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10-02 投稿


ludicrously 发音

英:[?lu?d?kr?sli]  美:[?lu?d?kr?sli]

英:  美:

ludicrously 中文意思翻译



ludicrously 词性/词形变化,ludicrously变形

名词: ludicrousness |副词: ludicrously |

ludicrously 短语词组

1、ludicrously fast ─── 快得可笑

2、ludicrously odd ─── 可笑的奇怪

3、ludicrously popular ─── 可笑的流行

ludicrously 相似词语短语

1、lubriciously ─── 色彩斑斓的

2、luminously ─── 发光地,发亮地;清楚地

3、ludicrous ─── adj.滑稽的;荒唐的

4、lubricously ─── 润滑的

5、injudiciously ─── 不公正地

6、audaciously ─── adv.无畏地;放肆地;大胆创新地;无拘无束地

7、judiciously ─── adv.明智而审慎地;明断地

8、lusciously ─── adv.甘美地,满足感官地

9、lustrously ─── adv.灿烂地;有光泽地

ludicrously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It transpires that the chest is a valuable antique and the price I paid is ludicrously low. ─── 大家都知道这个衣柜很值钱,但是我支付的价格却离奇的低。

2、He spoke of his art as being like "a good armchair"-- a ludicrously inept comparison for such a brilliant man-- but his art was a respite, a reprieve, a comfort to him. ─── 一定会使你的翻译水平和表达水平上个台阶的,记住:坚持就是胜利,同样胜利是要靠坚持的。

3、Ludicrously odd; fantastic. ─── 荒诞古怪的;奇异的

4、A series of intense negotiations follows, under the shadow of ludicrously frenzied media attention. ─── 他们认真地进行一连串密集的协商,也引起媒体的疯狂注意。

5、There are no cold hotel breakfasts, no surly staff to tip.For a ludicrously small sum you can enjoy comforts which few hotel can provide. ─── 你不必吃冷冰冰的旅馆早餐,不必付消费给乖戾的服务员,你只需交付一笔小得令人难以置信的费用,便可享受没有几家旅馆能够给予的舒适。

6、Ludicrously complex securitised products, the CDO-squareds and -cubeds, have gone forever. ─── 银行越来越重视借款者的素质,这就意味着风险将会变得可以预测。

7、His silly inventor, an Indian man who ludicrously butchers the English language, teams up with some local retailers to re-capture his wayward creation . ─── 他的愚蠢的发明者、个操持糟糕英语的印度人,带领一队零售商重新捉到他的顽皮的发明。

8、There's a ludicrously large backlist in books and this could mean a massive new revenue stream. ─── 书目多得令人匪夷所思,这可能预示一股新的庞大现金流。

9、A tiny insect, trying to shake a mighty tree, is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness ─── 蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量。

10、"And then when LA Galaxy agreed a deal Capello kicked him out of the team, ludicrously, and he then ate humble pie. ─── “然后洛杉矶银河签订了合同,卡佩罗可笑地把他排除出球队,然后他得到了教训。”

11、The argument that the average cost of capital is ludicrously low is also no longer true. ─── 关于平均资本费用出奇的低的言论将不再站得住脚。

12、ludicrously expensive ─── 贵得出奇

13、Since she has urged him to marry (and her word is his command), he proposes to Elizabeth in a ludicrously pompous manner. ─── 由于她催促他结婚(她的话对他来说即是命令),他便向伊丽莎白求婚,举止浮夸,滑稽可笑。

14、Like the British public, the American professors think chief executives are ludicrously overpaid. ─── 与英国公众一样,美国教授也觉得首席执行官的薪酬高得离谱。

15、Finish a song at a chosen venue and the game gives you an unlikely number of fans and a ludicrously small amount of money. ─── 在选定地点演奏完一首歌曲,游戏会奖励你几个歌迷和少得可怜的游戏货币。

16、The practical reality is that in the overwhelming majority of these cases the rate adjustment was ludicrously low. ─── 约十分钟后,陈某提出要先离开,当陈走后,刘见李树芬心情平静下来,便开始在桥上做俯卧撑。

17、By Western standards the prices are ludicrously low. ─── 按照西方的标准,价格低得近乎荒唐。

18、They found it nearly impossible to leave a job half-done, to do the next day.Some put in ludicrously long hours redoing tasks, chasing an ideal only they could see. ─── 因为你们的目光曾经注视过同一个地方,所以当你望向另一片天空的时候,我相信他也一定看得到。

19、To act ludicrously when drunk ─── 酒后失态

20、Since she has urged him to marry(and her word is his command), he proposes to Elizabeth in a ludicrously pompous manner. ─── 由于她催促他结婚(她的话对他来说即是命令), 他便向伊丽莎白求婚,举止浮夸,滑稽可笑。

21、Stereotypes linking the Holocaust in Britain to “endemic anti-Semitism” before the war would clearly be ludicrously simplistic. ─── 把当地战前的反犹太主义和对犹太人的大屠杀联系在一起的老套看法被认为是可笑和过分简单的。

22、A tiny insect, trying to shake a mighty tree, is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness. ─── 蚍蜉撼大树, 可笑不自量。

23、Ludicrously comical; clownish. ─── 荒谬可笑的;像小丑的

24、Its basically behave: Wine needs drink, act ludicrously when drunk. ─── 其主要表现: 有酒必饮,酒后失态。

25、grouchy early morning, pre-coffee utterances I make, this one was ludicrously off-key. ─── 往常一大早牢骚满腹,喝咖啡前总发表意见,这次看来话是走了板儿了。

26、These guys spend their lives blasting ludicrously expensive objects into space, and a good number of them get lost. ─── 那些人穷其一生向太空发射各种贵得离谱的物体,很多最终不知去向。

27、Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head. ─── 一些毫无干系的荒唐想法在她的脑海里涌动。

28、"And only a very nasty person would mock you for it." Peter grinned."But I'm named for the Hegemon.I thought perhaps bearing ludicrously overwrought names was something we might have in common. ─── “最终只有一个龌龊的人会用这个名字来嘲笑你,”彼得笑道,“就像我被人叫做霸主,我想也许是我们两个共同的地方:都背负着一个荒唐的名字,一个一说就让别人紧张的名字。

29、Finish a song at a chosen venue and the game gives you an unlikely number of fans and a ludicrously small amount of money. ─── 在选定地点演奏完一首歌曲,游戏会奖励你几个歌迷和少得可怜的游戏货币。

30、Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head. ─── 一些毫无干系的荒唐想法在她的脑海里湧动。

31、And what, as we desperately and ludicrously tried to convince ourselves that we were on the road to sustainability, we failed to do? ─── 并且,当我们拼命的,可笑的试图让我们自己相信我们在可持续的道路上时,我们在那方面失败了呢?

32、Reports of ludicrously sexually aggressive dolphins attempting to rape human women abound from all over the globe. ─── 海豚试图强奸人类女性的性侵犯事件全球都在大量发生。

33、And then when LA Galaxy agreed a deal Capello kicked him out of the team, ludicrously , and he then ate humble pie. ─── 然后洛杉矶银河签订了合同,卡佩罗可笑地把他排除出球队,然后他得到了教训。

34、From a high of 14,164 early in October 2007 it has taken only 503 days to fall 50 per cent, a full 320 days faster than the ludicrously overvalued Nikkei 225 took to halve after Japan's bubble burst. ─── 从2007年10月初14164点的高位,该指数仅仅用了503天就下跌了50%,比日本泡沫破灭后,估值高得离谱的日经225指数从最高点腰斩的时间足足快了320天。

35、Under it, ludicrously undemocratic elections are to be held in 2010, giving some veneer of legitimacy to the soldiers' unbudgeable heft in parliament and government. ─── 根据这一宪法,荒诞的不民主的选举将在2010年举行,还借助合法的外衣,赋予军队在议会和政府中不可动摇的力量。

36、Such scenes between Harry and Ron are ludicrously easy to find. ─── 而哈罗二人这样的情节就多不胜数。

37、Launching and maintaining suitable satellites would be ludicrously expensive. ─── 发射和维护合适的卫星将需要异常昂贵的费用。

38、Some put in ludicrously long hours redoing tasks, chasing an ideal only they could see. ─── 有一些人甚至花可笑地长时间去重新做任务,去追逐一个只有他们可以想到的理想状态。

39、Compared with free electrons, fossil fuels would be seen as ludicrously expensive and dirty, and so carbon emissions would plummet. ─── 相比免费的电能,矿物燃料将被视为可笑的昂贵而肮脏能源,因此炭排放量将骤降。

40、Yes, it's ludicrously broad and often very stupid, but Atkinson keeps the character endearingly bumbling rather than obnoxious. ─── 没错,这个角色粗俗滑稽而且常常愚蠢至极,但艾金森总能让他的装模作样显得很可爱,而不是惹人厌。

41、Even more ludicrously, this week he blamed the Americans for the OSCE's decision not to send election monitors, claiming that it was a plot to discredit the poll. ─── 更可笑的是,他在本周以欧安组织拒绝派遣观察员的事情来指责美国,声称这是一个诬蔑投票不公正的阴谋。

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