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10-02 投稿


madrepore 发音

英:[?m?dr??p??r]  美:[?m?dr??p??]

英:  美:

madrepore 中文意思翻译



madrepore 词性/词形变化,madrepore变形

形容词: madreporian |

madrepore 相似词语短语

1、macrospore ─── n.[植]大孢子

2、madreporite ─── n.(棘皮动物的)[无脊椎]筛板;穿孔板

3、madreporal ─── 疯癫癫

4、madreporites ─── n.(棘皮动物的)[无脊椎]筛板;穿孔板

5、madrone ─── (美国英语)浆果鹃(植物名)

6、madreporic ─── 疯狂的

7、madrepores ─── n.石蚕;石珊瑚(热带海洋产)

8、madreporitic ─── 没有人

9、madreporian ─── n.六射珊瑚

madrepore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、madrepore marble ─── 石珊瑚大理石

2、But in order to do this, he must have been thoroughly familiar with the enormous madrepore of the sewer in all its ramifications and in all its openings. ─── 但是,要这样走,就必须彻底清楚这个巨大珊瑚形阴渠的所有分岔和直管。

3、But in order to do this, he must have been thoroughly familiar with the enormous madrepore of the sewer in all its ramifications and in all its openings. ─── 但是,要这样走,就必须彻底清楚这个巨大珊瑚形阴渠的所有分岔和直管。

4、He must have been familiar with the enormous madrepore of the sewer. ─── 他必须清楚这个巨大珊瑚形阴渠。


Japanese beetle 日本金龟子 \r\njenny ass 雌驴 \r\njaguar(美洲虎),kinglet(戴菊鸟),madrepore(石珊瑚),nympha(若虫蛹),pig(猪),quinnat salmon(大鳞大马哈鱼),unau(二趾树獭),vermin(虱子),worker(工蜂)yaud(无用马),zebra(斑马)

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