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10-02 投稿


sauntering 发音

英:[?s??nt?r??]  美:[?s??nt?r??]

英:  美:

sauntering 中文意思翻译




sauntering 词性/词形变化,sauntering变形

名词: saunterer |动词过去分词: sauntered |动词现在分词: sauntering |动词第三人称单数: saunters |动词过去式: sauntered |

sauntering 相似词语短语

1、laundering ─── n.洗烫;v.洗涤;洗黑钱(launder的ing形式)

2、saunteringly ─── 闲逛

3、countering ─── n.反击;打击;v.反击;抵制(counter的ing形式)

4、daunering ─── 损害赔偿金

5、saunterings ─── 闲逛

6、cantering ─── n.慢跑;流浪汉;vi.慢跑;vt.使慢跑;n.(Canter)人名;(英)坎特;(西、意、瑞典)坎特尔

7、bantering ─── adj.风趣的,诙谐的;v.(和某人)开玩笑(banter的现在分词)

8、chuntering ─── v.咕哝;抱怨(非正式);(朝某处)缓慢嘈杂运动

9、daundering ─── 磨蹭

sauntering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We could watch some mad men, on clement days, sauntering among the trim gravel walks and pleasantly planted lawns ─── 在天气暖和的日子里,我们可以看到一些疯子在整齐的碎石小径和美丽的人工草地间闲逛。

2、Sauntering this way, ─── 闲步在这路上,

3、I must admit that I do get irritated at the children when they race to beat me to a seat on the bus or when they force me off the sidewalk as they saunter along in their groups. ─── 我得承认有时孩子们在公车上跟我抢座位,或成群结队把我挤出行人道时,我的确对他们感到不悦。

4、The second part, I discussed the turn of life processes of Li Bai.Why he form traveling to sauntering fairy? ─── 二论李白生命历程由行旅之游转向神仙之游的原因;

5、Can't you see that I'm in a hurry, and I haven't got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups? ─── 你没有看见我很忙,没时间闲逛或是喋喋不休地跟你谈论什么毛莨属植物吗?

6、My overflowing is sauntering aimlessly, when visitting dress area quickly, the person of an unkempt stands before me head on, "Block " I. ─── 我漫无目的地转悠着,快走到服装区的时候,一个蓬头垢面的人迎面站在我面前,“拦住”了我。

7、To stray is human.To saunter is Parisian. ─── 徘徊,人人都会,唯有游荡是巴黎人的习性。

8、Can't you see that I'm in a hurry, and I have not got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups? ─── 你没有看见我很忙,没时间闲逛或是喋喋不休地跟你谈论什么毛茛属植物吗?

9、The zebra is horse's family member sauntering in the wilderness. ─── 斑马是马的野生亲族,二者皆属于马科。

10、saunter about [along a street, through a park] ─── 在 [街上,公园] 到处溜达

11、Almost every day I would sleep till noon, then saunter all over town, and when I ran out of people who could keep me company, that’s when I would go home and start to write. ─── 我几乎每天都要睡到中午,然后在街上到处游荡,实在找不到什么人陪我玩了,我就回家开始写作。

12、When I am sauntering on the street today, run into my old friend. ─── 今天我正在大街上闲逛的时候,碰到了我的老朋友.

13、Idle sauntering with no limit ─── 佚游无度

14、Sauntering along the Russian and Soviet Literature ─── 徜徉在俄苏文学中

15、He frequents the streets and the dance halls of the big city, recording what he sees and hears while sauntering aimlessly. ─── 他徘徊于都市的街道巷弄、歌台舞榭,四处閒逛,记录所见所闻。

16、To the fan without money, carry a travelling bag on the back, carry a map, in Germany blind saunter, next bubble is in bar, can mix a month. ─── 对于没有钱的球迷来说,背个行囊,带上地图,在德国瞎转悠,然后泡在酒吧里,就能混上一个月了。

17、Summer Lei's music is exquisitely translucent; tactically poetic, sauntering between the classical and experimental. ─── 音乐有灵光,而雷光夏的却格外剔透;创作带著具质感的诗意,在古典乐风与实验形态间疾游。

18、I love to saunter in the spring breeze on the narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns. ─── 我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤的张结着。

19、a casual saunter around the shops ─── 逛商店.

20、I like we're saunter and leave a footmark in the beach, ─── 喜欢我俩一起漫步并留下足迹

21、All afternoon he saunter up and down, look at the shop and the people ─── 整个下午他四处闲逛,瞧瞧商店,看看行人

22、Do you really want to saunter through life? ─── 你真的想闲混一辈子吗?

23、He was sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets. ─── 他正两手插在衣袋里遛马路。

24、Take a deep calming breath and saunter slowly around the table, checking out what's there before you take anything. ─── 先冷静地深吸一口气,然后慢慢地绕餐桌一圈,在取菜之前,先检视一下到底有哪些食物。

25、One who is poor at speech and shuns socializing will nevertheless feel like being surrounded by friends while sauntering freely in the midst of books. ─── 不善辞令、厌恶应酬的人,可以自由自在地徜徉于书林之中,游目四顾,俯拾皆友。

26、In a place where most people saunter quietly, on this morning folks were dashing about with perplexed looks on their faces. ─── 在这个地方,一般行人都会保持安静,但在这个早上,却有一些满脸疑窦的人往往返返。

27、King Crin would saunter through the royal chambers and usually behave beautifully, as befits anybody of royal birth.Sometimes, though, he was cross. ─── 克林王在王宫里进进出出,平常显得很有教养,还真像一个王室人物,但它也时常故意捣捣乱,发发脾气。

28、Sometimes we see deer sauntering back to the thickets, replete with alfalfa blooms, Veronica, and wild lettuce. ─── 有时候,我们看到鹿群踱步回到灌木丛里,那里满目都是紫花苜蓿、婆婆纳,以及野莴苣。

29、IN THE wee hours of a recent morning a young man with a rucksack was sauntering along the railway line near Grossbeeren. ─── 最近一个早上,一名青年男子身背帆布包,在凌晨时分沿着大贝伦附近的铁路线闲逛。

30、Far, far in the forest, or sauntering later in summer, ─── 远远地,远远地于林里,或许我将漫游,于将临的夏季,

31、We could watch the madman on clement days, sauntering and skipping among the trim gravel walks and pleasantly planted lawns. ─── 在天气暖和的日子里,我们可以看到一些疯子在整齐的碎石小径和美丽的人工草地间闲逛和跳来蹦去。

32、We could watch the madman on clement days , sauntering and skipping among the trim gravel walks and pleasantly planted lawns . ─── 在天气暖和的日子里,我们可以看到一些疯子在整齐的碎石小径和美丽的人工草地间闲逛和跳来蹦去。

33、The led cows, hastily brought in and tethered to anything that would hold them, were looking stupidly on, or lying down chewing the cud of nothing particularly repaying their trouble, which they had picked up in their interrupted saunter. ─── 匆匆牵来、就便拴住的母牛有的傻望着,有的躺着反刍,咀嚼着在它们被停止漫游时啃到嘴里的并不可口的东西。

34、saunter along the streets ─── 遛大街

35、sadly she twined in sauntering gold hair behind a curving ear. ─── 她就这样一面溜达着一面悲戚地把金发捻到曲形的耳后。

36、and off he went, sauntering along as if the whole world belonged to him. ─── 这样,他去了,好像整个世界都在他的掌握之中。

37、While they are sauntering playfully outside the palace, the sad and sorrowful cries of some animal come to their attention ─── 他们在宫外游玩时,忽然听见路旁有一动物在哭泣,声音十分凄楚。

38、Many graduates are sauntering across central business districts, applying through numerous recruitment agencies and online career sites. ─── 许多毕业生漫步在中央商业区,通过大量的招聘机构和在线职业网站申请。

39、year-old being to both not have occupation and not present learning in Louis who wades across a valley sauntering girl. ─── 在涉谷闲逛的路易是个既没有职业也不进学的19岁女孩。

40、Locals and tourists saunter along with sho ing bags. ─── 当地居民和旅游者都带着购物的袋子闲逛。

41、We saunter through tempo step by step, ─── 我们随节奏轻舞一步接一步

42、roll in; pour in;saunter in ─── 滚滚而来;走进

43、All afternoon he saunter up and down, look at the shop and the people. ─── 整个下午他四处闲逛,瞧瞧商店,看看行人。

44、When I am sauntering on the street today, run into my old friend. ─── 今天我正在大街上闲逛的时候,碰到了我的老朋友。

45、As I become less and less able to get around ,I think of the joys of walking down a country road or sauntering along a running stream ,observing nature at its best . ─── 随着腿力渐衰,不能走东走西了,我想了这样的快乐--沿着乡间道路行走,顺着奔腾的溪流漫步,观赏大自然的绝色;

46、He was sauntering down the road with his hands in his pockets . ─── 他正两手插在衣袋里遛马路。

47、The Reds have dispatched Real Madrid, Manchester United and Aston Villa at a saunter - but Fairclough still sees areas for improvement. ─── 红军轻松地连克皇马,曼联和阿斯顿维拉,但是菲尔克拉认为红军仍然有提升的空间。

48、Some of the commonest synonyms for walk in the English language (such as trudge, stroll and saunter) have no clear etymological roots. ─── 英语中,“行走”最常见的同义词就没有如此清晰的语源,这些同义词如跋涉、闲逛与漫步。

49、3.When I am sauntering on the street today, run into my old friend. ─── 3.今天我正在大街上闲逛的时候,碰到了我的老朋友.

50、I pictured my ghost, the replica of my carcass, sauntering and pondering with the replica of my dead soul, and then decided for the other path. ─── 两年前我不顾一切逃脱摄魂怪的吻,当时我只知道自己永远不能留下身体失去灵魂。

51、As he walked he took the folded Freeman from his sidepocket, unfolded it, rolled it lengthwise in a baton and tapped it at each sauntering step against his trouserleg. ─── 他边走边从侧兜里掏出折叠起来的《自由人报》,打开来又把它竖着卷成棍状。每踱一步便隔着裤子用它拍一下小腿.

52、Ever being daunted,taunted or flaunted will never make us gaunt,since hauntingly vaunting we simply saunter jauntily ahead ! ─── 谁有张学友演唱会400的票,但有有事情去不成器的落。。。

53、discount for suite tickets of Quest for the Garden Saunter and the Interrupted Dream in Taipei and The Roaring Lioness. ─── 优惠:学生、65岁以上老人9折;团购另享优惠折扣,请洽兰庭昆剧团。

54、With the primary season forgotten, Mr Obama is now sauntering towards the centre, ready to spar with John McCain. ─── 党内初选经过去,奥巴马现在正式走上总统竞选的舞台,直接和约翰·麦凯恩一争高下。

55、Some of them stagger out of the water and, to relieve their fatigue, begin to saunter up and down with a gentleman-like swagger in the shade of the willow trees. ─── 有的摇摇摆摆从水里出来,像绅士一样,悠闲的来到树荫下休息,缓解一下疲劳。

56、To proceed slowly; saunter. ─── 漫步,闲逛缓慢移动;散步

57、His return to nature is not an escape or a saunter through life,but a salva... ─── 他的到自然中去不是一种逃遁或逍遥,而是一种救赎。

58、have a saunter in the woods ─── 在林中漫步

59、To saunter holding each other's hand ─── 执手同游

60、One of the perks about being at the open house is that, you can pretend to be an undergrad sauntering around in the campus.At least until you leave, that is. ─── 对了,昨天刚刚到南洋理工大学的开展会,在那里感觉好像一个大学生慢无目的的四处流荡。

61、Sometimes in the summer my wife and I saunter there in the cool of the evening. ─── 在夏日,内子和我有时会在黄昏阴凉时分到那里散步。

62、they met again in park when they saunter with a dog . ─── 他们在公园遛狗的时候又相遇了。

63、Through the window, she saw Anderson saunter over. ─── 透过车窗玻璃,她看到安德森慢悠悠地踱过来。

64、It is a bit of to between 2 o'clocks, I am buying thing and sauntering dog. ─── 一点到两点之间,我在买东西和遛狗。

65、Other than this kind of planless sauntering, Sun Shaoping had cultivated a habit of reading extracurricular books. ─── 除过这种漫无目的的转悠,他现在还养成了一种看课外书的习惯。

66、This part of the route should be an easy saunter. ─── 这段路想必好走。

67、“The really efficient laborer will be found not to crowd his day with work, but will saunter to his task surrounded by a wide halo of ease and leisure. ─── “真正高效率的劳动者不会让他的生活里挤满了工作,而是可以随意溜达地去完成那些环绕着轻松和休闲光环的任务。”

68、After a slow saunter onstage, gazing at her high-heeled shoes, she would suddenly straighten her back, flex her muscles, throw back her head and let loose an incandescent smile. ─── 她在舞台上缓步片刻,给自己的高跟鞋一个注目礼。

69、[Informal] to stroll; to saunter; to go for a walk; (Am.) to mosey ─── 溜达

70、In your lamb's fur you saunter about;In your fox's fur you hold your court.以How should I not think anxiously about you?My toiled heart is full of grief. ─── 羔裘逍遥,狐裘以朝。岂不尔思?劳心忉忉。我0羔裘翱翔,狐裘在堂。岂不尔思?我心忧伤。以

71、saunter on the way ─── 一路闲逛

72、saunter down the avenue ─── 沿着林荫道漫步

73、When I watch TV, they would saunter by to sit next to me and play with me. ─── 看电视时,他们两个没事还会坐到身边撒娇;

74、But eventually I am confident to whisper to myself: "hey, the spring is here" when spotting a Canadian goose sauntering on the street. ─── 在春天的征兆越来越明显的时候,我终于可以如释重负地欢呼雀跃她的到来。

75、My not reconciled to so go back, saunter everywhere in Beijing ave lane, discovery brushs shoemaker one yuan quite much, quite special also, the business is very good. ─── 我不甘心就这么回去,就在北京大街小巷到处转悠,发现一元擦鞋店挺多,也挺非凡,生意都很好。

76、tactically poetic, sauntering between the classical and experimental. ─── 创作带著具质感的诗意,在古典乐风与实验形态间疾游。

77、Li Bai, who famous for fairy talent or so called fairy dismissed form Heaven, owned sixty more sauntering fairy poetry. ─── 人称有仙才仙风或天上谪仙人的李白共有游仙诗六十多首,为何他要写游仙诗?

78、and off he went, sauntering along as if the whole world belonged to him. ─── 他闲逛的走出去好像整个世界都属于他一样。

79、off he went, sauntering along as if the whole world belonged to him. ─── 他义无反顾潇潇洒洒地走了去,就好象整个世界都是他的似的。

80、But the young tailor wouldn't be put off, saying that he had set his heart on this enterprise and would manage all right; and off he went, sauntering along as if the whole world belonged to him. ─── 但是,小裁缝并没有取消计划,并说:他已经全心投入到这件事并能够处理好一切;这样,他去了,好像整个世界都在他的掌控之中。

81、They did not saunter but walked with some definite goal in view. ─── 他们没有闲逛,而是为了某些非办不可的事而匆匆而过。

82、The third part, I discussed the contents of Li Bai's sauntering poet. ─── 三论李白游仙诗所豁显的内容为何?

83、saunter through life ─── 闲混一辈子;逍遥一生

84、Let's go for a saunter along the river. ─── 我们沿着河走走吧。

85、We could watch the madmen, on clement days, sauntering and skipping among the trim gravel walks and pleasantly planted lawns ─── 在天气暖和的日子里,我们可以看到一些疯子在整齐的碎石小径和美丽的人工草地间闲逛和跳来蹦去。

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