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10-02 投稿


movingly 发音

英:[['mu:v??l?]]  美:[['mu:v??l?]]

英:  美:

movingly 中文意思翻译



movingly 反义词

unmoving | nonmoving | still

movingly 词性/词形变化,movingly变形

副词: movingly |

movingly 同义词

affective | affecting | dramatic | pathetic | expressive | inspiring | painful | progressive | planetary | stirring | heartbreaking | emotional |touching | hectic | emotive | tender | heartrending | urgent | organic | poignant

movingly 相似词语短语

1、bowingly ─── 鞠躬

2、mockingly ─── adv.取笑地;愚弄地

3、lovingly ─── adv.亲切地;钟爱地

4、boringly ─── adv.无趣地;沉闷地

5、moilingly ─── 潮湿的

6、mopingly ─── 闷闷不乐。

7、rovingly ─── 漫无目的地

8、bodingly ─── 健壮的

9、moaningly ─── 呻吟地

movingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hubert: Seconded. We could all move to France. ─── 休伯特:赞成。我们可以全都搬到法国去。

2、To cause to move in or form a zigzag. ─── 使之字形移动,形成之字形

3、With one move he was by her side. ─── 他一步走到了她身旁。

4、One false move may lose the game. ─── 一着不慎,满盘皆输。

5、Nothing in the world move faster than light. ─── 世界上再没有比光运动得更快的东西了。

6、In an unprecedented move, the tribunal ask the witness to sing a song. ─── 作为史无前例的步骤,法庭要求证人唱一首歌。

7、Our family was on the move for five years until dad found a good job. ─── 在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。

8、Ann had lived in a cottage ever since she was born, and had no wish to move to a tower block. ─── 安从她出生以来就一直住在农村小屋,她不想搬到高层大楼去住。

9、As they expected to move out almost immediately, they were camping out together in a small room. ─── 他们因为差不多马上就要搬了,就暂时合住在一个小房间里。

10、"Move along there, please!" said the policeman. ─── "请别在这里停留!"警察说。

11、He ordered the troops to limber up and move out. ─── 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。

12、Shall we move on to dessert? ─── 咱们上甜食好吗?

13、The police have arrested a man on suspicion of murder; the father of one of the victims movingly appealed for calm. ─── 警方逮捕了一名犯罪嫌疑人,其中一位受害人的父亲声泪俱下地呼吁冷静。

14、You write very movingly of your sister Amy's suicide. ─── 你把你妹妹埃米的自杀写得非常令人感伤。

15、She described her experiences in Africa very movingly. ─── 她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。

16、His good times are over, but he still feels footloose and fancy-free. He may move on to Europe or Australia. ─── 他的黄金时代已过,但他仍然感觉自由自在。他可以到欧洲或澳洲去。

17、Heating makes the molecules of a material move faster, increasing the rate of evaporation. ─── 加热使物质的分子运动得更快,结果就加大了蒸发的速率。

18、Each time she move her head she let out a moan. ─── 她每转动一下头,就发出一声呻吟。

19、Pinioned by the press of men around them, they were unable to move. ─── 周围的人群挤压著他们,使他们动弹不得。

20、The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate(that is, move to the United States). ─── 兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国(也就是指,迁入了美国)

21、It's not fair, he got to the front by shouldering his way forward; make him move to the back! ─── 他是用肩膀挤到前面去的,这不公平; 把他弄到后面去!

22、It rests with you to make the next move. ─── 下一步怎么办就取决于你了。

23、Their move to Latin America was a leap in the dark. ─── 他们迁居拉丁美洲是件冒险的事。

24、They are planning to move their office to Geneva. ─── 他们打算把办事处迁往日内瓦。

25、He was surprised to see hookers move into the next apartment. ─── 他看到阻街女郎搬入隔壁公寓时,吓了一跳。

26、He was trapped in the crashed car and couldn't move his legs. ─── 他被困在撞坏的汽车里,两腿动弹不得。

27、The papers have all been trying to second-guess each other about the President's next move. ─── 各报一直在竞相猜测总统的下一步行动。

28、In word processing, the ability to define information so as to move it from one point to another within a text element or into another text element, or to edit it. ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,定义信息的一种能力,以便将该信息从正文部分的一点移到另一点或移入另一个正文部分中或进行编辑。

29、She movingly considered the way time makes the ordinary gifts of life extraordinary. ─── 她看来,生命中平凡的礼物,因为时光的雕琢变得珍贵。

30、We let her move in because we wanted to make a statement about ageism in America. ─── 为了将美国老人受歧视的现象公诸於世,我们让她搬进来。

31、Move over and let your grandmother sit down. ─── 坐过去点,让你外婆坐下来。

32、Light and sound move in the form of wave. ─── 光线和声音以波的形式传播。

33、A device consisting of a dial and an arrow that is spun to indicate the next move in some board games. ─── 可动箭头由一转盘和箭头组成的装置,在某些棋盘游戏中可转动以表示下一步棋的走法

34、Our company can move in now the others are bankrupt. ─── 其他公司都破产了,我们公司可以控制市场了。

35、She sat in the corner, watching my every move. ─── 她坐在角落里注视著我的一举一动。

36、Move the camera to each of these position in turn, press save on the remote, then a number from1 to4. ─── 依次把摄像机移至各个位置,按遥控器上的Save键,然后按数字1-4。

37、They were planning to move their office to Berlin. ─── 他们打算把办事处迁到柏林。

38、This was their experience of grief, movingly rendered, but ultimately without meaning to me. ─── 这是他们关于悲伤的体验,很动人的字句,但最终对我没意义。

39、They didn't move the corpse before they sent for the police. ─── 他们派人去叫警察以前没有搬动尸体。

40、Move the machine in an upright position. ─── 垂直地移动机器。

41、A highway intersection designed to permit traffic to move freely from one road to another without crossing another line of traffic. ─── 互通式立体交叉一种设计的使车辆不用穿过另一条线的车辆就可以从一条路到另一条的交叉路口

42、She describes her mind and life quite movingly. ─── 她以颇为动人的笔触形容了自己的思想和生命。

43、Move your stern, I want to sit down. ─── 你把屁股挪一挪,我想坐下。

44、After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida. ─── 为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。

45、He talks movingly about the need to make hard choices, but it is hard to think of any he has actually made. ─── 他提出的做出艰难抉择的需要确实很感人,但是很难想象他确实是这么做了。

46、It's getting dark; we'd better make a move. ─── 天越来越黑了,我们最好动身吧。

47、Neither side is willing to make a move. ─── 双方都不愿采取行动。

48、Their move does not preclude others from investing. ─── 他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。

49、It is which group is to have the first move that they will discuss tomorrow. ─── 他们明天所要讨论的问题是:哪一组先开个头。

50、Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind. ─── 什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。

51、The conquering nation has now walled off its part of the city so that people cannot move freely from side to side. ─── 占领国现已把这座城市中属于它的那部分用墙隔开,使两边的人们不能自由往来。

52、Move forward carefully or you'll slip. ─── 小心地往前走,不然会滑倒。

53、Never will a rock move by its own power. ─── 一块岩石决不会靠它自己的力量移动。

54、A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet. ─── 下; 下法体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一般是双脚落地

55、Harry: I can't move my left hand very well. Lost its grip or something ... Ronnie(gripping Harry's hand in a shake): Strong as an ox. You're a sham, Harry boy. ─── 哈里:我的左手不太动得了,抓不住东西或其它什么的 ... 龙尼(一把抓住哈里的手,摇了摇):像牛似的有力气,你这个孩子,想骗我吗。

56、Don't stop on the roadway; move in to the side. ─── 别在车行道上停留;到边上来。

57、Could you move a fraction closer? ─── 你能不能稍微再挪近点儿?

58、The army is on the move. ─── 军队在移动。

59、Both work with speed, their skilful hands move rapidly, and the excitement of the contest makes the labor light. ─── 两人都干得很快,她们的巧手飞速地运动着,由于比赛带来的兴奋使她们不感到活儿很累。

60、They are going to move to a new house next week. ─── 下星期他们将迁入新居。

61、"I'm so stiff I can't move," she moaned. ─── "我浑身发僵,动弹不得,"她呻吟著说。

62、Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headline news. ─── 可是成了大名鼎鼎的人物倒为斯莱特带来了许多麻烦,他的一举一动都成了要闻。

63、Don't move this is a stick-up! ─── 不许动--这是抢劫!

64、Now then, none of your sauce, my boy; move on or I'll take you to the police station. ─── 喂,不要放肆,小家伙!走开,要不,我就把你送到警察局去。

65、It was quite a feat to move that piano by yourself. ─── 你真有能耐,一个人挪动那架钢琴。

66、A ride in an amusement park, consisting of small cars that move in a rapid, whipping motion along an oval track. ─── 回旋轮在游乐场中乘坐的,一串沿着一椭圆形轨迹运动的快速、突转的小车

67、His car got bogged down and wouldn't move. ─── 他的车子陷入泥沼开不动了。

68、You may move into the house on completion. ─── 办完手续后,你就可以搬进去。

69、They could move up to a new level of efficiency. ─── 它们可以提高效率到一个新的水平。

70、She described her experiences in Africa very movingly. ─── 她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。

71、It's good to put down roots at last; we don't intend to move from here. ─── 好啦,终于安居下来了,我们不打算从这里搬走了。

72、To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward. ─── 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。

73、To move the cursor one character position backward. ─── 将光标反向移动一个字符位置。

74、He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture, but failed. ─── 他花了极大的力气想搬移那个沉重的家俱,但力不从心。

75、Schwartz has once said movingly: "Some people like China, others hate China, but I respect her. " ─── 史华慈生前曾富有感情地说:“有的人喜爱中国,有的人厌恨中国,但我尊敬她。”

76、The Gypsies are a race constantly on the move. ─── 吉普赛人不时在迁移流动。

77、He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. ─── 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。

78、He and his wife had to move from one country to another. ─── 他和他的妻子不得不从一个国家移居到另一个国家。

79、"Move down, there, " cried the liftman. There is room for twenty. ─── "往里走,"电梯管理人喊着说"够容纳20位呢。"

80、Our family was on the move for five year until dad found a good job. ─── 在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。

81、The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky. ─── 太阳看起来在天空以弧线运行。

82、She would move heaven and earth to get the job. ─── 她会千方百计得到那份工作。

83、Push away men, we'll soon move this rock. ─── 伙计们!继续推,石头马上就要动了。

84、To cause(a horse) to move at a leisurely pace. ─── 使(马等)缓步前进

85、Although the idea of donating organs for transplants was not new, never before had anyone stated the case as movingly as he did. ─── 虽然器官移植不是什么新问题,但此前没有一人像他那样感人至深地陈述过这一事件。

86、He told me to move on. ─── 他叫我走开。

87、I seem to be hearing its sounds of dancing, seeing its movingly eyes while snowflakes were lightly drifting in the air. ─── 看到雪花翩翩地在半空中潇洒,我听得到她舞动的声音,我看得见她那翼动的眼神。

88、He shoved at the car but it wouldn't move. ─── 他用力推车,但车子不动。

89、Oh, no. What shall do? I am late. The move van will be here in an hour. ─── 哦,糟了,怎么办?来不及了,再过一小时卡车就要到了。

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