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mammy 发音

英:['m?m?]  美:['m?mi]

英:  美:

mammy 中文意思翻译



mammy 网络释义

n. 妈咪;保姆

mammy 反义词


mammy 短语词组

1、coal-black mammy al jolson ─── 煤黑嬷嬷艾尔·约尔森

2、jayson mammy ─── 杰森嬷嬷

3、Mammy Water ─── [网络] 水妈咪

4、super mammy ─── 超级奶妈

5、mammy-wagon ( ─── 带顶棚的)小卡车, 小客车

mammy 词性/词形变化,mammy变形


mammy 同义词

momma | mummy | mother | ma | mom | mommy | mama |mum | mamma | mam

mammy 相似词语短语

1、jammy ─── adj.粘上果酱的;(英)适意的

2、gammy ─── adj.(非正式)(腿或膝因伤痛而)跛的

3、mamey ─── 曼密苹果

4、Tammy ─── n.一种便帽(等于tam-o'-shanter);棉经毛纬平纹呢(等于tammie);滤汁布;n.(Tammy)人名;(英)塔米

5、malmy ─── 矿石

6、Sammy ─── n.美国兵;傻瓜;萨米(女子名);塞米(男子名)

7、lammy ─── n.短上衣;连帽厚呢大衣

8、mamma ─── n.妈妈;乳房;n.(Mamma)人名;(意)马马

9、hammy ─── adj.表演过火的;火腿味的

mammy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oh, Mammy, she`s beautiful. What do you suppose they`ll name her? ─── 哦,奶妈,她真漂亮,你想他们会叫她什么呢?

2、"Dey ain' a soun' set of bowels in de whole Confedrut ahmy," observed Mammy darkly as she sweated over the fire, brewing a bitter concoction of blackberry roots which had been Ellen's sovereign remedy for such afflictions. ─── "他联盟军部队里就没一个肚子是好的。" 嬷嬷一面流着汗在炉子上煎黑莓根汤药,一面这样苛刻地评论。 黑莓根是爱伦生前拿来治这种病的主要药方,嬷嬷当然学会了。

3、Mammy:I has told you and told you that you can always tell a lady. ─── 奶妈:我已经告诉过你了,你应该表现像位淑女。

4、"Dey's me, Miss Scarlett, an' Mammy. ─── "还有俺和嬷嬷,思嘉小姐。

5、Mammy: No you ain't! You can't show your bosom before three o'clock. ─── 奶妈:不,你不会的!你不能在下午三点之前,就露出自己的前胸。

6、When the last "Amen" sounded, they all rose, somewhat stiffly, Mammy being hauled to her feet by the combined efforts of Teena and Rosa. ─── 说过最后一声“阿门”,大家有点僵痛地站起身来,嬷嬷还是由丁娜和罗莎合力拉起来的。

7、"Then I'll buy her one. I remember my mammy always said that when she went to Heaven she wanted a taffeta petticoat so stiff that it would stand by itself and so rustly that the Lord God would think it was made of angels' wings. ─── "那我就给她买一件吧,我记得我的奶奶常说,她升天的时候要穿一条府绸裙子,这裙了要硬得能立得住,而且非常扑素,上帝一看会以为是用天使的翅膀做的。

8、Mammy: Acting like poor, white-trash children! ─── 奶妈:好像可怜的白草包小孩!

9、"We've got three thousand dollars of it in Pa's trunk this minute, and Mammy's after me to let her paste it over the holes in the attic walls so the draft won't get her. ─── "我们刚刚从爸的衣箱里找到了三千美元这样的钱,嬷嬷就跟在后面要拿去糊阁楼墙壁上的破洞,免得自己受风着凉呢。

10、Mammy: Well-brought-up young ladies take naps at parties. ─── 奶妈:有教养的女孩都在派对中午睡。

11、He came out of his mammy in a field hand's cabin one sharp winter. ─── 一个严寒的冬天,他的妈妈在一个干农活的黑奴住的小屋里,生下了他。

12、Mammy: If you's old enough to go to parties, you's old enough to act like ladies. ─── 奶妈:如果你们到了可以参加派对的年龄,你们也到了应该表现得像个淑女的时候!

13、"Men mahys dem fer dey money," said Mammy firmly. ─── "是为了钱男人家才娶她们的,"嬷嬷断然说。

14、"She a good mammy, but you a young lady now and needs a good maid, and my Prissy been maidin' fo' Miss India fo' a year now. ─── "她是个好嬷嬷,不过像您这样一位大小姐,如今应当有个使唤的丫头才是。 俺的百里茜倒是在英迪亚小姐跟前干过一年了。

15、"W'en you is mahied, you kin eat, too," retorted Mammy. ─── "等你嫁了人,你也可以吃,"嬷嬷辩驳说。

16、You must bring Mammy a present. ─── 你一定得给嬷嬷买一件礼物。

17、No, I want to sit here and watch the sunset. It's so pretty. You run get my shawl. Please, Mammy, and I'll sit here till Pa comes home. ─── 不,我想坐在这儿看夕阳。它是那么美丽。请你快为我取来披肩。妈咪,我将坐在这儿,直到爸爸回来。

18、Undoubtedly, as Mammy frequently declared, Will was something the Lord had provided and Scarlett often wondered how Tara could have lived through the last few months without him. ─── 像嬷嬷经常说的那样,的确威尔是上帝专门造就的一个人才,他使得思嘉时常纳闷,假若没有他,塔拉农场怎能闯得过那几个月呢?

19、Mammy: And I ain't noticed Mr.Ashley asking to marry you! ─── 奶妈:我也没有发觉希礼有向你求婚的意思!

20、He's my Dady. She's my Mammy. ─── 他是我的爸爸。她是我的妈妈。

21、Mammy: What's my lamb gonna wear? ─── 奶妈:我的宝贝要穿什么?

22、"Some folks thinks as how Ah kin fly," grumbled Mammy, shuffling up the stairs. ─── "有人以为俺会飞呢,"嬷嬷抱怨着爬上楼来。

23、"Poor Mammy, still the martinet about such unimportant things even though war and death had just passed over her head! ─── "尽管战争和死亡刚刚从她头上掠过,可怜的嬷嬷,她还在这些无关紧要的事情上严格要求你呢。

24、You've simply got to make it 18 and a half again, Mammy. ─── 你一定要把它做十八尺半的尺寸,奶妈。

25、Mammy: He belongs to Miss Melanie. ─── 奶妈:他属于梅兰妮小姐!

26、It was pushed out now, and Scarlett knew that Mammy was seething over something of which she did not approve. ─── 这张嘴现在正撅着,所以思嘉明白嬷嬷正在为什么不称心的事生气呢。

27、MAMMY: Why...Miss Sue Ellen, Miss Carreen, they were sick with the typhoid. ─── 奶妈:哦,苏爱伦和凯伦小姐,她们都得了伤寒。

28、"No, you ain'," said Mammy grimly. ─── "不行,你不能这样,"嬷嬷担忧地说。

29、But Mammy was at Tara and there was nothing Scarlett could do. ─── 可如今嬷嬷在塔拉,思嘉已毫无办法。

30、"But not as loud as you yell when Mammy washes your ears," returned Mrs. Tarleton. ─── "可还不如你让嬷嬷洗耳朵时叫得响呢。" 塔尔顿夫人回敬她。

31、"Dey wuz sick wid disyere thing," Mammy gestured with her rag to the two naked girls, dripping with water on their damp sheet. ─── "他们也害了这种病,"嬷嬷用破布指了指两个光着身子湿淋淋的姑娘。

32、It would never do for Mammy to suspect that anything was wrong. ─── 万万不能让嬷嬷怀疑到出了什么事呀!

33、Mammy's service, provide more warmly professional service. ─── 园区保姆式服务,提供更省心的专业服务。

34、Catching sight of Mammy's burden, Scarlett's expression changed from one of minor irritation to obstinate belligerency. ─── 一看见嬷嬷手上的东西,思嘉那颇为恼火的神气便立即变得非要大干一仗不可了。

35、Mammy, it's so scary in the dark. ─── 妈咪,黑暗太可怕了。

36、"Soon's Ah kick dis black trash outer mah way," answered Mammy loudly, swinging the carpetbag at a black buck who loitered tantalizingly in front of her and making him leap aside. ─── "等我踢开这些挡路的黑鬼再说,"嬷嬷大声回答道,一面用提包猛撞那个在她前面故意慢悠悠地磨蹭的黑人,使他不得不闪到一边去了。

37、At this defiant heresy, Mammy's brow lowered with indignation. ─── 听了这番不伦不类的犟话,嬷嬷烦恼得皱紧了眉头。

38、"Free issue country niggers," snorted Mammy. ─── "尽是些刚放出来的自由黑鬼!" 嬷嬷打鼻子里哼了一声。

39、"Pork and Mammy did something with the silver--put it in the well-- but I'm not remembering now," Gerald's voice was fretful. ─── "波克和嬷嬷在银器上做了点手脚----是放在井里吧----不过我现在记不得了。 "杰拉尔德说这话时显得有点恼火。

40、For now, even Mammy, her mainstay, had gone back to Tara. ─── 因为现在连她的主要支柱嬷嬷也回塔拉去了。

41、"Mammy getting ole," said Dilcey, with a calmness that would have enraged Mammy. ─── "嬷嬷也老啦,"迪尔茜说,她那平静的语调要是嬷嬷听见了准会生气的。

42、"Well, 'twouldn' do no hahm ef you wuz ter faint now an' den," advised Mammy. ─── "唔,偶尔晕那么几回也不碍事,"嬷嬷告诉她。

43、Mammy set the tray on the table and squared herself, hands on hips. ─── "嬷嬷把托盘放到桌上,然后两手叉腰,摆出一副架势。

44、Mammy, it's getting closer! ─── 妈咪,它更近了!

45、Thank you Mammy, Thank you Teacher, and May I eat now? ─── 全部:好吃!好吃!我喜欢吃.谢谢爹地.谢谢妈咪.谢谢老师.而现在我能吃了吗?

46、"I am tired," said Scarlett, rising and meeting Mammy's eyes with a childlike, helpless look, "and I'm afraid I'm catching a cold too. ─── "我有点累了。" 思嘉说,一面站起身来,用孩子般无可奈何的表情望着嬷嬷的眼睛,"我恐怕还受了点凉呢。

47、Mammy:come on in here! Come on! ─── 奶妈:回来这儿!回来!

48、Mammy: Now, Miss Scarlett, you come on and be good, and eat just a little, honey. ─── 奶妈:现在好了,斯佳丽,你要乖一点,来吃点东西,宝贝!

49、Perhaps there was something to what Mammy said. There must be something in it, for Ellen said the same things, in different and more delicate words. ─── 也许嬷嬷说的有些道理吧,一定有点道理,因为爱伦也说过同样的话,不过说法不大一样,也更委婉一些。

50、"Scarlett, you mustn't give the money to Mammy to paste in the attic. ─── "思嘉,你不要把那些钞票给嬷嬷拿去糊墙壁了。

51、"The boy's telling the truth and so is Mammy," said Rhett. ─── "孩子说的是实话,嬷嬷也是这样,"瑞德说。

52、Mammy:Shut up, dogs!Barking in the house like that. ─── 奶妈:住嘴,狗!在屋子里也那么喜欢叫吗?

53、Mammy, she is beautiful, isn`t she? ─── 奶妈,她很漂亮,是不是啊?

54、Scoot up to the attic,Mammy get down Ma`s old box of dress patterns. ─── 奶妈,快去阁楼把我妈那个装有服装式样的旧箱子拿下来.

55、"Yo' voice soun' lak you catchin' a cole," said Mammy suspiciously. ─── "俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。

56、"Mammy's chile is home! ─── "嬷嬷的孩子回来了!

57、Mammy:Mr. Gerald, Miss Ellen's home. Wearing herself out waiting on the poor white trash. ─── 奶妈:杰瑞德先生,艾伦小姐回家了!为了等这些可怜的白草包,快要累死我了。

58、Mammy:The others moved off during the war and ran away. ─── 奶妈:其他人在战争中走的走,跑的跑了。

59、Mammy:If you don't care what folks says about this family, I does! ─── 奶妈:你如果不在乎别人议论这个家庭,我在乎!

60、Mammy: Keep your shawl on.I ain't aiming for you to get all freckled. ─── 奶妈:披肩要披好。我不想看到你有那么多的雀斑。

61、But till that morning there's nothing can harm you. Yes, with daddy and mammy standing by. ─── 但在那个清晨来临前,你不会受任何伤害。是的,因为你的爸爸妈妈在你身旁。

62、Her manners had been imposed upon her by her mother's gentle admonitions and the sterner discipline of her mammy; her eyes were her own. ─── 她的举止是由她母亲和嬷嬷的严厉管教强加给她的,但她的眼睛属于她自己。

63、You ain`t holding that against old Mammy, is you? ─── 你不会因为那个而对一个老奶妈生我气吧?

64、"Miss Scarlett, Ah got some apples Mammy buhied unner de house. ─── "思嘉小姐,俺弄到些苹果,今天俺还吃过呢。

65、Mammy: By the way she eats with folks.Like a bird! ─── 奶妈:但她和大家一起吃饭时,像只饿鸟!

66、For the appetite Mammy had always deplored, the healthy appetite of a nineteen-year-old girl, now was increased fourfold by the hard and unremitting labor she had never known before. ─── 关于食欲,嬷嬷是很替她伤心的的,因为一个19岁姑娘的正常食欲,由于她从未听说过的持续不停的艰苦劳动而增加了四倍。

67、"Den us'll walk," said Mammy sternly. ─── "那好,我们走,"嬷嬷断然地说。

68、"Try a hot cake," said Mammy inexorably. ─── "试试吃个热饼,"嬷嬷好像求她似的。

69、"Oh, there's Mammy," said Eva, as she flew across the room; and, throwing herself into her arms, she kissed her repeatedly. ─── “噫,那不是玛咪吗

70、What a young miss could do and what she could not do were as different as black and white in Mammy's mind; there was no middle ground of deportment between. ─── 在嬷嬷心目中,一个年轻姑娘该做什么和不该做什么,那是黑白分明的两个方面,中间没有可以通融的余地。

71、"Mammy, I want you to tell me about Mother. ─── "嬷嬷,我要你谈谈母亲的情况。

72、Mammy: He'll be coming to Atlanta when he gets his leave. ─── 奶妈:他会在休假时到亚特兰大。

73、Mammy said you`d come back. ─── 奶妈说你会回来的.

74、Mammy, do you hear that? ─── 妈咪,你听到了吗?

75、Mammy:Miss Scarlett ,come into the house,come on in here! ─── 奶妈:斯佳丽小姐,快回屋子来,进来这儿!

76、"Ah gwine fix yo' supper mahseff an' you eats it," said Mammy, her brow furrowed with indignation as she started down the hall for the kitchen. "Poke!" she called, "tell Cookie stir up de fiah. ─── "你准备吃吧,俺这就给你弄晚饭,"嬷嬷说,她烦恼地皱着眉头,走出饭厅要到厨房去,一路上喊道:"波克,叫厨娘把火捅一捅。

77、Everyone knows that I overmastered my mammy. ─── 在完全征服了妈妈后,我想试一下爸爸的底线。

78、Mammy:Take the lamp out on the porch! Wearing herself out. ─── 奶妈:拿盏灯放在走廊里!快累死我了!

79、Mammy: All the clothes, and all the rugs, and even Miss Ellen's rosaries. ─── 奶妈:全部的衣服,全部的毯子,甚至还有爱伦太太的念珠!

80、MAMMY: They had it bad, but they's doing all right now,just weak like little kittens. ─── 奶妈:病得很厉害,但她们现在都没事了,只是像小猫一样虚弱。

81、Mammy:Just hold on and suck in. ─── 奶妈:只要抓紧,然后吸气!

82、He still belonged to her, like Pork and Mammy and Peter and Cookie and Prissy. He was still "one of our family" and, as such, must be protected. ─── 在她心目中,他仍然是属于她的,和波克、嬷嬷、彼得、厨娘、百里茜都一样,他仍然是"我们这个家庭中的一员",因此必须受到保护。

83、"Gawdlmighty!" breathed Mammy, her jaw dropping as she looked after the carriage with passionate curiosity. ─── "天哪,"嬷嬷轻轻叹了一口气,用满怀好奇的眼光望着那辆驶去的马车,呆呆地连下颚都快掉下来了。

84、If she had to wait much longer, Mammy would certainly come in search of her and bully her into the house. ─── 如果她还要等候很久,嬷嬷就一定会来寻找她,并把她赶回家去。

85、Mammy: I ain't aiming for you to go after Mr. Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog! ─── 奶妈:我不准你去追威尔克斯先生,还有像农夫一样地大吃大喝,还叫得跟头猪似的!

86、Mammy: I ain't aiming for you to go after Mr. Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog! ─── 奶妈:我不准你去追威尔克斯先生,还有像农民一样地大吃大喝,叫得跟头猪似的!

87、Then, for no apparent reason, she began to sob whenever Mammy waddled out of the room, carrying the lamp. ─── 后来,也不矢什么原故,只要嬷嬷一拿着灯走出房间她就哭了。

88、Ah drapped in ter pass time of de day wid Mammy on mah way home. ─── 刚才俺回家碰到她家的嬷嬷,还在一起聊来着。

89、BILL: no, i kenw what would happen to mammy if i shot her. ─── 不,我知道如果我对妈妈开了枪,她会怎么样。

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