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10-02 投稿


murk 发音

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英:  美:

murk 中文意思翻译





murk 网络释义

n. 黑暗;阴沉,阴郁adj. 阴郁的;黑暗的n. (Murk)人名;(德)穆尔克

murk 短语词组

1、murk eye ─── 黑眼

murk 词性/词形变化,murk变形


murk 相似词语短语

1、mirk ─── n.阴郁;黑暗;adj.黑暗的;阴郁的;n.(Mirk)人名;(匈)米尔克

2、Turk ─── n.土耳其马;土耳其人

3、murky ─── adj.黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的

4、muck ─── n.淤泥;垃圾;肥料;品质低劣的东西;vt.弄脏;施肥;清除…的污物;vi.闲逛;鬼混;n.(Muck)人名;(德、匈、捷)穆克

5、merk ─── n.默克(姓氏)

6、mark ─── n.标志;符号;痕迹;分数;vt.做标记于;打分数;使有污点;标明方位;庆贺;赋予特征;表明;注意;盯人防守;vi.作记号;打分数;使有污点;n.(Mark)马克(人名)

7、lurk ─── vi.潜伏;潜藏;埋伏;n.潜伏;埋伏

8、burk ─── n.傻瓜(等于berk);n.(Burk)人名;(德)布尔克;(法)比尔克;(英)伯克

9、mura ─── n.(日)不均匀;无稳;色差

murk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shin:(with severe countenance) I have dealt with the murk shield barrier twice. Let me try to break it! ─── 心:(正色)我已对付过玄阴结界两次,让我来试著打破!

2、But perhaps none has publicised the murk and cruelty of life in Russia so effectively as the mysterious death of an unimportant man. ─── 但是,随着一个无足重轻的人神秘死亡,如此有力的例子历历在目,也许就没有人会将生活在俄罗斯体验到的黑暗与残酷出版成书了。

3、One way to cut through the murk is to look beyond the individual technologies and policies to the principles underlying them. ─── 众所周知,翻译中失误在所难免,其原因是多方面。

4、Murk and haze ─── 雾气朦胧

5、Longing for full knowledge, one must chart route through the murk of unknowing. ─── 有时由于渴望取得全面了解,还必须在一片无知的混沌之中开出一条路子来。

6、Some teachers went to school to support students who had chosen to brave the murk and attend class. ─── 一些老师依旧去学校为不顾雾霾困扰勇敢来上学的学生们上课。

7、Murk, dreariness in the hushed manor house; flies asleep on the ceiling. ─── 沉寂的大宅里昏暗、沉闷,苍蝇都在天花板上睡着了。

8、The men watched in frustration as the ring's strobe light, meant to alert searchers, blinked dimly in the murk. ─── 其他人沮丧地望着救生圈的闪光灯在黑暗中微弱地闪烁,这本是为了向搜寻者求救设计的。

9、Luis Marden, Scuba diver wrests a jar perhaps a thousand years old from the murk of a cenote, or ceremonial well in the late 1950s. ─── 路易斯·马登,1950年代后期,带水下呼吸器的潜水员费尽九牛二虎之力从黑暗的灰岩坑中挖出一个可能有1000年历史的罐子。

10、1.One way to cut through the murk is to look beyond the individual technologies and policies to the principles underlying them. ─── A1:澄清混乱一个方法是,找出各种技术问题和政策背后原则。

11、However, good added the sleep, and also benefit to the hereafter the day to faint the murk study of ground. ─── 不过,很好的补充了睡眠,也有利于以后天昏地暗的学习。

12、Researchers hailed halted to studies of an experimental AIDS vaccine from the drug company Murk Merck. ─── 默克药物公司的研究员停止实验室艾滋病疫苗研究。

13、Somewhere down in the murk a lot of old people and asthmatics were dying. ─── 在这黑暗下的某处,许多老人和哮喘病人正在通往死亡的道路。

14、On lap 11, into the chicane, he sliced through and vanished into the murk, winning it by 13.8 seconds. ─── 在第11圈时,发生了变化,他切线然后消失在黑暗之中,以13.8秒的领先优势获胜。

15、He sees it for only a few seconds before a thunderhead blocks the view, and the shuttle plunges into gray murk. ─── 他仅仅看了它几秒便被一片雷雨云挡住了视野.接着飞船便沉入一片灰色阴暗天空。

16、Wang Quansheng gestures through the midday murk of what passes for a sunny day in Tangshan , the heavily polluted steel capital of China . ─── 王全胜在正午的昏暗中打着手势,在唐山,这就算是个晴天了。唐山是污染严重的中国钢铁之都。

17、find this yout and murk him? ─── |找到这小子然后干掉他?

18、The latest failyears failures came last September.Researchers hailed halted to two studies of an experimental AIDS vaccine from the drug company "Murk Merck". ─── 最近一次的试验失败是在去年九月,研究者便停止了两项来自MERCK医药公司的试验性AIDS疫苗的研究。

19、What's more, the visual murk creates emotional murk; the experience is such a downer that it's hard to find moments of up. ─── 另外,视觉上的昏暗还带来了情绪上的昏暗,整个过程如此沉闷,都很难找到让人兴奋的时候。

20、Men wept at its biting caress, and high above the stadium, clouds formed in the murk. ─── 人们在刺痛下哭泣,场地上空,阴暗的云正在聚集。

21、My vehicle comes to a hasty halt as a disabled car emerges abruptly from the murk dead ahead. ─── 轮胎发出一阵刺耳的煞车声,车子立即停止,这时一辆抛锚的汽车,突然在前方暗处现身。

22、"What?" The spirit gaped at the murk. ─── "什麽 "? 精神在黝暗裂开。

23、Rain fell on lap 10, as Michael was following Mika. On lap 11, into the chicane, he sliced through and vanished into the murk, winning it by 13.8 seconds. ─── 第10圈时开始下雨,迈克尔跟在米卡后面。在第11圈时,发生了变化,他切线然后消失在黑暗之中,以13.8秒的领先优势获胜。

24、But the polls have at least allowed a tiny flicker of pluralist light into the murk of Burmese totalitarianism. ─── 但是本次投票至少使得多元论的一小点光芒挤进了缅甸极权主义的黑暗统治中。

25、in the murk of his brain. ─── 在他阴暗沉郁的脑海里闪耀亮光。

26、The psychological thriller "Murk" tells the story of Jacob, who is investigating into the circumstances surrounding his sister's death on her wedding night. ─── 这是一部心理惊栗电影,讲述积克调查妹妹在新婚夜死亡的故事。

27、Wang Quansheng gestures through the midday murk of what passes for a sunny day in Tangshan, the heavily polluted steel capital of China. ─── 王全胜在正午的昏暗中打着手势,在唐山,这就算是个晴天了。唐山是污染严重的中国钢铁之都。

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