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microspore 发音

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microspore 中文意思翻译



microspore 网络释义

n. 小孢子;(种子植物的)花粉粒

microspore 词性/词形变化,microspore变形

形容词: microsporic |

microspore 相似词语短语

1、microsporic ─── 微孢子

2、micropores ─── n.微孔

3、micropore ─── n.微孔

4、microscope ─── n.显微镜

5、microspheres ─── n.微球;[无脊椎]微球体(microsphere的复数)

6、microsome ─── n.[细胞]微粒体

7、microsphere ─── n.微球体;中心体;微滴

8、microspores ─── n.[植]小孢子(microspore的复数)

9、macrospore ─── n.[植]大孢子

microspore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Micronucleus and a lot of abnormal cells can be observed at dyad, tetrad and microspore. ─── 二分体、四分体和小孢子时期,细胞内普遍观察到微核,且出现大量异形细胞。

2、endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish. ─── 萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。

3、At the stage of uninucleate microspore, the tapetum began to degenerate in situ; ─── 8.单核小孢子时期,绒毡层开始原位解体;

4、The cytokinesis of the microspore mother cells in meiosis is the simultaneous type. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型。

5、In reproductive organs, much CaMK was found in young embryos and some anther cells such as microspore mother cells, tetrads and tapetum. ─── 在生殖器官中,有大量钙调素激酶分布于幼胚及花药小孢子母细胞、四分体及绒毡层细胞中;

6、[9]Li Yan,Liu Fan,Cao Ming-qing.1993.Embryoidgenesis and plant regeneration from isolated microspore cultures of Brassica campestris ssp.Chinensis.Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,8(3):92-97. ─── (in Chinese)李岩,刘凡,曹鸣庆.1993.通过游离小孢子培养方法获得白菜三个变种的胚胎及植株.华北农学报,8(3):92-97.

7、Tapetum begins to degenerate at the early stage of free microspore, producing lots of ubisch bodies, and it becomes completely degenerated at anther dehiscence. ─── 小孢子发育早期绒毡层开始降解并分泌形成大量乌氏体,花药开裂时绒毡层完全消失,剩下少量乌氏体。

8、Development stage Of microspore ─── 小孢子发育时期

9、Megaspore and microspore genesis and the development of gemetophytes in tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia ─── 四倍体刺槐大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育

10、Crescent or irregular shape of microspore at stage of central nucleus. 24. ─── 23.单核中央期小孢子呈月牙形和不规则形状。

11、The cytokinesis of the microspore mother cells in meiosis is successive and the microspore tetrads are tetrahedial. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂中的胞质分裂为连续型,四分孢子为四面体型;

12、Low temperature and mannitol pretreatment favor the maintaining of microspore activity. ─── 低温和甘露醇预处理都有利于保持小孢子的活力。

13、Microspore abortion occurred after the tetrad formation. ─── 孢子败育发生在四分体形成以后。

14、In theterosporous species, a distinction is usually made between megaspore mother cells and microspore mother cells. ─── 在异型孢子体种类中,可区分为大孢子母细胞和小孢子母细胞。

15、The big,empty and abortive pollen grains are abserred at the stage of uninuclear microspore. ─── 单核期的小孢子出现壁发育不良和巨大及空花粉现象。

16、The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into telophase. 17. ─── 16.收缩的小孢子母细胞质中核进入减数分裂末期。

17、It is suggested that the microspore's abortive process between L23A and K03A is different and the abortion is related to abnormal behavior and no-function of tapetum. ─── 小孢子外壁解体过程中,L23A的小孢子原生质收缩为核质不分的一团,而K03A的小孢子原生质逐渐解体。

18、The microspore mother cells in plants exposed to low temperature develop numerous vacuoles and thus show thin cytoplasm.Plasmolysis and accumulation of lipid easily occur in these cells. ─── 低温影响下,小孢子母细胞产生大量小液泡,细胞质变稀,发生质壁分离,细胞质中积累金属锇染色深的脂类物质。

19、The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish. ─── 可见,萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。

20、Moreover, the karyotype of microspore was studied also.Its results were fundamentaly identical with that of body cell, but there were some differences also. ─── 另外,研究了葱小孢子的核型,其结果与体细胞的核型基本一致,但有差异。

21、The cytological features of the dedifferentiation microspore were identified that nucleus changed its position and cytoplasm restructured. ─── 明确了脱分化小孢子的发育过程,其显著特点是:核位置改变,细胞质重组。

22、The influence of 6-BA on wheat microspore embryogenesis was studied by adding certain concentration 6-BA under starvation and heat shock conditions. ─── 在高温和饥饿胁迫的基础上,通过添加一定浓度的6-BA,研究了6-BA对小麦小孢子胚胎发生的影响。

23、microspore tetrad ─── 四分小孢子

24、The pretreatment with low temperature was beneficial to maintaining microspore vitality. ─── 低温预处理有利于保持小孢子的活力;

25、In the late stage of microspore, the nucleus is at the internal end of the cell and a large vacuole occupies the centre of the cell. ─── 发育到晚期的小孢子核,位于细胞内侧,细胞中央被一大液泡所占据。

26、microspore developmental path-ways ─── 小孢子发育途径

27、Depositions of wall started at the late stage of tetrad, and the exine was fundamentally completed by late stage of microspore. ─── 小孢子外壁的沉积始于四分体晚期,至小孢子晚期外壁已基本发育完全。

28、Isolated Microspore culture is one of the methods to obtain haploid. ─── 游离小孢子培养技术是获得大白菜单倍体植株的有效途径之一。

29、Microspore Embryogenesis from Anther Culture of Winter Cau lif lower (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. botrytis) ─── 冬花椰菜的小孢子胚胎发生研究

30、The archesporial cells differentiated from single archesporium, the meiosis of microspore mother cells were continuous type and tetrads were tetrahedral. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂为连续型,形成的四分体为四面体型排列;

31、A Study on Obtaining Primary Trisomics by the Isolated Microspore Culture of Autotetraploid Chinese Cabbage ─── 利用小孢子培养创建大白菜初级三体的研究

32、The monokaryotic microspore had a big nucleus and abundant organelles. ─── 单核小孢子时期,细胞核大,细胞器丰富。

33、At the stage of microspore, the tapetal cells evidently degenerated, and starches in parenchyma around vascular bundle became large. ─── 在小孢子时期,药隔薄壁细胞中淀粉粒体积增大,绒毡层细胞明显退化;

34、In process of microspore analyse,we found the microspore in honey of Apis florae Fabriciuvs could influence sense,and made more evaluation. ─── 在分析花粉的过程中,发现花粉对小蜜蜂蜂蜜的感观有影响,并作进一步评价。

35、Title: Several Factors Influencing the Plantlet Formation of Microspore Embryoid in Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ─── 关键词:羽衣甘蓝;小孢子培养;胚状体;小植株

36、At the late microspore stage, the degeneration of the tapetal cell begins, and the thickening of the endothecium cell wall by callose happens. ─── 小孢子晚期,绒毡层细胞开始解体,药室内壁细胞开始加厚,其加厚的物质为胼胝质类物质。

37、that in the microspore stage, the content of praline and lysine and the activity of CAT and SOD in fertile cultivars are significantly higher than those in sterile ones; ─── 在小孢子期,可育品种脯氨酸和赖氨酸含量显著高于不育品种,过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶活性也是可育品种高于不育品种;

38、The number of chromosome of 732 microspore plant lines were identified,the result showed that 109 lines were trisomic lines. ─── 四倍体小孢子培养获得植株为大白菜三体系的创建找到了一条有效的途径。

39、microspore embryo ─── 小孢子成胚

40、Before the stage of microspore mother cell, few calcium-induced precipitates were found in sporogenous cells and the somatic cells of anther wall. ─── 在造孢细胞到小孢子母细胞时期,花药中钙颗粒增加。

41、Title: Isolated Microspore Culture and Plant Regeneration in Purple Flowering Stalk (Brassica compestris ssp. chinensis var. pupurea Hort. ─── 关键词:红菜薹;游离小孢子;胚状体;植株再生

42、After microspore mitosis, calcium precipitates appeared in the big vacuole of 2-cellular pollen, and then the vacuole disappeared. ─── 在小孢子分裂形成二胞花粉后,在二胞花粉的大液泡中又特异性地出现许多细小钙颗粒。

43、Tissue culture,such as microspore culture and embryo technique was widely developed in rapeseed breeding and fundamental studies. ─── 小孢子技术、体细胞原生质体融合技术等组织培养手段已广泛应用于油菜育种及基础性研究。

44、The abnormal rate of formation and development of microspore pollen and anther abortion are highest in E, next in X,lowest in N. ─── 低温处理后,3个品种小孢子的异常率以及花粉和花药的败育率都以E品种最高,X品种次之,N品种最低。

45、Progress of isolated microspore cultures of cruciferae vegetabale crops ─── 十字花科蔬菜游离小孢子培养研究进展

46、The exine deposition is initiated during the tetrad stage, and the intine formation begins at vacuolated microspore stage. ─── 小孢子在四分体时期开始沉积花粉外壁,小孢子大液泡化时期开始沉积花粉内壁。

47、Genetic Transformation of ELS Derived from Barley Microspore Culture ─── 大麦小孢子来源胚状体的遗传转化

48、Effects of Low Temperature Pretreatment on Isolated Microspore Embryogenesis in Brassica napus L. ─── 低温预处理对甘蓝型油菜小孢子胚胎发生的影响。

49、Keywords Selaginella;microspore;ornamentation;micro - morphological character;scanning electron microscope; ─── 卷柏属;小孢子;微形态学;扫描电子显微镜;

50、The male-sterile line C26 abortion form mainly has: the microspore mother cell can not develop into meiosis, because of the extrusion from the huge tapetum. ─── 不育系C26的败育形式主要有:绒毡层巨大化,向内挤压小孢子母细胞,使其不能正常生长发育进入减数分裂;

51、Abnormality of tapetum :The tapetum in JIYUGENG began to break up at meiosis stage, and basically disintegrated at late microspore stage. ─── 2.药壁组织绒毡层结构的异常:可育品种吉玉粳绒毡层从减数分裂期开始降解,到小孢子晚期基本上解体;

52、microspore mother cell ─── 小孢子母细胞

53、When the tapetum disintegrates gradually later, the microspore mother cell has still not entered meiosis, finally disintegrated. ─── 到后期绒毡层逐渐解体,小孢子母细胞依然没有进入减数分裂,最终解体。

54、Cytokinesis of microspore mother cells during meiosis was simultaneous type, and pollen grains were 2-cell, it suggested that the Dioscoreaceae was rather primitive in Angiosperm. ─── 同时型胞质分裂和2-细胞型花粉证实了小花盾叶薯蓣所在薯蓣科是较原始的被子植物;

55、Isolated microspore cultivation ─── 小孢子培养

56、Aim The development of megasporogenesis and microspore of morphological bisexual flowers of S. ─── 大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生T形四分体和少数线形四分体。

57、Microspore regeneration plantlet ─── 小孢子再生植株

58、microspore growth stage ─── 小孢子发育状态

59、megaspore and microspore cytological development ─── 大小孢子发育

60、The cytokinesis of microspore mother cell in meiosis is simuteneous,and the tetrad are tetrahedral. ─── 四分体胞质分裂为同时型。

61、All the materials microspore embryoid yield had significant improvement under low temperature pretreatment. ─── 供试材料经低温预处理,小孢子胚产量均有明显提高。

62、Microspore plantlet ─── 小孢子植株

63、Organells including endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plastids, dictyosome and sphaeroplassts are rich in microspore at meiosis and tetrad stages. ─── 减数分裂和四分体时期,细胞处于明显的代谢活跃状态,细胞器丰富,主要有内质网、线粒体、质体、高尔基体和球状体;

64、The fertility and tetrasporic micronucleus of microspore were observed too.They are 48%and 23.6%respectively. ─── 同时观察了韭菜的育性和小孢子四分体微核情况,育性和四分体微核率分别为48%、23.6%。

65、Cytokinesis is of the simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are mainly tetrahedral. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体形;

66、Observation on microspore abortion of 'White angel was made by means of light microscopy. ─── 对王百合雄性不育突变体‘白天使’小孢子败育的过程进行了显微观察。

67、The two sperm nuclei and the tube nucleus are all derived from a single microspore nucleus by mitosis. ─── 两个精核和管核都是从同一个小孢子核有丝分裂产生的。

68、Influence of Exogenous Auxin on Microspore Embryogenesis in Tobacco ─── 小孢子早期胚胎发生的影响

69、The abnormality of tetrad callose wall degradation and tapetum development was associated with the abortion of microspore. ─── 导致小孢子败育的原因与四分体胼胝质壁不适时解体和绒毡层细胞发育异常、延迟解体有关。

70、During the meiosis of microspore mother cells, the amount of starches apparently increased in parenchyma around vascular bundle but there were no starches in tapetal and middle layer cells. ─── 在减数分裂时期,药隔薄壁细胞中积累的淀粉粒明显增多,绒毡层细胞中仍然没有淀粉粒。

71、Complete disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of vacuolated microspore. ─── 单核液泡期的小孢子细胞质完全解体。

72、Microspore mother cells in an anther started but did not end the meiosis at the same time. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂同时开始,但不同时结束,分裂过程高度不同步。

73、The microspore mother cells undergo meiosis, and the cytokinesis is simultaneous.The tetrads are tetrahedral.Mature pollen grains are two-celled at the dispersal stage. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂后胞质分裂为同时型,四分体为四面体型排列,成熟的花粉粒为二细胞型。

74、Title: Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Isolated Microspore Culture of Kale (Brassica oleracea L. Var. Acephala DC. ─── 关键词:羽衣甘蓝;小孢子;胚状体;植株再生

75、In theterosporous species, a distinction is usually made between megaspore mother cells and microspore mother cells. ─── 在异型孢子体种类中,可区分为大孢子母细胞和小孢子母细胞。

76、Cytokinesis in the microspore is of the simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are mainly tetrahedral.Pollen grains are mainly 2-celled when shed. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体型,成熟花粉是2.细胞型。

77、Keywords microspore;isotherm;adsorption loop;permeability; ─── 原生孔;等温线;吸附回线;渗透性;

78、At the microspore stage, the spathe unfolded and the stigma was unvisibale. ─── 二胞花粉期,柱头伸出,小花呈暗紫红色。

79、The number of ribosome in cytoplasm of microspore mother cells decreased gradually during meiosis. ─── 二分体时期,质体和线粒体形态结构基本恢复正常。

80、that the highest level of amino acid variation is present between the stage of tetrad and uni-nuclear microspore; ─── 可育品种与不育品种相比,在从四分体到单核花粉的小孢子期(小蕾期),是氨基酸变化差异最明显的时期;

81、The main methods that produce doubled haploid( DH) lines for barley breeding are Hordeum bulbosum method, anther culture method and microspore culture method. ─── 大麦加倍单倍体(dh群体)立的方法很多,目前在大麦遗传育种中运用较多的主要有球茎大麦法、药培养法和小孢子培养法等三种。

82、development of microspore ─── 小孢子发育

83、Microspore mother cells in an anther started but di d not end the meiosis at the same time. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂同时开始,但不同时结束,分裂过程高度不同步。

84、Cytokinesis at meiosis of microspore mother cells is modified simultaneous, and tetrads are decussate or isobilateral, occasionally linear. ─── 四分体排列方式为交叉型或左右对称型,偶为直线型;

85、Title: Chromosomal Location and Expression of Green Fluorescent Protein (gfp) Gene in Microspore Derived Transgenic Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ─── 关键词:大麦;绿色荧光蛋白;荧光原位杂交;基因表达;染色体位置

86、Meiosis of microspore mother cells is synchronous or unsynchronous. ─── 小孢子母细胞减数分裂同步或不同步。

87、By cultivating five genetic types of Purple Flowing Stalk on nature conditions,the influence of addition of activated charcoal(AC) on the isolated microspore embryogenesis has been studied. ─── 对五个红菜薹基因型的品种进行培养,研究活性碳对小孢子出胚的影响。

88、Plantlet derived from microspore ─── 小孢子来源植株

89、Microspore developed before macrospore, and there was certain relation between length of flower and development of them. ─── 另外,大小孢子的发育与花的外部形态存在一定的相关性。

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