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moraine 发音

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moraine 中文意思翻译




moraine 网络释义

n. 冰碛石n. (Moraine)人名;(法)莫雷纳

moraine 短语词组

1、moraine landscape ─── 冰碛景观

2、moraine deposit ─── 冰碛堆积

3、moraine blue ─── 冰碛蓝

4、Moraine Lake ─── 梦莲湖

5、basal moraine ─── 底碛, ─── 底冰碛

6、longitudinal moraine ─── 纵向冰碛

7、glacial moraine ─── 冰河堆石; ─── 冰川的 ─── 冰碛

8、inactive moraine ─── 非活动冰碛

9、moraine bank ─── 冰碛河岸

10、radial moraine ─── 放射状冰碛

11、tectonic moraine ─── 构造冰碛物

12、terminal moraine ─── [地质]终碛

13、obstruction moraine ─── 受阻冰碛

14、moraine terrace ─── 冰碛阶地

15、obstructed moraine ─── 阻塞冰碛

16、moraine hills state park ─── 冰碛山州立公园

17、lateral moraine ─── 侧(冰)碛;冰川 ─── 侧碛

18、moraine soil ─── 冰碛土

19、dumped moraine ─── 堤碛

moraine 词性/词形变化,moraine变形

形容词: morainal |

moraine 相似词语短语

1、mondaine ─── adj.时髦的;俗气的;社交界的;n.社交界的时髦女人;俗气的女人

2、moralise ─── v.进行道德说教;从道德角度解释;提高……的品德(等于moralize)

3、morainal ─── adj.冰碛的

4、moraines ─── n.冰碛石;n.(Moraine)人名;(法)莫雷纳

5、morainic ─── adj.冰碛的

6、migraine ─── n.[内科]偏头痛;n.(Migraine)(法)米格雷纳(人名)

7、Lorraine ─── n.洛林(法国东北部的一个地区);罗琳(人名)

8、Touraine ─── n.都兰(法国一地区)

9、Loraine ─── 洛兰(英格兰人姓氏)

moraine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dynamic Response Research of High Earth-Rock Dam on the Thick Moraine Cover Foundation ─── 深厚覆盖层上高土石坝的动力反应特性研究

2、moraine terrace ─── 冰碛阶地

3、Keywords bench slope;moraine soil;reliability;failure probability; ─── 台阶边坡;冰碛土;可靠度;破坏概率;

4、We are starting with an old farm, while nature may have started with a glacial moraine ten thousand years ago. ─── 我们从改造一个旧农场起步,而大自然可能从一个万年的冰碛着手。

5、Protected areas of natural scenery from the main peak h snow-capped mountains, alpine ice Moraine Lake, azaleas, Snow Falls constitute a group. ─── 保护区自然风光主要由哈巴雪山主峰、高山冰碛湖、杜鹃花、雪山瀑布群构成。

6、Xin moraine crossing the road. ─── 忻碛公路过境。

7、At home and abroad, the native soil, the eolian soil, the moraine, the diluvial soil, the age-old river sediments and the recent river shoal sediments were researched as material core for ECRD. ─── 作为土石坝防渗体的心墙土料,国内外实践中曾经用过残积土、风成土、冰渍土、洪积土、古河川沉积及近代河滩沉积土。

8、Moraine south of the Yellow River Estuary Tourism Development Zone, East and Lishi Liulin interchange. ─── 南接黄河碛口旅游开发区,东与离石柳林交汇。

9、They frequently terminate at a recessional moraine. ─── 它们经常在后退冰碛处终止。

10、basal moraine ─── 底冰碛

11、Reliability Analysis of Moraine Soil Bench Slop in an Open Pit ─── 某露天铁矿冰碛土台阶边坡可靠性分析

12、At first I thought it was exaggeration, but when I came to Moraine Lake, I was shocked to its striking beauty and could not withdraw my eyes as if I was spellbound. ─── 湖面是翠蓝色的,细小的水波闪烁玉石一般的光亮,看上去很难想像这是真实的。

13、Formation Mechanism of Hummocky Moraine in the Bodui Zangbo Valley and Its Environmental Significance ─── 波堆藏布谷地冰碛丘陵形成机制及其环境意义

14、2. I am so happy to get the letter from you saying that I had been admitted to Moraine Valley Junior College. ─── 接到来信,知道我已被莫莱茵谷专科学校录取,真是高兴万分!

15、tectonic moraine ─── 构造冰碛物


17、The ground is covered with moraine. ─── 地表覆盖着冰碛石。

18、moraine successions ─── 冰碛垅

19、At the same time, I was also County moraine Yellow vegetables and red dates, one of the main origin. ─── 同时,碛口也是临县蔬菜和黄河红枣的主产地之一。

20、Cause of Formation and Treatment Analysis for Unpractical Stone Block and Cobble in Moraine Layer ─── 冰碛层中架空块碎石成因及处理分析

21、moraine landscape ─── 冰碛景观

22、frontal moraine ─── 前碛

23、ground moraine ─── 冰川底部的冰碛

24、stadial moraine ─── 后退碛冰退终碛

25、Scree, stony slopes, moraine, among rocks, sandy slopes, cliff crevices, wet limestone meadows; 3400-4700 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan. ─── 石质山坡,碛,在岩石,沙的山坡,悬崖裂缝,潮湿的石灰石草甸中;海拔3400-4700米。四川,西藏,云南。

26、deposited moraine ─── 冰碛

27、Keywords Creeping rubble;Moraine soil;Slope;safety platform width; ─── 滚石;冰碛土;边坡;安全平台宽度;

28、moraine dam ─── 堆石坝

29、cend moraine ─── 冰终碛

30、Walking and hiking trails are not a signature of Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, but beware not of the ever-present grizzly bear. ─── 在梦莲湖周围行走或者攀岩已经是班芙全国公园里的特点游之一,但观光者需小心这附近曾经呈现过的大灰熊。

31、intermediate moraine ─── 中分碛

32、An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine. ─── 冰川前砂砾层冰河冰渍前沉积的沙及砾石覆盖的区域

33、Shi Jiufeng in the 3,800 meters in altitude over the mountain peak, many ice moraine lakes, it is left to the Quaternary glaciers. ─── 十九峰中海拔在3800米以上的峰顶有不少高山冰碛湖泊,这是第四纪冰川留下来的。

34、Yan (state) moraine (I), or (II)-qi (Village), yellow (Longwang groove) on (Temple) Road crossing. ─── 忻(州)碛(口)、合(索)奇(村)、黄(龙王沟)上(寺)公路过境。

35、delta moraine ─── 三角洲冰碛

36、lateral moraine ─── 冰川侧碛

37、hillock moraine ─── 冰碛丘陵

38、All the lakes are Lake Zhou Bing Shi save a large number of phenomena and moraine material. ─── 所有湖泊的湖周都保存有大量的冰蚀现象和各种冰碛物。

39、bottom moraine ─── 冰底碛底碛

40、The results indicate that high failure probability of benches is primarily depended on inherent variability of strength,anti?weathering ability and hydro?physical properties of moraine soil. ─── 分析结果表明,台阶边坡破坏概率较高,主要是由冰碛土强度的固有不确定性、抗风化能力以及水理性质决定的,而边坡结构因素对其影响不显著。

41、Yan (state) moraine (I) Trunk Road and Johnston (grinding) on (Temple) Road crossing. ─── 忻(州)碛(口)干线公路和庄(磨)上(寺)公路过境。

42、moraine deposit ─── 冰碛堆积

43、8.Walking and hiking trails are a signature of Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, but beware of the ever-present grizzly bear. ─── 在梦莲湖周围行走或者攀岩已经是班芙国家公园里的特色游之一,但游客需小心这附近曾经出现过的大灰熊。

44、Pressing to attitude is divided into four major types:molten lava, athrogenic rock, moraine moltenlava and alloying athrogenic rock. ─── 按产状又可分为熔岩、火山碎屑岩、火山碎屑熔岩、熔结火山碎屑岩四大类。

45、Keywords Boduizangbu valley;moraine;ELA;Younger Dryas event;Baiyu ice stage; ─── 波堆藏布谷地;冰碛;平衡线高度;新仙女木事件;白玉冰期;

46、With its rich moraine and volcanic soils, long viticulture history and mild climate, noble red grapes flourish here. ─── 因其拥有肥沃的冰碛土和火山土,悠久的葡萄栽培历史和温和的气候,使高品质的葡萄能在这里蓬勃地生长。

47、Yan (state) moraine (I) Trunk Road and Johnston (grinding) on (Temple) Road crossing. ─── 忻(州)碛(口)干线公路和庄(磨)上(寺)公路过境。

48、Good morning Moraine, it has been quite a while since I have head from you. ─── 早安,牟芮,距离我初次获得您的消息,至今已经有一段时间了。

49、We are starting with an old farm, while nature may have started with a glacial moraine ten thousand years ago. ─── 我们的起点是一个旧农场,而大自然的起点则可能是一个万年前的冰原。

50、englacial moraine ─── 内碛内冰碛

51、moraine clay ─── 冰碛粘土

52、medial moraine ─── 中碛

53、flanking moraine ─── 侧岸冰碛

54、wash-board moraine ─── 外冲冰碛

55、Moraine gave way to flat grasslands, pine to palm. Windbreaks appeared, then wheat, and finally clapboard houses behind manicured hedges. ─── 石山已经被草原,松树和棕榈树所替代,防风林出现了,然后是麦地,最后有了树篱后的木板房屋。

56、moraine rock ─── 冰碛砾岩

57、The ground is covered with moraine. Ice under it is gray and dirty. ─── 地表覆盖着冰碛石。底部的冰呈灰色并且肮脏。

58、moraine hill ─── 冰碛山丘

59、moraine dating ─── 冰碛物年代

60、subglacial morain ─── 冰底碛

61、Moraine Lake, Lake lake are rock, sand-based chip. ─── 冰碛湖的湖底湖畔则以岩块、砂屑为主。

62、Glacier has a narrow spectrum on TM5, 7 bands, but moraine and snow and ice are different in evidence, therefore, TM5, 7 are advantageous bands for extracting glacier information. ─── 冰川在TM5、7波段光谱值范围窄,且冰碛与冰雪有明显的光谱差异,是冰川信息提取的有利波段.

63、Preliminary Discussion on Determining Safety Platform Width of Moraine Soil Slope by Creeping Rubble Movement ─── 以滚石运动确定冰碛土边坡安全平台宽度初探

64、There are also Fen Wei, Yu Wan River, is the Yellow River. 209 State Road and Yan (state) moraine (I) cross-border highway, the township may use car. ─── 此外尚有蔚汾、榆湾等河,均属黄河水系。209国道及忻(州)碛(口)干线公路过境,各乡镇均可通行汽车。

65、interlobate moraine ─── 冰层间碛中分碛

66、accumulation moraine ─── 堆积冰碛

67、ablation moraine ─── 冰川侧碛消融冰碛

68、peripheral moraine ─── 周碛

69、local moraine ─── 局部冰硖

70、moraine bar ─── 冰碛砂洲

71、Constructing Optimization of Moraine Dam Based on Accelerating Genetic Algorithm ─── 基于加速遗传算法的堆石坝施工优化

72、"Curitiba, karaoke," which means "Black Sea", an elevation of 3600 meters, 30 meters deep lake with a total area of 10 square kilometers, is a high mountain Bingshi Moraine Lake. ─── “卡拉库里”意为“黑海”,海拔3600米,湖深30米,总面积10平方公里,是一座高山冰蚀冰碛湖。

73、Moraine age and environmental change ─── 冰碛物年代及其环境变化

74、We hiked to the top of the moraine and had a better view of the lake. ─── 我走到冰碛石顶部,才有拍摄此湖的较佳视野。

75、flank moraine ─── 侧碛

76、moraine wall ─── 冰碛墙

77、cirque moraine ─── 冰斗冰碛

78、moraine soil ─── 冰碛土

79、The characteristic and the formation process of moraine hill in the Dalian area along the coast are analyzed from the phenomenon of the Quaternary incompact layer covering the Dalian red clay. ─── 冰体融化后,包裹在冰川体内的碎屑物质直接堆积沉积称冰碛土,其特点是无层序,无分选,块石、砾石、砂及粘性土杂乱堆积,常具架空结构,力学性质差异大。

80、Bingshi one of the most spectacular Moraine Lake, Moraine Lake Luoji Mountain Bingshi distributed in the altitude of 3650 meters or more phases of the ice in the cirque and Wai. ─── 其中冰蚀冰碛湖最为壮观,螺髻山冰蚀冰碛湖分布于海拨3650米以上的各期冰围和冰斗中。

81、Field runoff and underground water worked together in freezing-thawing cycles which produced cavities in granular moraine layers and has reached a phase of balance. ─── 工程条件下,地表水、地下水不会再在场区内冰碛层中形成新的架空块碎石结构,也不会发生渗透破坏,对工程影响微弱。

82、push moraine ─── 推进冰碛

83、recessional moraine ─── 后退碛

84、The contents of moraine are complicate but the main compositions are basically identical. ─── 两种沉积类型具有如下的共性:1.冰碛物成分复杂,随地而异,但砾石的主要组分基本相同。

85、active moraine ─── 活动冰碛

86、moraine kame ─── 冰碛阜


88、Process of Accumulation and Characteristics of Glacial Debris Flow Deposits Trangformed by Moraine ─── 冰碛转化为冰川泥石流堆积过程及其沉积特征

89、If it ever burst through its loose wall of moraine, it would drown the Sherpa villages in the valley below. ─── 如果这个冰川湖决堤,那么山下夏尔巴人的村庄将被全部淹没。

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