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10-02 投稿


Moroccan 发音

英:[m??rɑ?k?n]  美:[m??r?k?n]

英:  美:

Moroccan 中文意思翻译




Moroccan 词性/词形变化,Moroccan变形


Moroccan 短语词组

1、Moroccan monetary unit ─── [网络] 摩洛哥货币单位

2、Moroccan Sea Frontier ─── 摩洛哥海疆

3、Moroccan War of National Liberation ─── 摩洛哥民族解放战争

4、Moroccan Crisis ─── 摩洛哥危机

5、Moroccan dirham ─── [网络] 摩洛哥迪拉姆;摩洛哥道拉姆;摩洛哥迪尔汗

6、fresh moroccan ─── 新鲜摩洛哥菜

7、moroccan mint tea ─── 摩洛哥薄荷茶

8、moroccan argan oil ─── 摩洛哥阿甘油

9、Algerian-Moroccan War ─── 阿尔及利亚-摩洛哥战争

Moroccan 相似词语短语

1、morceau ─── n.(文学作品的)片断,选段

2、Moroccan ─── adj.摩洛哥的;摩洛哥人的;摩洛哥文化的;n.摩洛哥人

3、morcha ─── 印度的反政府示威

4、Moluccan ─── n.摩鹿加语言;adj.摩鹿加群岛的(为印度尼西亚境内众多群岛之一)

5、morchas ─── 印度的反政府示威

6、Moroccans ─── n.摩洛哥人(Moroccan的复数)

7、morocco ─── n.摩洛哥(非洲一国家名);[皮革]摩洛哥皮革

8、moron ─── n.傻瓜;痴愚者;笨人;n.(Moron)人名;(英)莫伦;(法、意、葡、匈)莫龙

9、mortician ─── n.(美)殡葬业者;丧事承办人

Moroccan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moroccan Association for the Support of the Palestine Struggle; ─── 摩洛哥支持巴勒斯坦斗争协会;

2、"I have only played in Ligue 1 for two years and I believe I need to play one or two more seasons in France," Rami, who is of Moroccan roots, said when pressed on his future by France Football. ─── 我已经在法甲踢了两年,我需要在法国再踢两年,”在摩洛哥发迹的拉米把自己未来押在法甲中。

3、Add the pink with Moroccan royalty pithy rose as the first makeup product, it is having protect wet, conciliation very well composed action, and can aggrandizement skin fights oxidation energy. ─── 作为第一款添加摩洛哥皇室玫瑰精粹的粉妆产品,它有着很好的保湿、安抚镇静作用,并能强化肌肤抗氧化能量。

4、The main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is couscous, an old delicacy probably of Berber origin. ─── 主要摩洛哥菜大多数人都熟悉的是库斯库斯的老美味可能的柏柏尔血统。

5、Tagine offers the best Moroccan experience in Dubai. ─── 摩洛哥炖菜馆会给你带来最美好的摩洛哥体验。

6、The new Moroccan king also feels difficult to achieve any breakthrough.Due to the restriction of bilateral and multilateral relations, the prospect of resolving this dispute appears gloomy. ─── 摩洛哥新国王在此问题上如履薄冰,也难有突破,西撒问题的最终解决由于双边和多边关系的制约而显得前景黯淡。

7、I in November 17 `Luonaerduo friend ' with `Zidane friend ' in the benefit match resurfaces, place in Moroccan city Feisi. ─── 我将在11月17日‘罗纳尔多朋友’与‘齐达内朋友’的慈善赛中复出,地点在摩洛哥城市菲斯。”

8、On July 11, 12 Morocco soldiers landed on the Perejil Island and raised two Moroccan flags. ─── 7月11日,12名摩洛哥士兵登上有争议的佩雷希尔岛,并在岛上升起了两面摩洛哥国旗。

9、Moroccan rose protoplasm, frankincense extracts essence, HA, collagen. ─── 成分:浓缩摩洛哥玫瑰原生质、乳香萃取精华、HA、胶原蛋白。

10、The museum presents Moroccan pre-historic and pre-Islamic sites from the northern region of Morocco. ─── 介绍摩洛哥北部地区之史前史及史前伊斯兰的遗迹。

11、After the 1911 Moroccan Crisis when a German gunboat appeared offshore to protect perceived German interests, it was occupied by French troops in 1913. ─── 1911年因德国炮艇靠近海岸以保护德国的利益而引发摩洛哥危机(Moroccan Crisis)后,又被法国军队占领(1913)。

12、Finally, and a bit more lighthearted, is a post by A Moro in America regarding a discussion on popular Moroccan-American site Wafin about the Moroccan male desire to marry a younger woman. ─── 我无法不注意到,几乎在每一个试著寻求另一半的广告,男性都要求找较年轻的女性。说真的,男性有什麽权利,或著谁可以给你们这个权利?

13、Moroccan Cuisine is from an African country with a Middle Eastern flavor and a European Soul. ─── 摩洛哥菜拥有了中东的香味和欧洲的灵魂。

14、The Moroccan had come from nowhere to win the marathon at last year's World Championships in France. ─── 在去年的法国世锦赛上,佳里布就赢得了马拉松比赛的冠军头衔。

15、Bayern Munich are being credited with an interest in Moroccan international left back Badr El Kaddouri. ─── 拜仁有意于一月以一千万欧元签入摩洛哥国家队左闸艾卡度尼

16、But the Moroccan took full advantage of the dead-ball situation and floated a pinpoint cross onto the head of Huth, who was positioned near the far post. ─── 但是这个摩洛哥人充分利用了这个任意球绝好的位置,并且打出了一记精准的弧线球越过站在靠近球门远点的胡特的头顶。

17、Moroccan king boosts women's rights ─── 摩洛哥国王为女性争夺权利

18、Commander Moroccan Sea Frontier Forces ─── 摩洛哥海疆部队司令

19、The Moroccan style's repair design pays great attention the symmetrical esthetic sense in the structure, widely uses the arched entrance. ─── 摩洛哥风格的装修设计在结构上注重对称的美感,广泛使用拱门。

20、However, Fontaine obsessed with football, and joined the Moroccan team Malakeshi local, in the first year and won the national youth soccer championship. ─── 但方丹迷上了足球,并加入了摩洛哥当地的马拉科什队,并在第一年就夺得了全国少年足球冠军。

21、The combined effect of global warming, drought and pumping for extensive agriculture has drastically lowered water reserves in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. ─── 全球暖化、乾旱和吸取地下水的种种影响,彻底降低摩洛哥的马拉喀什城的水存量。

22、The elusive Irhabi007 turned out to be the 22-year-old son of a Moroccan tourism board official and a student of information technology. ─── 神秘莫测的irhabi007原来是一个摩洛哥旅游局官员的22岁的儿子,同时还是一学习it的学生。

23、The Moroccan was born in France but signed for the Reds when he was 20 years old and has been at the club ever since. ─── 摩洛哥人在20岁时就被红军签下,并且自那时起一直效力。

24、Though some of the practices involved in traditional Moroccan wedding ceremonies have changed to reflect changes in society, the ceremony remains an extremely elaborate event. ─── 尽管传统婚礼中的一些风俗习惯已经随着社会的变化而改变了,但是结婚仪式依旧是件极为精致繁复的大事。

25、Moroccan Open ─── 摩洛哥公开赛

26、Moroccan Crises ─── 摩洛哥危机

27、Moroccan War ─── 摩洛哥战争(1907-1912)

28、Moroccan Sea Frontier ─── 摩洛哥海疆

29、Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group ─── 摩洛哥伊斯兰战斗团

30、Moroccan conjoined twins al-Safa (R) and al-Marwa lie on a hospital bed at the National Guard's King Abdul Aziz Medical City in Riyadh on July 10, 2008. ─── 7月10日,一对摩洛哥连体女婴在位于沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得的阿布杜拉国家卫队医疗城接受治疗。

31、The alleged prostitute is Karima el-Mahroug, known as "Ruby the heart-stealer" , the runaway daughter of a Moroccan immigrant. ─── 这名所谓的妓女是一名摩洛哥移民的女儿,名叫卡莉玛·埃尔·马罗格,也被称作“偷心的鲁比”。

32、2.Cafes like Samar are decorated with Moroccan lamps hanging from the ceiling and its menus are spiced up with history snippets befitting the theme of the neighbourhood of two-storey shophouses. ─── 和“夜谭”一样的餐馆,都装饰了垂挂在天花板的摩洛哥吊灯,菜单也加添一些历史片断以增加趣味,与周边2层楼高店家的氛围相称。

33、Moroccan international Marouane Chamakh has arrived in London as he looks to finalise his move to Arsenal, according to Sky Sports. ─── 据天空体育的消息摩洛哥射手沙马赫已经抵达伦敦,他正期待着完成到阿森纳的转会。

34、For example, a total of 34 exotic fish species have been introduced into Moroccan wetlands since 1920, and 18 of them are now naturalised. ─── 例如,一共有34个外来鱼种已引入摩洛哥湿地自1920年以来, 18人现在定居。

35、Info:We have a large selction of Moroccan handmade leather bags, belts, shoes, mules, sandals. Will sh ...... ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮扣合方式:其它腰带扣材质:其它

36、Could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels? ─── 挪威能否在保持其生活水平的同时,又将其碳排放削减到摩洛哥甚至埃塞俄比亚的水平呢?

37、Stop wasting your life with the Moroccan flute and get a real job . ─── 不要把时间浪费在学磨擦洛哥长笛上,去找一份实在的工作。

38、Have you ever been in a Moroccan traditional restaurant? ─── 你以前是否去过摩洛哥传统餐厅?

39、Bold trade speculation, brokerage business may only be the merger of Citigroup and the two Moroccan "loser" a first step towards fully integrated. ─── 业内人士大胆猜测,经纪业务的合并可能只是花旗和大摩这两家“难兄难弟”全面整合的第一步。

40、Moroccan cuisine is also known around the world. ─── 摩洛哥料理也闻名遐迩。

41、For a young Moroccan couple, getting married is no staid affair. ─── 对年轻的摩洛哥情侣而言,结婚并不会是件乏味的事。

42、She was the first woman from an Islamic nation to win an Olympic medal and the first Moroccan athlete of either sex to win a gold medal. ─── 她是第一个获得奥运会奖牌的来自伊斯兰国家的女运动员,也是摩洛哥第一个获得奥运金牌的选手。

43、I am not sure exactly of the Moroccan view of the play being enacted. ─── 我不肯定摩洛哥对此的立场如何。

44、Wydad Athletic Club (WAC) (Arabic: .... ...... ........) is a Moroccan athletics club based in Casablanca. Morocco. best known for its football team. ─── 名字)体育俱乐部:是一个以足球闻名的总部在摩洛哥城市卡萨布兰卡的体育俱乐部.

45、“You can stay, work here and you still have not lost your communication with your country.” Palestinian Bashir Shahin manages this Moroccan restaurant. ─── 他说:“你可以在这儿住下来,在这儿工作,但是你还是和自己的国家保持着联系。”

46、Before Moroccan team and England team are at war, luobusen of England team coach ever thrasonical say: "In this match, our Englishman can hold Moroccan line into bag simply. ─── 摩洛哥队与英格兰队交战前,英格兰队教练罗布森曾夸口说:“在这场比赛中,我们英国人简直可以把摩洛哥队装进袋里。”

47、Royal Moroccan Air Force ─── 摩洛哥皇家空军

48、A resident of the northeastern Moroccan village of Imzouren,near Al Hoceima,steps over rubble a day after an earthquake killed at least 564 people. ─── 在摩洛哥东北部的荷赛马附近伊姆扎仁村庄,一名当地居民从地震的废墟上走过。一天前的大地震至少造成564人死亡。

49、After 24 years of engagement, a Moroccan soldier named Abderrahim has married his bride. ─── 在定婚24年之后,名为阿布杜拉西姆的摩洛哥战士与新娘喜结良缘。

50、"Many people in Korea have a negative view of Muslims when they watch global news on terrorism," notes Seid, the Moroccan worker. ─── “许多韩国人因观看全球反恐新闻而对穆斯林持否定态度,”摩洛哥工作者赛德表示。

51、Easy Moroccan ha development's game operation servosystem goal, already to have had the success application in Southeast Asia's dance block. ─── 易摩哇开发的游戏运营辅助系统goal,已经在东南亚的舞街区上有过成功应用。

52、Quit your worthless job and dedicate your life to the study of the Moroccan flute. ─── 中止你手上毫无意义的工作,然后集中全力去学摩洛哥长笛。

53、Morocco's announcement of the king's marriage and the release of Bennani's photo broke with the Moroccan traditions. By the old tradition, wives of the Moroccan royal household should all wear their veils and make no public appearances. ─── 摩洛哥宣布国王成婚以及公布巴娜妮照片的作法,打破了摩洛哥的传统,依照过去的传统,摩洛哥皇室夫人都是蒙着一层面纱下不公开露面的。

54、(AFP, Madrid) Spanish Prime Minister Aznar warned Morocco that the Madrid government will not allow Rabat authorities to station troops in a disputed Mediterranean island off the Moroccan coast. ─── (法新社马德里电)西班牙总理阿兹纳尔警告摩洛哥,马德里政府不会允许拉巴特当局在接近摩洛哥海岸的一个具争议性地中海岛屿驻军。

55、Fort Ilocandia Resort. The only 5-star resort in Nrthern Luzon. A Spanish Moroccan inspired villa, the resort is complete. ─── 佬沃海景假日酒店,是吕宋岛北部最高级的五星级渡假酒店,由于酒店原属马可斯先生拥有的,酒店的设计及完善的设施皆属总统级水准。

56、Moroccan War of National Liberation ─── 摩洛哥民族解放战争(1953-1956)

57、Chalk white paint tempers the intricate pattern on these carved Moroccan side tables, infusing them with a stripped-down, graphic and modern feel. ─── 摩洛哥风格的茶几用白色缓和了复杂的图案带来的繁复感。

58、In Casablanca in May 2003, 14 Moroccan men carried out highly coordinated suicide bombing attacks at five sites, killing 41 people, including 13 of the bombers. ─── 2003年,14个摩洛哥人在卡萨布兰卡的5个地点实施极为类似的袭击,造成41人死亡,其中包括13名袭击者。

59、A young Moroccan stopped by police refused to show his papers. ─── 一个被警察拦住的摩洛哥青年拒绝出示他的身份证件。

60、He felt that he was entitled to a larger reward for concealing news of the moroccan affair from his readers ─── 他觉得他理应得到更大的报酬,因为他向读者隐瞒了摩洛哥事件的真相。

61、Before becoming guardian of her hearth, the Moroccan bride circles her marriage home three times. ─── 在许多墨西哥人的婚礼上,在第一支舞曲前,来宾们围绕着新婚夫妇站成一个心形的圈。

62、Northern African Music From Arabic Calls to Prayer to Moroccan Trance ─── 北非祈祷音乐及摩洛哥劝斯地方乐曲

63、The Spanish armed forces ousted the Moroccan detachment from the tiny island early on July 17. ─── 17日凌晨,西班牙军队将摩洛哥士兵逐出该小岛。

64、RABAT, Morocco (Reuters) - After 24 years of engagement, a Moroccan soldier named Abderrahim has married his bride. ─── 摩洛哥:在定婚24年之后,名为阿布杜拉西姆的摩洛哥战士与新娘喜结良缘。

65、Moroccan women are to win greater rights concerning marriage and divorce under reforms unveiled by King Mohammed. ─── 在国王穆罕默德的改革和领导下,摩洛哥妇女赢得了更多与结,离婚相关的权利。

66、Moroccan-born Ramzi, Bahrain's first Olympic champion was the only gold medalist among the five sanctioned. ─── 拉姆兹出生于摩洛哥,是巴林首位奥运冠军,也是此次被罚五人中唯一一名金牌得主。

67、There is a wide choice of themes-Middle Eastern, Moroccan, Roman, Balinese and Thai, with each spa reflecting a distinct and trademark ambience. ─── 各种风格的水疗馆琳琅满目,有中东式的、摩洛哥式、罗马式的、还有巴厘岛式的泰式的,每一处都营造出独特的氛围。

68、In traditional Moroccan medicine, Argan oil is used for the care of the body and face to counteract the effects of age or weather. ─── 在传统的摩洛哥医药中,阿甘油用于护理身体和面部来消除岁月或环境所带来的负面影响。

69、On the surface Jaouad Gharib appears to be quite an unassuming character, but the Moroccan is the current world champion in one of the toughest events on the athletics schedule. ─── 从表面上看来,佳里布是一位非常谦虚的运动员。但是你可能想不到,这位谦虚的摩洛哥人却是马拉松这个最艰苦项目现在的世界冠军。

70、Stop wasting your life with the Moroccan flute and get a real job. ─── 不要再把生命浪费在学摩洛哥长笛上,去找一份实在的工作。

71、Hopeful, ablaze in tonal the beauty that revealed Moroccan ceramic tile and mosaic, sapphirine color, blue-black with light green color innovation goes a kind of unusual elegant combination. ─── 乐观、闪亮的中色调展示了摩洛哥瓷砖和马赛克的美,蓝宝石色、深蓝色和水绿色创造出一种罕见的优雅组合。

72、Rose of Pure in the world extracted from Grasse Rose,Bulgarian Rose, Moroccan Rose and Turkish Rose.Its excellent balanced and whitening efficacy is well received and highly trusted. ─── 世界上精纯玫瑰是萃取自格拉斯玫瑰、保加利亚玫瑰、摩洛哥玫瑰、土耳其玫瑰,其均衡肤色,焕白嫩肤的功效显著,受到人们的追崇与信赖。

73、Some snail shells from a Moroccan cave could be humanity's earliest known attempt at art or, possibly, a currency ─── 在摩洛哥的一个山洞中发现的一些海螺外壳可能是已知人类对艺术最早的尝试,或者可能是一种流通货币

74、Seid Issdram, a 30-year-old Moroccan who works in the nearby Gyeonggi Province, travels an hour and a half every day to come to Seoul to pray in the central mosque. ─── 京畿道省附近工作的30岁摩洛哥人赛德,每天旅行一个半小时的路程来首尔中心清真寺礼拜。

75、Moroccan rose extracts - Traditionally renowed for their soothing and moisturising benefits. ─── 摩洛哥玫瑰精华-以镇静及滋润功效见称。

76、Association of Former Members of the Moroccan Liberation Army in the Saharan Provinces; ─── 撒哈拉各省摩洛哥解放军退伍军人协会;

77、Returning home, her ship was seized by Moroccan pirates and she was taken to the ruler of Morocco, Sidi Muhammad, who saw the pretty white woman as an addition to his harem. ─── 在返回途中,她的船被摩洛哥的海盗占领了,而她被带到摩洛哥的统治者SidiMuhammad面前,Muhammad想让这位白种美女成为其众多妻妾中的一员。

78、The 26th International Population Conference opened in the southern Moroccan city of Marrakech Sunday, the first time the conference has been staged on the African continent and in an Arab country. ─── 当地时间27日,第26届世界人口大会在摩洛哥南部古城马拉喀什拉开帷幕,这是世界人口大会首次在非洲和阿拉伯国家举行。

79、Boulahrouz is of Moroccan descent but was born in Holland and has played 15 times for the Dutch. ─── 博拉鲁兹具有摩洛哥血统,他出生于荷兰并为荷兰国家队效力了15场。

80、Meaning and Order in Moroccan Society (with Hildred Geertz and Lawrence Rosen). ─── 摩洛哥社会的意义与秩序。

81、'If I told Maurice I had a nice Moroccan stamp, he would run here naked if he had to, ' says Mr. Behr, the stamp broker in Paris. ─── “如果我告诉哈迪达我这里有一枚摩洛哥邮票珍品,如果情况紧急,他甚至会光着身子跑过来。”巴黎邮票经纪商贝赫说道。

82、He felt that he was entitled to a larger reward for concealing news of the Moroccan affair from his readers. ─── 他觉得他理应得到更大的报酬,因为他向读者隐瞒了摩洛哥事件的真相。

83、Moroccan journalist happily returns home to rejoin his family after being released by authorities. ─── 摩洛哥的记者获得当局的释放后,高兴地返回家园重享天伦之乐。

84、Morocco: Life in the Moroccan desert ─── 摩洛哥:摩洛哥沙漠中的生活

85、A Moroccan project makes 30 films a year, spending no more than 12 days on each one. ─── 一家摩洛哥制片公司一年出品电影多达30部,平均每部费时不超过12天。

86、When she crossed the finish line in first place and took her victory lap carrying a huge Moroccan flag, people in Casablanca poured into the streets to celebrate. ─── 当她第一个冲过终点线,举着摩洛哥国旗绕场一周庆祝胜利的时候,卡萨布兰卡市民冲上街头共同庆祝。

87、At least 46 people were wounded in the attack, including a Moroccan child. ─── 大约46人在攻击中受伤,包括一名摩洛哥儿童。

88、Chinese Parabadiella, Moroccan Abadiella and Australian Abadiella huoi are reviewed. ─── Parabadiella及Abadiella是两个不同的属。 模式标本的图片在这里再次刊出。

89、That means different classical Western cuisines (Italian, French, Spanish, Greek, and Moroccan style) with open-kitchen and 100% home-made Pastry breads ,and so on. ─── 地中海特色菜肴代表着经典的西式菜肴(意大利式,法国式,西班牙式,希腊式,摩洛哥式)山度仕拥有敞开式厨房和自制的面包、糕点等等。

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