易无法分开,但明显的政治姿态会招致同样的反应。

82、Those with overt sleep apnea on the first nocturnal polysomnography had a second study with titration of nasal continuous positive airway pressure. ─── 多导睡眠扫描检查,显示第一天夜间有嗜睡症状的患者,参与第二次研究,在鼻腔呼吸道持续正压的情况下进行检定。

83、It is believed that to ban the "covert land market" and establish a standard "overt land market" is the way to develop Chongqing's land market. ─── 取缔“隐形土地市场”,建立规范的“有形土地市场”,应是重庆市土地市场发展的方向。

84、We opted for secret inquiries, where overt ones would have been for more productive. ─── 于是,在本来通过公开调查可以见效得多的问题,我们选择了进行秘密调查的方式。

85、The Party is not interested in the overt act: the thought is all we care about. ─── 党对表面行为不感兴趣,我们关心的是思想。

86、One or both partners trying to have control through anger blame, and criticism - which are overt forms of control. ─── 一方或配偶双方试图通过这些明显公开的控制方式如生气责备,或者批评来控制对方。

87、Thinking and feeling that have to do with action in association with others is as much a social mode of behavior as is the most overt cooperative or hostile act. ─── 和别人联合行动有关的思想和感情,和最明显的协同行动或敌对行动,同样都是社会行为。

88、Overt value is every computer a month a yuan of money. ─── 公开的价格是每台电脑一个月一元钱。

89、Such partitions are done in two way overt and covert.Overt partition is for the need of market re-evaluation while covert partition aims to hide information. ─── 分拆行为可以区分为显性分拆和隐性分拆两种类型,显性分拆行为出于对行情重新审视的需要,而隐性分拆行为出于掩饰交易信息的需要。

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