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materialistic 发音

英:[m?,t??r??'l?st?k]  美:[m?'t?r??'l?st?k]

英:  美:

materialistic 中文意思翻译



materialistic 网络释义

adj. 唯物主义的;唯物论的

materialistic 词性/词形变化,materialistic变形

名词: materialist |副词: materialistically |形容词: materialistic |

materialistic 短语词组

1、post-materialistic ─── [网络] 后物质性

2、materialistic people ─── 物质主义者

3、materialistic happiness ─── 物质幸福感

4、materialistic society ─── 物质社会

5、materialistic lifestyle ─── 物质生活方式

6、materialistic values ─── 唯物主义价值观

7、materialistic possessions ─── 物质占有

materialistic 同义词

acquisitiveness | greed |realism | cupidity | physicalism | avidity | philistinism | greediness | avarice

materialistic 反义词


materialistic 相似词语短语

1、nonmaterialistic ─── 非物质的

2、imperialistic ─── adj.帝国主义的;帝国主义者的;拥护帝国主义的

3、materialist ─── n.唯物主义者;实利主义者

4、cameralistic ─── adj.财政的;财政或经济的

5、materialisation ─── 物质化

6、materialistical ─── 唯物主义

7、materialists ─── n.唯物主义者;实利主义者

8、maternalistic ─── adj.母亲的;母性的;母系的;母体遗传的(maternal的变形)

9、paternalistic ─── adj.家长式作风的

materialistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The movies as well as the books of that era demonstrated a new materialistic attitude that America had never before experienced. ─── 电影,以及那个时代的书籍,表现出一种新的美国前所未遇的贪图享乐的态度。

2、Others see us as overly materialistic, somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces. ─── 也有一些人觉得我们太过注重物质生活,粗鲁和缺乏社交礼仪。

3、8, Chinese are extremely materialistic and selfish. They are whiny and have never contributed anything to the society they lived in. ─── 中国人唯利是图也非常自私,他们牢骚满腹,从来没有为他们生活的社会贡献过任何东西.

4、Application of TJ281-BEP new waterproof coiled materi als in the tunnel project ─── TJ281-BEP新型防水卷材在隧道工程中的应用

5、Thc Thought of "Three Representatives" is all the Direction Development to Materialistic Interpretation of History ─── "三个代表"重要思想是对唯物史观的全方位发展

6、Historical Materialistic Bases of the "Three Representatives" ─── "三个代表"的唯物史观依据

7、The majority of the educated grew materialistic in their mental outlook. ─── 大多数教育是在他们的精神面貌上增长了唯物主义。

8、Keywords Emulsion Flavor;Stability;Cloudiness;Raw Materi als;Application; ─── 乳化香精;稳定性;浊度;原料;应用;

9、And it has enriched the theoretical treasury of materialistic historical concept with its profound historical concept with its profound historical contents and obvious times feature. ─── 它以深厚的历史底蕴和鲜明的时代特色,丰富了唯物史观的理论宝库。

10、materialistic language theory ─── 唯物主义语言理论

11、Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in some ways: they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others. ─── 许多人说,失业虽然极其痛苦,却在某些方面改善了他们的生活:他们变得不那么物质主义,在财务上更加谨慎了,并且更加了解别人的难处。

12、This is the most contradictory part. If GF had been so materialistic and she had not changed, then where is his 担当 and promises? ─── 以上总总,我从不抱怨,因为我相信男人是要有担当的,我真心对GF,对将和自己过下半辈子的人,好一点是应该的

13、Buddha's psychology sounds almost behavioristic and materialistic, similar to some twentieth-century expressions of psychology. ─── 佛陀的心理学听起来几乎是行为主义和唯物主义的,与一些20世纪的心理学观点类似。

14、From the ancient of times, man has sought something beyond the materialistic world, something immeasurable, something sacred. ─── 从古代开始,人类就在追求一种超越物质世界的、不可臆测的、神圣的境界。

15、So that, the thought liberation should become importantly tenet of materialistic history write in the Marxist philosophy. ─── 因此,思想解放应该成为唯物史观的重要原则写入马克思主义哲学。

16、And, ironically, the pursuit of materialistic goals usually hinders the pursuit of happiness. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,以追求物质生活为目标往往会阻碍我们对幸福的追求。

17、Materialistic dialectics is an important part of constituting Marxism. ─── 唯物辩证法是马克思主义的重要组成部分。

18、80The pursuit of materialistic goals usually hinders the pursuit of happiness. ─── 以追求物质生活为目标往往会阻碍我们对幸福的追求.

19、Carvaka also known as Lokayata, is a thoroughly materialistic and atheistic school of thought with ancient roots in India. ─── 卡瓦卡也被称为路卡瓦塔,是一个彻底的唯物主义者,无神论学派来自于古老的印度。

20、His theory is purely materialistic. ─── 他的理论是纯粹唯物的。

21、The platonic historical outlook is a theory opposite to the historical materialistic perspective. ─── 唯心史观是与唯物史观相对立的一种理论。

22、” Only enter into the situation of no-self, then can detach from the temptation of the materialistic desires.“Originally without any thing, where were infected with the dust. ─── 只有进入无我之境,才能超然物欲之诱,“本来无一物,何处染尘埃。”

23、If you run after money, you're materialistic. ─── 如果你追逐金钱,你是物资主义者。

24、But Kyte gave me the most materialistic lessons. ─── 但是肚皮给了我最唯物主义的教育。

25、From the viewpoint of materialistic mind-body monism, the body of a human being (mainly the nerve system) has two functions-physiological and psychological. ─── 从唯物论的心身一元论的观点来看,人体(主要是神经系统)有两种机能,即生理机能和心理机能。

26、In thin materialistic age, simplicity of family life has its own happiness. ─── 在这唯物主义的时代里,简朴的家庭生活也有它的乐趣。

27、To my mind, this materialistic, or let's refer to it as a naturalistic, view of mind is lamentable, humbling, and distasteful, yet obvious and inescapable. ─── 对我而言,这种唯物主义的,或者说是自然主义的观点是可悲的、令人羞耻的、不愉快的,但同时也是明显的、无法逃避的。

28、Materialistic philosophy and scientific thought began to challenge the church dogmas and religious mysticism. ─── 唯物主义哲学和科学思想开始向教堂信条和宗教神秘提出挑战。

29、"You lawyers are so materialistic, you make me sick!!! ─── “你们律师真是物质至上,我很不舒服!”

30、The most distinctive attribute of this tradition is the mechanistic, materialistic conception of humanity. ─── 这一传统最显著的特征是机械主义、唯物主义的人性观。

31、New Exploration of the Logical Starting-Point of the Materialistic Conception of History ─── 唯物史观的逻辑起点新探

32、the materialistic dialectics ─── 唯物辩证法

33、New contribution of "Three Represents" important thought to materialistic historical viewpoint ─── "三个代表"重要思想对唯物史观的新贡献

34、Therefore, this paper tries to study Karl Marx's historical materialistic justice thoughts. ─── 因此,本文试图探讨马克思历史唯物主义的正义思想。

35、She married for money. She had an affair. She carried on naked in the pool with her boyfriend. She's cold, materialistic, unlikable. ─── 她为钱结婚,他有婚外情。她赤身裸体和男朋友在泳池边嬉戏。她冷酷,无情,不讨人喜欢。

36、Materialistic practical philosophy or practical materialism does not lie in replacing "material ontology" with "practical ontology" , its ontology is still material monism of dialectical materialism. ─── 唯物主义的实践哲学或实践的唯物主义,并不在于以“实践本体论”代替物质本体论,它的本体论仍然是辩证唯物主义的物质一元论。

37、Chinese are extremely materialistic and selfish. They are whiny and have never contributed anything to the society they lived in. ─── 中国人唯利是图也非常自私,他们牢骚满腹,从来没有为他们生活的社会贡献过任何东西。

38、Cynical, self seeking, materialistic and ungoverned by the principles of the Truth. ─── 冷嘲热讽、寻求自己、注重物质利益,不愿意受真理的约束。

39、Two Problems That Await Development in the Studies of the Materialistic Conception of History ─── 唯物史观研究有待拓展的两个问题

40、Materialistic Dialectic and Scientific Concept of Development ─── 唯物辩证法与科学发展观

41、I hope fo a non materialistic, funny, and down to earth type for bedtime frolicking and more, a best friend to call my own.I also like Rock n Roll all the time, and living abroad. ─── 娱乐, 广交朋友, 男女朋友/婚姻你希望我们在哪里约见 在哪儿都无所谓您喜欢以何种方式来放松 消遣 桑那您有幸中了彩票 最想干什麽?

42、Building Well- off Society in an All - round Way from the View of Materialistic Dialectics ─── 唯物辩证法视野中的全面建设小康社会

43、Until this year, with the excitement about Barack Obama's candidacy, far more Americans, including most youth, were more concerned about materialistic concerns than politics.Mr. ─── 到今年为止,尽管奥巴马的参选是一件令人兴奋的事,但越来越多的美国人,包括年轻人,比关注政治更加关注物质。

44、The pursuit of materialistic goals usually hinders the pursuit of happiness. ─── 以追求物质生活为目标往往会阻碍我们对幸福的追求。

45、Further more the materialistic and dialectic viewpoints of mechanics are important philosophic ideas through the whole physics. ─── 力学体现出的唯物和辩证的观点,更是贯穿整个物理学的重要哲学思想。

46、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

47、But such is the logic of materialistic development. ─── 但是这就是物质主义发展的逻辑。

48、a glandular aversion to materialistic values ─── 对实物主义道德价值本能的厌恶

49、He revealed to his country-people the social function of sciences from two perspectives: materialistic technology and ideological culture and formed his unique standpoint. ─── 他从物质技术和思想文化两个方面向国人揭示了科学的社会功能,形成了独特的观点。

50、I guess many men is mentally repressed by materialistic gf like this... The ones that are happily together with their gf probably won't say much anyway. ─── 唔系净系睇到自己女友先知女仔系点既,见得人多就知其他人系点架喇。做人应该对任何人物、事物都要有分析能力。唔系话唔身受其害就唔识发表意见既。

51、flowers red green, growing up in a materialistic life is only temporary, would be well advised to have this behavior stop immediately. ─── 花红酒绿,纸醉金迷的日子只是暂时的,奉劝有这种行为的人赶紧止步。

52、Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous materi: al written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously tod: ay. ─── 加利福尼亚高级法院今天无异议裁决:互联网使用者和提供者对于发表他人所写的诽谤材:料不必承担责任。

53、It will be a materialistic phenomenon. Not helpful in going beyond, it will be like creating your own trap. ─── 它只是个唯物现象,对超越并无帮助,它将会使你陷入陷阱。

54、Despite the materialistic observation at the Royal observatory, the interpretation of natural phenomena was all of a mythological nature, still enshrouded in the concept of divination. ─── 唯物性的皇家观测虽然已经实施于灵台,但对自然现象的解释却完全是神学的,仍然笼罩于占卜观念中。

55、Materialistic Sims love buying new things and therefor tend to strive towards great wealth. They dream of the most expensive items and work hard towards that goal. ─── 喜爱物质享受的市民爱买新事物,因此总为巨大财富奋斗。他们梦想的最昂贵的项目,并努力工作以实现这一目标。

56、They get a commitment to something other than the usual values they have in their lives. Suddenly, besides the materialistic values, there is something else. ─── 他们对生活中寻常价值观以外的某件事情有了一分热忱。突然地,除了物质上的价值标准之外,又有了其他的东西。

57、"I'd say that second-hand stores are the result of our wasteful, materialistic culture," said Slocum, who works for a pro-conservation organization, the Center for a New American Dream. ─── 在第一次世界大战中,救世军在服务性工作中作出的贡献,消除了外界对他们的编见。

58、Their philosophy being materialistic, they scoffed at the vision that people held of the world to come. ─── 他们的人生哲学是唯物主义的哲学,他们讥笑人们对于所谓天国所抱的幻想。

59、Anyway, Chinese people really don't want to attack the United States. As you know, they are all materialistic person. ─── 总之,中国人真的没有想要去袭击什么美国。你知道,他们都是实利主义者。

60、It contains the materialistic dialectics wisdom and logic and is full of formidable thought strength and logical strength. ─── 它蕴含着唯物辩证法的睿智和逻辑,具有强大的思想力量和逻辑力量。

61、They can be highly ambitious and materialistic and are capable of waiving all moral or ethical values to achieve their goals. ─── 他们可以说是雄心勃勃,物质至上,为了达到目的可能会抛弃一切道义或道德价值。

62、In theoretical substance, materialistic dialectics is the logic of development of thing, in which noumenon is“realistic thing”. ─── 唯物辩证法在理论实质上是关于事物发展的逻辑的理论表达。

63、The environment we live in and people's contributions to the society will be illustrated by art in a conceptual and materialistic way. ─── 人的生存环境,人的社会贡献,都会在一定的意识形态和物质形态上用艺术的方式表达出来。

64、Between a nihilistic, materialistic Chinese Eunuslawhore and an integrated, dignified free being, one must choose. ─── 在一个有着完整尊严的自由人和一个物化的崇尚虚无的人格分裂的宦奴娼之间,一个人一定要做出选择。

65、18 Unfortunately, many people are far more materialistic and achievement-oriented than they are willing to admit. ─── 18很不幸的是,许多人物质利益或个人成就至上的程度远比他们所愿意承认的程度要严重得多。

66、A literally Freudian interpretation of a dream seems to be too narrow and, sometimes, materialistic, too linked to the conception of the dream as an allucinatory satisfaction of pleasure and so on . ─── 佛洛依德式的对梦的解析现在看起来有些狭隘和唯物主义,太过强调梦是反映肉体欲望的概念等等。

67、Most likely you are not an ascetic isolated from overwhelming materialistic reality of our so-called "civilization". ─── 大多数人很可能不是修道的没有与无法抗拒的我们所谓的“文明”唯物主义实相相隔绝。

68、Now it is materialistic, some people believe that the feelings of innocence and holy, and how much can you go in the future? ─── 如今又是物欲横流,有几个人相信纯真的感情至圣,又有多少能够相濡以沫的去面对未来?

69、Everything was built up from nothing, both materialistic life as well as the regulations and systems. ─── 不管是人们的物质生活条件还是国家管理制度体系,一切都是从零开始,白手起家。

70、materialistic view of history ─── 唯物历史观

71、The majority of people on earth are pursuing a materialistic world busily. Nevertheless, a naturalistic world is still worthy for longing for. ─── 在世上大多数人们正繁忙地追求一个物质主义世界。然而,一个自然主义世界仍然是值得向往的。

72、Descriptive comment on Williams'cultural materialistic thinking ─── 威廉斯文化唯物主义思想述评

73、In the materialistic, flashy environment remains a character I really, this is how the conduct of the noble ah! ─── 在物欲横流,浮华骄奢的环境中依然保持着真我本色,这是何等崇高的品行啊!

74、Posterity will some day laugh at the foolishness of modern materialistic philosophy. The more I study nature, the more I am amazed the Creator. ─── 后人终会嘲笑现代唯物哲学家的愚蠢。我越研究大自然,越赞叹造物者的神奇。

75、People Foremost--the Ultimate Principle of Marxism Materialistic Concept of History ─── 以人为本--马克思主义唯物史观的根本原则

76、3. With their fancy clothes and stylish hairdos, they appear too materialistic, which is not to my liking. ─── 他们花哨的穿着和时髦的发型使他们显得过于注重物质享受,这点我很不喜欢。

77、He said the research shows we place the most value on the least materialistic options and want to enjoy life's simple pleasures. ─── 他也表示,调查显示人们将最不物质的选项看得最为重要,而且想要享受生活中的简单乐趣。

78、People's Political Consultative Commission: Advantageous Position in Laying a Materialistic Foundation for a Harmonious Society ─── 人民政协:构建和谐社会物质基础中的优势地位

79、A Probe into the Relationship Between Sustainable development thought and Marxist Materialistic Interpretation of History ─── 可持续发展思想与马克思主义唯物史观关系探微

80、During the 1980s the U.S. became a very materialistic society. ─── 在20世纪80年代,美国成为了一个物质至上的社会。

81、Some people are so deluded by their materialistic desires that they outspend their budget and ruin their own lives and families. ─── 君不见,多少男子为入不敷出铤而走险,终至家破人亡?

82、She made him both soft and materialistic. ─── 她把他变成女性化而又实际化。

83、One's materialistic happiness is dependant on one's economic success, though not completely. ─── 一方面,一个人的物质幸福依赖于经济上的成功,不是依赖。

84、Although they were the little emperors, who were spoiled and materialistic to a certain degree, it will reach a point where they would demand more than just material comfort in life. ─── 尽管他们是小皇帝,在某种程度上曾享有过万千宠爱及物质享受,但总有一天他们的需求会超过物质上的安逸。

85、hlstorical materialistic view ─── 唯物史观

86、Review of Macro Economic Adjustment under Materialistic Dialectics Perspective ─── 基于唯物辩证法的视角看我国当前宏观经济政策的调整

87、The Li-ion high power batteries with the capacity of 10Ah and 7.5Ah were introduced about their designs,performance,choice of the main raw materi als,manufacture process and their quality control. ─── 介绍了大容量动力型10Ah锂离子电池和高功率型7.5Ah锂离子电池的产品设计、技术指标确认、主要原材料的选择、制造工艺过程和性能检测情况。

88、We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, "mine" or "yours" . ─── 早期物质方面的教育使我们从小就对“你的”和“我的”东西,或者具体一点,也就是金钱,泾渭分明。

89、But it would be a mistake to take this argument too far. The fact remains that economic growth doesn't just make countries richer in superficially materialistic ways. ─── 但是,把争论扯的太远是不对的。事实是,经济增长并不仅仅以表面上物质的方式使一个国家富有。










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