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10-02 投稿


monopolist 发音

英:[m??nɑ?p?l?st]  美:[m??n?p?l?st]

英:  美:

monopolist 中文意思翻译



monopolist 短语词组

1、monopolist supply ─── 垄断供应

2、monopolist capital ─── 垄断资本

3、monopolist demand ─── 垄断需求

monopolist 词性/词形变化,monopolist变形


monopolist 相似词语短语

1、monopolistic ─── adj.垄断的;独占性的;专利的

2、monopolists ─── n.垄断者;独占者;专利者

3、monopolises ─── vt.垄断,获得专卖权(等于monopolize)

4、monopoliser ─── 垄断者

5、menopolis ─── n.城市中单身男子聚居区

6、monopolise ─── vt.垄断,获得专卖权(等于monopolize)

7、monopolised ─── v.(组织、集团)垄断;占有……的最大部分;独占(monopolise的过去式及过去分词,monopolise等于monopolize)

8、monopsonist ─── 独家垄断买方

9、monopolism ─── n.垄断主义;垄断制度

monopolist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、upstream monopolist ─── 上游垄断

2、1 A monopolist will never produce a quantity at which the demand curve is inelastic. ─── 4价格歧视能够给垄断者带来更高的利润,是因为它削弱了单一定价导致的价格效应。

3、I'm pretty sure that your argument cannot hold if the market is not monopolist. ─── 评论[支持者:0人,反对者:0人,中立者:0人]查看评论信息

4、But another key factor was that he faced a monopolist with massive political power. ─── 但另外一个关键原因在于,他面对着拥有巨大政治力量的垄断势力。

5、monopolist profit ─── 垄断利润

6、The results show that under the market incomplete covered condition, the monopolist can increase his profits by adopting customization. ─── 研究结果表明,在市场未完全覆盖条件下,厂商通过提高标准产品价格鼓励消费者进行定制消费,定制能够增加总体利润;

7、Hence, we proposed a dynamic pricing model where a sell offers two substitutable perishable products in the monopolist market.The objective is to maximize the total profit gain from both two products. ─── 因此,针对独占市场中两个替代性商品的问题,我们提出了动态价格模式,目的是使得业者的收益最大化。

8、Here's a look at how Apple has shoved Microsoft aside as the company with the worst reputation as a monopolist, copycat and a bully. ─── 来看看苹果如何把取代微软成为最臭名昭著的垄断者、抄袭者、业霸。

9、"We are filing this complaint on behalf of all consumers who are tired of having a monopolist make choices for them," said Jon von Tetzchner, chief executive officer of Opera. ─── “我们是代表那些已受够了微软独裁行为的消费者们提交这份文件的。”

10、When a monopsonist employer faces a monopolist union, the situation is called bilateral monopoly. ─── 在不完全竞争的市场上,工资可能高于或低于劳动的边际生产力。

11、In this digital library of the new things, Google is a monopolist, coupled with strong support from search engines, who will find Google's a glove? so that Google will not be lost. ─── 在这个数字图书馆的新事物上,谷歌是一个垄断者,加上搜索引擎的强大支持,谁会触动谷歌的一根毫毛?所以说,谷歌不会输。

12、"It left Bell close to the position of a textbook pure monopolist until 1894, " the year that the Bell patents expired. ─── “这使得贝尔公司在1894年以前近乎实现了教科书式的绝对垄断,”1894年贝尔公司的专利就到期了。

13、The conclusion is drawn out that the government should valorize the natural monopolist products to inspirit the downstream enterprises to reduce the cost. ─── 通过分析指出,政府应该保持自然垄断产品价格的相对稳定,以激励下游企业发挥主动性,降低成本。

14、TO ITS opponents, it is a brazen attempt by a crafty monopolist to lock up some of the world's most valuable intellectual property. ─── 在竞争对手看来,谷歌如同一只精于垄断的老狐狸,厚颜无耻到竟然想把世界最宝贵的知识财富锁进自家柜里。

15、a big capitalist; a mammoth capitalist; a monopolist ─── 大资本家

16、Look in Jon, since after beating net scene company, microsoft became a lazy monopolist. ─── 在乔恩看来,自从打败网景公司之后,微软公司就变成了一个懒惰的垄断者。

17、Government as a Discriminating Monopolist in the Financial Market: The Case of China ─── 政府作为金融市场中的歧视垄断者:中国的案例

18、Although it has some power in the market, the ACP is no monopolist, able to hold the world's shipping lines to ransom. ─── 虽然运河管理局在市场上有一定权力,但它并不是垄断者,可以凭这条世界航运通道来要挟。

19、4.Draw the demand, marginal-revenue, and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist. ─── 画出垄断者的需求曲线、边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线。

20、We will talk about the definitions of the monopolist s advantages, product characteristics, and customer classification. ─── 研究中对垄断者的优势、产品特性及消费者种类进行定义;

21、Monopoly of intellectual property is that the monopolist on the strength of upper ascendance to interdict competition and do harm to social benefits. ─── 知识产权垄断是指知识产权人凭借其知识产权的优势地位限制竞争、损害社会利益的行为。

22、In this paper we relax this assumption, and apply this mathematical technique to study the profit-maximization pricing of a multi-product monopolist. ─── 本文放松这个假设求得非负解的充分条件,并应用至多产品独占厂商利润极大化定价的探讨。

23、monopolist supply ─── 垄断供给

24、The U.S. is waging intense contention with Russia so as to wrest the key region extending from Balkan via the Middle East, Caucasus to the Central Asia and to lay a foundation for its monopolist position in the 21st century. ─── 美国为夺取从巴尔干到中东、高加索到中亚这一关键地带 ,奠定其 2 1世纪霸主地位 ,正与俄罗斯展开着一场剧烈的争夺战。

25、On the Legal Relationship between the Monopolist and the Government under the Salt Administration of Ancient China ─── 论中国古代盐专卖制度中国家与盐商的法律关系

26、If it is a government bureaucracy or a powerful monopolist, thats a loathsome but sustainable choice. ─── 如果是一家政府机构,或一个势力强大的垄断机构,这倒是个令人讨厌、但可以持续下去的选择。

27、monopolist's rights ─── 垄断者主权

28、Nobody wants to cooperate with monopolist. ─── 没人想和垄断者合作。

29、the hypothetical monopolist test ─── 假定的垄断者测试

30、Das teilte der russische Monopolist Gazprom am Dienstag in Moskau mit. ─── 这是垄断俄罗斯天然气的天然气工业股份公司星期二在莫斯科宣布的。

31、This test is to determine the smallest product group and geographic scope within which the hypothetical monopolist could maintain prices above the level of competitive prices. ─── 假定垄断者测试可用来确定假定垄断者可以将价格维持在高于竞争价格水平的最小商品集合和地域范围。

32、This paper studies the relationship between the supplier selection and value-distribution preference of manufacturer when the manufacture is a monopolist and suppliers are in competitive condition. ─── 探讨在制造商垄断、多个供应商处于竞争关系的情况下,制造商对供应商的选择与制造商在供应链中的价值分配偏好之间的关系。

33、Some beginning auctioneers will target specific markets such as primals, enchanting materials or green items.* Monopolist. ─── 如果有工作,有稳定收入,目前流行租新车方式:三年中每个月只付200加元就可租到丰田考罗拉左右的车型。

34、Being an international petroleum monopolist, the market strategy of OPEC has a great influence on the international oil supply. ─── 作为一个国际石油卡特尔 ,欧佩克的市场战略对国际石油供应影响巨大。

35、its market share falls far short of the 90% that Microsoft boasts in desktop operating-systems and office-productivity software;and it is not a convicted monopolist. ─── 与微软在桌面操作系统与办公软件方面自诩的90%的市场占有率相比,谷歌落后甚多,更不会存在被指责为垄断之嫌。

36、Thus, the monopolist's profitmaximizing quantity of output is determined by the intersection of the marginal-revenue. ─── 竞争市场中的企业的需求曲线是一条水平线,即需求增加时,市场价格是不变的。

37、Maybe Chinese women are mostly monopolist, and when they consider one man is belong to them, they can't share with anybody, no matter the other woman is the daughter-in-law or mother-in-law. ─── 可能是因为中国女人的占有欲都特别的强。当他们认为一个男人是属于她的,她就不可能去与任何人分享,也不管另外的那个女人是她的儿媳还是婆婆。

38、Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in the Middle East, and it has always taken the leading role in the oil policy transformation of the international petroleum monopolist OPEC. ─── 作为中东地区重要国家之一,沙特阿拉伯亦是石油输出国组织(欧佩克)的主要成员,在国际石油市场拥有举足轻重的地位。

39、monopolist capital ─── 垄断资本

40、Profit is an ex-post concept,the pricing power can only give monopolist the monopoly rent. ─── 既然他们能确定价格,那麽所赚的,必是番本及得到租值了。

41、Assume that the government official extorting the bribe is a monopolist and whose marginal cost in providing the good is negligible. ─── 假设受贿的政府工作人员对他(代表政府)提供的物品有垄断权,而且对于他来说,额外提供一个这个物品的额外成本可以忽略不计。

42、Because the monopolist has no enemy in the market, customers have only one choice and the monopolist can use some strategies to effect their desire to purchase. ─── 由于垄断者于所在市场中并无竞争者,而消费者仅有一种选择,因此垄断者能以定价及发售时间间隔作为控制变数,而不须顾虑消费者选择其它竞争者之产品。

43、So, call Gu Ge natural monopolist please. ─── 所以,请把谷歌叫做自然垄断者。

44、The government should valorize the natural monopolist products. ─── 政府应该保持自然产品垄断价格的相对稳定。

45、Oligopolists maximize their total profits by forming a cartel and acting like a monopolist. ─── 寡头通过组成卡特尔,象一个垄断者那样行事,以最大化他们的总利润。

46、Is Apple a monopolist, copycat and bully? ─── 苹果是垄断者、抄袭者、行业霸王吗?

47、"I wouldn't call anyone a monopolist, " replied Mr. Gates, who has frequently been the target of that epithet over the years. ─── 盖茨回答说,“我不会易给任何一个人下这个结论”,而多年来他本身则是独裁这个外号追踪的目标。

48、An Incentive Mechanism Design and Analysis of Regulating of A Risk-Avoidable Monopolist ─── 政府对一类风险回避型垄断企业价格管制的激励机制设计与分析

49、You will learn that, in this case, regulating the price that the monopolist charges can potentially enhance economic efficiency. ─── 你将会知道,在这种情况下,规定垄断者收取的价格有可能提高经济效率。

50、This behaviour is rational on the part of the monopolist, but is often seen by competition authorities as an abuse of a monopoly position, whether or not the monopoly itself is sanctioned. ─── 这种行为在垄断者来看是理智的,但是竞争权威们认为无论垄断被禁止与否这都是对垄断地位的滥用。

51、A Game Analysis of Monopolist on Pricing Strategies of Network Externalities'Products ─── 垄断企业网络外部性产品定价策略研究

52、The Thoughts of Regulating China's Public Enterprises' Monopolist Actions ─── 进一步规制我国公用企业垄断行为的思考

53、The best way for a monopolist to profit is to provide precisely the product that consumers want and then charge the highest price it can get. ─── 三件套的西装,火腿奶酪三明治,以及哈佛的一个学期,通通都是组合产品,它们都可以分开销售。甚至,连最热心的司法部律师,也不愿意把这些产品分拆开来。

54、explain why marginal revenue for a monopolist is not equal to demand ? ─── 为什么在垄断中,边际收益不等于需求?

55、I did not think that should destroy Microsoft, but said that an achievement monopolist wants to undertake the corresponding responsibility. ─── 我本身也不认为应该把微软搞垮,而是说作为一个垄断者要承担相应的责任。”

56、The study focus on analyzing the monopolist s optimal pricing of two-part tariffs for consumer with crossing demands .Some results are shown. ─── 中文摘要本文主要讨论当消费者的需求线相交时,独占厂商采用固定费不可抵使用费与固定费可抵使用费的最适定价。

57、Despite the uncertainty of customization goods' quality, the monopolist can collect earnests to evade such uncertain risk and the earnest decreases or increases in different uncertain level. ─── 信息产品定制交易系数位于不同的区间时,厂商收取的边际定金有不同的增减性;消费者对产品差异越敏感,垄断厂商向消费者所收取的边际定金越小。

58、But I am not trying to trivialize that.They are a $40 billion software company which the U.S.Department of Justice has declared a monopolist. ─── 但我并不轻视他们,微软是一家身价400 亿美元,美国司法部曾经宣布其为垄断者的软件公司。

59、monopolist demand ─── 垄断需求

60、Then, in the second part of the thesis, we take the monopolist as private owned enterprise. ─── 在第二个模型中,将垂直一体化企业设定为完全私有。

61、At the beginning of this decade Microsoft, then feared as a bullying monopolist, tried but failed to create a “single sign-on” called “Passport” for the whole web. ─── 在近10年,微软,当时是欺凌的垄断者,试图为整个网络创造一个“单一的登陆进入”叫做“护照”的东西,但最后还是失败了。

62、Monopolist cereal song? ─── 垄断者谷歌?

63、1. Q: What are the requirements for monopolist? ─── 我想专卖上品巴洛克或时尚豪庭,需具备什么条件?

64、TO ITS opponents, it is a brazen attempt by a crafty monopolist to lock up some of the world's most valuable intellectual property. ─── 在竞争对手看来,谷歌如同一只精于垄断的老狐狸,厚颜无耻到竟然想把世界最宝贵的知识财富锁进自家柜里。

65、China Telecom is a special enterprise, which has been splited twice, and has been changed from a monopolist to a market competition participator. ─── 中国电信是一个特殊的企业,中国电信经过了两次分拆,已经由一个完全垄断者变成了一个市场竞争参与者。

66、Comparison of Product Price and Profit before and after Vertical Merger of Monopolist Enterprises ─── 垄断企业垂直兼并前后的产品价格和利润比较

67、Although it has some power in the market, the ACP is no monopolist, able to hold the world's shipping lines to ransom. ─── 尽管运河管理局拥有一些市场支配力,可以决定世界航运线的畅通与否,却并不是一家独大。

68、At worst, you can say it's a highly repentant, largely accidental monopolist. ─── 在最坏的情况下,你也只可以说微软是个时常忏悔的意外垄断者。

69、IBM and Amdahl company are in the monopolist position of domain of this one commerce is clear already ground passivity shook. ─── 据此指出.IBM和Amdahl公司在这一商业领域的垄断者地位已明显地被动摇了。

70、The 21st century is an age of knowledge economy.Embedded system is one of the most important parts of information industry’s economic growth in 21st century, and it cannot be a monopolist industry. ─── 嵌入式系统是信息产业走向二十一世纪知识经济时代的最重要的经济增长点之一,这是一个不可垄断的工业,对中国的信息产业来说充满了机遇和挑战。

71、Transition Three: Monopolist to Savvy Defendant ─── 转变之三:从垄断者到精明的被告

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