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microcosm 发音

英:[?ma?kro?kɑ?z?m]  美:[?ma?kr??k?z?m]

英:  美:

microcosm 中文意思翻译



microcosm 网络释义

n. 微观世界;小宇宙;作为宇宙缩影的人类;缩图(等于microcosmos)

microcosm 词性/词形变化,microcosm变形


microcosm 反义词


microcosm 短语词组

1、jostling microcosm ─── 碰撞微观世界

2、in microcosm ─── 小规模地

microcosm 同义词

microcosm 相似词语短语

1、microcosms ─── [物]微观世界;缩影(microcosm的复数)

2、microform ─── n.缩微过程;vt.把…复制在微型胶卷(或其他材料)上

3、microcosmic ─── adj.微观的,微观世界的;小宇宙的

4、microcode ─── n.[计]微码

5、microcosmos ─── n.微观世界;小天地

6、macrocosm ─── n.宏观世界;宇宙

7、microdose ─── 微小剂量

8、microcopy ─── n.缩微本;由缩影胶片复印的影本;vt.缩微复制;vi.制作缩微本

9、micrococci ─── 球菌

microcosm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Contemporary era;city management;city management philosophy;macrocosm;microcosm; ─── 当代;城市管理;城市管理哲学理念;宏观;微观;

2、This jobs number is a bit of a microcosm of that. ─── 就业率数据就像是它的缩影。

3、Cardiac Anesthesiology, Professionalism and Ethics: A Microcosm of Anesthesiology and Medicine (Special Article) Edward Lowenstein ─── 心脏麻醉学,专业和伦理:麻醉学微观世界和医学(特别文章)

4、The macrocosm and microcosm rest in the Mother's womb; ─── 大宇宙与小宇宙都沉睡在母亲子宫内;

5、The picture shows the Fuli Metallurgical Plant just finished and put into operation in April 2004, which is a microcosm of Chinese enterprises' investment in Congo (Kinshasa). ─── 图为2004年4月建成投产的富利冶炼厂,是中资企业在刚果(金)投资开发矿业的一个缩影。

6、The indicated chemical substances catch my eyes, let me enchanted and bring me to a wonderful microcosm. ─── 各种各样的化学物质吸引我的眼球,让我疯狂,带我来到了精彩绝伦的微观世界。

7、Through his lens, the ethnic minorities of his province, photographed with sensitivity, delicacy and intelligence, appear as an original microcosm and whose cultural symbols, the author carefully capture. ─── 作者以敏感、雅致和智慧来拍摄他所在省份的少数民族,作者通过他的镜头在这些图片体现了少数民族的文化符号,提供了一个原创的社会缩影。

8、Microcosm experiments were conducted to evaluate biodegradation of benzene under denitrifying conditions, with uncontaminated soils and activated sludge as inocula. ─── 以稻田土,田边土和活性污泥为接种物,进行微环境试验,评价苯在厌氧反硝化条件下的可生物降解性。

9、Indeed, Belgium might be seen as a microcosm of the EU, with a wealthy, Germanic north fed up with subsidising a poorer, Latin south. ─── 事实上,比利时可以视为欧盟的缩影,富裕的日耳曼裔北部受够了补贴穷困的拉丁裔南部。

10、The vineyards of Antica Quercia are located on twelve hills embraced by austere mountains, a unique microcosm for its climactic and organic characteristics. ─── 安帝卡酒园位于被奥斯提尔山环绕的12座小丘陵上,它的小气候和特点是世界上独有的。

11、People often referred to as social microcosm of the university, perhaps a bit too, but there must be a rational point. ─── 人们常把大学称为社会的缩影,这也许有点过,但必有其合理之处。

12、In microcosm, this rumble in the jungle is the fight we all face now. ─── 从微观上说,此番丛林中的隆隆声势是我们所有人当前所面临的斗争。

13、the flea market is the American melting pot in microcosm. ─── 人类从事以货易货和贸易已经好几个世纪了。不管跳蚤市场看上去有

14、It will no longer be mysterious for us to feel this microcosm about human brain, it will lead us to produce the intelligent machine or immaterial carrier accorded with working mechanism of human brain. ─── 它将使人们对人脑这个微观宇宙,不在感到神秘莫测,它将引导我们制造出与人脑工作机理相一致的智能机器或精神载体。

15、Each plays a role in the community, making it a structured microcosm of the larger interactions we all encounter in life. ─── 社区的所有参与者都扮演一个角色,从而构成我们生活中的大环境下的一个小环境。

16、NBA cultural globalization, the globalization of American culture is in fact a microcosm. ─── NBA文化的全球化其实正是美国文化全球化的一个缩影。

17、The scientific descriptions concerning macrocosm and microcosm,simple and complex,is not only method problems of scientific abstract,but also the model and basis of science research. ─── 宏观和微观之间、简单性与复杂性之间的科学描述不仅仅是科学抽象的方法问题,而是科学研究的范式和基础问题.

18、As far as human body, a microcosm, as concerned, all organs' functions should synchronize each other so body can work well. ─── 以人体为一个小宇宙而言,所有的器官与机能,都必须同步和谐才会健康正常。

19、1.small-scale 2.in microcosm ─── 小规模

20、Anta is the history of the growth of Chinese apparel industry microcosm of the history of the evolution of China's garment industry transformation of life and death of one of the success of the model. ─── 安踏的成长历史其实是中国服装产业演进的历史缩影,也是中国服装产业生死转型的成功模式之一。

21、family is a microcosm of society. ─── 家庭是社会的缩影。

22、Linhe people live, Naozhongqujing, on both sides of the Settlements, science, medicine, and monks and nuns, and other hand, is a microcosm of the ancient city of Jiequ, the overall outlook intact. ─── 市民临河而居,闹中取静,两旁住居着商、学、医、手工及僧尼等各类人士,是古城街衢的一个缩影,整体风貌保存完好。

23、microcosm network ─── 小世界网络

24、Being a symbol of the sun, the chakra represents life and movement, which transform the dwarf into the giant or the microcosm into macrocosm or again the centre into its diameter. ─── 大毒蛇以围绕太阳运动来展现,成为太阳符号,脉轮表现了生命与运动,它将矮子变为巨人或将微观世界变为宏观世界或再次集中进它的直径里。

25、The building, he said, is 'a microcosm of what Shanghai was all about. ' ─── 他说,这幢建筑是昔日上海的缩影。

26、This is true not only in the macrocosm of culture but in the microcosm of the mind. ─── 不但在宏观文化中如此,在微观的思维中也一样。

27、Keywords Layer slip structures;Tectonic coal;Tectonite;The characteristics of microcosm;Stress and strain; ─── 层滑构造;构造煤;构造岩;微观特征;应力应变;

28、Each day is a microcosm of all life ─── 一天是一生的缩影。

29、relating to or characteristic of a microcosm. ─── 关于或具有微观世界特征的。

30、He mentioned that those all-star weekends were a microcosm of how Yao has adjusted overall in the three seasons. ─── 他提到这些全明星周末便是姚明如何在这三个赛季进行调整的缩影。

31、Microcosm Study on Aniline Degradation in Weihe Riverbed Sediments under Denitrification Conditions ─── 反硝化条件下河流沉积层中苯胺降解的微环境实验

32、It is like a medieval city, many parts of the world famous buildings can be found here a microcosm of it, stunning the world. ─── 它宛如一座中世纪的古城,世界许多著名的建筑都可以在这里找到它的缩影,令世人瞠目。

33、Corresponding relations between the structure, physiological functions, pathological changes of the human body as microcosm and the change of the nature environments as a macrocosm. ─── 人体组织结构,生理活动以及病理变化作为小宇宙,同自然界大宇宙的对应关系。


35、And it seems to me that Alex lives in a microcosm of our world. ─── 亚历克斯就是我们现实世界的一个缩影。

36、” In turns claustrophobic and expansive, the “Virginian” is a wonderful microcosm, a jumping off point for hundreds of thousands of immigrants. ─── “弗吉尼亚”既幽闭,形成了一个独立的空间;又具有宽阔宏传的特点。她是一个特别好的微观镜,是成百上千万移民开始新生活的起点。


38、Effect on the respiration of bactria in microcosm by the disinfectant of chlorine ─── 含氯消毒剂对微宇宙中细菌呼吸作用的影响

39、"He sees the auto industry as a microcosm of the U.S. itself" (William J. Hampton) ─── “他认为汽车工业是美国本身的一个缩影”(威廉J.汉普顿)

40、“Hacienda Heights,” she said, “is a microcosm of a changing United States. ─── 她说:“波莫纳是变化的美国的一个缩影。”

41、The financial services industry seems like a remarkable microcosm of this diversity of interests, and XML seems to face direct competition from all the antecedent technologies. ─── 在各种不同的关注之中,金融服务行业似乎是特别值得注意的一个小领域,XML似乎面临着原有技术的直接竞争。

42、In this sense, this year's meeting will be a microcosm of the wider world. ─── 就此而言,今年的论坛将是更广阔世界的一个缩影。

43、A giant city in the south-west is a microcosm of China's struggle to move millions from rural to urban areas. ─── 中国正在试图城市化,让数亿农民变成市民,而重庆正是这一切的缩影。

44、outlook of microcosm ─── 思维观念

45、In real terms from the description we can see that e-business is by no means unique cosset for the area of business,in various fields is including a microcosm of e-business. ─── 从其实质描述可知,电子商务绝非是商业领域独有的宠儿,在各个领域包括单位内部也都存在一种电子商务的缩影。

46、Effects of 1,4-DNB on pond microcosm ─── 1,4-二硝基苯对藻型塘微宇宙的影响

47、Perhaps the above exchange was a microcosm of Billups' current basketball existence. Even when things are going bad, they are still very good in the grand scheme of things. ─── 也许,上面的对话,就是比卢普斯现在的篮球世界(于他自己的篮球世界,他对篮球的理解和态度)缩影。即使情况变得很恶劣,活塞队(他的带领下)是可以保持阵脚不乱。

48、New explanation about wave-particle duality in microcosm and test experiment ─── 关于微观粒子波粒二象性的新解释与检验实验

49、Coffee, like floor windows, to see the city of fire under the indifference of the texture layer, all mortal beings, gestos microcosm. ─── 咖啡像落地的玻璃窗,看清大城火层下冷漠的质地,芸芸众生,百态缩影。

50、In microcosm, my school is proof of just how global. ─── 从小的方面来说,我所在学校就是教育全球化的一个例证。

51、Accompanied by the soft jazz of a Czech band, the 800 guests conversed in their diversity of languages, making the party a microcosm of the new Union itself. ─── 在捷克爵士乐队的音乐声中,800名客人操着不同语言互相交流,整个聚会成了扩大后的欧盟的缩影。

52、finally, to enrich the connotation of the tourism, combining "macrocosm" with "microcosm". ─── 使“宏观”与“微观”相结合 ,丰富提升景点内涵

53、TCM, kidney, ears on the strictest contains all the organs of the body and contact each organ, equivalent to a microcosm of the human body, so often rub ears, is a good health preservation methods. ─── 中医上说,肾开窍于耳,耳朵上包含了所有脏腑的反射区,联系着全身每一个器官,相当于人体的一个缩影,所以常搓揉耳朵,不失为一种好的养生方法。

54、Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the '60s. ─── 基切尔说这个城市曾经是60年代所有美国文化的一个缩影。

55、Hologram dimension is one of the basic concept in hologram theory, which is the microcosm of entirety, and which has the characteristics of embryon, development and recapitulation. ─── 全息元是全息理论中的一个基本概念,它是整体的缩影。

56、The article adopts the methodology of unifying theory and practice, macrocosm and microcosm, analysis and synthesis. ─── 主要是加强基础研究,发展教育,普及科学文化,加强对科技的管理与控制,消除对先进文化建设的负面影响。

57、Keywords aniline;sediment;degradation;denitrifier;denitrification conditions;microcosm; ─── 反硝化条件;反硝化微生物;苯胺;微环境;沉积物;

58、Microcosm research has a long history in ecology, which can simulate the pre-designed results conveniently and precisely,and with the characteristic of simplicity and small-size. ─── 微生态系统研究在生态学中已有相当长的历史,具有微小、简化、方便、准确地模拟预定设计结果的特点。

59、Schools are not just a microcosm of society; they mediate it too. ─── 学校不仅仅是社会的缩影;它们也会调解。

60、One promising area for vertical sites is health-related search, which provides a microcosm of the threats and opportunities facing specialists. ─── 先看前半句的意思:垂直搜索引擎站点潜力巨大的一个领域是与健康相关的搜索。由此可知

61、Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind ─── 人是全人类的缩影

62、In meditation, the Taoist adept visualized the thousands of gods that inhabited the human body (microcosm) as they inhabited the universe (macrocosm). ─── 在冥想中,道教采用居住在人体内(微观世界)的数千个形象化了的神,他们同样地也居住在宇宙中。

63、The naissance of music derives from the connection of urgent needs of human beings and microcosm and macrocosm. ─── 它是在人类迫切要求与微观世界和宏观世界取得联系的过程中诞生的。音乐对人类的影响和作用也是前所未有的。

64、But Illinois remains a microcosm of the country, a rough stew of North and South, East and West, urban and rural, black, white, and everything in between. ─── 但伊州仍然代表着这个国家的缩影,它大致上是一个的混合体:南方与北方,东方和西方,农村和城市,黑人和白人,还有所有中间事物。

65、For example, by chanting or singing of sutra, their frequency seeks for inner harmony of inner microcosm so as to sublime you outside. ─── 又比如梵音、梵唱等,都藉由念经的音频,向内求取身体内小宇宙的相应和谐,进而由内部小宇宙升华而出;

66、It can be said that Xiangzhou Zhuhai, the Chinese mainland from the ocean economy to economy, culture from the mainland to the marine culture in microcosm. ─── 可以说,珠海香洲,是中国从大陆经济走向海洋经济、从大陆文化走向海洋文化的一个缩影。

67、The interrelationship of the microcosm of the body with the macrocosm of the larger world is mirrored most immediately for indigenous peoples in the local bioregion. ─── 对于地方生命圈中的土著民族来说,自身的微观宇宙与更广大世界的宏观宇宙的相互关系能够在土著宗教宇宙观中反映出来。

68、Chinese temples here are a microcosm of the history of Chinese immigrants and deserved to be studied in-depth. ─── 华人南来史就蕴藏在百年庙宇中,庙宇丰富的历史文化积淀,值得人们好好发掘,深入研究。

69、It is important and emergency to unify molecule and organism,microcosm and macroscopy. ─── 分子与整体,微观与宏观必须结合与统一,这一点已显得日益重要和紧迫。

70、Keywords Dinitrobenzene(1;4-DNB);pond microcosm;ecotoxicological effect; ─── 二硝基苯(1;4-DNB);池塘微宇宙;生态毒理学效应;

71、Life after death was conceived as a microcosm of life on earth. ─── 当时的人们普遍认为,人的灵魂是生命在世间的缩影。

72、"This perfection upon earth is relative to the universal soul of the earth (i.e., as the macrocosm or greater world, so the microcosm or lesser world, which is man). ─── 呢种喺地上达成嘅完美,同大地嘅宇宙之灵(作为宏观宇宙)相关.(微观宇宙,即系人身,亦系咁

73、In the flat space and the outside world junction, the entrance is a piece of the buffer, is a microcosm of man is the prelude music, prose preamble is wind, sun and warmth corridors. ─── 在屋内的空间和外面的世界的交界处,玄关是一块缓冲之地,是具体而微的一个缩影,是乐曲的前奏、散文的序言,亦是风、阳光和温情的通道。

74、Mumbai in the commercial, economic and cultural aspects are to flourish, the region is just a microcosm of the entire city. ─── 孟买在商业、经济和文化各方面都正蓬勃发展,这个地区恰恰就是整个大都市的缩影。

75、The Bund18 project is something of a microcosm of the struggles developers have faced on the strip. ─── “外滩18号楼”项目仿佛是开发商们在外滩艰难开拓的缩影。

76、Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind. ─── 人是全人类的缩影。

77、The Florida Keys are a microcosm, exemplifying the swift changes brought about by the actions of humankind globally, with causes as varied as the individuals who leave their mark. ─── 佛罗里达小群岛这个小宇宙充分地反映了全球人类活动给自然界带来的迅疾的变化。

78、Keywords microcosm;bacterial community structure;sodium hypochlorite;TGGE; ─── 微宇宙;细菌群落结构;次氯酸钠;TGGE;

79、man, as a microcosm, is connected with the macrocosm ─── 天人相应

80、Mankind knowledge about physical microcosm ─── 人类对物理微观世界的认识

81、social microcosm ─── 微观社会

82、Keywords microcosm theory;microcosm(mesocosms);model ecosystems;ecotoxicology; ─── 微宇宙理论;微宇宙;模型生态系统;生态毒理学;

83、For example, by chanting or singing of sutra, their frequency seeks for inner harmony of inner microcosm so as to sublime yourself outside.It seeks for resonance from macrocosm. ─── 又如梵音、梵唱,藉由念经的音频,向内求取身体内小宇宙的相应和谐,进而由内部小宇宙升华而出,向外,向整个大宇宙去寻求共鸣。

84、Accorcling with this,the theory of public finance in socialist market economy contains the theory of fuction, the theory of microcosm and the theory of macrocosm ─── 与此相适应,社会主义市场经济条件下的财政理论体系包含的内容由财政职能论、财政微观论、财政宏观论三部分组成。

85、Flowers, as its name implies, reminiscent of the flowers, flowers and maintop pattern is a microcosm of the flower pattern. ─── 团花,顾名思义,使人遐想到那千姿百态的花草图案,而版纹的团花则是花草图案的缩影。

86、It serves as a kitsch microcosm of a conflicted country. ─── 它可成为充满矛盾的国家的俗气的缩影。

87、Keywords Microcosm;bivalve;phosphorus;nitrogen;phytoplankton;bio-manipulation; ─── 微型生态系统;背角无齿蚌;氮;磷;浮游藻类;生物调控;

88、The family is a microcosm of society. ─── 家庭是社会的缩影。

89、He sees the auto industry as a microcosm of the U.S.itself(William J.Hampton) ─── 他认为汽车工业是美国本身的一个缩影(威廉J.汉普顿)

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