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10-02 投稿


monteith 发音


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monteith 中文意思翻译




monteith 短语词组

1、monteith building monteith ─── 大厦

monteith 相似词语短语

1、monazite ─── n.[矿物]独居石

2、monkeyish ─── adj.猴子似的

3、monish ─── 劝告;告诫

4、monteiths ─── n.(冷却酒杯用的)凹口碗边大银碗(据传系17世纪一苏格兰人,此人常身披扇贝凹口边饰的大氅,形同此碗);n.(Monteith)人名;(英)蒙蒂思

5、monkfish ─── n.扁鲨;安康鱼

6、meith ─── 大小

7、monolith ─── n.整块石料;庞然大物

8、monoliths ─── n.整块材料;独石(monolith的复数)

9、monopitch ─── 单音高;(屋顶)单斜面的

monteith 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Modified Penman and Penman Monteith formulae were recommended to calculate the reference crop evapotranspiration by FAO one after another. ─── FAO先后建议用Penman修正式和Penman Monteith公式计算参考作物蒸散量 .

2、His tactful, patient, encouraging editor at Faber(注5), Charles Monteith, was a lifeline to him, a friend on whom he relied more than any other during the second half of his life. ─── 菲伯出版社的编辑查尔斯蒙塔斯负责戈尔丁的稿件。查尔斯经验丰富,十分耐心,又时常鼓舞激励戈尔丁。对于戈尔丁来说,他就是自己的救生索,是后半生他最为依赖的一个朋友。

3、Influence of as and bs Values on Determination of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration by Penman-Monteith Formula ─── as和bs取值对参考作物蒸发蒸腾量计算结果的影响

4、Regulatory activities have snowballed partly because "it is a shrewd business model" , says Charles Monteith of White & Case in London. ─── 监管活动的规模越来越大,部分原因在于“这已成为一种精明的业务模式,”伦敦伟凯律师事务所的查尔斯?蒙蒂思(CharlesMonteith)表示。

5、Research on the Equation of Penman-Monteith in Reference Crop Evaporation ─── 彭曼-蒙特斯公式在参考作物需水量中的应用研究

6、The evaporation capacity calculated by Penman-Monteith formula is suggested to replace the water surface evaporation observed for an improved regression. ─── 建议使用彭曼公式计算的蒸发能力代替实测水面蒸发以提高拟合效果。

7、Penman - Monteith method ─── Penman-Monteith

8、Yet Golding needed her as desperately as he needed Monteith. ─── 尽管如此,戈尔丁如同需要蒙塔斯一样需要他的这位妻子。

9、Yet Golding needed her as desperately as he needed Monteith. ─── 尽管如此,戈尔丁如同需要蒙塔斯一样需要他的这位妻子。

10、Calculation of Water Surface Evaporation in the Plain Area of the Northern Slop Tianshan Mountains by Penman-Monteith Formula ─── 应用彭曼-蒙特斯公式计算天山北坡平原区水面蒸发量

11、MONTEITH, Sheila SEALY ─── 希拉·西利·蒙蒂思

12、Glee star Cory Monteith has died at age 31. ─── 欢乐合唱团》主演科里·蒙蒂思疑因服药过量死亡,年仅31岁。

13、of observed climate data, FAO Penman-Monteith equaption is used to calculate the reference ET and crop coefficient. ─── 气象观测数据反演作物系数,最后计算月蒸散发量。

14、stations' wheat Crop Water Requirements (CWR) in Hedong Region of Gansu Province were calculated applying the FAO Penman Monteith equation (FAO PM) provided by UN FAO. ─── 用联合国粮农组织(FAO)最新推荐的彭曼-蒙蒂斯模式(FAO-PM)计算甘肃河东10个代表站点的冬、春小麦的需水量。

15、The differences in ET r estimates between FAO Penman Monteith and Penman and FAO Blaney Criddle methods were obviously lower than those between FAO Penman Monteith and Makkink and Priestley Taylor methods. ─── 与FAOPenman Monteith公式的计算结果相比较 ,用Penman公式和FAO 2 4Blaney Criddle公式估算奈曼地区参考作物蒸散量误差较小 ;

16、Penman - Monteith evapotranspiration model ─── Penman-Monteith蒸散模型

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